HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationmLL mPr=ICAtIrEE Mary R+Iv3T BE COMPEETED PvR mrrtiCm-i lova 10 BE KCCEPi ED Datc: Permit Number: Building Permit Application rlanning and development Services nuildin-y and Code regulation vivision r30-0 viryinia Avenue, Farr Pierce rc 3K,az Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-.L578 Cummer6al Re3Pdential PERMIT APPEILA i I—UN FUR: To Select from dropbox, click arruvv et th—u and cif line I PROP05ED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: I Address: legal Descr;ption: rropcPty iu.. rl3 ;;:QAQQn . LOL Mo. bite Pian Mame: C.0 Block No. Project Mame: betl3acRs Front SacR: Right bicic Left Side: I DE I AILED UESLRIP 11019 OF WURK: I Replace AC, exdCt change OI]t with ton, SEER, « KW AC C.;t M 60(- k UJA 1` LUN51 RUL I JU19 119FURMA 11019: Additional work to flas orme un erg .s pernlit-c ec a appy: LJRVAC ianR OGPzPiping _Shutters OWindows/Doors 0electric 0 PlumCing 0bp7;riRicr� Generator Roof Roof pitch I oral bq. Ft or Construction: 5Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: 5 ��C�.L]li�: UtilidesInSewer D3eptic Building Reignt: uwl9 ER/EE55EIE: LONTRACTOR: IEame i laa„—ie; Dennis ZaceR A0111ress. _ Company: ARS r,merican Resisemiai services City: V-66_C�'xXY'� SLaLe:7,, address: zgu'v 05 Rwy i Zip Code:634 Pax: t_ity: vera 130.06 State: FL PRone -1 Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E -Mail: Phone No. f rf- ra-+-1cw,3 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next rase I if differenE E-IOlail: U`t- from Lhe Owner listed above) Mate or County License: C13C1249753 If value of construtTlon is $c30'u or more, a RECORDED IQotiee wr Commc.-mc... ent 13 required. 50PPCEMEIq 1AE CFJla51 RUC HUN 109 LAW 11WO PIAI ION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: = Nut Aprlicabl; MORTGAGt COMPANY: X Nut Ap,�licable Name: Name: Addreaa: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: = Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: - Not Applicable tvame: Dame: mddrebb: H'aaress: City: City: c.ip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify tFiat no worn or i�.stollation Ros commenced prior to tfie issuance of o permit. 3t. tucie County makes no represenLa0011 LhaL is granLine a permiq. will authorize Che permiE RolQer to Ruil'u iRe subject structure which is in conflict ..,itR anx a plicable Home Owners Associotion rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such strafture. Please consult witR your Rome Owners Association anti review your 3ee5 For an, resir:ctlons .RicR m-, appl,. !n consideration or the granting of tRis requestea permit, I Co Rere5y agree that I will, in all respects, peRorm tRe worn L. _ccar0.m.c .:LR the appP.:4 pj-7;3, tllc Fie. Riz Sailai.-,g Cai9e7, on8 st. Cac:. Coenty Arn.narn�nt,. The followins ba.lains permit ovF1icat6-.3 ore oTic.�.pt t. am anUar6oing o tail co.-.uar,cncy review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, rences, walls, signs, screen rooms ane accessory uses to another non-resitiential use YvARRIIRIG 1133 OvvilER: Tour Tailure to Recorti a Rlotice or Commencement may result in ,oar p-,IR6 twice for improvements to yon, property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite beftra the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lander or an atturmey before commencing wog k or recording -our ICotice of Commencement. _ b'sg-atere or u er/ Cessee/Agent Signature of Contra r License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF . ima The fglgoing instriqmera was ac nowlecisenefore me n tni, B ., of zD n, =T-=..amt personc c led�i.. re otTiatarvTtVic- State STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF__. —. _u � he forgoing instrument was acRnowleRge'u Oerore me tR2, —a., or t0 _ By Personally mown X OR ProtieceM IMentir.catioRPersonai!y Known _^—OR Pro'aucea leentincation P ype of Identification rroduced ' � Type of Identification Produced Commission No.C-AW-11535 (seai) MT COMM13SIO: w utavr taxa Revised 0711512Pi�`� ExPiRes February 7,,. zoz Commission Mo. C-61251153-6 (Seal) Fulr CWMr-_3j0R a OG'vr 7uja WIRES FeDR1I1.—, 08. =1 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MAN NMI COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS 1r r Making it ovorti NI_king it ng"" Insrallarion Wo. K v. �, Est- Start Elate 14 /19 1772) 567-3100 2800 05 Plight 1, vee meacn, rt. 321360 American Reaidenlie Service_ of R=rid_, brit. dee..ev A a�.� ..a: a�, t7Sco.uoia. Cr•C,.2(1293 Ell. Completion Data Corporate Cust mer Re6.tione (866) 803-v879 CUUMMLN EMAIL rnL,L- Sv r —R[33 CfIYr;TA r Dr rgwmernvll! CE ONE i C SYSTEM DESIGN WORK PNo E .•. OPTION 51Lt TYPE sitC g r rpE 1;,itCltiGlr _ 51cE I YPE EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY ErFICIENCT SA $ $ $ :1ii $ IK 32.414— SUBTOTAL $ $ 5UBIOIAC $ MURTHLY E5T.* $ MONTAt:t =5t.* $ RIOMTHLT 151,* C105T10-MER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIAW 1: U-i—o- CIER IMMIAis Vvorra,.tyt Parra Labor Warranty: fQ Parts �G ElMr vvarra-ty:y Part„ Labor Canlpreaaar Haot E><changar LS-Co,,,pressor/Q�'6J�ieat I'�cAsnger _ Compressor_�Flsei Eitiyfon�,�r unless otherwise noted, all warranties are Trom the Rea„ M_oI=nn% SPECIFICS OF YOUR SELECTE[i vPT1vld: ❑ 1 2 D 3 vveatnerpmef Moo.rinect ❑ N... Pir.,aaa Dock ❑ UV Citifii __w _ yy��►/�� SUBiUiAI. :I-, �fOW u Reconnect Drain Li-miu e ❑ HuiferT�__ Glfetime Equipment Slab ❑ Coiling Saver Kit ❑ Dellum dif.e;:, ❑ S. o. �d Iacl,,,ivn Pada _ _ (Pan & Ploati ❑ Ciatiteoi! Unit P,.d 0 Dquiu r its M'nBeit ❑ Main Orrin 5a1ety 5=ami ❑ Flue Venti�iy $ ❑ Start Rit yyC� ��` 1���al fQe : aRReet e- [3Deatwvrk Mrinacuvns** 1`�'� TZAL $ [3Raf.Tye.a t CC Dryer .._.., ❑ Support Attic Equipment ❑ Cimnect to existing plenum Deet MWf-tieno In Rerrigerant Pipe )Gappiy Plvnum 1, r.. New i-zcWe el work) `c.. • ' E3Now CIRuvarineat f Racnnv C3v ai �°'"' 0 Mew Deft Syst=R, u;rA3M 17 CHECK# �+fl ❑ Refrigerant pipe vover R=t-am Plenum �+ O auto Ducl Work ❑ Ex ansion V f: P a v,' ❑ Raoanneet " 0 Feel Pip:r1� ❑'vRf'faR %Cebu Ons) 116T -stat- r e yP 0 rorilc Air Cleaner ❑ Elacincal Wiring �.r,r�f'J r ❑ Connect to Exi ply Servica Plan - ❑ WE:- Filtor - � Ft EXPAPPROVAL Electrical ❑ PCO r 1 Ieplrr 1364 dey,.r OUR GUARANTEES FINANCING* V/0 o Comfort Guarantee 17 home P fltection Guarantee d 3 ❑ 24 -Hoer 5a,.iee Go—ritao ❑ 100% UrmaFairional Maney13.1i Guarantee y eymenr.,pliurm u.,4Wlvith apprano c,eoe rr%e" tj %41R otrr -x Kiel 35-11 **AR5 is not responsible for preexist no ductwoR See T=wwo apld Condifop;_ an the 6aok 9 1Ri., doeenrant far dat..ilo. • Written customer autRorization will be obtoi-ed before Be�,i....inn _V a3aitiariJ ar extended -„rk. • ANY i2XIM5 FOR %.OR5TR0�110M DtFi=ifs ARE SuiEUt: l Iu IRE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 556 FMRIDA STAT u i ts. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CARCEC: Thi7. i- w h�rnv --licit"tfvn solo, rind If you do; -.at wont the yooda or zarvlcca, you may Cance tnlo agreement By presiding .rittan .-.ettee to the -allvr h. parson, by telegram, o: br mo11. This notice mast indicate that got ao plot :-nt tRv y-wea., 07.,,.rei— -nd -ust be aalizar-d or pw.trnarked Bafo.w mildnigh: of the third business day after got -ion this If You eon.l tFls aa. arrant, the suffer moa, not keep all or part of any cash down payment. See tRc ro.e me.,fao 6vroof for aii a pl.ii_tlon of thi- right • I ockno :ladger:hat my righ-, iv v uu: h.- been avplainad to me orally and in writing, and without waiving my right to cancel, I authorize tR( perfonuwnea v1 .Fie subject w a,l t=rms and conditions set forth on the reverse si'ue hereof, plus any taxes upon completion. Notica To Owner - D. n.,r sign this home improvement contract in Illanlf' You are entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. Kao .o pratac� yoor) al lignt This home improvement contract may contain a mortgage or otherwise create alien on your property th uli;be t cl s d on if do not pay. Be sure you u derstano all visions of the ■_nt�t Before Toe e;gn. 4 F31 CUSTOMERS RE DATE COMPANY CUSTOMER SIGNATOR! DATE I?A E 0 2018 Andra• R.6dontiaa 5eaw• LL C Ar rjht. weened. ARS:079 1110:7 0.... o 1 r rg Certificate of Product Ratings PARI Certine'u Reverence Mumller : ,w50a5li Cate : u 1-uo-zul9 @loser states : Asti-e AFIRI I,pa : 5P-A Soria. : R41 OA AC SPP ;`,ut'uoor unit 6ranU (Came : CmRRII•R 050wer unit M4 ael IC=n—,Par (Conan. ser or single Pookag.) : 50LPC048-30"' Rasion : All (AK, At_, AR, AZ, CA, CO, C v, 19C, UE, PE, uts, nl, IG, IE, IR, IFC, Ro, R w, EN, ILIA, IGIG, i41E, 101, MM, 1110, I1I5, 141 i ,ICC, MD, ICE, Ari, Mi, NIVI, Rv, MY, OR, OR, Ort, PA, Rl, 517, so, I R, I x, Q T, VA, VT, WA, WV, VVI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conuitioners manutactureu prior io zPanuary v, zv v5 are ellgil3le io ue installed in all regions anti! iaaa A 2'u16. 93 sinnirt9 Jely 1, 2015 -artist air condit;oners can only 6. installea in reyion(s) for wnicn tRey meet the reylonav emclency requirement. v Me manu,acturer ov uvis CARRIER proauct is responsil7le ror the rating or tnis system comUinaiion. Rated as follows in accordance with ,he latest euition of mftlrFtARI z iMzwU witn RUUen'ua v anti z, Performance Rating or Unitary Air-Conaltioning s Air-Source riu-i Parnp EMeiprtlont aria :, 5;eat to retiny ..sear. y by AHRI-spansarod, inaopenaent, third party tesliny: Coaling Capa.ity (A2) - 5ingla or Righ 5toya (9517), btuh . 47000 SEER : ;;.LOUI EER (Az) - 5ingle or nlgn stage (=F) : 11.50 t"Acti:o" Model Sta a are those that an AHRI Certification Program Partl.,:pani is covrenuy proaoang „ND selling or offering for sate; OR new models that are being nt.rk.tud bet are net yet being pp.deved'Ppedection Stopped' Model Status arc thodc that an AHRI Canificaiion Program Panicipani is no l..ngcr pr000,ing BUT r5 suit g #f♦tln9 os %,t ora of=nied by WAS ind:.gt._an invulznt.rp re-rale. Tho n+j-peblish.d ratio-,g is 5h.-n alono with the pr&reiee .o. WASE young DISCLAIMER AHRI does ...t ender- the p.odeot(z) li-jtcd an -.his Ccniflea.� and makes no .aprc=m.dans, .:ar.anitcs or gu.raniccs as .o, and .assumes no responsibility for. the prodectls; liet.d .n thio C.rtifl_..tu. AHRI dical.ippe all Il;ebilit; fur d,.ntaga: of any 10.4 ..riding ear of tho use or parforman.a of ;lle praaa.i;.h or Ina unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate, Certlfled ratings are valid ■ril; for mwd.l_ .rid ■.riflgepet6n: Hued L. the P�rcdOry ai n.�...allriaira�iory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI, This Certificate =hall aril- be ea=d fop indi-ideal, pep--pi-I and _ c. nruanilal r.r.rence purposes, The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminat_d; entered Info a campu:or daiabasc; .r.;h�rwise eiiLseo, in any Farm yr manna, or Ey any means, except for the user's Individual, pers.nol -rid eerrfidentlal references. AIRgenelTloNiflu, nE7r119, uERTIFluATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERA'"GN INSTITUTE Thc information for the moorl ck.o on anis ceriirlcoie ca„ 0. Pcrineu of www..nridirectory.org, click on 'Verify Certificate' linkherter- and ant.: the AHRI C.Aifl�d Rcfercnva Number and the data on Trhlch ;he eanificaio was Issoea, which Is listed above_ and th= C=rtlti—te No., -hi■h is llzt.d .t bwttum Fight. �c0 tyNtl-t:an�ftioning, Reating, o„ii R�r�igG�.,tivn institat� �EI�TIFICATE NO.: 131909064004059009 i