HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecorded NOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4519050 OR BOOK 4221 PAGE 2488, Recorded 01/10/2019 02:45:08 PM Permit No. State of L. _ Count} of'--* Tax Folho No Cj'� NOTICI- OF C0M`,Il[NCF lFNF 'rhe undersigned hereby gives notice that i mproeement \kill he made to cc rfain real property and in accordance ttith Chapter 713. Florida Stat UtCS the toIlow ing information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. (legal description of the propero. and street address ifacailahle) ocl 1J) 2. General description ofimprorement 3. O,,cner information or Lessee information if the Lessee a Name and complete address{i b. Interest in property c Name and complete address of fee simple titleholder_ the i (if 'ditlerent from Ovrncr listed above): _D ) 4, Contractor Inlormatio i. son rep Bible to the improeemern a Contractor flu ��L { `� �`i tJ� TL�J I / 2 r1 � ��(1`�f1 tuC�tr L - (�21 name and complete address) b. Contractors phone number 7 1 5. Surety ( it'applicable. a coP) of the pacment b' td is attached) a. Name and complete addresses b. Phone number c. Amount of bond S 6. a. Lender )-'d f\ (name and complete address) h Lenders phone number 7 Persons within the State of Florida designated by O,�ner upon NOw notices or other documents may he sen ed as prop ided b} Section 713.13( 1 ) (a) 7. Florida Statutes- 1 a- Name and complete address- N b. Phone numbers otdesignated persons R a. In addition to himself or herself. Okcner of Statutes. b Phone number of person or entity designated bs owner 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement a different date is specified). to receive a cope ofthe Lienor's Notice as prov-ided in Section 713 13( 1 )(b). Florida the expiration date �t ill be I year from the date of recording unless WARNING TOONN NER: ANN PAYMENTS MADE BY 'FHL OWNER AF VER THE EXPIR ITION OF"rHE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAN HIEN I'S If CH:IPTER 713. PART I. SECTION 713.13. FLORIDA STAT( TES. AND CAN REStLT IN I"OUR PAYING TWICE FOR INIPROVEMENTSTO I'OtIR PROPF.RTI. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT II( ST BE RECORDED AND POSTED OV THE .JOB SITE BEFORE TILE FIRST INSPECTION. IF I'O( IN VEND TO OBTAIN i N.INCING. CONSCI: r IF ITt1 I'Ot`R LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING -RNO ICF: OF70NWNCt TIENT (5"lie"11),irector of O�cner of Lessee_ or Ots-Herser Lessee S ;luthorized 'Partner Nlanaeer) (Si:;nautns TitleiOl)'icci F IL TI da% of___ J V\_ '_0 4 by l y Y1 C L' i \ e Cb (name of person l as _C� h i�1JL - ( n pe of authority.e e. officer_ trustee. attomer in fact) for _ _ (nawe,61 pan\ on behalf of whom Instrument was executed), (Si ridture of Notan Start of rlor a) MARK KENNY 01 int. Type_ or Stamp commissioned me of Notan Public ) Commission # GG 144499 * * September 19, 2021 Personalh Knonn _ OR Produced Identification _ y�kaExpires Bonded Thru Budget Notary Services