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Product Approval-Exterior Doors
I , , , „ , _,,,., , ,,, ,,,,, ,„, . - „ n q� a v+s ^x`aca .u :. 1 e: ,_ n v .T r 'ti -�, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.„,,„,,,,,„„:„ . ..„,:,,,.,..„:,,,,,,- ,„,,,,,,, , , m T., � �} ,,„ _ ,,,, ef5at it,1 r; -''`k7s m `- a' k,_, ,i-gr ,...-..---,4: L }-i-,,-:� [ f - i q.x . s- i44 a , % 5....._�..-.��__....._........_ _� ..,....c......w.. �»! .._... ..�.._. ...:' k'4 'Z-5,- -7 <w�..a..... -.., ate , . L-= "Air,.T.37-7,=1.1'1'1 rm E tAO i BCIS Home Log In I User Registration Hot Topics ' Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts € Publications 1 FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search 1 dFlorida i a.,,Product Approval fill USER:Public User 1 Product Aporoval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application list>Application Detail ,,,,-...--..,----.,..,-,..0.--,,,-,,,c4. ; FL# FL14569-R9 t'',`7-'''''''-'—`„,a. ,, • Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 ° • -' Application Status Approved �o ? *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by ! - 1 the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. pp I Comments I , 1 Archived 0 ' !I • Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN ' ° ''';'''-==.# Address/Phone/Email 3737 LakeportiBlvd , Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (800) 535-3936 i' °"� fbcl@jeld-wen.com • Authorized Signature • Jason Kantola a : ; fbcl@jeld-wen.com . . Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Customer Service ` Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (800) 535-3936 } customerserviceagents@jeld-wen.com Quality Assurance Representative r1 Address/Phone/Email � I 1 Category Exterior Doors - ' - • ,; • -I Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing `4 '' Certification Agency National Accreditation &Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute I.': ''' ' „.,'`-;,--„,,,i:-*:1°.:,' 1 , I Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 1 s i TAS 202 • 1994 i TAS 203 1994‘ ' =:.:•i...:'.; ' .i I • != 1 Equivalence of Product Standards 1,, .. , =' „:',1';"==n •, I Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL14569 R9 Eouiv ASTM E84 Equivalency Letter SS 2017 08-31.odf a °. P, , i 1 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/02/2017 Date Validated 10/03/2017 ' Date Pending FBC Approval I ;. ,. Date Approved , 10/11/2017 Summary of Products �__ FL# Model, Number or Name Description } I 14569.1 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full;Lite Door, Outswing, 6'-0"x 6'-8" rr, Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate 1 .•-•"'-- Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC N1006255-R7 Certificate.pdf i ; Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, ;` Impact Resistant:Yes 09/30/2019 I- - ( Design Pressure: +60/-60 Installation Instructions per Product must be installed manufacturer FL14569 R9 II 3W0509-03 Installation.pdf l'''''' '' instructions as stated on drawing JW0509-03 Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i Evaluation Reports FL14569 R9 AE PER3392.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 5 11. ____ I, t 6`k� 14569.2 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full,Lite Door , Inswing, 6'-0"x 6'-8" I Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC NI006255.02-R3 Certificate.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Nes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date I. ' Impact Resistant:Yes 06/30/2019 Design Pressure: +60/-65 Installation Instructions Other: Fl1.4569 R9 II 3W0509-04 Installation.odf Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FI-14569 R9 AE PER3393.odf t Created by Independent Third Party: Yes i- "g7"�'" ' 14569.3 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Full Lite Door, Outswing, 6'-0" x 8'-0" [ ' , Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate ' Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC NI006254-R5 Certificate.pdf 1 , Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1 Impact Resistant:Yes 09/30/2019 s ;I�, Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14569 R9 II 3W0509-01 SS 2015-07-02.pdf [ '' Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 I . • " Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL1,4569 R9 AE PER3391.odf �Y Created by Independent Third Party: Yes l 14569.4 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Opaque Door, Inswing/Outswing, w/or w/o Impact&Non- Impact Rated Glazed Sidelites, 12'-0" x 6'-8" Limits of UseCertification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes Fl 14569 R9 C CAC NI011062 N1011.062.01 Certificate.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes i I pp Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. i Impact Resistant:Yes 04/30/2020 {'" Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: FL14569 R9 II 3W032012FL Installation.odf Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes c `-. Evaluation Reports FL14569 R9 AE PER3321.pdf i ; ,k ,; 11� Created by Independent Third Party: Yes { ' .. I 145b .5 Lontours Steel, wood tdge upaque uoor, inswing/uutswing, w/ or w/o impact tse Non- Impact Rated Glazed Sidelites, 8'-4"x 8'-0"iNti-: ` Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate .' ., Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC NI011061-R1 Certificate.pdf I "`i Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 04/30/2020 1 `-'.- ' ''-"' .' ' Design Pressure: +45/-45 Installation Instructions ' Other: FL14569 R9 II JW072012FL Installation.Ddf n0 �� Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports ( FL14569 R9 AE PER3322.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes, 14569.6 Contours Steel,Wood Edge Opaque Door, Outswing,w/or w/o Sidelite, 8'-11 x 6'-8" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate I . Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC NI011082-R1 Certificate.pdf " Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, i Impact Resistant: Yes 08/31/2019 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions rV g'-' Other: FL14569 R9 II S=2104 Installation.Ddf , -',,,r,',,,,, Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL14569 R9 AE ER3398.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 14569.7 Contours Steel, Wood Edge Opaque Door, Outswing,w/or w/out Sidelites, 8'-11"x 8'-0" 1. , , " Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate I. Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14569 R9 C CAC NI011096-R1-NI011096.01- t Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R1 .Certificate.pdf Impact Resistant:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: N/A 08/31/2019 Other: Installation Instructions (..�., , k FL14569 R9 II 5-2108-01.pdf ,`-' ° ' Verified By: Hermes Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports . FL14569 R9 AE PER3832.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes . ............. . .......--- Contact I,"./, Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee Fl 37191 Phone fl50-487-1824 I ., I The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement 1„," ,,,,,,-,eUnder Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your a-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do Inot send electronic imail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you'have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 1 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have = `t ` one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal i s address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., r --1 please click here. iProduct Approval Accepts: g l : ; Credit Card Safe securityuE.TRIcs- 1 L.--;-. , , I • • BUILDING DROPS 398 E. Dania Beach. Blvd A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 33004 'Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.399.8478 PH 954.744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com August 24, 2017 TO: Whom It May Concern FROM: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Registered Florida Professional Engineer#73778 MANUFACTURER: Jeld-Wen 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls,OR 97601 This document shall serve to state that Jeld-Wen products tested in accordance with ASTM E84-05 as per the 5th Edition Florida Building Code shall be qualified for the requirements of the 6th Edition Florida Building Code. The testing on the products complies with the requirements specified within the ASTM E84-13 standard, as required by the 6th Edition Florida Building Code.This standard is listed under Chapter 35 of the current Florida Building Code and titled "Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials". ASTM E84-13 has been reviewed and determined to be technically equivalent to ASTM E84-05.All test results meet or exceed requirements of the 6' Edition Florida Building Code. Respectfully submitted, ‘`` SES „Is F. -Z-4‘ O ,e kYS'ONAL 0.‘• Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. '//i/lilt 1%i‘O Reason:I am approving this dodument Date:2017.08.31 09:51:27-04'00' • Hermes Norero, P.E. Florida Registered Professional Engineer#73778 Certification of Independence: Please note that I do not have nor will I acquire a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s)for which this report is being issued.Also,I do not have nor will I acquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the listed product(s). ' I I ' Page l of 1 I ' I I NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION TIFI0 � CER�nccRg 4�P Company: JELD-WEN Doors Certification No.: NI011062-R1 - ♦ _ 3737 Lakeport Drive Certification Date: 04/17/2012 ,tT ► 0 � Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Expiration Date: 04/30/2020 g N .'' '1 Revision Date: 10/27/2014 .AD Product: 24 Ca. Steel Wood Edge Impact Rated Opaque Doors w/ & w/o Impact & Non-Impact �1-rc• ' a � Rated Glazed Sidelites (w/wood frame unless specified) ti ,., tait r C t �7F7Eo PRgP- Specification: TAS 201-94/202-94/203-94 The"Notice of Product Certification" is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at www.Namicertification.com. NAMI's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute(ANSI). Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact Drawing Number& Outswing Opaque Size Pos/Neg Rated Comments X I/S Opaque 3'2"x 6'10" +65/65 psf Yes NCTI..-210-3801-2/FL. 1802 Max Panel Size:3'0'"x 6'8" Single Installation Details: JW-32012FL. Qualifies Configurations:X X 0/S Opaque 3'2"x 6'9" +65/65 psf Yes NCI'L-210-3801-2/FL 1802 Max Panel Size:3.0' x 6'8 Single Installation Details: JW-320I2FL Qualities Configurations:X OXO 1/S Door-Opaque 9'5" x 6'10" +65/65 psf Door-Yes NCI'L-210-3801-2/FL 1802 Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6•8"/Daylight Opening: I.9' x 5.3" Single w/Sidelites Sidelite Glazed Sidelite-No Glazing:IG- 1/8"Tempered Installation Details: .1W-32012FL -- - - - - -- -- - - -Qualities Configurations:OiX/OXIX070X0 OXO 0/S Door-Opaque 9'5" x 6'9" +65/65 psf Door-Yes NCT1.-210-3801 2/F1.. 1802 Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Daylight Opening: I'9'•x 5'3" Single w/Sidelites S idel ite-G lazed Sidelite-No Glazing: IG-1/8"Tempered Installation Details: .J\\'-32012FL Qualifies Configurations:O/XJOX/XO/OXO OXO I/S Door-Opaque 9'5"x 6'10" +65/65 psf Door-Yes NCTL-210-3801-2/FL 1802 Max Panel Size:3.0' x 6'5 /Daylight Opening: I'9"x 5'3" Single w/Sidelites Sidelite-Glazed Sidelite-Yes Glazing: IG-Laminate-I/8"Annealed Glassl.090'Solutia PV13 Interlayer/1/8' Annealed Glass/1/8" tempered Glass Installation Details: .IW-32012FL Qualities Configurations:O/X/OX/X0/OX0 OXO 0/S Door-Opaque 9'5" x 6'9" +65/65 psf Door-Yes NC it-21(1-3801=_'/FL 1802 Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Daylight Opening: I.9`,N 5'3.. Single w/Sidelites Sidelite-G lazed Sidelite YesGlazi•ng:1(3-Lam• inate-I/8' Annealed Glass/.090' Solutia PV[3•lnterlayer/I/8" Annealed Glass/I/8"Tempered Glass Installation Details: JW-32012P1.. Qualities Configurations:O/`(/OX/XO/OXO National Accreditation &Management-Institute;-Inc:/4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hay VA-23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/Fax: (804) 684-5122 • NAIVII AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: U NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION - p ERTiFjCif ,F �)%,.. Company: IELD-W EN Doors Certification No.: NI011062.01-R1 ,'-,u.acc 3737 Lakeport.Drive Certification Date: 04/17/20.12 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Expiration Date: 04/30/2020 g-.: `N si Revision Date: 10/27/2014 .Y; / Product: 24 Ga. Steel Wood Edge Impact Rated Opaque Doors w/& w/o Impact & Non-impact cEarrticv' . Rated Glazed Sidelites (w/wood frame unless specified) PI PROF' Specification: TAS 201-94/202-94/203-94 The"Notice of Product Certification" is only valid if the NAMI Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. The certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI's Certified Product Listing at www.Namicertitication.com. NAM1's Certification Program is accredited by The American National Standards Institute(ANSI). Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact Drawing Number& Outswing Opaque Size Pos/Neg Rated Comments XX 1/S Opaque 6'2"x 6'10" +60/60 psf Yes NCI'L-210-3801-2/FI., 1802 Double Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" Installation Details: JW-32012FL Quaua iigurauons:AA XX 0/S Opaque 6'2"x 6'9" +60/60 psf Yes NCTL 210-3801-2/FL 1802 Double Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8" Installation Details: JW-32012F1., Qualifies Configurations:XX 9Y_Y_Q 1/V D----• "pore 12's" 11 6'10" ' 6 69 pa P::-- Yoe Nr'rt-I I6-I In87-I/RI Iftm Double w/Sidelites Sidelite-Glazed Sidelite-No Max Panel Size:aro'x 6'8•'/Daylight Opening: 1'9"x 5'3" . Glazing:1G- 1/8"Tempered Installation Details: JW-32012F1., Qualifies Configurations:XX/XXO/OXX/OXXO - OXXO 0/S Door-Opaque 12'5"x 6'9" +60/60 psf Door-Yes NCTL-Ll0-11987-1/FL 1802 Double w/Sidelites Sidelite-Glazed Sidelite-No Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'S"/Daylight Opening: 1'9"x 5'3" Glazing:1G- 1/8"Tempered Installation Details: JW-32012FL Qualities Configurations:XX/XXO/OXX/OXXO OXXO 1/S Door-Opaque 12'5"x 6'10" +60/60 psf Door-Yes NCTL-110-11987-1/FL 1802 Double w/Sidelites Sidelite-Glazed Sidelite-Yes Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/DaylightOpening: 1.9"x 5.3" Glazing:10-Laminate-1/8"Annealed Glass/.090"Solutia PVB Interlayer/1/8" Annealed Glass/I/8"Tempered Glass Installation Details: JW-32012F1. Qualifies Configurations:XX!XXO/OXX/OXXO OXXO 0/S Door-Opaque 12'5" x 6'9" +60/60 psf Door-Yes NCTL-110-11987-1/FL 1802 Max Panel Size:3'0"x 6'8"/Daylight Opening: 1'9"x 5'3" Double w/Sidelites Sidelite-Glazed Sidelite-Yes Glazing:10-Laminate-1/8"Annealed Glass/.090"Solutia PVB Interlayer/1/8" Annealed Glass/I/8"Tempered Glass - - Installation Details: JW-32012FL Qualifies Configurations:XX/XXO/OXX/OXXO National Accreditation &Management Institute,1nc:/4794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes •-23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/Fax: (804)684-5122 • NAMI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ->i • - k. -0 • I _ • JELD-WEN DOOR TABLE 1 - INSTALLATION DETAILS HVHZ APPROVED SYSTEMS:0,X,00.XO or OX.OXO.000,OXX or XXO,OXXO,000 W/BOXED SIDELITES CONTOURS STEEL DOOR,WOOD EDGE SIZE QUALIFIES:OPAQUE ACTIVE PANELS AND IMPACT/NON-IMPACT GLASS SIDELITES0. 24 GA.OPAQUE DOOR&GLAZED SIDELITES MAX.PANEL WIDTH=36" 6-8 TALL SYSTEMS UP TO 12'-0"X e'-sr' ' fY/,(/.7(W///// (XX),rye, c X)(mop) EWING °OSITIVE +65* OUTSWING/INSWING GENERAL NOTES LEGATIVE 131 -65* 1.THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(I.B.C.)&INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL INSWING POSITIVE °I +65* CODE(I.R.C.)AND THE CURRENT FLORIDA BUILDING CODES(FBC). PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED TO TAS 201-94,TAS 202-94 AND NEGATIVE -60* -65* TAS 203-94. PRODUCT ALSO MEETS"HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE°(HVHZ)REQUIREMENTS. 2.lX AND 2X WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS,MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. BUCK MATERIAL COMPONENT LIST MUST HAVE A SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 0.55 OR GREATER. _ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL QTY. 3.PRODUCT ANCHOR TYPES AND SPACING ARE SHOWN ON SHEET 7. DIMENSIONS SHOWN FOR ANCHOR SPACING ARE ALWAYS 1 NON-COMPRESSION SHIM(0.25"MAX.THK.) WOOD AS REQ. -- FROM EDGE OF UNIT FRAME.-ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO BASE MATERIAL SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. 2 2x WOOD SUB BUCK(S.G.MUST BE 0.55 OR GREATER) WOOD AS REQ. 4.THIS DOCUMENT SUPERCEDES OTHER ANCHOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3 1x WOOD SUB BUCK(S.G.MUST BE 0.55 OR GREATER) WOOD AS REQ. -- FOR IMPACT RATED DOORS. FOR OTHER IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,REFER TO JELD-WEN 4 #10 WOOD INSTALLATION SCREW W/1 1/2"MIN.EMBEDMENT STEEL AS REQ. DOCUMENT#JI1106(PRE-HUNG EXTERIOR ENTRY DOORS)FOUND ON THE JELD-WEN WEBSITE: 5 3/16"ITW TAPCON ANCHOR W/1 1/4"MIN.EMBEDMENT STEEL AS REQ. JELD-WEN.COM/PRODUCT-SUPPORT/DOCUMENTS/INSTALLATION-INSTRUCTIONS 6 #10 X 2"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL 3 OR 6 EDFLORIDA APPROVED IMPACT RESISTANCE SHUTTERS ARE REQUIRED ON NON-IMPACT 7 #8 X 2"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL AS REQ. GLASS SIDELITES. 8 #9 X 1"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL 21 OR 28 149"MAX.FRAME 9 1"OVERALL ALUMINUM FRAME IMPACT GLAZING IG BY ODL ALUMINUM 1 6.FOR DESIGN PRESSURE RATINGS,SEE TABLE 1, 37 1/2"MAX.~ 74"MAX.FRAME—•-- 10 KWIKSET LOCK SERIES 400 STEEL 1 SHEET 1. FRAME TYP. D.L.O. 11 KWIKSET DEADBOLT SERIES 780 STEEL 1 7.ALL FASTENERS IN WOOD SHALL SHT.#2' 12 1"OVERALL PLASTIC FRAME NON-IMPACT GLAZING IG BY ODL PVC 1 BE COUNTERSUNK 3116"DEEP. + I ��.,;... - 13 #8 X 1 1!2"PHILLIPS FLATHEAD WOOD SCREW STEEL AS REQ. EXAMPLE: 3/16"--.--11- C) II .� �, n nil OVERHANG U' E LENGTH M o m_ . 1 f I{ *NOTE: PRODUCT HAS NOT BEEN RATED FOR I I O > `/° M 8 8.CORE DESIGN: EXPA ED POLYSTYRENE WITH °cg OLL - (I ' ! I WATER INFILTRATION. IF AUTHORITY HAVING q - �' N N 1.0 TO 1.25 LBS DENSITY,BY JELD-WEN INC. U c�< w (,_ 8L_ G it - hI",i JURISDICTION REQUIRES THAT PRODUCT MEETS A o O m r,,� ? z a "�'' "- THIS REQUIREMENT,PRODUCT SHALL BE USED 0. F--,co K L'9.FACE SHEETS:24 GA(0.021"MIN)THICKNESS. N 3¢ = �-=i y 1 WHEN INSTALLED AT LOCATION PROTECTED BY _ r a w F m„ 1n •^1I OVERHANG SUCH THAT OVERHANG(OH)RATIOGALVANIZEDSTEELWITHAVERAGEMINIMUMYIELD 0 z O w [ OHLENGTH_OHHEIGHTIS 1.0 ' i q I.STRENGTH FY(AVE)=40300 PSI. O w €€ • - i m N (\ -i.� ..-.. OVERHANG = Z N m t LL ACTIVE INACTIVE I RATIO < S c+1 4 Cl IMPACT LITE NON-IMPACT LITE + FIxED I FMEO X = w 12-0 X 6-8 ELEVATION 0: K (1) SEE SHT.#2 SEE SHT.#2 ' ° ° w DOUBLE DOOR W/FULL 3-0 SIDELITES(OXXO) o w 1- O N 37 1/2"MAX.O.A. _ I 0 W z Z - FRAME TYP.I - - - I 75"MAX.FRAME-1 I-�75"MAX.FRAME-1 I - 112 1/2"MAX.FRAME --- I I�-74"MAX.FRAME-1 - „T I --w 0 uu)j ~ to ; I `1 I 7 1.a:I 1 IIm I mI 'I�3 7 0 ...: z ir yI' - H.j:,::,,,.7„:,.. Ur u) O g w 1 IT1+P t _ �i l I �( I I' IIS�I O Ce O a m I UU , 1 E C7 :-.7.---(4;i))7),./ _...."- �,4. I S�..,.. 11 'i :3 I, i) wLLj O W -Z LL J -i 10�TYP. v l •i1 li Eh II° i (: Y Lug x a z o L' I LI ii II ' 6-0 X 6-8 ELEVATIO 3 4 z l IIP 1i O 1 ! ;� ! 1 I� ' '. I 1_I L_. ll L ?,_.l y' DOUBLE(XX) p a L *a ACTIVE FD(ED 6-0 X 6-8 ELEVATION ACTIVE X 6-8ELEVATION9-0 X 6 8 ELEVATION Flx_Eo_ I) ACTIVE INACTIVE Z A O 8 LU _. _ FIXED'! OPAQUE FULL LITE jrt51111+1���, 8OU U¢' D. , co 3-0 X 6-8 ELEVATION TION �‘NN 'eS F. O /,,i N DOUBLE(OX) DOUBLE(XO) TRIPLE(0X0) �� �� SINGLE(X)&(0) ��17j�, �,1Sj �: DATE:1/20/2012 SHEET INDEX `r. O NONE scAO: flr- SHEEP# DESCRIPTION _ /' A DWG,DY:G.LUBBECKE. 1 GENERAL NOTES,B.O.M.,ELEVATIONS&ANCHOR LOCATIONS i ER.j ". E I ff Os.BY:S.SAFFELL 2 OUTSWING/INSWING BOX MULLING DETAILS Digitally signed byHermes F.Norero,P.E. ' 3 OUTSWING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTIONS IN WOOD g '.�F6d4IL % : DRAY/INS r».: ---- -4----OLITSWING VERTIAND HOBO-SECTIONS IN MASONRY/CONCRETE- --- — - -Reason:I am-approving-tills-document—,398-DK 'BEAC9 _ i#338 5 INSWING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SECTIONS IN WOOD f `. W0320i2i'L — 6 INSWING VERT,AND HORI2.SECTIONS IN MASONRY/CONCRETE Date:2015.01.07 15:24:33-05`00` DANIA +,Ft` B4 7 OIITSWING AND INSWING ANCHORING DETAILS FBPE CE VADA AUFR NO.29578 st,EtT 1 OF 7 APPLY DAP ALEX PLUS SILICONE - 6-#8 X2" OR EQUIV.BETWEEN PFH SCREW AT JAMBS BEFORE MULLING EACH MULLION TYP. 20 1/4"MAX.D.L.O. 21"MAX.D.L.O. 13 fi ' Ill , A2 / i.........i.................4 B2 32 N. FIXED i I ACTIVE - --- ` J _ 1, Ei 0 C2 C2 U T 11 I QH \\ C1 co _ 1, 1 \\ ` / M N n ,6r ' ODL IMPACT(ALLEN)FULL LITE ODL LIP-LITE NON-IMPACT o 3 "- -v 3- 0 X 6-8 SHOWN 3-0 X 6-8 SHOWN z M ' o a M Y E. Li- 5/8"MIN. 1 7/8" I ODL REDISEAL GLASS BITE —.-- INTERIORw 1/8"TEMPERED .-- FOAM GASKET 0 ® SIDE GLASS844 N (W7 r Z - -- I, 1/8"TEMPERED - SIDE- _ - -- -- - / I - -- ---CIILI w z i Ns. `�:�i } I1 1 IA a m z E I 1"MAX. S��la�€I 1 3/4" 1 3/4" ;"r� 1"MAX. o z o z .N.N..." 0.509"AIR SPACE Y 314"AIRSPACE \\` ^' (2)118"ANNEALED 1!2"MIN.GLASS 0 z GLASS ODL REDISEAL BITE W O m j FOAM GASKET 1 318" H 00 m vJ CU-D SPACER Cl) W X ,.. 0.090 PVB DETAIL B2 DETAIL C2 ca 0 4 0 a INTERLAYER 0 ¢ iN c7 BY SOLUTIA ODL IMPACT GLAZING DETAIL ODL NON-IMPACT GLAZING DETAIL 0 n. '- w z MAX.D.L.O:20 1/2"X 62 1/2" MAX.D.L.O:211"X 63" G z - I- BOX SIDELITE MULL A2 1 I ��``�t11 I �'/'��i, o o O , 6 MAX.4 UNITS 1 ���``Q��S F iF'�....1.. n N EXAMPLE:OXXO,OXO,OX 7V . �C' t Dam 1/20/201.2 : 7 /:0 _ SCALE:NONE * j� Y ;-l� owG.or:G.LUBBECKE DETAIL A2 3j1E11 "l- . l'r-E#I :i atc,Dr:S.SAFFELL (12)_FASTENER-LOCATIONS_AT �e oaavnrvcn -- 398 'BE�AC}7. #338 DOUBLE-BACK JAMB ATTACHMENT DANI/A3 BMAIM,kL v1L04 3W032012FL FBPECEBVADAAUIfIl:�NO.29578 snEEr 2 OF 7 1"MIN. I-- 1"MIN. -- Oa© 1"MIN. --I— 1"MIN. --- Ola III 1 112"MIN. 1 1/2"MIN. EMB. + EMB. MCDO INTERIORligi EXTERIOR 1 I ' 1111W 0 1/4" /?Iti i5., } 1/4" i//-"t• i• �� 1 1/2"MIN. �� EMBED. -% - � MAX. 118" MAX. SHIM SHIM EXTERIOR I— 1"MIN SEE NOTE#7 INTERIOR EXTERIOR SEE NOTE#7 INTERIOR — — — ON SHEET 1 ON SHEET 1 1"MIN OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT VERTICAL CROSS SECTION OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT OUTSWING STATIONARY UNIT SILL VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB 1 1/2"MIN. 114"MAX. ' EMBED.I I SHIM SEE NOTE#7 I ON SHEET 1 NOTES: �/ 1 FOR PLACEMENT OF ITW TAPCON ANCHORS IN 2X BUCK OR 1°MIN ��� �1X BUCK CONCRETE/MASONRY OPENINGS,SEE SHEET 4 y 15 8 ., ,,,,Iii,,,,,,i,,,,,,,01 -- 3X ACHIEVED. e v O OPTIONALLY,ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION O m rn 0,1 A N INTERIOR • © OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IS q ,� cc b � , . r' o o co vi 1'MIN. a N �' ^ QITEM#6,(#10 X 2')ONE SCREW TO BE INSTALLED IN EACH0 3 '4X HINGE AT JOB SITE.CLOSEST TO WEATHERSTRIP. q ^ ai A m E o��/���]El 1��„� `� \ ®AT SILL,PLACE IN SILL BASE MATERIAL FOR ; m Y o- , w • HINGE DETAIL r` MAXIMUM SUPPORT. EXTERIOR 3 REQ'D WARlilSTATIONARY UNIT •///// i\1\\N�� \\* m inHORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION rw Iw. c7 z DUTSWING SHOWN 0 7, 2 w Ill O © O Oul mZ O © O © o �wZ z EXTERIOR N AliCk? 0 .6 ikw,,,. �/�� P 2�1”MIN. It I Iii pi mimmulime , •,/i;/p�l� Oa© 1-mw. co ill x cc D. i INTERIOR O D_ w z I- O O z 1.,mai. ii� ;.,s, \ J /'1 1„MIN. O�� ES F ry0. i��� `� a, o SEE NOTE#7 J `��!`��•�•.� r •�1/��� ogre:1/20/2012 } Li/4” 0 ON SHEET 1 { A.1 1/4"MAX. I /: suuE:NO MAX. - NE SHIM' • 7�;.__:-. 1 1/2"MIN. SHIM 1 1/2"MIN. = * • / : * E DWG.uv:G.LUBBECKE EMBED. EMBED. %'IER7. - ". P•-Et S c .eri S.SAFFELL OUTSWING LATCH-JAMB-AT-FRAME -- OUTSWING-HINGE JAMB-AT-FRAME— E Grtavn03 398 DA//111h �Q;ACH,4- `#338 �W032012FL HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION DA/i01 'B�1Rt1H,f-1.., 3b04 FBPE CER'F!Alli Auclo NO.29578 SHEET 3 or 7 la OONCREI"E/ —1'MIN. V MIN. • --1'MIN.- 1"MIN. — 1°MIN.-- 1"MIN. p.ASONRY 1 1/4, 1"^MIN BY OTHERS TYP. Ili V 1' 1"MIN. -- MIN. 1"MIN.----- 1 1/4" MIN. 1"MIN. 1 1"MIN. - INTERIOR EXTERIOR EMB. Sw.. EMBED �� © .• 1 EMBED. . •..,.�7L 1 ®®® a ,` �_� J< < © it �_ oal� CONCRETE/ ar 1 1/4' �l I •^ EP OTHERS I // 1�j MASONRY I ,"/ o MIN. I / ar O • BY OTHERS—���'��� EMBED - •• 1/4' ��:� 91 ii" I / '� `!� 1/4" i.7. /�/�///j177/ Imo- 1„MIN 1"MIN—I MAX. 1/4" //.�:Ri i.; �� •-/�( - OUTS WING OPERATING UNIT SHIM EXTERIOR MAX. - - - - ------ ----------- MAX. - SHIM / VERTICAL CROSS SECTION -- ---- - SHIM EXTERIOR SILL SEE NOTE#7 OUTSWING OPERATING UNIT INTERIOR SEE NOTE#7 J INTERIOR ON SHEET 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION SEE NOTE#7 ON SHEET 1 OPTIONAL 1"BUCK • ON SHEET 1 IEE NOTE#7 —_— "���I"` \"""�� -EXTERIOR CONCRETE! OUTS WING OPERATING UNIT OUTSWING STATIONARY UNIT .\'�\_,.,.t.•.�•,g,, MASONRY 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION `\, \\\ \ • BY OTHERS HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB 1 1/a"MIN. \\�\\\\\' N EMBED r / //j// /�/ .4 if \\ O: 4x . .. 4 1"N N. © , ..e \\ I t• . \ o In rn O a 03X 1 1"MIN 1"MIN—�I ?MING! \\ mrnrrnN i \\\ omo � � OUTSWING STATIONARY UNITI + � •1a OHINGE DETAI lir= I VERTICAL CROSS SECTION \\' . m n3 REQ'D �il;!•�%%%%!i! 'i��%��%%%" 1 BOXED SIDELITE SILL 1"MIN. \ \ J "'��yy \\ SEE ITEM#"wIs1�.1Ri Vii„,, 1"M N. ON SHEET 1 M f3 ai ie %'."/,%%/, /,.1� �I/,/,/,%%%%ri. / I • .• 1/4°MAX. m a LL I, i I / /- • SHIM 0 ©O 11/4" Lti /____ 1_© 0 MIN.EMBED L1 ~ Z O_ ___ OUTS WING OPERATING UNIT -� 1 ` W. EXTERIORis HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION w p c hi �-� 1 EMBED I OPTIONAL 1"BUCK O Z_ 3 W Z H 1"MIN. � Y.YiaitIF ,. iMIN. © O f/7 VMIN. 1MIN. Oz is 1'MIN. ' INTERIOR II. (Y O O} 1"MIN. `\. Ill J O .O \ W OQ m ¢Z W ,•III% \ ~ ¢Q v! f!) W . Ua l�-SEE NOTE 47 ////r7?- �� 1"MIN. l6 Ex O Q w z • ....:...:....• \\\ SEE NOTE#7 0 Q .- to 1"MIN. ON SHEET 1 0 1°MIN. ti\ • _ O ° � \ / ON SHEET 1 O O to 1/4'MAX. _ I 1"MIN. I \\/ Z H L.__ L 114"MAX. 0 SHIM \ Vie `t`ttt{{{{If f///// o O C0 7 y 11/4"MIN. 1"MIN. �� Cj F. /i v 1 1/4"MINI. SHIM EMBED. .° •�r� \� \,�', •.�� �i a N p EMBED. . a �` Q^ t• �i . • . 4!v' j.p oc4:N:20/2012 OUTSWING HINGE JAMB AT FRAME OUTSWING LATCH JAMB AT FRAME 1/4"MAX. HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION a° • ' — SHIM _ o' 7 5Cn1E NONE NOTES: -- -- - . .° ,/ *_ - - -- ---- -- - * , owc.evGIU-BBECKE OPTIONALLY,ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM CONCRETE/MASONRY 1 1/2"MINI. © -Q, !1'• ,(� EMBEDMENT IS ACHIEVED. BY OTHERS EMBED i 31Sfa 4� &:.-7: C .ay.S.SAFFELL �'r•'.*.'7 Y' ORAwtNG No.: -- ---- --ITEM#6(#10-X-2")ONE-SCREW TO-BE-INSTALLED-IN-EACH HINGE-ATJOB-SITE-CLOSESTTO-WEATHERSTRIP. -OPTIONAL MASONRY/CONCRETE INSTALL 398- �BE0,04..,11C `#338 JW032012FL _ CROSS SECTION OF HEAD JAMB OR SIDE JAMB DA�MII� ARQN,r•L, J04 !DAT SILL,PLACE ANCHOR IN SILL BASE MATERIAL FOR MAXIMUM SUPPORT. FBPE CEO/MA(0m NO.29578 SEE 4 or 7 SEE NOTE#7 111 ON SHEET 1 1"MIN. -- 1"MIN. --- O41© 1"MIN. 1"MIN. — 041 EXTERIOR INTERIOR { 1— { �` EXTERIOR RR INTERIOR IWO 1 1/2"MIN. 1 1/2"MIN. _ � © ��O EMB. { 10".1111111111MPI' � EMB. { �I . � ��� ��� { �� s _�.' 1 112"MIN. 1111.00...111111111111 - �/'> /9J �- �, '> 9 \� 11/2"MIN. " 0 EMBED. EMBED, i MAX. // 1/8" MAX. ,� SEE NOTE#7 J SHIM SHIM 1-11"MIN EXTERIOR INTERIOR SEE NOTE#7 EXTERIOR INTERIOR 1"MIN ON SHEET 1 ON SHEET 1 I�_ 1"MIN INSWING OPERATING UNIT INSWING STATIONARY UNIT VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION INSWING OPERATING UNIT INSWING STATIONARY UNIT SILL BOXED SIDELITE SILL VERTICAL CROSS SECTION VERTICAL CROSS SECTION HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB 1112"MIN. V4'MAX. EMBED.I I SHIM SEE NOTE#7 ON SHEET 1 NOTES: 7� ryOR PLACEMENT OF ITW TAPCON ANCHORS IN 2X BUCK OR 1'MIN ��� 1X BUCK CONCRETEIMASONRY OPENINGS,SEE SHEET 6 M '� O 2 OPTIONALLY.ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION c m 6.,, M ,o EXTERIOR 1•MIN. OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IS O ++ o: o 11, `O/// 3X ACHIEVED. r o O CO '^ -i_ . N= m 0 ITEM#6.(#10 X 2")ONE SCREW TO BE INSTALLED IN EACH c . , g4X HINGE AT JOB SITE.CLOSEST TO WEATHERSTRIP. : nu1 '� n E m,riiii, Ilat .�� `\, ®AT SILL,PLACE ANCHORIN SILL BABE MATERIAL FOR 3 m 4 to u- HINGE DETAIL y� MAXIMUM SUPPORT. INTERIOR 3 REQ'D I' 1 {w, STATIONARY UNIT 2/,/,/,/,/,/,/II pill `\\'a\ t\\' HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION ' w F 0 ? INSWING SHOWN — w w C Ed 0 c Z N O © O 000 owe • Z INTERIOR • nO �I � O 0 . 2 O I`•SIM..,..,..,. F �p io J z coo 2>1"MIN. I IIrr 041© 1"L. cn w X S a_ EXTERIOR • n• Q• E > 1"MIN. 4 I1\\.k.1' %>l 1"MIN. `���\SES F. 0����i� &V / z SEE NOTE#7 ..:`(ve ••• •,I N..p1:* DATE:1/20/2012 Oa ONSHEET I { ...Z I LG• O '- 1/4"MAX. sate:NONE 1/4"MAX. SHIM T = N. 7 _. — SHIM =* . ; �I`' E owner:G.LUBBECKE 1 1/2"MIN. 1 1/2"MIN. EMBED. EMBED. • IEji:" ER aK.er:S.SAFFELL SM. C. INSWING LATCH JAMB AT_FRAME INSWING HINGEJAMB AT FRAME ______ __--_____ ' 7 ; 55.555 W.: 398 labiee1i #338 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION DA�NI QViRH,PL,0LO4 JW032012FL FBPE CE Veil AIUIFRNO.29578 sum, 5 OF 7 CONCRETE/ MI 1"MIN. I"MIN. -1"MIN.- 1"MIN. -1"MIN. 1"MIN. MASONRY 11/4' MIN.1" 1"MIN.- ---1"MIN. BY OTHERS TYP. V ---- MIN.' 1"MIN.- a 1"MIN.--- © ©© EXTERIOR I INTERIOR EMB. EMBED P• ,.. tri:: : ' EMBED �,�'i _ !! ' � �;�� ©IMII° ° 1 illabilH © •. .•7 CONCRETE/ —�r'��__ CONCRETE/ 1 U4" I a`_ '' y MASONRY I / 0 MASONRY I ,r- O MIN. L�' BY OTHERS �/ BY OTHERST-�� �� EMBED ..... ��.1 O . 1/4" /'.-ES //�.: 1/� �,I ._ • MAX. INTERIOR r I-1"MIN 1"MIN SHIM 1/4" ��.ISG �. MAX. / .�it• i '" INSWING OPERATING UNIT ""-"- -----_--- --- -- - MAX. INTERIOR SHIM VERTICAL CROSS SECTION EXTERIOR SHIM EXTERIOR SILL SEE NOTE#7 SEE NOTE#7 EXTERIOR INTERIOR ON SHEET 1 INSWING OPERATING UNIT SEE NOTE#7 ON SHEET 1 INTERIOR VERTICAL CROSS SECTION ON SHEET 1 SEE NOTE#7 EXTERIOR OPTIONAL 1"BUCK ON SHEET 1� INSWING STATIONARY UNIT CONCRETE/ASONRY INSWING OPERATING UNIT CROSS SECTION , :'�1:J BY OTHERS VERTICAL OTHHERS VERTICAL CROSS SECTION € HEAD JAMB HEAD JAMB 1 1/4"MINI. , EMBED MINIUM © INTERIOR ci- --.. O4X 1"MIN. el 0 3 X I—1"MIN— 1'MIN 1"MING' EXTERIOR u m N ki ,i INSWING STATIONARY UNIT : p O 2 N I VERTICAL CROSS SECTION a - m HINGE DETAI I BOXED SIDELITE SILL \ Y ; Q ^ 3 REO'D !?/,%%/,%I, �1%%%'%%!,%/,%. 1"MIN. \ SEE ITEM#7 O 1 y V IlI��yyN�y I �I. O n ui $� R' 1"MIN. ON SHEET 1 11.,,,,,,,, x m E g k %I%J,/%%%%%%II IIII��II//<• / _I_114"MAX. r4 M Y LL 4 I,�I I / SHIM © 1 1/4" rn 0 O T*;.+ / MINI.EMBED w LUZ 9 Z INSWING OPERATING UNIT O J 0 0 - - ------------- -- - -- 0--- - ---- ------ HO ION --� w-3- -6------- BED HORIZONTAL CROSS SECT 4 l ---- M I / QQ \ INTERIOROPTIONAL 1"BUCK co 1 1/4"MIN. • I! 011W EMBED Lu 0Ln 0 O I.MINI. I I w Z ,11MI,�IM; §i NN U ....,L., ! 1"MIN. IN I. 1' . O I- 2 O I �EXTERIOR';' , 1°MIN. A1-, lir 14 p m ¢0 1'MIN. \\ /�\ / �% 1"MIN. a lir II� o) O ' z �', \\ `SEE NOTE#7J // A�� 1"MIN '6\ "•* SEE NOTE#7 Ce O q ' cC? 1°MIN. O ON SHEET 1 �` ' ` O p¢, F.J > © — Z\\\\• ONSHEET1 O O O 6 C� I 1/4"MAX. 1"MIN. �I\\ G Z Q ~ z 1/4"MAX. © SHIM V `i v: ♦♦♦♦��tl►F 11 jr7�i�� o O O j v�i 1 1/4"MIN. 1"MIN. v/m ♦ $ (�/ ♦ z A. v ? 1 114"MIN. SHIM -"I EMBED. ° �♦♦ �� •T ��i 6 N EMBED. - - ,v'. `" 4, ✓\'�r , •:,.f} iii DAM 1/20/2012 INSWING HINGE JAMB AT FRAME INSWING LATCH JAMB AT FRAME I--1/4"MAX. . 'r.• O .. HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION D. . ' '` SHIM 7 /_ SCALE.NONE --- --- —- - ---- -- - - -d - - ---- ---- —--- NOTES: ' O _ * " ; * _ DWG.By.G.LUBBECKE 1DOPTIONALLY,ANCHOR CAN BE PLACED IN NARROW SECTION OF HEAD OR JAMB AS LONG AS MINIMUM CONCRETE/MASONRY�r 1 1/2"MINI. los " 1i- y CHIC BY.S.SAFFELL EMBEDMENT IS ACHIEVED. BY OTHERS EMBED " L4' I a° r.'• 7 - M# ITE6,,(#10 )ONE TO SCREW BE INSTALLED H H IN•EACINGE AT JB SITE.CLOSEST TOWEATHERSTRIP. OPTIONAL MASONRY/CONCRETE INSTALL --398 594{1••'B£ACF�1 ."#338 DRAWING Na: CROSS SECTION OF HEAD JAMB OR SIDE JAMB DAIlII9ki, 04 JW032012FL 3>AT SILL,PLACE ANCHOR IN SILL BASE MATERIAL FOR MAXIMUM SUPPORT. FBPE CERf!ADR MOM-NO.29578%fur 6 of 7 ,.., NOTE: . 37 1/2"MAX. w o: 0 00 100 , , SHIM FOR SUPPORT AT OR NEAR --.-74"MAX.0.A.FRAME _._,_ O.A.FRAME I- p EACH ANCHOR IS REQUIRED [-a-3"TYP. (1) 3"TYP.--- --.- o• ,..,... .._, i >9 . , — _______ 1 4.. . 116l' ', l'— ' ) 17 6 ' 1 2 II ;-4- 149"MAX.0.A.FRAME 1-E 1 , 1 - ---- -•-3"TYP. C7 C7 3"TYP.--1 -•--0 co 4, , EST7 I- 11 ' u, X wommoommo , 7 2 , , p - — < , . 4 •cl-0 X , , X A7 67 I t lc I I 14 w 611 t t I t k t r -I 1 t fi-Er, 2 , :I-1--. I ra>- X 1H 71 : l' i_ •4_ • 0 1 , f -f-- 1 . .7 1 I 0 . 1 X , X 1 , .• ,..„, D7 D7 . _ . , 7 2 2 1 I . ! 7 ! r , ' : to a (4 1,5! (4 I 5) C") i_ .c,,)co.,- , T ! I ' 6-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING/INSWING 3-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING/INSWING D7 D7 1 I ; t !It c I " , : ' ' I •ct.C (30)ANCHOR LOCATIONS ('8)ANCHOR LOCATIONS I ! 11 7 — (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) ('ROM EDGE OF FRAME) b" TYP...., . 12-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING/INSWING TYP. T (50)ANCHOR LOCATIONS 3"1.1 _._ o 2 g TA 8 (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) 75"MAX FRAME . o: 7- -, — I--3"TYP. t 1 . ri °:' 0" c'q (;, -.-- TYP. to -A.....J._ I co 0 AI t 8 . u, 3"TYP— --,--ii- `C c..: _t1 _ a. -.-..1) ,..., - 112 1/2"MAX FRAME '-pf a: _______ . _a Q 4 •-• o 3 ,' L•f-' LT, i— I 1--.--.3"TYP. 3"TYP.-.-1 1- --.-----: T -0. 1 : ell t = • I i '2 it i.9.:,.. • -I- .4-o --I--14 _.- 1 4.,.-I-1- + ••-1-- 7.1.-c_5 ?.k:) 1 T - [ & d _ z 6 I i 1 : IJ '4- 42 (1.2,, u, §-z A7 I L .i 8 Z ;----L',;,,,-- rr_____,_ ij I- ....,--- 1--..,„,....,,..., ti, D z t 1 2 2 w 0 Cr) 0 A7 A7 ,i. i g g PANEL!CENTER DETAIL A7 0 CT) z (.9 W i IL -(..-4:(5-') 0 - 1- W p --.. Z 2 ---' (8)ANCHOR LOCATIONS AT MULL w 12 g g PANEL CENTER I '.!!it'1 X 0 1 (1..) 6" 6' ce § 6 U-LL I , a: —•.- 0 X ' 0 ,-, , 1 1) 2 co r4 izz. En>- TYP. TYP..- tb 0 0 i__ , I.- 3"TYF. -..- 3. i,.,„ E ce.5 8 P 1• •-i 0 — .. , 1 .co -.....• Lu ,.., op ,., co i .7 , cl A, A_...,1- i -!__ o co I :- 03 I t 6-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING/INSWING f - "-ti , (28)ANCHOR LOCATIONS till n a N m < 9-0 X 6-8 OUTSWING/INSWING (FROM EDGE OF FRAMEI H o (38)ANCHOR LOCATIONS ' .001 it,,,., (t. (:) ,10_ 2 ° 0 z (FROM EDGE OF FRAME) AISIIIIII 2-#8 X 3"PFH 411111111116, ...... . .SQ51-.: _ci.... ..cV''...,... oArs:1/20/2012 , „- • 2-#8 X r PFH -------.----- SCREW FROM 1 _ ..., : 'Z':• igoi ..0 -"... A • • ' SCREW FROM glip . ASTRAGAL KIT ; 7: A. "L,' -, T.,:::.,a14 f,-'1.-) SCALE.NONE ASTRAGAL KIT =* . , f * :: . I I'' 1-BOTTOM ASTRAGAL DWG.BY:G.LUBBECKE .' •,-. RE)tt. = STRIKE PLATE aqc P.S.SAFFELL _,..` 1-TOP ASTRAGAL -- '--- --- STRIKE PLATE 1-BOTTOM SHOOT - 3984':-07,i. 1 N38 DRAWING ND: 00)ANCHOR LOCATIONS DETAIL C7-C7 DETAIL D7-D7 BOLT INSERT PLUG DETAIL D7-D7 ,VA614;4\f‘tzt JW032012FL OUTWING OR INSWING OUTWING ONLY INSWING ONLY F8PE cEkt,pFlkia 06.29578 lit.....1 AT ASTRAGAL SHEET 7 or 7 BUILDING DROPS 398 East Dania Beach Blvd. Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 33004 0Av A Perfect Solution in Every Drop 954.399.8478 PH Certificate of Authorization:29578 954.744.4738 FX contact buildin dro s.com @ g p Product v . uati n Report of JELD-WEN, inc. Contours Steel Door, Wood Edge 24 Ga. Opaque Door & Glazed Sidelites Up to 12'-0" x 6'-8" Outswing/Inswing for Florida Product Approval Re:i ort No. 332 Current Florida Building Code Method: 1 — A (Certification) Category: Exterior Doors Sub — Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Product: Contours Steel Door, Wood Edge 24 Ga. Opaque Door& Glazed Sidelites Up to 12'-0"x 6'-8"Outswing/Inswing Material: Steel/Wood Product Dimensions: 149"X 81.875"(Maximum) Prepared For: J L :1- i; , inc. 3737 Lakeport BI r `,���i%IIi►�r����i Klamath Falls, OR. 97601 ;� SES.F... O� "# Prepared by: = . : ,_ _ * = Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida Professional Engineer#73778 :TAT�T . 4u Date: 11/11/2014 O� .•. (� Contents: �Ss fON'; 0‘‘‘Evaluation Report Pages 1=4 Digitally signed by Hermes F.Norero,P.E. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Reason:I am approving this document Florida No.73778 Date:2015.01.07 15:14:34-05'00' //.\\ BUILDING DROPS Date: 11/11/2014 A Perfect:Solution in Every Drop Report!No: 3321 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Manufacturer: JELD-WEN,inc. Product Category: Exterior Doors Product Sub-Category: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method: State Product Approval Method (1)(a) Product Name: Contours Steel Door,Wood Edge 24 Ga.Opaque Door&Glazed Sidelites Up to 12'-0"x 6'-8"Outswing/Inswing 149"X 81.875"(Maximum) Scope: This is a Product Evaluation Report issued by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL#73778)for JELD-WEN inc. based on Method la of the State of Florida Product Approval, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation-Florida Building Commission. ! Hermes F. Norero, P.E. does not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adhering to the current Florida Building Code. See Installation Instructions JW032012FL,signed and sealed by Hermes F. Norero, P.E. (FL#73778) for specific use parameters. Limits of Use: 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current Florida Building Code,. including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ). 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as;shown on details. Anchor embedment into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the current Florida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant covering. 4. Non-Impact sidelites do require an impact resistant covering when used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection to comply with Section 1609.1.2 of the current Florida Building Code. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing JW032012FL require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect. 6. See Installation Instructions JW032012FL for size and design pressure limitations. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No. 73778 Page 2 of 4 BUILDING DROPS Date: 11/11/2014 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Report No: 3321 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of products in accordance with the Florida Building Code for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through National Accreditation& Management Institute, Inc. (FBC Organization#QUA1789). Performance Standards: The product described herein has been tested per: • TAS 201-94 • TAS 202-94 • TAS 203-94 Referenced Data: 1. Product Testing performed by National Certified Testing Laboratory, Inc. (FBC Organization# TST1589) Report#: NCTL-210-3801-2, Report Date: 02/04/2012 Report#: NCTL-110-11987-1, Report Date: 04/06/2009 2. Quality Assurance National Accreditation and Management Institute (FBC Organization#: QUA1789) 3. Material Certification Miami-Dade RER Product Control Section NOA Eastman Chemical Company Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayer 4. Material Certification Miami-Dade RER Product Control Section NOA ODL Series"HP Polypropylene"White Material Component Approval • Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida No 73778 Page 3 of 4 , iti BUILDING DROPS A Perfect:Solution in Every Drop Date: it/il/2D 14 1 Report:No: 3321 Certificate of Authorization:29578 1 I s Installation: 1. Approved anchor types and substrates are as follow : Through Frame Installation: A. For two by(2X)wood buck substrate, use#10 Wood Screw type installation anchors of sufficient length to achieve a minimum embedment of 1.50" into the wood substriate. B. For concrete or masonry substrate where one by(1X), non-structural,wood bucking is employed, use 3/16"diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. C. For concrete or masonry substrate where wood bucking is NOT employed, use 3/16" diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25" into concrete or masonry. Refer to Installation Instructions(JW032012FL)for anchor spacing and more details of the installation requirements. i Design Pressure: Design Pressure XX,XXO,OXXO ; X, OXO Outswing Positive 60 PSF* Positive 65 PSF* Negative 60 PSF { Negative _ 65 PSF Inswin Positive 60 PSF* , Positive 65 PSF* g Negative 60 PSF , Negative 65 PSF *Product has not been rated for water infiltration. If'authority having jurisdiction requires that product meets this requirement, product shall be used when installed at location protected by overhang such that overhang(OH) ratio=OH length/OH height is 1.0. Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida Nol.73778 Page 4 of 4