HomeMy WebLinkAboutPons Permit Application 1.3ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: _ Permit Number:--------- Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Budding and Code Regulation Dtvtston 2300 V!fgmia Avenue, Fort Pierce Fl 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial ---- Residential --L)(-"----- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Fence PROPOSED IMPROVEM T LOCATIO!il: I. Address: \'Le \/ 0 Legal Description \..0, Y) \.l.JiX;\ t°-V't, \,).h \:\:: :J f2 '£. :::D l l)r: \4 Lot No. \f Block No. :J:] --, Building Height. _ D Windows/Doors ORoof S'f.£!; of First Floor: Utilities: LJ Sewer D Septic er t rs permit - c ec a app y: DGas Piping Shutters D Sprmklers D Generator Back: Right Side: Left Side: _ CONSTRUCTION INFORM mona wor to OHVAC DElectnc Total Sq. Ft of Construction:-------- Cost of Construction:$--------- Project Name: _ Setbacks Front. _ E-Mail: spacecoast@superiorienceandra1l.com State or County License: _2_9_5_ 8 9 _ State:� CONTRACTOR: Name: Todd Parollne Company: Superior Fence and Rail Address: 2778 N Harbor City Blvd #102 City: Melbourne Zip Code: _3_2_9_ 3 5 Fax: 321-638-0086 Phone No. 321-636-2829 from the Owner listed above) OWNER If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTR TION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: _ Not Applicable _ Not Applicable DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Name: _ Address: _ City: State: Zip: Phone: _ MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Address- , ---------------- City: ----��-------State: Zip: Phone: _ _Not Applicable FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: _ Address: _ City: _ Zip: Phone:----------- BONDING COMPANY: Name: _ Address:------------------ City: �------------ Zip: Phone:------------- STATE OF FLORIDA "\---\ COUNTY OF � iJ,. l-,\,0 STATE OF FLORIDA�( ,U, COUNTY OF l ( 10 I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which rs m conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, mall respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room addmons, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another ncn-resldential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencin work o ec rdin our Notice of Commencement. The forgoing instruoc:!:s acknowledg1(l}Pefore me this 1..l- day of / , 20 (}_by The forgoing mstru'.t5etas acknowledge9,.Sefore me this __il day of , 20 � by Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR PLANS REVIEW REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE FILE# 4516421 OR BOOK 4219 CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 614, Recorded 01/03/2019 01:18:19 PM l\OTICE os COM MEN CEM.E!''ff I I IL UNULH.::.!G:-11.:l) h;rclJ) gives notice that unprovcmcnt >1111 be made 10 cenam re.ii prupe 1y .iml m accordance w,th I haptcr 713, flor,ct., Stanncs, 1.1< folk1w1n.; mform�tion ,s provid:d 1111his Nonce of( r>1'11lcnccrncnt r. l a Name and ad<:lrcs.s h l'hon� nun,CJU. C :-.iano �n,I ,,<ld,c�s ot Ice ,11nple !ttlcholtlcr (11 0(11(1" lh�n owner1· 4. Conrracror. a. r-emc and adcrcss Superior Fence ,1nd Rail of Brev<1rd County, 1oc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourne, FL 32935 b l'honc number _3a2c1c·c6c3, 6 c · 2cBc2a9:_ _ Surety. " 1'".un� Jnd .i(ldrts.., nla b Amwm ul bonu $.ol ' Lcndc, N�me �nd addrcs.� .DJ. b Phone number a Phone n,unlx:1. .nza 7 Persons wrth the S1atc nt FlnnJ.i de-rgnned 0) Owner upor whom nonce, or other docu,n�m� m,,} be ,nwd as provided by Sccuoo 711 I J( I )(a)7, Flo-rda Statutes. ,l Name and address ,n,I,•�--------- b Pho11c number In add11ion re h1Jnsdr, Own,:, Je>lgJhikS 1'1<- fullo"ing f'�L'Kinl�) !() rccc vc o rnpy of1he Lrencr's Nonce a� rrov1Ccd m Sc-'11011 713 13( l)(b) �1,mJo Stanues. ,1 N.unc and ad,drcs.,· _n� l aL __ h Phone numbc, na, _ O Exp,rd\rnn ddtt' of nonce of con1rnc11ccmcnt (!he exp nmon ddte ,�one(!) y�.u- from the d.l!t or rt'<.Odmt unless., d11lt'rt'Lll <idle is sr,e..,,fiOOJ _ WAR'\'INC TO OWNER o\NY P·\Yl\fEN1 <.; MADE BY TIIE ow Nl:R Af-TEK THr. fXPfRATION 01 rHE NOTKF OF COMMENCEMENT AJ�E co.suenrn IMPROPER PAYMl:NI!,, IJNllER CHAPTER 713. PART i, �l:CllON 71313, FLORID,\ ST,\Tt:Tl:<; A.\JD LA' Rl:.\ULr [N YOUR PA YING TWK f, FOR !M'l'ROVfi\trNTS TO YOUR PROrERn. ,\ NOTI( E (!F f'OMMEt'>Cl:�l:NT MUSr Hr. xrconoro A'ID l'OSTED ON THF JOR SJH BLf-C)Rf, THE rtxsr INST'ECTTO\l TF YOU INTl:NU 10 OBTAIN rlN/\N('\l\(,, covsut.r \VITI! YOUR U:NDLR OR At',." A1TO�l\'FY RFFORI· COMMENC!r-.(, WOKK O RECORDING YOUR NO'I IU: OfCOMMENCFMF,'T P�rounotll� K1rnwn T Yr< of ,drnt,ficat,crn prodt1ccJ Under pcnalne> of pel)llt)'. l declare that I have re.id 1he ft't�gcmg and ihat tk tact, ,1aterl,,, ,1 �,t 1r11e to the bc<;t ot my kw,ddte and belief A�;;; eof, \j ...,,..... n-al per,,:111 <igmng .1\i<wc PROPERTY SKETCH FOR 6615 Fort Pierce Blvd. Fort Pierce, FL 34951 FoKT J1tACE BlliJ)