HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit Z p lannir��&[?evelopnnent�Services. i tion D�u+iion y Buil inl' Code Regula ;2300 Vii Jnia AVe'A6e_ t Port Pidece, FL3498 -- �-„� 772.462=2165 or 7,72`=462-2172 ' Fax 772-462-6443 r a RO.L7F INSPECTION AFFII}AV1T; 1812-0382 1 Please nnJesus Medina licensed as a Coritractor”' ngineer%ai chitect '. p . f t.name&circie.licensett pe) *FS468 BUilding Inspe4or. .- #Generot,Building,Residential or Roofing Conuoctor or ,ny tndrnd ual ccrti/Ted under-068 F.S.to make sudh an inspection t , On or about .il did,personally inspect the-.roof deck nailn>; (Pate) - ., -�:7903:Lockwood t1,t,Fort Pierce,.FL--34951 - work ()ob.site address) , Based upon that examih� ion 1 fiave dr_termined tfelnstallation visas done.accoc3irg:to the.current edition°of the-Florida Existing Build ing'Code 5ection,708 or,.the product apprvyal suhmitted'r(whichever °is most strigent). g store n Seal license# Sv�arnto;'and subscr'�� b i',We mc'thi .day of • t r �'Jhrf,.is'perscsriaily k'—. no 'to� orivho has02oduced - ' aside4iffication. .s N©t3ry PCsbl'c,SEateof(tori $l nature af'#tocarye - Corm»�ssi6n`Nymn er:_. 1 , } x ,Joseph ,Gomez,' <i0fllNSSIOR 0 GG!61404 ` � ,� 6xp4teS Pdovem�t t6 2021 �', L,r ,