HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Irrait Njrbr, Buil l rig Permit Application Planning and Deveronnient` Smice.5 Building a rt d Codi' Regu rMi m DMsio:n orq.noc Avenue,, Fort P�erco Ft 34-992 Phone: (772) 462-15.5a Fax; 1772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLIC TiO FOR; To Select from drops ox, click arrow at the end of line Pftt3PpSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: Legg i De 5 - VY r rnpP_ rty T8 -,K I D P: , o , L I)=D —, Lot No.' Sit-, P an Name- Block Noa �, - 13-'oject N-ame" Setbacks Fron", Back: _ Right fide, Left S d�- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: RL— t�3 L-- L, CONSTRUCTION I F RM TION: Additional, v—.r 'Ic% r1cWmed under i is perms — check all W El HNAC Gas Tank OG@s Piping r Ll 'r DW'ndows/Doors givD�_' Electric Plumbinz Sprin°.�ICrs Generato- Roof Raaf pitct' otal q, Fr of Constrkru iionti . Ft_ of First F.Ioor: -Cost of Co n s -z ru ff4o n; - utilities Sewer El st�'Ptic Building Height; /-'skilrll OWNERAES EE � F 9 Viiia Code- ''r— Phone No: FRI in fee SiMple Title Holder ori next page ( if different from the owner listed -abo e) CITRCTO t Name meOff9p3r1y; _T Address. Zip Cede; Rhone No FL -F' aii-- 1 -L) 4 t State or f_ujn, License - if value of con!structjion is $2500 or more, a RECORDED W t i c e <)# Cornrnentement is required. Fax: .� / - W. UPPLEMEN'FAL CONSTRUCTION tlEN LAW INFORMATION: DQE IG NER/ENGI N EER:. Not Applicable Flame_ Ad d rens: City: 'Stag. Zips: P ­.One FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER; _Not App I ca bl o Name: Address: City. - — zip. Fhone:— MORTGAGE COMPANY, Not Apphcab[e Name: Address-. - Cit; zip: Phone: COMPANY - State. - Not Applicable NRarne Add est: -- — City OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hcrcby r adc to obtain a permit to clothe work anc installation as indiicated. I certify �hit nQ-',�ork or inst-allation SAS r orr menced prior to the ,ssu ime Uf d Purrslit, #_ L+Atie CourpN' makes. no re. present atir;n that is granting a permit w i I I a ut ho r iz u the permit 4older to bu4d the subject structure which :s in con lic w4h any zipplicab;e Horne Owners basso-u3tion ruler bylaws or and Loveminks :hdt may restrict or prphrNt such structure Pit;ase conr%k ;t vdith your Herne Owner A.ssooatilon and roview your deed for any restrlctions vahif. h rnay a,bpIV, In consideration of ~h granting ofthrs requested permit, I do hereby agree-rh7.ai I wlllr in all respects, perform he work in accarda nce -with the approved plans, Lhe Florida Bui'iding Co-cles and St_ Lucie Co*nty Am"dmt rnfs The fallowing bu IdinE pe•mit applications qr'e Pwprr_!Pt €r€3m LJr,dergorrig a f-jII LO nc-u rre n-cy rzvie a'; room �ddi-ior:E, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, 'rv,�Ils, signs, screen, roorns an(J, Rrrpssary uses to iii nother nen-r aside.' -tial use WARNING TO OWNER; Your failure to Record a Notice of Commence ent may rosuIt ire your paVing twice for irnpro've newts to your property. A NotIce of Cummencca 'tent must be. record -ed and posted on the fobsite before the first ion- If yw intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorrey before comm—encing wont or recording our Notice of Commencement_ 3v -,Mare of owner/ I weep/C-intractar.as Agent fur Ow weir STATE Of FLORIDA � I �j(j t r� COUNTY OF � 7hPP T �}ra n� w a5 acrlfjWled g cforc me day LX 20 fV by 7. Nam -c of pof-so ma- kinZ statement Per5onaliy Knu%vrr OR Produced Identifiotlon Type of Idenzific.ation R�0 Ced SigHa i're -of N Cor71f1 isslon No. L "Aft ftW Co Fie it F Pi V'??2 REVIEWS FR0NIT ZO INING COUNTFR REVIE%1f DATE IIFCE IVED DATE COMPLETED Rev, /2/17 i r.atjri�, c" Co ritracto ri L cense HoIder STATE OF FLORIDA f p COUNTY OF � ' L—�•+ �.L.� Ti -el forneing ins rQ, err! wm.;ic lad ed b tr ra m this, L-AfY day of 2(V -K by P Naime of Der5on making state rn-�nt Type of Identifir-dtion ProduCi�d n.atUr+e of-Nottir;; RL, Commission No. �C, my72C� 243W T -TJ' �r�ires ii3 SUPERVISOR P1,AN:� VFG TA310N SEA 1 UW'LE MANGROVE REV]EW REVIEW ftv Fel' REVIE"Al I REVIEW JOSEPH Z MITP , CLERK off' THE CIRCUIT COURT ! SAINT F;UCIE COUNTY FILE # 4511147 OF, BOOK 4213 PACE, 499, Recorded 12/13/2018 04-11:50 P.M NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. .5ta t -e of plorida Cgunty of St. Lucie 0 Tex FolioNo. s� *^ie. ander�igriec F ebb S nuke 0all:ImptMementWMI bie MadeLei C rral+n epaI proptrty, Arid ire atcovdarla aw", Chapter 713. Plaflda Statutes, this f6)lloroj;r, infcrirn��i�� is �t�rl�J� in this f�o�� cf �Carr�rr��m�-1 Legal Dm rhp+don 0! rtr. [isncl strer:.add ress If L Ger*ral dascrn aFE mr , Owner lnforr�ti WAM iaTierrnatipn T1 d" Lammtcacce►d for Ids Impmement: Name IN acne and acidren of fee :Imply tlklahoider (il= diff rent from Owner I lid abcrs); CuntTactur'a Name: cvllt r. Cao r Aljl rt$�P; PhOh-e Number - Surma (f app<.i h a ci�pV of the pavment bond &3 attarJt �: Armurn cf baric: Nam4s and addreux. PhDne qurnber: Baa 483 Rersons within the State df° I=Idly des4mted 1;y owner upon whom, nafice& or tdhl @v documents may be s-eived as -provi d by SeMon I%Lam€.: Phonic Number-. .l ddros5: Iii -idd-Ition rt hili x4 or rrerstkf. owner deny s _T ro rerNve n copy or the Lier57l's N-Orich as prov4ded Fn. S{rcticn 713,23(1) fib), Florida .5cad.rtm. F`liw..0 aumbur of cpe-�vn rjr enllh.y d-es1gnW our-ev. . Fwpiirvkern djT.P of nnti-Le -of camrinencem. e L (the expirat;an dote may w f e tw.l€rre the irry °rnon of 00%ruc-tijrr ai!d ti nM pent to the contractor, but wrl bar � year fry i:ha date of r-ecording u pleas a diffanwt dye Is s cff*d) WARNING TO QWNI R- ANY PAYN9ENTS K4A:DE BY THE OWNER AFM9 TFiE EYPtRATH{ N GF -TRE NQiTII~E OF CCF MMEN0ENJE;NT ARE C SIDE ED IMPROPER P'AVMENT3 UNDER LIAR' R 713, PART I. 3ECT1!I 713.1,3, FLORIDA 57ATL"M AND CAN RESULT 1N YOUR PAYIN.G TWICE :OR VMPR*VWWr5 TO YOOR PR<s KRTY, A N<M(Z CMF 00MhCNCVMKT MST 019 Fcconmo AND POSTED ON THE 109 RTE NFORE Ne FIRST WSPECT K IF YOU INTENU TU OSTAIN r-[NANrrJN6. 00P4SJULTWFFH Y UR LENDfR AOR AN A1-T0ftN:Ey BEP09F- CC V1MI NC1NCq WORK OR WORDING YOUR NIMCEW COMMEI CEMEW. Linder tea my Ise �r I� l�Rn�i.ru rof w1ury, I tl.�r,e thiv I have fend &F a foregoing rorace of comirmer neem`- 4nd that the f ick stated therein are true to the ate: -of e aid kkle— A of Owniw or Lary, or n jes CK Lessee's Auth cil;ed C i err �lr r # r ra�r, fel ria er u .` ne r` Titiel()(f ice) i he foregairtg i nstru mvni was ackrtowW*ed before rye this 2-0) ,{ ,r ,. .} a _4C fir 16?, s a of n*n Type of authority (e.#. cert 1r SMN Party On behalf of wflom �nstrumer+t was ex4aTted SSI ture-+ #�ubllc , 'S,ak-ff of FIor9idzl , r -.:, r� LINA. F RIOL I P 0 rit. TY7*., -or Ramp Qc-rnrr„ :ss1 rtirrl Jq pmt ofjF� tAaINYWY NOR FlrUL? or FIOF d� Corn0,,0On 0 FF x}21971 kfy Gorra. Expints Sap 27. Z-41 r;-5A;b11 y krtiO#wn_ w pr adu. d ldeckffic�,� Michelle Fran k[In, CFA -- Saint Luo.lia County Property Appraiser — All nights reserved. Ownership Leg,41 Description 1"M I%:-% i-" I,, I I I K' A P 34 1 NI 3 1.1 __; X'4 i Current Values A5-M4W VU1W:-. � L 1) fi, I I'A E-wl i I pt ioms; TQXUITIV 'V4mLW; T.-Ixes 1.Qj- flij,, 11)w ii [L) i d TRIM 'or 1 I -J s I. -xi rkxk 13owt111[)I'19 Sale History Tot a I A real 121 amli-ed.-I j rider A 1 r F i Or ss A rL:.a (:S[` ): Ljnd sizu �acrcx): LCL id S'Lzc Date- Property Idendficatiorl S I ze A di tn ds. I t3 LV U parc,0 11D 0011 AL:comv 7 7 9 1 ranmr, 4: 11 N Pnec, -Ij I UO C:1v'C'(vdrLL'Y' ii i n. I ki�! 14 111V Ownership Leg,41 Description 1"M I%:-% i-" I,, I I I K' A P 34 1 NI 3 1.1 __; X'4 i Current Values A5-M4W VU1W:-. � L 1) fi, I I'A E-wl i I pt ioms; TQXUITIV 'V4mLW; T.-Ixes 1.Qj- flij,, 11)w ii [L) i d TRIM 'or 1 I -J s I. -xi rkxk 13owt111[)I'19 Sale History Tot a I A real 121 amli-ed.-I j rider A 1 r F i Or ss A rL:.a (:S[` ): Ljnd sizu �acrcx): LCL id S'Lzc Date- 1:628 -?01, Bcik Ta gt� •- •3 !') 7043 C(ikk2- 0011 ranmr, 'S C T a tr n i S L: M FL n i Pnec, 1 D'Ire - 1)L-.[: 10. 21M5 B4 It I'll Nly 4 DL! Oil WD ( I M M 0 r j 0 15n Jr Fr -M R s:.0c Cock: 1-13111 UT: 'S C T a tr n i S L: M FL n i Pri L, L" D'Ire - 1)L-.[: 10. 21M5 B4 It I'll Nly 4 DL! Oil WD ( I M M 0 r j 0 15n Jr Fr -M R