HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationREE mrPEIMBEE UIFO 11`1003 t BE COI—VAXPrED FOR KPFUM i,vty 10 Of mCCEP i ED Date: I I `t 1 I C� r�rrnit Number: MA& Building Permit Applicadon donning and aevelopment services uuildiny and Code rieyulorion aivision z,DG viryinia Avenue, Tort r•ierce rz sN,az ll// Phone: (772) 462- 553 Fax: (772) 462- 578 Commercial Re�iaential I,,- PERICII I APPEICA I IuIV Full: To Select from dropbox, click arm., at the -Und uf fine I I PROP05ED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: I e;ddress: Legal Description: U _ L CAI i;tC 2748 - Q `CQA Property Ian lu x:69 t(b . `�f - - LOL No. Block No. Project Mame: rIL, z�etOacRs From 6acR: Ri6Rt Siaw: Left Side: I uE I AILED 6E5LRIP I iuN OF WORK: I Replace AC, exact change cot with tan, --ILI SEER, KW AC unit 6�j C)c L02Y.-- CUNs i RIJ IUN IM1-ORIVIAI IUN: Add nional work toe ne rtorme an e, t i, per...it-check all apply: 1.1RvAr- 0Gas i anR ❑Gas P;ping _ Shutters Q Windows/ Doors 13 Elel:iric U Flumlling ��prinREvr� � Generator � Roof Roof aitch Iota] -Jq. Ft or Construction: 5 Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ Utilides:DSewer ElsepLic 6ui;aing Fleignt: UwIQER E55EE: CUNTRACTOR: ,vame Iqa„—ie; Dennis ZaceK Adare.»: TAI Company: ARS r,merican Resiuuemiai services City:1L.V. Skate: E.• Zip Code: Fax: ---� PRone Mo. E-Ivliil: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on nem rase ( if different from Che Owner lined above) mddress: zBOv vs Rwy -1 city: veru 13W.Un State: FL Zip Code: 32960 , Fax: Phone No. r rc ryy-r�Pv E -Mail: c 5v Mate er Caa;ajr Eicense: CMC1249753 IT value or consrruction is $z30'u or more, a nECUKDEU watiee ar Com eeecment treywirea. SUPPEEIMtN I HC LUMS I RUL I IUR CIEIq MVV IMFUKRIA I IUM: Name: Add re>> City: _ Zip: ehone: Not Aliplica State: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: = Not Applicable Marne: mddress• City: Zip: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Address: Cirv: cip: Phone: X Not Applicable State: BONDING COMPANY: NOLApplicable Dame: madress• City: cip: Phone: I certify that no wo. R or ii-.stallation Ros commencei3 prior to t9r- i..aarrce or a permit. St. rucie Count makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize rhe ermit Molder to T=ruing tyre sullject structure which is in conflict with any. applicable Home Or...ers As3orria;on rales, byl—s vi no covenants that may restrict or prohibit such stricture. Please consun wan your Rome owners Association ans review your Qeeb for any restrictlons -nidi may appi, in consi"aeration of tRe granting of tlirs requestea permit, I 'ao neredy agree tflat I will, in all respells, perform tMe worn i...,caraamcc.itn tMc..pp,v:za pi -i-,3, tiic rariao Caac.-i-A X. Caaic CveruE, Amc,.amc..t:i. The following building permit applivatio,.s arc cncn.pt trom anacrg-ing a tall cvncarrcncr re -;;.vv: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms ana accessory uses to anotfler non-resisentiai use vtrAHM1111r7 113 0vvMEK: your failure to Recore a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twrcc To. improvements to your property. A NuticE of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsir.e before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financins, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recordingyour IQotice of Cvinmeneement. �Q QJ~ -A s _ birmatere or C er/ Cessee/Agent Signature of Contra r/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -- The forgoing instrument was acknowledsed before me tbi, i a., yr 3C1l1rtlart . , Al Lo, as nim w c� (N e o Verson a le - g } gnaiure or Aot E - tate or rloriEa I Pcr.enall, lino -n x Crt Pros=eca Iac.,Eifical.arr Pype of Identification Produced Commission Iqo. COLEEN SULLIVAN Revised 07/I5/2br054r- - EXPIRES February 08, 2021 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 61Waa The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this S day of sjd4 UCsi'L.! 20 jA by Dennis Zooek (Na a of erson ackri dgigIA gni r of No u lic- 0TWWOlorlda } Personally known x OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Commission No. t-4 01 (Seal} My COMMISSION # GG071535 EXPIRES February 08, 2021 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS Certificate of Product Ratinas AFIRI Cvrlmoa Rotoranrse NemBor : 1490503 Data : 01-08-2019 vmouel atalus : Fictive PtRRI type: aP-Pt Series : R4 l'uA AC 5PP Outdoor Unit Brand N..mo : CARRIER Cut-uoor unit ICloeel MumBer ZConBenser or Single F;acRage) : 50z:PC533---30" Region : All (AR, Ai, AR, Ac, CA, U0, C I, UU, DE, FC, GA, RI, 10, IE, IA, IN, R5, KY, EA, RIA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO_ M5, MT, NC, MD. A;=, AR, Ido, MM, mv, rvr, "R, OR, UrK. PA, RI, 5G, SQ, I M, IA, 0 r, VA, v 1, YYA, YYv, vvl, vvr, 0.5. I erritorlou) Re-WiRn Mule: Control air oenaFtiorlers nl�netuotered p,-iorto Janoa-r 1, 2015 are cliyibte t� be installed in all regions until oune 3V,015. Beginning zjuly I, cti Io cenTral air con'aitioners can only Be installe0 :n —=ion(=) tar :moll tRoy Moot tHo rayioRal otticloRcr I'ayei, rnvnt. I Rc rn..rletaeter�r of this CARRIER proaeot i.. rcaponsi6lo for tho rating of this system combination. Raletl as Tolle-: in . eeertlRr,oc :itR tfle lot.=t edition vl ANSIlARRI 2101140 MOM Addondc, 1 and 2, Performance Rating of Unitary Air -Conditioning & Pslr-source Meat rump lyuipmem an'u suBject to rating accuracy By mMRI-sponsored, inaepentlenl, tRirt7 party tozvni: Looiing Capacity (r z) - single or Rigg stage (=F), BteR : 3tiv00 SEtR : 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage taolsl . t ,,bu T"Active' Model Status are those that an AHRI C=ruff whin Prosralw Perdwipant is earro-fly prodeeirrg AND selling or affc.:ng for sale; OR ne- medols that a, being marketed but are not yet being produced'Production Stopped' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certircati_n P—ensm Portieipopll ie no longer predaeing BUT iz Mill se11i..g or offering for sale. Ratings mat areec[oTl�3iifav Dv .:.,� indk;ulu an in-oclun'...arfr r@-r2te. The now u4blished raUng is shown alr�n with the ma-ious fi.a. WASI rating, DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the productfsl listed on this Certificate 5nd make: — r_pre-ntAlsn:... �rtentiem or geopowtee- -a to, ,.nd-zztrrnc� ..-.o .—pensibilty for, ino proaoc.isr listaa on tnis Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the esa v perfe.manec of th= ppadzet(,), or the er,,.e:herl.cd altcraaon of dots li-.00 on :RIs Gcrrlrtc.Z-. ecrtl,.ed rmInip at. OdhV Vnly tnr models and configurations listed In the disatari of—.ahridlraatar7.erg. TE..1117� ..ND wNDITIONS This Certifi—ic, o..d is oracn= a.c propriclary ph,aacts yr .,RRL ...ds eert,rluate shall only be used for Individual, personal and eanfidentiol refe:enee perpe..es. The eont.rits cf We Ccrtific...a m -.y no'.. In whcic or In pari cc rwpro..acca; [;.,pica; visscminated; entered into a computep databa_a; up athc."-1-■ still -ad, In -F17 fawn or R.Qener or by any ...eons, w—upt for Lha »ac.'s Indl:idouL 1111 personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Infoppe ati.n fop the mwd_I cited on thi: rrtlfiaete can be .eplficd at--.ahrldircotory.arg, lick an "Verify Ca. -.lose..' lintll t,c tram iin Metier - and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the captlfical■-a:l-s=■d, srIll— Is IWco ueuve, no me ccrtificale No., which Is listed at bottom right. 02019A1r-Condidonin& Hearing, an'u Refrigeration Instlywe M uER 1 IFR ATE NO.: 131914216006273057 tl"J ►rtrar`attiWar, r , work Orde• "ry �� Start °�t� `�$ A �`%%LJ �0/'3 1 UV . ■ y Est. Complai,on Date JQ � . iris 2800 U5 FlitiR ay 1, Vary Reach, FE .2960 %,orporate Cust_ er fvt�kin9 ; ht meld.gir-• L.cen--Arner* CMC124B 53 eCAC04b878. CFC1428283 i866e803 OB79 CUSTOMER ^� zRllS!! CALLS'! P ADDRESS,,,n • HOMEPHONE CELLP N -ORR!•maRp YOUR DESIGN OPTION 1 OPTION OPTION 3 Sir -I! ! , PE 51cE �,� I TPE SIZE TYPE EFFICIENvr EFFICIEM T L vr�� _ EFFICIENCY $ c.��l AGt $ $ "l Ooo �C m_z $ 5en; i- `t $ *D Ui�crstrrl� �! rile - > (D (Xi jr J _,rl=`fes - 5osr%rrAl: (nL ICS -110f). 5U61OIAE $ avGrviAl! $ "IuRTRCy E5T.' y a± law ParITFICY E51." $ MONTHLY EST • $ C00 -1U IER IAMMES iA5TOMER 119MAES COSTOMER INITIALS Warranty.T Parts EW;! W,.....-.tV PFrla [a6or Warranty? Pits caEor =mpressor Real Eloilanger 1D__t= mpm=w JDJ9A)1eul EzcTia..yer -.,..._Ca ... pressor ..,Heat O u uer 1U.Jeaa otfiarwise naiva, a•va..a.tive are from the manufacturer. • • ■ 5ECECTED OPTION: ❑ 1 2 ❑3 ❑ Waaiflai--~roof p Mew PlywooE 15eCR 15 uv EIgnt 19 sconnect ❑ Ro�a��na�.t D.a-n Line E3Hemilihar SUBTOTAL $ Wo �LLtima Eqo pmani 5;a6 ❑ Dehumidifier, 17 Soun5 Isolation Pedes (P�ri & Fioat) 0 vutlloor Unit Pa -5 ❑ Ugaid Tote Conduit G I=n Drain Safety 5YMER 0 Rue Venting 43 0 Start Kit ❑ Seal New Con..ections 0 Ductwork Unnectie c- TO [3vunnect to existin [3Refrigerant CC Crper_ p Support Attie Egeipmremt g �um IME ❑ Duct Modifications ❑ Retrive out P pe 0$upply rlenum • + ❑ New ❑ Reconnect 17 New 0 Reconne■t No Naw (w =1 wok} yy.�p ❑ Now Duct System U Refrige =mt Pipe Cv:vr rSRaiiim Plane... U No Duct Work U CASH ❑ CHECK# ❑ Q ansion valve r ❑ New ❑ Reconnect P ❑Foe! Piping -T `1-402 tlectro..in Air i.loo. � _ — W Q CREDIT L�ARCi (EAST 4#s) � stat yP U Electrical Wiring aq ❑ Media Filter 0%onnecttorxisting VWermvSunioaPl..n- EnP APPROVAL Eleatrisa! in PEZ; 1 Tarm (364 days) ................_,__.,_, OUR GUARANTEES FINAN%IMG" r t- 0 ttiomfert ue-tutee U Fluma Prbteotiorl Goarantee a' CI 2, -Hour Service Guarantee ❑ 100% uncon'aitional Money-Saxx Guarantee •PeymeaO F proved credit 1 ■ `•AR5 is not responciblw fes.- pree;:atimg 8setwerk Sea 7e....7 sed C'omditiuRm a: the bmck of this aoonmanI for avinaa. • Written coot.mr_r _othe.:-tiem -'II Be e5t'ned before beginning ....y wRforvwen odditiorial yr a. -.ended o k • AI T CERIM5 FvR C❑tv5T-UU 1OM DEFECTS ARE 5067ECT IU THE NOT ICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558. FCOr11DA 5TA1 UUit5. • au T ERIS RIGHT TO CANCEL' i nkc I-- Fie olicit.tio.. tale, and if yon do not want the goods or servi..W, you may Cancel thL ••greernent Sy pre:fding :rittan nettae to tho _Ilor hi pe. -.on, by telegram; or by mail. This notice must Indicate "rat you 17w. -ml: :oRt tna goads a. ,urrri—and nest 5a dellverrtrd or postmarked before midnight or "re thin business Bay arcer you _19m tfila ..greenlent. if you encal tfiia ograom.nL, :he seller may not keep all or part or any cash 'sown payment See we referee aide hereof for an planation of this rlghL • I a. uiawlaayu Thai my right io cancel has been a plained to me ofMly and in writing, and witflout waiving my right to cancel, I antheRee the parfonnanco of the work, subject to all terms ant con'uitions set forth on the reverse si'oe hereof, plus any tax■a open —mplelien. Notice To Owner - Do not sign this home improvement contract in Blank You are entitIM to a copy of the eeMrest at the time yen zigm. Keep it to protect your leges rights. This home improvement contract may contain a mortgage =r ethe.-i- areata a hem - yve.- pmporty that ut re losed on if you Mo not pay. Be =_m yea emaemlo 8 all p ieRU of Me eamt�t 6afem loo Jin. mt SIGNATURE Jl eaI11R.IR I ..ezZm' . yak e.�.vR1�Ra++aR..ivR� DATE 0 2018 American Redid-ntW Sordes■ LLQ An right■ wnrved, ARS1078 11:0-.7