HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application i .SSU PLEMENTAL ,0IVSTA4U BION LI�ENLAW INFORMr4TI0N DESrGNER/ENGINEER., _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Add'�ess: Address: city:1 State. City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: 'FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Na e: Name: Add,-ess• Address: City., City: -Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR'-.AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a.permit to do the,work and installationas:indicated. I certli`that no work or installation has commenced,prior to the issuance'of a permit. St.'Lucfe:County makes no;representatiori:thatisgranting a ppermitwill authorize_the, erniit holder to build"#he.subject atructure which is in conflict with'any applicable-Home Owners Association'rules,bylaws or arid,covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structuyre .Please consult with your Home Owners;Association andreview your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration,of.the:granting of this requested permit,I do,hereby agree that,l will,In all respects,perform the work in.acco�`dance with the:apkdved%plans,the'Florida Buildinif6des and St.Lucie County Amendments, The fol owing building applications are exempt from undergoing.a full concurrency review.room,additions, accessory structures,,swiniming pools,fences,wails,signs,screen-rooms and accessory uses`to another non-residential:use WARNING.TO OWNER:Your failure to Record;a Notice of Commencement mayresult in;yaur paying;twice for impr9vements to your property.A Notice.of Commencement must be recorded and,posted on the jobsite before the first inspectltin..lf.you Intend to.obtain financing,consu(,twith-lender or'ari attorney before commencin work or recording our Notice of Commencement. I _ SOK lure of Owner/Lessed/Contractor as Agent for Owner Signature=df Contractor/License Holder j STAE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COL�NTY.OFkc COUNTY OFS-� c • ^ The f� r oing instrument was acknowledged before.me The forgoing instrument was acknowledge4.4efore me this day'of. 'Sc,n'� '20ayby this,U-day of ��h w�-�;1� _ .20 21 by' Na 'e.of person r6kirigStatement Name otpemon makingt.aterrient Pers:nally Known. 1-�. ;OR Produced Identification Personally Known_ v�OR Produced.ldentification Type of identification Type of Identification Prodiced Produced iliv (Sig ature of.-Notary P ` �P :Fj�[jp�ublic-state of Florida (Signature of Notary Publ $ �EJorl��. c ? n o a y Public State'of Florida Cgmigslon#FF 216951 • ` „ sslon#FF 21695:1 Commission No. '� �' M d �AExpires Apr 5,2019 Commission No, I e o y. , M t Explres.Apr 5.:20 9 Bonded through National Notary Assn �''� P„„` Bonded thraigh Natlonai teary As A I RE1{IEWS FRONT` ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA'TURTLE MANGROVE. COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED 2DATE OMPLETED Rev.8j2%17 i I } 1 ALL APPLICABLE INFO.MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED . J o / Dater- / q Permit Numl: - RECEIVE® RON Building Permit Application JAN 0 9 2019 PlantIng'and Development Services PH.. ngandCode RegulationDvislon Permitting Department 2300 Virginia Avenue,fort Pierce-FL 34982 ,, �,,Cie Phone:(772)462-1553. Fax:-(772)462-1578 Commercial eS�{}-OnWnt Yr FL PER MIT APPLICATION FOR To Select from dropbox, click.arrow:at the.end of line Two,�05ED�1(1(I'PRO,_ M11 IIOCATl0 t � �. ,_ � rte. . s_ _ _ �_ Addrel s:µ 3 cZ G J 1 ' Legal Description: 111 p ( L 3 a-ty Tax 1D#. i3_ n Lot,No. Pro Situ Pllan.Name: Block,No.. Project-Name• Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: LFeftSide: a . DETg 1_DSCRIPTIO`NOF�°WORr Y a E .i3:.. ' �-� •►�` . •i Tel:914Ce 7 cj� CONTRUC,TIONINFQRMATION ssdzW:b ,M&a+ ck..r`-a.r:a.G ..,h_ _3:b tonawo,r= -to�E26as;Tank ,orme� unert� spernit=cec�a = ;appyt EIHVAG Gas Piping _Shutters Q Windows/Doors CElectric plumbing Sprinklers Generator 0 Roof Roof pitch Total q,.Ft of Construction: $ ..Ft.of First-Floor: .Cost f'Construction.$;' (�ECC7 utilities: ❑;Septic Building Heights ®1l 'Elf=SSEE t 4CONTRACi�OR Na_ M, 1 c e r Name, Com an al. ' r 63 .� .. ._ Address: �G -, p y � �a.: n_ � -•. City: State: IJL Address: Zip Code:3 y Y'C'i Fax: city: e Stater Ph6n'.-No..5. �Lk_— 57dc7 Zip Code: 3 t4'9-,�57A Fax: I 1 e> 7 E-MH: Phone No. Fill in fee simple'Title Holder on_next page,(If different E-Mail: C ,y 1�'�-• r r.y►� �- ,t l�� �sr��'t'�% from tthe.0imnee listed!above) State or County License: cke 1 -36s f I f i r If value of construction is$2501)or more,.a RECORDED Notice o0tommencement is required. { i