HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAししAPPしICA飢EINFOMUSTBECOMPし打EDroRAPPしICAT10NTOBEACCEPT帥 Date:                    PermitNumbe「: 誓聾聾電醤溺一 義曇 ̄ 萱●国事1教案〇〇書は 漢音は、田園。。尺∴-D礼二一三雲三園 l ̄〉_ ̄ ̄ ̄、)__ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄_  BuildingPermitApplication PIomingondDeveIopmentSe,vices Bu脚ngondCOdeRegu加わnDiv崩on 諾警護葦富嵩等:露-15,8 Commercial  Residentia一里__ !p酬TAPPし一CATIONFOR:Sh竺          l l菓 Add.。SS:G\L\aS_ ̄iろY-aYf‘\ff-¶ic‘ノE: 。。ga,。。S。,,p,i。n:$r,CMC\,曾c*Cisf\UしM阜生しdil| pr。Pe叩XID♯:ら?)宅掲→・8も、・C)OaaoC)OOPへ しOtNo.n sit。P-anN。m。,C5VWC\YY`良r\、NⅥY\ BlockNo・ .午涌∨八小へ㊥云 ̄\M〃\五 ProJeCtName.一 人 setbacksFront  Back:_RightSide:-しeftSide: 書l獲 ∴:∴∴∴∴:∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴∴∴∴ lNSTALurlONOFL5〉FBC-APPROVEDACCORDIONSHUTTERS A覇:OrktO龍霊前der芭器eCk ロ軸ic口.Iumbing□sp,inkI。,S 訓蹴霊 □wind。WS,。。。.S 口。en。,a,。,□R。。f□R。。f。it。h :霊誌霊室こし2,.。。 U,,,,,,謂霊臣。.,.Bu,,d-ngH。,gh,:」_ 一、=一言」’ふ高_ノ詰襟章一 ∴-一_-、、二,つ′、ノア-二・/〇 二 一 ÷一 N Sトの有人小へ 忠、俄N>大小\ Name:SAMULE乙AZA ame、 Add,。SS‥ ̄c\噛-e)Tow:付近圭 ̄「as\J> city:Q≠+C2rl\Yti-し入r\e_一State‥壬三〇- zipC。de‥うL\CitG)Fax‥」一/ ph。neN。「「/a`・側.〈科しC) E-Ma酷く〕高丸亀血人やイ予け@琳Vl凧∫飾 問Iinf。。SimpIeTitl。H。Id。rOnneXtPage†frofferent companY:JUSTSHUnERITINC Address:1029SWS.MACEDOBV c時PORTSTLUC惟      State:聖二 ZipCode:34984     Fax: ph°neNo.772-201-9919 E_MaiI:JUSTSHUTTERIT@GMAILCOM StateorCountyLicense:24293 fromtheOwne川stedabove) Ifvalueofconstruct!onisi2500ormore,aRECORDEDNoticeofCommencementisrequired. i→ヽ 琴襲 ヽ」 誌畷翳護暴落柔窯業蚤繋ぎ ∴こ∵二審∴二子 翳委譲‡発案蒙繋欝ミ牽 ∴÷ ÷亭主二二二二二二三園∵∴二言三二∵∴、言†∴㍉;∵∵∴∴:∵:∴ノ∵∴∴:∴:∴∵丁子∴∵∴∴∴∵∴: GN各 圭ゞ雪雲二 /帥GIN駈R: )4NotApplicabIe MORTGAGECOMPANY: し〆NotApplicab-e D電S R Name● Address' City: State:_ City:              State: Zip‥   Phone: // Zip:   Phone:/,// 醒SlrPし押し帥OしD鰍:七‘姫A師Cable BONDINGCOMPANY:  ±∠剣otApplicable N ame● ▲       - Address. Ci・ Zip:     Phone: Zip:     Phone: I certify that no work or instaIlation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit- 盤鵠籍灘謙譲諾諾灘鰐認識鵠縛晶 In consideration of the granting ofthis requested permit, i do herebγ agree that l w時n訓respects′ Perferm the work in accordance with the approved plans′ the FIorida Bu脚ng Codes ∂nd St.しucie Countγ Amendments. The falIowing bui-ding permit applications are exempt from undergoing a fu= concurrency review: rOOm additions′ accessolγ StruCtureS′ SWimming pooIs, fences′ W訓s′ Signs′ SCreen rOOmS and accesso'γ uSeS tO anOther non-reSidential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paYing twice for be recorded and posted on the jobsite with Iender or an a慣OmeY beforeintend to obtain financing, COnSuI improvements to your proP叩y. A Notice of CommenceTlent muSt St inspection, lf youbefore the WOrk or Our Notice of Commencement. as Agent for Owner STA丁E OF FしORiDA COUNTY OF The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this甘dayof喜子年子喜一一20伊y PerSOn aCknowIedging ) (S吃natu「e of Notary Public- Persona=y Know Type of ldent筋 Commission No. of Contractor/しicens STATE OF FしORIDA _ COUNTY OF 器常磐†弼S a竺鞄曹me 圃害容量害含量害 (Name of person acknowledging ) ignature of No Personally Known Type of Identific Commission No. RevisedO7/15I2014 徽-ふき       診灘 .図 R各ViEWS 戸RON丁 ● 醐 翻s。R PしANS VEGETATION s言溜醒品 附 MANGROVE COUNTER REV惟W R亡VI各W R且VI巨W REVi各W REVI各W REVIEW DA丁と COMPしETE !NITIALS