HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT – SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4483106 OR BOOK 4163 PAGE 797, Recorded 09/24/2018 02:11:43 PM NOTICE OF GOMN ENLMWNT PerndtNo. l i d 6 X71 l� Property Tax M No.1301-606-0074-000-6 State of Florida,Coupty of St.Lade iT , The Undersiped hereby gives mWee that huprovelnimt will be made to certain real property,and in armordance i Chapter 713,Flodds Stawtes,the foflowing brora melon is provided in this Nodee of Coremen cement. ° } d Legal Dmriptiou of property and addrosa if available LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT 6•BLK 61 LOT 2 w C,meral des¢ripdon of improvealmts Replace 12 Windows& 1 Doors 0WUMAMARIA ARESU III N �" Address 6206 DRAWDY PKWY,FORT PIERCE,FL 34951 Interest in praperty] Fee Simple We holder Cd other than owner) _ U ; oc ui � Address n Contractor Paradise Exterlol't,LLC Phone#$61-732-0300 O 0`)o w Addr1918 Corporate Drive,Boynton Beach,FL 33426 Fax#866-721-5332 �w b�7� ess 9uraty Phoned 6'Z�0 Ex Addrser Fg1:# N(n t-Y I Amamlt of gond Leader — Phont A Address Bax Persons within the 3tute o[Florlds deai#nated by Owner upon whomnodres or other documents may be served as provided Ei by Secdco 713.13(a)7.,Florida statues: Name Phone# Address Fax 7n addiUou to hhmself,owner designates of Pbone0 Fax# to recdve a copy of th a Lienor'.#Notice as provided in SeWm171313(1)(b),Florida Statutes >n xpintlon date otnotict of tori tlencemmI,Is one year from the date of recordLug unless a dflerent daft 1jr specified. WARNING TO OWNER' E ANY PAYMGMS MADS BY THE OWNER AFTER THE 6xYiRAT10N OF THS NOTICE OF COMMENCEMWIT ARE CONSMF=IMPROPER PAYMENM UNDER CH.713.13,F-S..AND CAN RESULT 1N YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMEM TO YOUR PROPMTV,A NOTICE OF C0M 9NCEMKNTMUSTBERECORDEDANDPOSTEDONTHSJOB511THBHPORETHEFIRSTINSPSCTION.IFYOUIMENATOUNTA1N FINANCING, CONSULT WrrH YOUR LENOER OR AN ATMRNEY BEfOA2 Cam ENCINO WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF _ COMMfiNCMFNT. ff���/� .• . W t _ to O+rna'oa I e®es'a Autharf>ted OfflCp�'DfY0C1M1PaxlR/tanagtr/Btu i SIgmter71a TIt1e1 fffee State oflnodda,County ofid ` Awhe is personally fled before the thia I day of . b5 I sonally laI aw to me or who has produced l a, mtiBmUolt. S1ZmJWri7otN Type 6iPrInt liwetAtary lStal) Tide:Notary Public Comadesion Ntmlber G G 191fi 21 :t LItS AMIL OIEGERICM. IA�ICt)IMIYSS101f I tiG 2111629 p�ptFg;,N11y 22,21122 ' Badld flw llotar PIIOb w+��^ - -- . --- —wd6o 6 Z0Z '9Z l 'd---9680 ' N