HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (5) Florida Building Code Online vp �x BCIS Home I Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts i Publications ( FBC Staff ' BCIS Site Map Links Search j a ca- Product Approval l^_ �i _ �.�USER:Public User _ ��A� �`�' !9!9!9d�!.'Ib' JAN o Product Approval Menu>Application Detail ,� ® �O'O FL# FL15210-R6 ' Lucie Coup ,i r-77777-7- county, Permitting Application Type Revision ;^ Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved �p 5 LE py Comments ' " Archived ""V Product Manufacturer Plastpro Inc./Nanya Plastics Corp. ., Address/Phone/Email 5200 W CENTURY BLVD. $$ .r LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext 16 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com b"N 2N, Technical Representative Scott Johnson 1 Address/Phone/Email 5200 W Century Blvd. P Los Angeles,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext 18 scottjohnson@plastproinc.com ` , 4 Quality Assurance Representative Ron O'Connell Address/Phone/Email 5200 W Century Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90045 . ;; (440).969-9773 Ext 16 m ronoconnell@plastpro.com ' Category Exterior Doors i Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies k d &� Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer � Q Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received 3 , 01011", 7, Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. R Evaluation Report RNA + Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan J. King, P.E. Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL]5210 R6 COI (a)Certificate of Independence.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1929 1996 ASTM D2843 1999 https://floridabuiIding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx7paramwGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZIQRCFPqu8gbCgpaL%2 fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHIdA%3d%3d[1/19/2018 326:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online ` �"� ASTM D635 1998 ASTM D638 2003 X111 ASTM E1300 2004 �ra ASTM E84 2005 ASTM G26 1995 i G 155 2005 ( x TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect k � } FL15210 R6 Fzquiv (.a) Equivalencyof Standards.hdf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/13/2017 Date Validated 09/18/2017 ='` ,• Date Pending FBC Approval 09/20/2017 � ., Date Approved 12/12/2017 b sa mar_y:of Products Sum X11FL Model,Number or,Name : " Des : iption ` ' 15210.1 a. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 6'8"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door- Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 Inswing/Outswing(X-Configuration) Fiberglass Door 1 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 11 (b)Inst 1 5210 pdf >a 1 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports ;." Other: See INST 15210.1 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 E (b) Eval 15210.1 pdf ?", additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. _ -- 15210.2 b.`Smooth/Wood,Grain/Wliite Wood 68"Impact".Opaque Fiberglass Singlb Door with Sidelit&or w. Grain/Rustic/M6ho,gany,Series_0 Sidelites-Inswing/Outswing (OX or X0; OXO-Configurations) Fiberglass'Door Limits'of Use Ynstallation Instructions. iAgo- Approved for use�in HVHZ Yes FL15210, R6 II (b)Int 15210. Pdf `. as„. y: Y � Approved-for use oufs' a HVHZ:Yes. Verified'By: L- ndon°F,Schmidt, P.E.,43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third,Party Yes Design Pressure.=N/A Evaluation Reports �iOther: See INST 15210.2 for Design-Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6' AE (b),Eval 15210 otlf• 1= 'additional,use-limitations' iristallationrinstructions andx°product CreatedvbyIndependent Third Party:Yes: ( ' �" particulars. i., 15210.3 c. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 6'8 "Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 Sidelites-Inswing/Outswing(XX; OXXO-Configurations) % Fiberglass Door z Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 II (b) Inst 15210.34df rApproved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes [ Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210 3 additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210.4 d. Smooth/Wood,Grain/White Wood 6'8"Irnpact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door-Inswing/Outswing Grain/Rust[ c/Mahogany Series O` (X=Configuration) t � ' ' Fiberglass Door https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl,aspx7paratnwGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZIQRCFPqu8gbCgpaL%2fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHIdA%3d%3d[1/19/2018 3:26:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online ? Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use`in HVHZ:Yes. FL15210'R6 II (b)'Inst 15210.4. dmf Approved for use;outsid,e HVHZ:,Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt'P.E.43409 Impact'Reslstant:Yes Created by Independent`,Third Party Yes 41 Des1 n Pressure 4N/A Evaluation Reports g P AM Other: See INST 15210.4 for Design'Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6AE (t�)'Eva1 15210.Apd , r b additional'use limita> ons,,inetallation'instrucfions and product Created"by Independent Third Party'Yes s; particulars.` " m 15210.5 e. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 6'8"Impact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite or _ Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidelites-Inswing/Outswing (OX or XO; OXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door H � Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F 1 S 10 R6 II (b)Inst 15210.S.pdf ' ", '_ Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 wr{ Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.5 for Design.Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210.5.12df t additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes ` particulars. "a15210."6 f: Smooth/Wood,Grain/White Wood- 6'8'Impact" Glazed Fiberglass Double.Door'with or without Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidelites Ihswing/Outswing (XX; OXXO .Configurations) Fiberglass Door . Limits of Use :°- InstaIlation Instructions ' s Approved for use,in HVHZ Yes ,a FL152,10 R6 II (b) Inst,15210.6 odf A pproved for use outside HVHZ Yes' Verified By: Lyndon F.°Schmidt, P E..43409` j � Impact.Reststant'Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes x; Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation.Reports Other: See INST 15210.6 for Design,Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210 6 p ff additional use limitations, installation instructions and'Product -Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. ips1 15210.7 g. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8'0"Impact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door-Outswing (X- Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions ' Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 11 (b)Inst 15210.7.pdf �x Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes P Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports ' Other: See INST 15210.7 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210.7.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 4i 15210.8 " h. Smooth/Wood Gain/White Wood" 8'0"Impact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door"With Sidelite or 9 1 Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidelites-0utswing (OX or XO;OXO Configurations) Fiberglass_Door } ti P, a Limits`of Use Installation Instruction& - - Approved for use in HVHZ Yes' FL15210 R6 II (b) Ins 15 1-0.8.pdf Approved for use outside'HVHZ:Yes Verified B L ndon F.Schmidt, P.E�43409 ( ' Y Y Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes, Design Pressure N/A .� Evaluation`Reports, : dOth r: See,,INST 15210 8-for Design=Pressure Ratings,any, FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210 8,pdf h �ll` use limitations,:installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third.Party:"Yes I part'iculars.� h� 15210.9 i. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8'0 "Impact" Glazed Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidelites-Outswing (XX; OXXO-Configurations) ' a Fiberglass Door —— Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 II (b) Inst 15210.9.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes _ Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ' Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports ` Other: See INST 15210.9 for Design Pressure Ratings, any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210.9.odf {x�a additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210 10 j Smooth/.Wood Grain/White,Nlood 8'0"Impact;'`Opaque;Fiberglass+Smgle�Door-Outswing (X,- ' ^ Grain/Rustic%Mahogany Series'O, Configuration) " 'fiberglass Door https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZIQRCFPqu8gbCgpaL%2fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHIdA%3d%3d[1/19/20183:26:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online Lrmirts of Use fi rE h installation Instructions " ,YIt 0"� Approved"for use§in HVHZ Yes FL152°10 R6 II (b Inst 15210.10 n � Approved for use-outside HVHZ*SYes Verlfied,By: Lyndon F KSchmidt P E 43409 IinpactResistant`Yes , Created by,Independent Third Party:Yes Desrgn:Pressure:-=N/A Evaluation Reports * " Other See°INST.15210 10 for Design PressureaRatings,any `- FL15210 R6"AE (j� val 15210 10: addit(onal.use limitations, installation;instrucEions andproduct Created by Independent�Third Party Yes,, - 4 �� ,particulars:, t 15210.11k.Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8'0"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite or zi Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 Sidelites-Outswing (OX or XO; OXO-Configurations) syr* Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 II (b)Inst 15210.11.pdf 4* Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Y,es Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.11 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b)Eal 15210.11.pdf additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 011 L 4� 15210 12 . I.�Smooth%1Nood Grain/White;Wood 8 0."Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Double�Door'with or without =Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidelites-OuEswing (XX, OXXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits ofUse " r Installation Instructions Approved for use°in�HVH2 Yes FL15210 R6 II (b)Inst 15210.12 odf � a A` pproved:for use outside HVHZ;.Yes :iti Verified By:'tyndon F Schmidt,;P:E:"43409 . A Impact Reslstantv�, est' " Created by.Independent Third Party Yes a 1 Design PressureN/A n Evaluatron;Reports A, �� Other See'INST 15216-1 2"for Desi n Pressure Ratin s an FL15210 .R6•AE b Evai 15210 12. l 9 9 Y �. O R additional"use limitations,]nstallation instructions and product,' Created by IndependentThird-Party Yes particulars. a 15210.13 M. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8'0"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Surface Bolts z M * , Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 -Outswing (X-Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 II (b) Inst 1' 10.13.E `. Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E. 43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports ` Other:See INST 15210.13 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b) Eval 15210.13. d[dff .: additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes particulars. 15210 14 n'. Smooth/wood Grain/White Wood. '9,6',1 mpact"'opaque'Fberglass Double Door with'Surface,Bolts Gram/Rustic/Mahn an Series 0 on Active Door anel =Outswin XX-,Configuration9 Y P 9 ( 9 ) r Fiberglass Door Limits of.Use " Installation Instructions r w Approved for use�in HVHZ:Yes FL152h 0 R6 iI (hiInst i 521014 pdf " Ap'provedyfor utstdeHVHZ YesVerified By Lyndon F•Schmidt;P E 43409 a use og Impac�Resrstant:.Yes Created,by Independent Third Party Yes ' < �> De§ig`n-Pr"essure: N/A Evaluation Reports =. y Other .See'INST 15210 14 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL15210'R6 AE (b)Eval 15210.1 adijtional use limitations, m`stallation instructions and product Created by Independent Third'Party.:Yes particulars �.. 15210.15 o. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8'0"Impact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door utilizing the Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 WINDSERT—an operational window insert-Outswing (X- �a Fiberglass Door Configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL15210 R6 II (b)Inst 15210.15.ndf " Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See INST 15210.15 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL15210 R6 AE (b)_Eval 15210.15. d[dff ' additional use limitations, installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1; particulars. s � t t:. O b https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=vGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZIQRCFPqu8gbCgpaL%2fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHldA%3d%3d[1/19/20183:26:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 R The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer,Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office b hone or traditional mall.If you have an ' ty. y p y y y questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have > s one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal ` 3 RSA ? address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., � X please click here. Product Approval Accepts: Credit.Card Safe',. k https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_tl.aspx7pamm=vGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZIQRCFPqu8gbCgpaL%2fcMd8xBvDdrXKxpoHIdA%3d%3d[1/1912018 3:26:41 PM] R W R W .Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering,Services for the Building Industry C P:O.Box 230 Valiico,FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional'Engineers Certificate of Authorization No.9813 i i r Product Category 'Sub Category; Manufacftarer Product Name Plastpro,lnc. Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood Grain Exterior Swinging Exterior Door 5200 W.Century Blvd. Rustic/Mahogany Doors g Assemblies Los Angeles,CA 90045 Series 0 Fiberglass Door Phone 440.969.9773 uts m "Impact", Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc.&Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E. (System ID#1998)for Plastpro Inc.,based on Rule ChapterNo.61 G20-3,Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval,Department of Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor-will,acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing,the product or in any othercentity involved in the approval process of the product named erein. Limitations: 1. This product has been evaluated.and is in compliance with the 6th Edition(2017)Florida Building Code structural requirements including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone". 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as-shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in the:"HVHZ"this product complies with Section 1.626 ofIthe Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covEring' 4..When used in areas.outside of the"HVHZ"requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies,with FBC Sections 1609:1.2• R301.,2.1:2 and.does not require an impact resistant covering.,This product-meets missile level"Di"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in•ASTM 51996-and'FBC Sections 1669;1'.2.2.&R301.21.2.1. 5. For--2x stud framing construction, anchoring of these Units shall be the same as that-shown for 2x,buck.masonry construction: 6. Site conditions that deviate,from the details of drawing: FLA6210.7 require.further•engineering.analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 7. Outswing configurations meet water infiltration requirements for"HVHZ". See drawing FLA 5210.7 for-size and design pressure limitations. up 0 rn tscum�errt�. 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by TEL 01390455 TAS 201-94,202-94&203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. William Shelton,P.E. TEL 01391846 TAS 201-94,202=94'&'TAS 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.,Inc. William Shelton,P.E. ETC-05-255-16776.0 ASTM D$35=98,:638-03;1929-96&2843-99 ETC-Laboratories Joseph L.Doldan,.P.E. ASTM G26=95' ETC=06-255-17412;0 ASTM'E84-05 ETC Laboratories Joseph L.Doldan,,P.E. ETC-07-209-19303A ASTM'6-0-5-9-8!1929=96&,2843-99 ETC1a..boratories Ben Meunier ETC-08-209-20609:1 ASTM D.638=03;&G 155=05a ETC'Laboratories Gurjinder Dham 2. Miami-Dade NOA Materials 17-0712.05 Saflex PVB Interlayer(Eastman Chemical Company) 16-0314.11 Royal Mouldings(Ext.PVC) 3. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed&Sealed by No.FLA 5210.7 RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. CS,SSt ��- vEF'Tn 4. Calculations Prepared by, ���©aif-I^ �ka � Signed&Sealed by Anchoring RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) b "r a �,� Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. ASTM E 1300 Glass'Load Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. '' S " 1 5. Quality Assurance :" i` o X34—3 V ZVff C Certificate of Participation'issued by National:Accreditation and Management Institute,certifying'that Plastpro Inc is manufacturing products Within a quality assurance program that cgmpltes With ISO/IEC17020 and Guide 53. N �TAT% OF10 v�Pbs� tl6� n Lyndon F.FL PE No. 34 9 9%1 812 0 17 Sheet 1 of I € plastpro 37.5'MAX.OVERALL 'Z A-', ti M " . FRAME WIDTH U's a o; P rn 5200 W. CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES CA 90045 >° i . P ``p e M 'rHl Ilrll� n°J o z . UN•: Smooth / Wood Grain / White Wood GrainP 7 i \ � nEm zmmti Rustic /Mahogany ��� v a a a cp Series O Fiberglass Door E a= � OUTSWINGz o "IMPACT" R. ice' H GENERAL NOTES o z N 2 C pJ 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compriance with the 6th Edition(2017)Florida Building zo z Code (FBC)structural requirements including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). = o z 3 .2 0 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base W w material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. w m J W " 3. When used in the"HVHT'thN product complies with Section 1626 of the Florida Building Code and > does not require an impact resistant covering. O ® a a a 4. When used in areas outside of the"HVHZ"requiring wind bome debris protection,this product x Y} ° complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering. b m This product meets missile level"D"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E.1996 and-FBC a E Sections 1609.1.22&R301. A na g 5. For2x stud construction,anchoring of these units shall be the some as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. m > ww O 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis by a m >^ licensed engineer or registered architect. m i>j 00 7. Outswing configurations meet water infiltration requirements for"HVHT'. w 'e o0 TABLE OF CONTENTS >> z SHEETS DESCRIPTION m 1 Typical elevation,design pressures,&general notes ^w = o H a N Q � 2 Door panel details 3 Ute frame details and glazing details Ceesheets r ` DESIGN PRESSURE PSE)rpressure RE(PSE): z 4 Horizontal 8 Vertical Cross Sections(2X Buck) w/POLY FIBER JAMBAMB N'z v � 5 Horizontal&Vertical Cross Sections(1 X Buck) N � POS171VE NEGATIU�. i4711(E ons: 6118112 6 Horizontal&Vertical Cross Sections(Direct to Masonry) N.T.S. ° a 7 Verlcal Cross Sections(Thresholds) J 8 Buck and frame anchoring .0" +65.0 -65.0 50.0 °"�er JK m 9 Frome anchoring cNN.rn LFS 10 Bill of materials and components0anwwc No.: N s" 3 for hardware and lite frame detions FL-15210.7 a SHEET 1 0, 10 N z R:\dlents\Plastpro,Inc PERMANENT\A-Rodda Product Approvals\FL-15210 HVHZ Rbergiass-Impact Opaque and Glazed\C-Drawings\FL-15210(2017)\FL-15210.7-9.dwg,2.1 0 1.75 95.25'MAX.DOOR PANEL HEIGHT n N _ Z o S 1 X NN spy v0 �° m m m 41.67' m y (161 LOCK) ° v a m N� m S 73 = s O I0 IA A Q•Ty C = CZ O OFF o O N O a O O w m G1 O RN O Z v>t. LddR .:fit:;Ali6•• a N p y N N • Q N IRi TiS S •-C G m b It It It `x" o 02 Ch in n ...... .... < n • I�-1.75' 08 A 0 Zy n Z 1 m m-m e,Z la ' [� 1 1.7''-1• � •F-1.7' O o N Z � L)L S Nd.43409 y PRODUCT: Dooumente Prepared ey: t�. PLASTPRO INC Lyndon F. Schmidt ��i�••• �OR7C�`••'•G��`� INrn FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 0fill `' ? [NO. 7 24 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 2017 FBC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. o in UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC JK DOOR PANEL DETAILS P.O. Box 230, Valrico• FL 33595 v DATE BY Phone No.: 813.659.9197 REVISIONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 0 201 2 R.W.BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC. ��t r •°°••.° •�' uQ1i 24.27'MAX. ��'i FRAME WIDTH 5/8"GLASS BITE �•' m �' 20.50 MAX• A3 STRUCTURAL SIUCINE(DOW 995) D.L.O.WIDTH EXT. N 7 d 41:0= 1°OVERALL GLASS THK. :V'° 1/8'"ANNEALED GLASS n ].Be'— � 1.86" '�i'�"° �l0?y� ti 0.090"SAFLEX®PVB rr° 1 p1�� ` o 0 CO i = INTERLAYER ^ u N d �– s 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS \� o f z m0 o v } w w 5 AIR SPACE e u a g a o`a a _ (TYP.) 116-TEMPERED GLASS o y"a m a 0.LL a 4 p �o ALUMINUM SPACER A3 EXL FRAME A4 INT FRAME E v0 z r O 40 NON STRUCTURAL SEALANT o 0'i a A41 #7-19 X 1-3/4"PPH SELF-DRILLING SMS cqc� INT. m w Gl GLAZING DETAIL Clo N O C En e _ LIIEFRAMETABLE g m _ I w 425' I MANUFACTURER ' ALIGN am v PRESSURE:(PS ODL0 12 ODL LITE FRAME2. a a ti 23.50"MAX.LIGHT E FRAME WIDTH 2O.5T MAX D.L.O.WIDTH 6' n.r 7� �, N N 2 1/2'GLASS BITE o z (np) AS w o X� 1-1/4-OVERALL THK.GLASS STRUCTURAL SIUCINE[DOW 995) M oI " 1/8"ANNEALED GLASS o o o UO o 0.090"SAFLEX®PVB F x _ INTERLAYER o 0 60=1O 1.59 1/8" LE ANNEAD GLASS >> z (n P•1 tlz 1.06° �t � _ 9 AIRSPACE r o, 1/8"TEMPERED GLASS _ T L0 0 1/7'NON-GROOVE SWIGGLE I ` z w/DELCHEM#BO POLYSULHDE A7 40 L am-: 6118112 = 1/8-BACKFILL A6 1S scALL- N.T.S. #10 X 13/4"PPH WOOD SCREW mc.BY.. JK m G2 GLAZING D[TAIL EXT INT FRAME SCREW CAP ; IM, FRAME AS A6 A7 trot Br: LFS DRAWNG NO.: d RSL LITE FRAME FL-15210. o oSNEEt_�L OF 10 9- a ' R:%agents%Plastpro,Inc PERMANWRA-Fiodda Product Approvals\FL-15210 MVNZ Flherglass-Impact Opaque and Glaie(AC-Drawings\FL-15210(2017AFL-152I0J-9.dwg,4.1 -17 Z m y. W 6 y0 C) D eb b r r- n C7 7a (rnN A w 0 O N A A W V N v (n W A N Q Z P tr � TA AN (atN i+.N 7D �p I� 0 ON N m co n r p n v ,p v Z OD [a� 4 A W M r r A A O 0 r~ s. (t'rn N z � btl • a 4 p``��t�SCNM����i� 0.15'C-SINK n No.43400 PRODUCT: Go—M..tn ftpd 9y: 1.1 �. r7 PLASiPRO INC Lyndon F. SchmidtS •�7;?!P.,",�6;�`� D, FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 'i,, 6yZI, '.zy W 2 T 24 T7 UPDATE TO 6TH E0. 2017 FSC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: ,(jJj� BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. p f0 1 3 9 T5 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC JK HORIZONTAL k VERTICAL "' W P.O. Box 230, VDIr1co, FL 33595 (fl v N NO DATE NY CROSS SECTIONS (2X 8t1CK) FSpE CA No. 98139197 REVISIONS 0 2016 R.W.BUILDING CONSULTANT.IND. • R:\Olents\Nastpm,Inc PERMANENT\A-Florida Product Approvals\FL-15210 HVHZ Fl6erglass-Impact Opaque and Glazed\[-Drawings\FL-15210(2017)\FL-35210.7-94wg,5.1 rn e a ; a d4 ° c x °� O-= x� O N z Cc z �0 0 g o^x "4 co 0 � S N X Q� co G) 0 0 ? 2► N rn L M rn X a o th Gt v> a 3>« n ° Y7 T' or rn ;. F N V m 2 1� °v !J Cti 1, /r/ ...........! /i 1-114"MIN. �� V,.•'uCEN@ '•;r EMB.PP.i I No.43409 qq gg PRODUCT: 0ecamante Pn p—d By: ��.t� •�,4` 5 S Lyndon F. Schmidt ��i O'•••''AZORtO�;'. PLASTPRO INC /� F7BERCLASS DOOR P.E. No. a3ao9 //i'11NAL1 1 •Y` m 2 7/24/17 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2017 FEiC �IK PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS. INC. r P to r` 1 3 9 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC r P.O. Bax 230. Valrico, FL 33595 vNO DATE HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL y+ Phone No.: 813.859.9197 REVISIONS CROSS SECTIONS (7X BUCK) FBPE CA No. 13813 2016 R.W.aumc,,Na CGNSuLrANT3(No. R:\Olents\Plastpro, c PERMANENTIA-Florida Product Approvals\FL-15210 HVHZ Fiberglass-Impact Opaque and Glazed\C-Drawings\FL-15210(2017)\FL-15210.7A.dwg,6.1 c rN7' � gII=0O •, MIN. 7 o Z o �O Q � m � m a to C7 3 ° o A O Cgs �m Z c C 1-1/4"MIN. HA n EMB.(TYP. H I� I0 �o aN fa� O s Z a m o 3OOr A :3 z z °.I. f7 o Z H o v n 3: MIN. F- 0 Z 1.S'MAX. 4"— H " MAX Oo 0 z o m' MIN. 0(D Z ° � a n Cr �? O Oo m c to o D EMB.(TYP.) 0 y A •-� O A o n A 3 fA G Z� �g °.-. 3n n n to MIN. ``1W11111111", CHIy/O CT n z L4.26' ° l.S' V MAX. '.. ........... uBF' No.43409 ' 5L� Q PRODUCT: 0oeumente Proporod 6Y: � • In PLASTPRO INC Lyndon F. Schmidt �i��(S'•.!.O......•'`y���� IO1 I z R m FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 0 _ o N 2 7 24 17 UPDATE TO 6TH ED. 2017 FBC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: @�A,BUILDING CONSULTANTS. INC. Io V1 1 3 9 15 UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC JK rJL�P.O. Box 230,Valrleo, F1 33595 o N NO DATE BY 7ORIZO AL k VERTICAL vYYY Phone No.: 813.659.9197 REVISIONS SECTIONS DIRECT TO MASONRY) FBPE C.A. No. 9813 0 2D1 2 R.W.BUILD—CONtaL1LTANTB INC. R:\Clents\Plastpro,Inc PERMANEfti\A-Florida Product ApprovalS\FL-15210 HVHZ Flbergla%-Impact Opaque and Glaxed\C-Drawings\FL-15210(2017)\FL-15210.7^9.dwg,7.1 i E f rn 4" Ma V•—• � 0 m rte•• ° P N N fn . °P s ° m A a Q w � P ° OWW . A ° P 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.(TYP.) M O T ' T r ° O p0 Z H M go 0 ° P p rn 1-1/4°MIN. EMB.(NP.) `tttpNunr77yfj Is • No.43409 •, PRODUCT: Documents Preparod By, I Pt1M1STPR4 INC LY»eo» F. Schmidt ��i � 4�`'•Cry.�� P.E. No. 43409 •••�'�-��� FIBERGLASS DOOR 0 2 7 24 f7 UPDATE TO BTN ED. 20f7 PBC JK PART OR ASSEMBLY: fi� BUILDING CONSULTANTS, INC. !! p x (7) 1 21/9115 UPDATE TO 5TH EO. 2014 FBC JK eJ L P.C. Box 230,Valrlco. FL 33895 I� 14 ro NO DATE BY SECTIONS (11iCA RESN THRESHOLDS) Phone No.: 813sss.91 s7 REVISIONS FSPE G.A. No, 9813 0 2016 R.W.a—DING CONVULTANTe INC. (TYP.) Z rc:Oj o rn p in L 2X BUCK ... TYP.HEAD O, ..• 1X BUCK �r�rt1l Il�s�� z C;;;o MASONRY — &JAMBS _ o M z U N 0 N MASONRY TYP.HEAD& o v a x ZO a OPENING OPENING JAMBS \ o Em o m o v .0 J L W i aNa 'maaf° n E LZ � 9 Lj FRAME — o ap a2X BUCK p 45 m U5 v t4 F C- 2X BUCK o x o N z 0 m a a oD » 'o M m E 1 TYP.@ SILL I°i° g + cn N N O F � BUCKANCHORING HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING STRIKEJAMB o o m n Q CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: _ 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. 29 ({ 1 X BUCK a a is edge distance to mortarjoints. 1X BUCK 11 0 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as'MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to 58 2X BUCK a maintain the min.edge distance to modarJoints,additional concrete anchors 1X BUCK r r a may be required to ensure the"MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. 58 2X BUCK 28 ❑ H 9 N m o 3.Concrete anchor table 11 n" ANCHOR ANCHOR. MIN: M1N CLEARANCE MIN CLEARANCE: 2X BUCK _ 1X BUCK H o O Z U w TO MASONRY TO.ADJACENT 1X BUCK FI Dare 6/18/12 = z » TYPE SIZF .: EMBEDMENTo EDGE.......:.......ANCHOR....:. _ ITW 4" 2X BUCK 58 D 11 SCALE N.T.S. 9 P 27 2� DWG. BY. JK m' e ELCO ® 114' 1-1/4" 1" 4" aux.Bt; LFS 3 uLTRAcoN LATCH AND DEADBOLT DETAIL - 'LATCH AND DEADBOLT DETAIL DRAW NG ND.: Wkset Signature Series N Schlage F&B Series FL-15210.7 oTAPCON HINGE DETAIL SHEf 8 OF 10 ® j (TYP.) r'ol 0,AM v n Col. d �pjy a 6 m n 28 .; /TTI Itttt o 0 CO z U N in P 49/16"JAMB • o a x za v e Z 0 n m U M ❑ a p 6-9/16"JAMB O� E N g o L m _ — a ".� m d e.u. 27 MASONRY DIRECT TO in d OPENING MASONRY C6 u uz LATCH AND DEADBOLTDETAIL HEAD(TYPXJMAB ) Schlage F&B Series M 29 11 �o z zo � 9 a 49/16 p ocn = M FRAME - M sE r6-9/16 �27 'a "4?LATCH ANDDEADBOLTDEfAIL �p � o Kvvikset Signature Series o � a a o m C N E HINGE DETAIL — m m �a p TYP.Q SILL n�* J ( N N N (n _ _ W W O V• �rn W O � _ CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: ~ E 1.Concrete anchor locations of the comers may be adjusted to mainfoin the min. edge distance to mortarjoints. a ••• .,a o 0 a 2.Concrefeanchorbcationsnofedas MAX.ONCENTER"mustbeadjustedto HINGE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING STRIKEJAMB >> i C motntain the min.edge distance to mortar joints,additional concrete anchors may be required to ensure the AMAX.ON CENTER"dmensron are not exceeded. Direct to Masonry Construction rn w i 3 Concrete anchor fable N a oANCHOR ANCHOR M1N MIN CLEARANCE MIN-t1,EARANCE: n s o ¢ .: TO MASONRY 70 ADJ..... m ._...TYPE S1ZE fMBEbMENY ; _ .:...:. ..... _. .. .._.......EDGE': .. ..'ANCHOR......, a'•z o AT P UAMM 18 12 i ELCO ULTRACON 1/4• 1-1/4• 1" 4" `••�E• N.T.S. owc.ITr: JK m SOWN 1.1/T• CHK 9Y: LFS 3 WOOD SCREW Malntoin a MrJmurn 5/9'IOdge distance,aDRAWING )•end distance,&1-o.c.spacing of FL—15210.7 N $ wood screws to prevent the spritf7ng of wood. 0 • sHFEr 9 OF O 1 N D Bill OFMATERIALS �.�` , �/�1-1 ITEMS DESCRIPTION MATERIA! Q•••••. Y o A 1X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD =_.33� °ea=i B 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD zO- "= C 1/4"MAX.SHIM SPACE - :d%. / � _2 QO1•,n D 114'X 2.3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL �i�' •... ...• . c m m E MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI CONCRETE /////IssYt�� zomo 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90on Z H 3/16"x 3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL V v i .z o I 1/4"X 1,3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E m m J 1/4"X 3-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL i<N n 5 0°c a L #10 X2-1/2"PFH WOOD SCREW(US'MIN.EMBEDMENT) STEEL c LL o m a a� M 3/16"X 2-1/47W fTW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL E a z N 3/16"X 2.3/4"ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL S 3a 1 1 X PFH ELCO CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 1 � POLY FIBER JAMB COMP./VINYL ��4.56"� � 4.56" 2 FINGER JOINTED PINE FRAME WOOD 7 WEATHERSTRIP FOAM �o 9 4"X 4"BUTT HINGE STEEL n ?$ C w 11 #9 X 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL — II ern r sa 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL F, F--2.36" m 0 28 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE STEEL 2.44"--�--2'13" cz w o v 29 DEADBOLT STRIKE PLATE(SECURITY) STEEL POLY FIBER JAMB WOOD JAMB 30 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/WOOD Plastpro o 33 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/WOOD 34 OUTSWING THRESHOLD ALUM/WOOD =v, a a 40 DOOR PANEL-SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (--5.62' m 58 #8 X 2'PFH WS I STEEL q �a g N N N x = W W O �1 OUTSWING THRESHOLD vs G J° Endura(Z-Series) u�i i, 4.56" 4.6" ~ a o d » z z n F m z NVQ Z N^Z U 30 OORWING THRESHOLD 34 OLRSWING THRESHOLD u1re 6/18/12 i DLP(QOSR) E Umbla High Dam(581) a Srmc. N.T.S. Mr.aY JK m S muc.BY: LFS 3 DRANNG NO-- s" FL-15210.7 0 SHEff 10 OF 10 ®' d