HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20190123 (2)All APPLICABLE INFER MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLI TIO TO 8E ACCEPTED Cate: 01122J2019 Permit Number: Building .Permit Application Planning and Dewe loom -en# cervices Budding -arae' Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Forr Pierce FL 34-982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fix: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT -FYPE:HVAC Mechanical AC Change out PROPOSED INFIROVEMENT LOCATION: CLOSET Address, 8415 Mulligan Circle ##4724 Fort Saint Lucie, FL 349$6 Property Tax ID #: 3327-502-0240-000-8 Lot No.__ Site Plan Name: CASTLE PINES CONDO ��INIUM {CR 1342 } VNIFT 4724 {OR 209°1-14a.2: 35-A-��� ; ����-��1� Block No. Project Name- HVAC Meehanic;al AC Change out, LIKE FOR LIKE DETAILED DESCRIPTION r F !OR : A.'G Change Out, Install RHEEM 2,,5 Torn, 16 Seer, 5 KW Heater, traiccht Cool Split Systern, LIKE FOR LIKE CONSTRUCTION STRUCTION INF R ATION: Additional, work to be perforrried under this permit= cheek all that apply: Mechanics Electric Total Sip_ Ft of Construction: Gas Tank Plumbing Cost of Construction: 4,200.00 Name James P_ Kane Gas Piping — Sprinklers Shutter Generator Sq. Ft. of First Flood: U ti I iti es: _ Sewe r — Septic Address_ &415 Mulligan CIRCLE #4724 City; Port Saint Lucie State: L zip Cole-, 3498 Fay: Phone No.7724659150 E-Mail:p!gaj1rrS r_omcast.nct Fill in fee simple Tone Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Windows/Doors Roof Fitch Building Height: CONTRACTOR: Name: Koily Certosimo Company: Air Tamp Air Conditioning, Inc_ Address: 651 NW Enterprise Drive Suit# 107 City: Port Saint Lucie##: FL Zip bode: 34986 Fax. Phone No 772-340-0740 E -Mail airtempac@yahoo.corn State or County License CACI 15'1 X37 If vatue of construction is $2500 -or more, a RIECORDED Notice of Co rnmencer rt is rL-quireM. If value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is ne4uired. UPPLE MFNT .L CONTR U CRON Ll EN - LAW I NF RMATION: DESIGNER ENGINEER- Not Applicable Name - Address, iCity- State: zip: Phon-E! FEE -SIMPLE TrrLE HOLDER Not Applicable Name: Address: City; Zap: Phon-e: -- MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name:- — -- - Ad di rens-- City: state-, Zip: Phone: - BONDING COMPANY: Name.— Address, ameAddrens: City:— ZIP: Phone: Not Applicable OWN ERI CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work of installation has comm -enc prior to the issuance of a Permit 5t. Lucie County males no representation that is granting a permit mw 11 authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with airy applicable Dome Owners Association rul , bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please ton:�uit with your Home Owners Association arra review your deed forany restricti`ons which may apply - In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, i do hereby agree that l will, in all refpi=_C`t5, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Buifding Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments_ The following building permit applications art ex isnot front undergoing a full concurrency review; room additiom, accessory structures, swim ming pools, fences, waIIs. signs, screen roomsand accessoryusesto wiDtht- Tnon-rre5idenfi8l use ARMING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resvi# in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Nonce of Commencement ant most be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the fiat inspection. if You intend to obtain financing, -consult with lender or an -attorney befare cornu -encing Mgrl ,qr recprding pur Notice of Commencement. Signature of Own er/,fessee/co ritractor as Agent for Cbwner STATE Of FLO R1 LSA s E COUNTY OF u, The f oirw,g 3nstMrrlent wnras acknowledg7 • before ME this lay of ° ' ' 20j by .1 a m.& o j person ma ki rig state meat, Personalty KnQ n 0R Proclux. d Identification Type of identiiflc.ation Produced A t r j npAjana r 9Ut}11G7S'�e a7 C sgitp l MY-SQrn°�rr)15V-0r''7 13 a REVJEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED 112 . x[.1 tete FR gel, UC4'S51LUW0:)Aft -2 UU00 alels D9 N I FRONT ONING SUPERVISOR CGUNTE11 Fir EV EW REVIEW i 5iignature of Contrag`dr/Livens-e Holder ' TATE OF FLOR11 COUNTYOF L ii..' 0"-C. Thee f g ing irbstr Lnent'was acknowledge d -before me this, ,.lay of - 20 by Name f pe m9 l ma loving statement. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of identification Produced (Signature of N I.* % -Y PUVIQ Stake W F Commission N • rherjnE 00nr IV., CartlMitRIL; CiC9 d' E'Vpfas Cao PLANS VEGETATION SEA TU RTLE � MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW ! REVIEW REVIEW 3 This combination qualities for a Feder -al Enema Efficiency tax Credit when, placed in service betvveen Feb 17,2009 and Dec 31, 2016. Certifflocateof Product Rakin-d- AHRI Cetfied Refer -,rhe Humber -, 2012a 1646a Date: 01-25L201;5 Dlti AHRI Refemirice 'Number : 7941343 AHRI Type : PCU -A -C 3 Series Outdoor Unit STand Name _ RHESM Outdow Urtir Model Number (rtd�an-sor c)r Single Package) : PA1 G,90AJf Indoof- nit Brand Name, : IndDor Unit 1 cid Number (Evaporatcw andlior Air Handler) ; FSH 1 T3617STAN Fumace Model Number : Model SULm, . Affrve R&g�o ti - Ail (AK, AL. AR, AZ. CA. CO, GT, DC. :011=-, 1-L.,rA, H1. IG, IL, IA, IN, X$i KY. LA. MA, IVID, PAE, W MN. IVD, MS. MT, PJC, NC), NE, NH' UVJ, NF.t'i, NV, NY, 011-11, OFA, OR, PA, ISI, SC, SD. TN, TX, 0T, VA, VT. WA. I , VWI, �4{Y, U.S� Terrilriri�sj Regio -n iNoto : rentrel air conditioners manufaCtuled prior to J -ani ary 1, 2-41 are eV!gible to be 137slall:ed in ail regiocs until .Pune 313, 2016. Beginninq JLEIY 1, 21D16 c&ntfal air conditonem can 67Ey be En:s�aIled in regionfs) for whic1h they Mt'et the rnPIF innal efficilancy requiremenL The manufacturer of this RHEEM pmKhj t Jr. responsible fof thu rating of this system eorribinMi n. [dated -as rollows in acr-ordance With the latesl odii orr of ANS UAKRI 2161140 wilh A.dda nda 1 and 2, P'etrforman Rating Qf L16tary Air-CondifiWq111119 & Air -Source Heat R-umP Eq tfiprr amt -and subject to rating accuracy by AH RJ -Sponsored, independent, lh5 d pearly ke5drlg: Coilinu 1�-aci (A2) - Sinop gr High Stage (45F), Jbtuh - 29006 SEER. -16.00 E ER (A2) - Single or High 'Stage (96F) 13.04 JEER t"!'WtftilW Modul Stattis are '.hMe that Or "Rl CerificatLon Rrtx�jrArn Pafticipant is emenUy producing AND selling irorrurkrg foT sale; OR riew rnoL l} that ar8 ,being stein a a� r W yot Wng proc�uaed."Pfodwion Slapped' t Fl 9fiatus aTe those to at an A11RP Coffrativn Prorsam' `I ant is na ]anger proriu6ng BUT is s�'.i r�arke�6e:ti apt fing f }� dun?ark re -rate_ 1 I1 n �u uL sF _ n'n lorti +h the previous s a g o �aF or qtr. . a r iud h WAS srrdicate an �,uv 01$$CLAIM EIS AARI dam hot cndoTw Me producq:!�)11stW on c is Urtltteatt! and makes no representation*, warranties or guarant y as to. and assume6 no resoonsitaility for, the product(s) 1W. -W on this Certiflcatis- AHRI wxioressl}. dl&d.alms all 14,j ility for damages of arty hind ;1risinj�, out of the use or TwTormanee cril the praduct{s). or the ,2n;guthorised slterafloo of data listed an this Certii;crtj-,, Ceniffied ratingLim, alid DnlyfDr modets and eonfill;umtions listed In tF.e circ --!;Wry at ..... ,,, .. . � . TERMS AND CON DITrONS Th is Certificate and its cvntcntm are proprieksty products of AHF43_ Fhv Cenincute st of I only be used fear ind4idrial, personal and c4rb'fidentiol reference puapd ,. Tho contents of this Gwrfificate may not, In whtatr- pr 1n pant, be reproduced; eop:ed; rtise-;orninated, eitteneA :lntQ , Grnputer database; or gthprwisu utlllzed„ i.,_ aiiy r-Prm ax manner or by any mean5,1UxoQpt f4or the User,& indivldual, z. _ personal and conn- "UM roference,.�iDtTeC... GERTrFICATE VERIFICATION iha Inforrnafloa for thr model cited an thi& ur_ri nup;,e can beverihed at :h �i`r C�+ar:_� , tllck an'V;rrif°c 1rcrEirie �� ' ruiF€ bt rn.el.t lire Iscrne r" tined Tinter the AHRI CertlfEe!d Rcferronec Number and the d,Dte on Which the eerj-ific4.tc eras issued, bVhWh P, listed afar_ and the Cartldrtate No., whacIc is Ilsied 7A lirvttom right QD2018 Ai r Co n dition] ng, Heati ng, and Refrigm-Aicn I nstitute CERTIFICATE NO.: 1316 r 1.2814701 06W