HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct InformationResidential Gas Water Professional Classic t Atmospheric Water Heaters The new degree of comfort:" Professional Classic°Atmospheric gas water heaters are engineered for more hot water at a low operating cost Efficiency • .59 -.64 UEF • More hot water at a low operating cost Performance • FHR: 55 - 87 gallons • Recovery: 30.3 to 40.4 GPH at a 900 F rise, depending on model Guardian System'" & Sensor • Exclusive air/fuel shut-off device • Maintenance free — no filter to clean • Protective control system that disables the heater in the presence of flammable vapor accumulation cambuelbn slwt-•n syetam Fame amortor Plel• Mninlonnnce Frro Low Emissions • Eco -friendly burner, low NOx design • Meets 40 ng/J NOx requirements Longer Life • Premium grade anode rod provides long-lasting tank protection Altitude Certification • All models certified up to 5,999 feet above sea level, some certified up to 10,000 feet. Consult factory for specifications Plus... • Easy to light — no matches required • EverKleen'" patented system fights sediment build-up • Exclusive RheemglaO tank lining resists corrasion and prolongs tank life • Enhanced flow brass drain valve • Temperature and pressure relief valve included • Low lead compliant • Standard replacement parts Warranty • 6 -Year limited tank and parts warranty' • With ProtectionPlus"the 6 -year limited tank warranty becomes 10 -year 'See Residenfial Warranty Certificate for complete information Units meet or exceed ANSI requirements and have been tested according to D.O.E. procedures. Units meet or exceed the energy efficiency requirements of NAECA, ASHRAE standard 90, ICC Code and all - state energy efficiency performance criteria. Professional Classic Atmospheric 29, 30, 40 and 50 -Gallon Capacities Up to 40,000 Btu/h Natural and LP Gas Ar9lctninn. -^ See specifications chart on back. PRINTED IN JeA. 04117 we FORM NO. 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