HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICAKE INFO MUST 3E COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED 190Y. D Date: Permit Number_ [REQ E I UWE JAN 22 20 19 Building Permit Application Planning and Development Semites Permitting U e p a rt t Building find Code Regulation Division St. Lucie County, F 2301,Vrginia Avenue, Fort Pier•_e FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT AP.- LICATION FOR: Electrical E PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION:- Address: OCATION:Address: Legal Descripti3n: Propert%i Tax ID#: 1301-111-0001-00015 ?L Lot No. site Plan Name: Block No. Project:Name: Setbacks Front Sack: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace meter center with a combo pack COi'dSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work toe e orme under tis permit—.check a appy: aHVAC �GaSTank �GasPiping -_Shutters aWindows/Doors v' E;ectric Plumbing OSprinklers �Generator F Raaf Tota'Sq-Ft of Construction: S Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Canstr,:ction:S ,�"f�c�• (jC� Utilities. Eleptic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Narre Wynne Building Corp, Name: James W Law Address: 8000 S US#1 Suite 402 Company: Law's Electric, Inc. City: Port St_ Lucie State: FL Address: 218 Beach Avenue Zip Zode: 34952 Fax: City: Port St.Lucie State: FL Phone No. 772-878-5513 Zip Code: 34952 Fax: 772-878-3347 E-(Vail: Phone No_ 772-971-4512 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: lawselectricinc@aol.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: ER0000122 if value of cons''ruction is$2590 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required- Z'd -892 6-699-699 LtONZ ZLZAAV� 139V01, % ZZ Uer i SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNERIENGINEER: 1Vot Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY.- Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: t city: State: City: State Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY_ [Vat Applicable Name. Name: Address: Address: City: CO: Zip.: Phone: Zip: Prone: OWNER)CONTRACTOR AFFIDVLT:.Application is hereby madeto obtain a permit to do the work and installation as Indicated_ i certify that no worts or installation has commenced priorto the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie Cov ty m�'Ns noyreapresentation that is granting a permit wiR autharizethe t�enttit holder to build the subiect structure srrh-c�turenPleansfie ct n ithppi�ca. Home Clwners Assaraation rules,bylaws ar anc�covenants that may restrict or prohibit such your Horne Owners Association and review your dead for any restrictions which may apply_ in consideration of the granting of this requested permit,l do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St_Lucie County Amendments. Thefollowing building permit applications are exempt from undergoinga full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen roams and accessory usesto another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your#allure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result its your paying twice for improvements to your property_A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection.if you intend to obtain fenancin&consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording, our Notice of Commencement. 54 atureofOwnerjAgent)Lessee nature of ContractorjiicenseHolder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SC.LUCIE - COUNTY OF SI'.LUCIE The faraoing in ent was acknowiedge_dbefore me The forr*�ing instr prat was acknowledged before me thissz ay of z0, by this day o - 20, .by JAMES W LAW JAMES W LAW (t~iame of person ac' onliedging) (Name of person a'Iekrtrl •ledging) {Sgna lUotary Public-State of Florida) (Signature a Notary Public-state of Florida) Personally Known ' OR Produced identification Personally Known -"" OR Produced Identification - Type of Identification Produced Type of Identification Prodvaed commission 1Vo. G-d �7x�'� t JUW Commission'No.Z_ (Seal) NOTARY pl SLI Juliet taw A f IE OF FLORIDA ARY PUSLIC Revised 0711512014 C TIM#C{+it14 M � SKATE of FLOMPA Expires 11/1 Canmp o© xp rets 1/13,0(� REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGEi"AT10N SEATURTLE i1rlA AVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DAIS C PLETEl7 i•d -89Z6-b99-499 Ltr888L8ZLLMdI e9vQ6 66 ZZ Ue!'