HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO I . NRW BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO_BE ACCEPTED _ Date: 0 ice_ Permit Number. RECEIVED jJ ' l-yi DEC � ? L01� Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services ST. Lucie County, Permitting Building and Cade Regulation Diuisian 23W VrgintoAvenue,Fort Pierce FL 3W2 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax(772)462-1578 -Commercial Residential -,k PERMIT APPUCATION FOR: To Select from dropbox,dick arrow at the end of line PROPOSED IM"MEMENT.LOCATi(3N Address L 69 r e Legat Description- 6 - L & 6T .5 cf j [ CIT i CJ12 PropertyTaxlD#: t �"��l �L (Q -�QO" Lot No Site Plan Name: E',�c�yi i �.&. 1 :' Slack No. Project Name- Setbacks Front Back Right Side:- left Side: DETA!lED.DESCRIPTION'QF :- _ ' F O .CONSTRUCTION INFORMATIUN.. na wo to rm un er is permit— a app HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping. Shutters OMnndows/Doors DElectric Plumbing Uprinliers. U Generator Roof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: Sq.Ft.of First Floor_ Cast of Construction:$ =--_ .____ Utih'h'es~ Sewer LJ Septic Bi ilding Heiight EE Nam {}NTRACTOR, Nam yyIi Name: tyce -C Addr : d3 �''C' (ala f A&�'1� .�. Comparry: r u Cdty: state:—EL Address: C 3E yr, It-- Zip Code: Fax: 0W. f f t:f�-y' State: G Phone No. -' Zip Coder! " s Faic,,2 E-Mail: Phone No. r—5:s l Fill in fee dmple7lie Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: from the owner listed above) State or CountAkense., ' U value of oarristrur.#ion is$2500 or more,a REWRDED Notice of Cammencement is recpsired. r DESIGN ENGINEER: Not Applicab a MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: a Addta: aaaress: Crty: state:._,,._ City: state: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEESIMPLE 111 HOLDER:• '. Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: - Name Addrew. Addy ' City: - zip: Phone: Zip: Phom I a g*that no wo*or hrst Uatlon has aommenoed prior to the kSrtce of a permit. St fade Cov ttyymaiaps no rep that isgranthtga a lite h m buildthesubstrucwre whidt is in a ttikt with a appn �H om a Owners Assacomit rules,*Vqe anrirvu h*% may restrict ar prohibt�such structure.Ptease aanwitwn tit your Home Owners Ammon and review your deed any rest ons which may a *. In consideration of the granting ofthis requested permit;I do hwd*agree that I wN,In all respects,perform the work in accwAm oe with the approved pbM the Ronda SuBdbW Wei and St Lucie CountyArnendments. The Wowirg;'t iNdMg pernrdt appkatlow are wwmptfn m undergoing a fuD concurrency review:room addltiom accessory structures,,swimming pools;fenced walls,signs,,sc eewroomripartd accessory uses to another no Hvddentiai use WARNING TO OWNER:Your fallure to Record a Notim of Commencement may msult in o*," , vwgtmkefor Im rovemo is to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on=JoZfte be the first Inspection.Ifyou intend to obtain finandng,consult with tender or an attorney oontmencin worts or recordinst vour Notice of ConybenceMent SWwwre of Owner Slgrtahcre of Conha ft Holder- STATE C1F R ORIDA STATE OF FLOPJQA - COUNTYQF COtlNtYt3F �-!- 1.t1e1@ The ��itg htstramectt was sdw=viedged before-me The forgohtg instrument was odor berweme a this of �t S '20hb'9 dtis dayof_,) c � by (borne of p ) (Narrte ofpersart adorowlecVM) Y - (Signature of Notwy Pub -Stage of i9arida} (Sigrtawre of Notary biic-State of Fk"} Personally 1Ux wn OR Produced ldendfica bo Perso MHV Known_______OR Prtodueed Identification Typeof IdenWicaam Produced Typeof �+ Et -- EREWS COtnmiSdOn X&<3 Oa '""•,~.,~��. �iSStON#GG 022423 - Q 23 - S:Decem f6.2.02 Comma dions3MM4SStOI 9onded nyu Noteq Pvb�'�Undorw�iters �� onded R"Notarj Public Urtdeavrs��tors - Re9itsed.OT/15/2014 - FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR_ PIANS VEGETATION SEATUIME MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW - - -