HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesnoyers, Richard permit appALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 12119118 Permit Number. Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-2578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Electrical PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION Address: 9425 POINCIANA COURT Commercial Legal Description: MEADOWOOD UNIT ONE LOT 34 (.17 AC) (OR 3874-1463) Property Tax ID #: 1334-503-0036-000-4 Site Plan Name: DESNOYERS Project Name: DESNOYERS Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Residential X Lot No. 34 Block No. SUPPLY/WIRE/INSTALL A DEDICATED 50 AMP, 240 VOLT HOT TUB CIRCUIT, WIRE HOT TUB, SCREEN ENCLOSURE BONDING CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: itiona wor<to e 111 511 -11 - un ert is permit—c ec a app y: HVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping _ Shutters Electric ❑ Plumbing E]Sprinlders Generator Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 1958.44 OWNER/LESSEE: Name RICHARD DESNOYERS S Ft. of First j Floor: _ Utilities: -Sewer 11 Septic Address: 9425 POINCIANA COURT City: FORT PIERCE State:FL Zip Code: 34951 Fax: Phone No. 86€7-944-2488 E -Mail: DICKDENOYR@AOL.COM Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) CONTRACTOR: Name: JOHN PANKRAZ Windows/Doors Roof O Roof pito Building Height: Company: ELITE ELECTRIC AND AIR Address: 1691 SW SOUTH MACEDO BLVD City: PORT ST LUCIE State: FL Zip Code: 34984 Fax: 772-340-3702 Phone No. 772-340-3797 E -Mail. PERMIT@ELITEELECTRICANDAIR.COM State or County License: EC13006036 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDER Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone Not Applicable State: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address: 1691 sw SDUTH MACEDO BLVD City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Name:_ Address: City: Zip: Phone: Not Applicable OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure_ Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, wails, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before Commencing work or recording our Notice of Commencement. Signature of Owner/ i� ee/Contractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Contract / ense Nolder STATE OF FLORIDA' COUNTY OFSr«uE The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -1 t day of 20 i' r' by JOHN PANKRAZ Name of person making statement Personally Known ?� OR Produced identification Type of Identification Produced Ni LENAE DEWITT Notary Public — State of Florida �? Commission # GG 166915 My Gomm Expires Dec 10, 2021 (Signature of Notary Pu Commission No.rit die cit a (Seal) REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev. 8/2/17 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY CIF— ­ The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this i"' day of '20 ?`�r b Y JOHN PANKRAZ Name of person making statement Personally Known X OR Produced identification Type of Identification Produced (Signature of Notary Pu KONNI LENAE DEWiTT Notary Public— State of Florida Cornmission 9 GG 186915 National Wary Assn Commission No. Cc i 1_' t� `,, =. (Seal) PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 1-040-THW CIA) ",w3-t#AM at(t4M-0 D6,SO V:X- �� Pcs',cl4lit Cr Phone �L, Customer Name: . .tC 4,e -. Existing Service YLidep S'9 " Main Breaker Size: _4VjSq. Ft. X.3 watt __ __MinitTILIM 2 Appliance c ir. qt) l "stltt 4'4jjj:t �Laundry crr, O1? watt;cwtyt�f t,...+r.I -Range cis kw.........-........ ,., w�, _ .Disliwas er an€i cli4 otti tl {crk k tltl 1x,rtt:v cttc h _._Wall mounted Microwave t'u�--,Io0[t watt;,....:... C� � } wall .—J—Water heater (0, 4.5 W ............ ................. T{ } va71t 7ryer it) 5 kw .............................. ,� ..,.. t wry f Extra relri xc;raior �wa°....... , t_ ` watts I Sprinkler Pump watts Other MIitt --Other Other wWts Sub total Nen Leads Pool pump ....... I.- ................ watts, Pool light ................................ Watts Neat pump ..:. . ........ . ... . ........ watts _m Chlorine generator ....................... watts Air blower ...................... watt Boatlift ............. �~ p watts wain rJtlter Other With Total �Rem t' 10 kw rj l(lfl`%,�.., ,...... ,.. ��°CC./ � — ! �/° Watt •' - - "- • • Wratt4i ainder (a) 4i1�/> } / ..... L/ watt's (/ .AJC �a I f3CJ% VAS. beat 6# 6.15%0 ..... �1t� watts Total watts 34_2Divided by 240 volts Prepared by: power Configurations for All Models (North America, 60Hz) roan s rrLes the power, G(.:,nfi0�.rration choices (Standard 60 Hz) for all hot tub adeis- . �wa Madel Voltage Breaker # &0. of Mires moire Gauge A S� tF� C',fd 240V 5O—A GFCl � �413rc� �F4 Ati ti'3r7rr , S 24 6��A GFC �. h .m � �; �lre )f�a'tIfl#1sr't 240V �6`�fI Wire �... a,.. OnCOrd Goff 2401E OA 7 `fir i� i e � x. C,()I, ord Silver 240V . _ 30A { 4 Wire 6/4 Chesa�:eake Gold � 240!/ _ AGF 4 i m� re 6E'' sa eake Silver _ y,ie 240V 0A GFi 4 Wire 64 errirriitr rr 240V 60A GFCI 4 'ire .�_ w Gemini Gold 240V 50A G fFCI4 Wire )4 -- 6'4 Gemini Silver 240V 50A % FOi 4 `vire 614 r Diamond Manhat 0A GFCI 4 Wire &4 Manhattan afatin�ra�r 240V 60A GFCJ 4 xhire 614 Manhattan Gold 240VFCI � - 4 Wire �.6/4 , A Manhattan Silver 240V 50A GFCi 4 Wire /4 ParkAve Diamond 240V 60A GFGI 4 Wire 6!4 Park Ave Piati+rum 240V 60A GFG1 4 Aire 6/4 Ponk Ave ':'geld 240V _ A SOA GFGi 4Wire 614 k Ave Sliver 240V 50,E GFGI 4 Wire 6,14 R Atiantis Genesis 200 240V 40A GFGI 4 Wire 6 x Atlantis Genesis 400 240V 50A GFGt 4 Wire 6/4 i Chesapeake Genesis 200 240V40A GFGi 4 Wire 614 Chesapeake Genesis 400 240V SOA C -R-1 a 4 Wire 614 l Gemini Genesis 100 120V 20A GF l_ - Wire 12/3 Gemini Genesis 200 240V 40A GFGI 4 Wire 4 Gemini Genesis 400 240V 40r `° �.,��..�n-� ¢ GFi 41llire 6,4 d gMaui Diamond 240V DOA GFGi 4 Wire 14 Maui Gold 240V 50A GFCI 4 Wirgr!&4 Maui Silver ,24.01E ;��iA GFCi 4 i�liir�'A acisor Diamond 240V 6 A GFGi 4 Wir/4 -- - Aqacisor Gid 240V 0A GFGi 4 Wire 6 4 Swim pa Trainer Diamond 240V 60A GFGi 4 Wire 6/4 Swim Spa Trainer Platinum - 240V 60A GFGi 4 Wire i 614 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County property Appraiser --All rights reserved. Property Identification Site Address: 9425 Parcel ID: 1334-503-0036- Account #: 130981 POINCLANA CTScc/Town/Range: 34/34S/39E 000-4 Map ID: 13/34N Zoning:. PLTDUse Type: 0100 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Ownership Legal Description Richard Desnoyers MEADOWOOD UNIT ONE LOT 34 (.17 AC) (OR 3874-1463) 9425 Poinciana CT Fort Pierce, FL 34951-2946 Current Values Historical Values 3 -year Book/Page Just/Market: $147,600 Assessed: $147,600 Year Just/Market Exemptions: $0 Assessed Exemptions Taxable Taxable: $147,600 2018 $147,600 $147,600 $0 $147,600 2017 $147,704 2416 $137,100 $147,700 $0 $137,100 $147,704 $0 $137,100 Date 04-25-2016 04-25-2016 07-29-2015 View: Year Built: 1991 Primary Wall: CB Stucco Bedrooms: 3 Full Baths: 2 Half Baths: 0 Roof Cover. Cone Tile Frame: Story Height: 1 Story AJC %: 100% Heated %: 100% Sprinkled %: 0% Exterior Data Roof Structure: Hip Grade: B No. Units: 1 Interior Data Electric: MAXIMUM Heat Type: FrcdHotAir Heat Fuel: BLEC Price $255,000 $255,000 $168,000 Building Type: HB Effective Year: 1991 Secondary Wall: Primary Int Wali: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Primary Floors: Carpet " Total Areas Finished/UnderAir 1,729 (SF): t Gross Area (SF): 2,583 � 3 Land Size (acres): 0.18 Land Size (SF): 8,057.47 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qt}' Units Year Blt Driv-Concret 1 720 1991 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. ID Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser All rights reserved. Sale History Book/Page Sale Code Deed Grantor 3874/1463 3874/ 1463 0137 WD Whiteside Mary C 3778/0399 0137 WD Whiteside Michael B 0001 WD Kovach (TR) Elaine Primary Building Information Finished Area of this building: 1,729 SF Gross Area of this building: 2,583 SF Roof Cover. Cone Tile Frame: Story Height: 1 Story AJC %: 100% Heated %: 100% Sprinkled %: 0% Exterior Data Roof Structure: Hip Grade: B No. Units: 1 Interior Data Electric: MAXIMUM Heat Type: FrcdHotAir Heat Fuel: BLEC Price $255,000 $255,000 $168,000 Building Type: HB Effective Year: 1991 Secondary Wall: Primary Int Wali: Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Primary Floors: Carpet " Total Areas Finished/UnderAir 1,729 (SF): t Gross Area (SF): 2,583 � 3 Land Size (acres): 0.18 Land Size (SF): 8,057.47 Total Building Count: 1 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qt}' Units Year Blt Driv-Concret 1 720 1991 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. ID Copyright 2018 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser All rights reserved.