HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACE APPEICASEE Mub i BE CUIOPCt i ED FOR AFPEICAA i JOIa 113 nE ACCEP i E13 y119FO Date: 1 Permit Number: Building rerm;c Application rim ­"­g m-Z ucrurap—...t ) ­'ces affaff..g R.JiC.UJ TSCyeTvt.v.. u.4.s.On Lj00 v;. g:..:Q A7,,,-c, ro, t r:c, cc rc Z14YBL PRon�: (!!LJ iii[-1553 F��: I! /LJ ZFbL-15/S CDrT MerCidl X Residential FERMI I APPLICATION FUR: TO Select from drvpbu,t, click arrow at the end of line PROP05ED IMPROVEMEM I EUC—AI [On: Aaar.93: Lf 100 i� - M �_ 4a 3q _tic. Segal description \ (- CkSk_wP CC-43p, t{ } r Property Tax ID r: - �- _ rot no. Site Plan Name: 4 C r � C , 1310CR Mo. Project Namezme, Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: left Side: DE I Ri[ED DE50UP I IUM of wuRK: Replace AC, UAaut change ont Yvith tun, SEER, KW AC unit 1J3 61'JcA v�c� Ec�ONSTRUUHOM IMFURIMAI OR: AddiLional work torformed under LEIS permit -check all appy: In HVAC nGasTank ❑Gas Piping _,hu«ers U vvineows/Doors Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers 11 Generator Roof Roo+ pitch Total Sy. Ft of Construction:Ft. of First Floor: Cost or Construction: S'JD �. Oril.,16': baWCF aSeptic Building Height: F WNER/LESSEE: Wlq I RAH OR: Name 2e_ -1k C +CG r Name: uenniz 1—ax ' Address:]--A\(b &aaw-11 RA- _ Company: AKS Reaia.niial Services City: C State:' 3-L- Aaaress: 2800 US Hwy 1 Zip Code: Fax: City: Vero BeacR State - Phone No. D41 dyt- OY3-3 - cip Code: 3Ly6u_ _ Fax: E-Mail: PRone Iqo. f rz Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-Mail: CSOMkr,ac§. from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CHIC; 14415a , If amain. of construction is $250U or more, a RECURDW •1-votice of Commencement is require'o. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DEall3Mr_R/EMGIRIEErt: x Mot Applicable MORTGAGE COMPARIY: x Not Applicable Dame: Iaame: Address: address: City: State: City: DLate: /Op" Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: X Not Arplicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phon': I certify rMat no worm or installation Ras commencer prior to tRe issuance or a permit. St. Lucie Count makes no rer, esent.tion that is 5ra„ting . pgmdt will oatho,Tize tRepc, mit holder to build tfiie sub;ect structure -RicR is in conflict wiiR any applicasle mome Owners Association rules, Mylaws or and covenants Mai may restrict or proR.Rit acR structure. Please consult with your Rome Owners association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of she grandng of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform khe work in accorrance witR LRe approveu' plans, me Florida Building Codes anp 3L. Eucie County Hmenaments. I Re iollo.."ng RuilRing permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room arsiiions, accessor9 structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, sisns, screen rooms and accessomyy uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Tour failure Lo Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvemant3 t4 your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the;obsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work ur recordingyouur Notice of Commencement. _ 3ianature of u er/ isessee/regent STATE OF FLORIDA COuiv 1 y OF G1 Low. Inc tv,6oin6 in,trarnc"t ,o3 a[Rno-1EH5eZ' 6eiorG r„1 tRisch7"4 May o `Q .(_ , c'u%rL_hy Uiin :i_-Za—k (' a� of Terson ek • iea6in6 j na _re?7717_r ublic- State of Florida ) Personally Known OR ProCuce'o luenti<icadon Type of Identification Produced Commission f4o.Lai (3eal) Revised 07/15/ My CONIM1;35IuR 9 1300f 1533 EXF IRES Fe—D—mry 00, circ 1 REVIEWS I FRONT I ZONING COUNTER REVIEW UAIt INITIALS ]I6naia; a ar s:�niro r/Ciee..�e Ralrer STATE OF FLORIDA COORI I y OF St Lown The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tnisMay oT 'PtrEiti zuu 55— By Cunr.s Z- wk {r f person ackn led n .r c t of P 53 .- a[c vt Flvriav ) Personally Known X OR Produced Identification I,pt nt laentii:.otion PFad ezea Commission Iao.Ir (Seal) My CLI)W*3510ia 0 GGO, mab EXPIRES Fetenme. nG om4 SUPERVISOR I PLANS REVIEW J VEGETATION EV EWS REVIEW FMAWGRO I REVIEW Insranarion wo►x fl►ffOr tit Mart Cafe r (772) 567-3100 Est. Cemplaten Data �' 2800 u5 FligriG� 1, vele B. -M, FC 32960 Go.Norate Customer a3,ing it rig Rolativ.-,e jjy ,.king s yvork Ni American Reaid.rrrial S..:.■• �E Fl■ndq E.r. ocen■e w c r G iYeieu, CACa..6e78. CFC1428283 (866) 803-0879 CUSTOMER EMAIL T:.C� nuP11c7ia CrTYISTATEIZIP 41 nvlsEr.,onE CELLP O YOUR RKPHOnE� 1 DESIGNOPTION OPTION 2OPTION SIZE TYPE _ L SIDEI T PE51st I YYE EFFICIENCY [!FFivlCllvr FFIC1>=nor $ aiyACff ��ls `F ;t -lone' ekillb� C $ $:19"Li end - $ $ - o— SUBTOTAL $ S IviAI_ :15sOBrUTAL $ ILY Malgi EST.' $ R1017FRET 1!51 ' $ IVIONTHLT E5T." � CUSTOMER INITIALS CUSrORI�R IA111RQ i,D5IONIER InRIACS Ww niy:t Paris ........ .. ___ Labor Warranty;� 62 Parts �Laoor W mt,:* Porta - Lab;�r C5rnprassar .___Rooi Erch—dur LV CompressorUk2l•ieat Qchanger wrnpressor Meat Exeheege- *Unless otherwise noted, all :� o t:ee are Truer Me W--nefmoterOn SPECIFICS ■ SELECTED 'vPTIvIQ: p 1 ❑ 3 0 W6..t6urproat a * O UV LijFiI. Di—vnneci rRecomloet Dmi . One ❑ Hu uifier v SIJBT+ TAL T D Cltelime nqu;prrt■wt Sleb ❑ Ceiling Saver Kit El VeRu ' i r _ $ ❑ Sound Isolation Pads 1Pan Ix Floati ❑ Cote it P -a 0 Ggeie I Ito Uo.,8e t Drain 5�c y Somal -1 O Flo entire $ �n D Start Rit 1 Me- Lienrreetl=n= ❑ Ductwwik .Cron .ec a" XCBnrtect to existing plenent i Q1RC $ CL D. a. ef.Tyc.oni y -_ ❑ ,�uApart folic Equipment R■frig=- Ip.Sapply P e -am Cl Duct Modifiwti.no E314�� eeenrreel ❑ Nv tRarm nnay. (we N -as I- ■®pe or—rk)� _ D Mew Duct System Refrigerant Pipe Cover Return Plenum-,-_,.TfW]) XNo Auct Yvon! ❑"HO vMle! CVW ❑ Ex -naivn Valga D Ne- ❑ Rceen.-,cot P� u F=el Piping nic Air u er ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST Alfa} � Elaclriaal Wiring tot- I7pe�ing Wonnecl to ExiIAe�i Ilton �)i , ,dine Service fan - plp� {APPROVAL nectrical ❑ PCC fff 1 Term X364 5ays1 OUR GUARANTEES O FINANCING' 15 wmlort Guarantee G Rome rrotection Guarantee O 24 -Elver Survive Gearo� deo ❑ 100% U..avnditional Rl�oy-Bask Ge—tee •Paymarn opliorls.vlrilaWe=h apptvvad credit TutIJ ALl �A W5• �,-T-rS m T smir . U - Piller PE RH ••AR5 is not responsible for preexisting ductwoR See Terms and Conditions on the 9a7of this -Document for -odetails. • vvritlen customer authorization will B6 ootaineB Before Beginning any unforeseen additional or extenBetl worn. • AM CGilmz FGR COW1 0C—iiON DIVEUL-5 ARE auMrI71 Iv Ir7E M7111 ,E AIG Ct3nl! PROM51ON5 CF CRAFTER 55E • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL, This Is a home solicitation sale, and If you do not want me goo= or services, you may canct this agreement by providing written notice to the seller In person, oy telegram, or oy mail. i nis n.tice must mUlcate that yo do not want the goods or services and must Be Bellverea or postmarxeB Berure midnight of till. TnIM Bs -i :ess doy afte.- yo sign tR5 agreement IT you cancel tBls agreement, the sell,.. ropy n.t Romp r.11 er part at on, . fi do -n p„ yment. bee till re*vr _10v nmFvwT T..- o.. EMPI .046i'l at tnl3 MaRt. • I _ekn led aright to _z cal ham., boon vxplaneed tome o ally ani in ti, -.y, a..e thou; *aching my ,,.;ghi iv _.ro:. I aeihorma ,h peria at t hbrk ooB;crt to all ta.—o d wndltivna eei 1v �h an The rovaree -alae fi.rvvl, plea any -sacs Upon cvmplaTivn. Noti o Ow : -Do not oron thio home impra�rnum corn -m ;n 6t w.k You are omided w a copy of the contract at the 0mc you sign. Kae h io p eei your lagal righm. This home inrpmvvarnvrii �.arivaci n.� vaniain o mvngaga or whcrwise Create alien un your prvperry coul a foreclosed on •rf you do not pay. Be sure /you unuerstanuu all visions of tRe contract before you sign. Ab''OKO CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE CO PANY EPRESENTATWE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE 0 2018 Amwiw Rwid•Miel San.iew LLC. AR,ight•—ed. ARS107B 111017 02F. Certificate of Product Ratings ARRI Certified R-re.en-e N4mb=r; 91!2$11 D. -t.: 07-13-4118 Mod.l St..te..: Aeti;. AHRI type . RFU -A -CB Series COMFORT 14 UUA5 I AC AC outdoor Unit Branti Nome CARRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number RCondenser or 5:ngle Por.Kage) • 24ACA436C'030' Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator and ter Aip Randler) • FB4C;NF036L Region Soumeast and North (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, KY, 17, MG. MS, t4C, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, AK, UU, C 1, ID, IL, IA, IA, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH. NJ, NY, UPI, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA, WV, Wt, WY, U.S. T.miiari.$) Region Note: Central air condA oners manefacteped p,;o;: to Janoary 1, 2015 are elig;ble to b- installed in all r.gien, until Jena 30, 2016. B.gin„i„g July 1, 2016 ventral air.orrdiUaners eon only ba i.mtalled in regio„(.) for whicR they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Th- manufacturer or tnte CARRIER produel ie peepwFi=ible Ter rile retie, eT tniz aaat"M eent6in..6n. R..tod oz f6llorra In a-cerd-eco witt1 tho late. t. edition er ANSIIAHRI 2101240 with Add.nda 1 and 2, ParTorma.,co Rating of Unitary Air-Con@;tIwnI,.y & AIr-Source Haat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by ARRI-sponsored, Independent, tnrr0 party testing; Coating Capaa;ty (A2) - Si�,gle or Hiyh Slag. 195Fi, btoh : 321700 SEER : 14,5-0 EER (A2) - Single .,r Hlih Stago (95F) :12.00 Rloo.l :,,otos a.c "ws. u,..; an r+MR, carunca `on Program Partkipdnt is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being nr.rksted but ape net -,,at being prodoeed.-P...deetian Stapp -d- Mad.l SUaz _1. theso th-1 an AHRI C- .,,.anon Program P.rdcipani is n. Anger p„„.o..,ng at” is sell selling or offering for sale. Ra'm9r, that are a=rriranlmd by WA. Indicale an invuluniary r'e +ak@. Tri- nt:w ri,n:;shcod r$hnq is sewn alone with the CmOcus live Y:A51 ry'.Ino DISCLAIMER ..RR1 outs nut an.ursa tn. prvaoc.ts) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no reepeerlbllity fuK th. pradeatta) IL -lad an thi, Cartlfia..tc. AHRI . prassly dlal.lms .11 lUilky for d..m..g— of any km. aH.I..g out ar tn. m. ar p-normamc .r t„a praoocclsr, .r in. unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid ont, for mod■k _nd _nfig-petlan_ listed In the ;;story a; www.afirl.lre, ury..rZ TERMS AND CONDITIONS This C-nifloate -rid IN can...-.N..ra prepri.mry pr..ocrs of „RRR 7.6 aorrieca.. silo11 only E. amm -.or Inamocal, persuna. and - confidential reference purposes. The c_ntwets -f thio C.rtifht■ wr.,- not In -halo of in mart, ba repred■aed; eeplad; disseminated; c..lcrea miu . wmpatur o..m0.3c; .r u;n.rwise utilized, In any form or manner or uy any means, except for the user's Individual, r nwnvl.nd aa..fldwntl.l rufarbnae. AIRwnlltTWnhlu,..DtfIFFO, CER7IPIow. 0 TE111P1`..-I.N A REFRIGERATION INSTMITE Th= lnfapm.tla;; fop lh■ m=d■1 cit -d en thl= errtlfiaa6 a..n be -p:R.d at =.ahrldlraet.ry,arl;, .Il.k on %rify C.rtifl.atd I.RR uc n P.• 171, i�caer and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on wh ch the certificate was issued, .--hieh to Ilr..d above, ..nd the Cartiffca;a -:., .s Imo at Roitom vane 0101SAIr`;CorI0Itiu..Ing, H..,Xng, w.na R�trigwrativn InStitatc 'CER t IrICm E NO.: 13 1 75991 95256651 1 2