HomeMy WebLinkAboutWindow Contract JN ewS o uth 2526 Okeechobt llvd.•West Palm Beach,FL 33409-4006 WINDOW;oLunolvs 561-712-9000•561-478-4100 fax www.NewSou hWind w.com Lic#CRC-1330822 Made• Florida for Florida Homes / Date /0�023/� To 10h •CQ 6-k74 / E-mail Q G 444 O� 4 00. I..-, r � S _ q � 7 9/3 !of 74 J r0- 64�pf Home Phone / Cell Phone City l State Zip Business(Mr./Mrs.) Replacement Windows•Entry&Patio Doors•Storm Doors•Impact Resistant Windows&Door 2ci frg 'PF WHOLESALE&RETAIL WINDOW CONTRACT l A�� 9�„ C`�.rG�® NewSouth Window Solutions agrees to measure,manufacture or furnish and service the following custom made windows for the amount STIPULATED BELOW: s�/4•• All NewSouth Vantage Series Windows include Double Pane,Low-E glass with Argon gas,and 12 point fusion welded corners. • ' �� ,t� All Vantage windows are sealed and vacuum tested�f rr-superior argon retention. `G0 A, IQ Color Ootiogs(whole window)l,�White Dian ❑Bronze(exterior only) Interior c ❑ olors White Tan 0 /` colors may vary siighty from sample (Initial) ��'© /t LOW-E GLASS: 366 GLASS 0 340 GLASS OBSCURE GLASS O YES q(r NO TEMPERED GLASS O YES 0 4^NO ��,et , ALL SASHES AR A GONFILLED-WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE LOCATION: /\ LOCATION: 7: Gt& 0 ATantage u Gjanta e9000 Single HungVantage 9000 Impact ❑other:- ,A. C) QUANTITY DOUBLE HUNG E-VANTAGE ❑ °UANfnn PATIO DOORS �( 9 ? (HALF-SCREEN STANDARD)D Full Screen O impact 0 non-impact ❑Open Praire Grids `�% SINGLE HUNG ARCH OR ❑ t qa�U III 9000 SINGLE HUNG(HALF-SCREEN) CI impact 0 non-Impact Indicate size,draw arrows for direction 0 5/0 x 6/8 0 9/0 X 6/8 of slide outside looking In(O5U) 0 5/0 x 8/0 CI9/0 X 8/0 y .- 2 LITE SLIDER E-VANTAGE ❑ 0 6/0 X 6/8 ❑12/0 X 6/8 @�y �j 1I (XX,HALF-SCREEN STANDARD)O Full screen ❑6/O X 8/O 0 12/0 X 8/0 8 ``// 4/ ❑8/0 X 6/8 �'I 9000 SLIDERXX or t;�i(0 ,[ 0 16/0 X 6/8 outside looking in impact O n n-i pact ,\ ❑8/0 X 8/0 ❑16/0 X 8/0 )( PICTURE WINDOW VANTAGE (NO SCREEN) O impact O non-impact 3 PANEL PATIO DOORS -- O impact 0 non-impact 3 LITE SLIDER WITH PICTURE WINDOW(2 SCREENS) indicate size,draw arrows for direction of slide outside lookingin O impact 0 non-impact 1/4—1/2—1/4 configuration - 4 PANEL PATIO DOORS 0 AWNING� ❑Impact Onon-impact uCA5EMCNTIO5LII =nEETHMGE n ELRIGiR"GE indicate size,draw arrows for direction of slide B DOUBLE CASEMENT outside looking in 0 impact O non-Impact 0 HALF 0 EYEBROW 0 QUARTER-ROUND El 0 TRAP 0 OTHER ROUND (DRAW IN SPACE) i GRID STYLES 0 STANDARD 0 CONTOUR 0 BRASS/GOLD/PENCIL Was this home built prior to 1978?0Yes If yes,the undersigned egress to the terms d conditions of the Mf,. ❑Colonial I:i 0 Prairie • 0 Open Prairie NewSouth Lead Safe Work Practices Add d if house tens postive Miles for lead,an additional S65 per window will be to the balance. I♦MI♦ ��M !,`,/j f//—,/v� -U. IMI ••. SIMMBuyer's Signature TOTAL NUMBER OF WINDOWS ON THIS ORDER: TOTAL DOORS: 0 *"Subject to NewSouth field engineering and approval. 0 Customer agrees to allow NewSouth to display a yard sign until 30 days after completion. TWOYEARS FREE IN HOME SERVICE BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL / yo v BUYER MAY CANCELTHIS CONTRACT BY DELIVERING WRITTEN NOTICE �Q Total price* $ / TO THE SELLER AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD Down payment. COL ^' $ / S�o� BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION.BUYER MAY Delivery/commencement. $ 57 0'1_ USE THIS CONTRACT AS THAT NOTICE BY WRITING"I HEREBY CANCEL" Balance due upon final $ >'-7d J AT THE BOTTOM AND ADDING BUYER'S NAME AND ADDRESS.THE window/door installa ' n. NOTICE MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SELLER AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE. 0 Bank Financing Cash on Completion All material is guaranteed to be as specified.All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standards and practices.This contract is valid only with proper signatures.NewSbuth shall not be held responsible for time and material delays,strikes,acts of God or any other matters beyond its control. NewSouth is not responsible for any pre-existing structural conditions. No other work to be done, all other work to be excluded.Owner agrees that the equity in this property is security for this contra Since this contract calls for made to order goods, it is not subject to cancellation except as stated above. Start installation approximately weeks from above date. Verbal promises can cause misunderstandings, therefore this contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties, and no other understanding, collateral,verbal or otherwise, shall be binding, unless signed by both parties. NewSouthutto remove and haul away all job related debris. .ales and di aunts allotted. All charges included above. Thank you/oU�rder � �G r�='� _ xi Buyer's Signature NewSouth R•res-,,.five x x • Buyer's Signature NewSouth Manufacturing Authorized Officer