HomeMy WebLinkAboutCancellation request-approved,no work performed , r..._ UP k-0 --°-tc16 it ' "C. PLANNING.*DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' 4 :47' .- '•:.41:6;4'1°111.' ' '-'-k,,,,' ' Illummil: zomisioN G.it i a4G Di V , . . • . 4., COUNTY 4/ $b 2300 VIRGINIA AVE - . , F 143RI. DA '• -' pe .9 i *ItlelilillINIIIIIIIIIi FORT PIERCt FIL 34982 •ze,94) .. , . (772)4624553 FAX 462,-1578 woo,t3„11,, CIONGEDF-CONTRACTOR,SUBCONTRACTOR-OR CANCEL A 0 .,t,F FE' • -. A :,-,S.,..LEM'.*.i ....DIT. ..'TOL '0 IN * C.VIANGE.OF cf:14NTALC1t:-,Change of Contractor lain),be sed and,notarized by the prOperty•Owher, and thenewoontraCter of record for -.current pennit.A new permit application must also be'convicted with new contractor information and Signature.A new Notice•of Commencement must he Med in the new contractor's name for job vnittesgreater than $2,500 1,$7,500,if NC Change-04 A recorded copy mast be submitted prior to :any Work.There isn$5(L00 fee fortheebsinge oftontractor.• COASOg.OF SUBCONTRACTOR gubcOnntOordbanges are to be by thezeuerel-e0MraPtor: The new subcontractor must til out A SitbOotitiStotAgper:noht f omi There Is a-$51:00:fee for the Change ofSitb- Coliiir7: 14,Ctors _ . . , .C.4EL.144TiON O.Fraparr,:-The eancetietion ofa nertnitisnoceptabie only if:tin work has been dans. Cancellation of penult islorbe.signed.and:notarized:by-both-the,Owner,nmi,ntialifier ofrepo 4 There is no fee for paw. i v)4 ,9'.. Pertnitiluttiliert 1 yii -039 7 . _ ..,.. , i Site.44.0row, 4. 'A. :to., 0 di QM si- Rag• ., . , .. J4-6 alf: P,rr ficly . State Lidense CC6c9A.3int License: . _ , . , Original trci,,a ,., . i *iv '. owneribuilder : ...: State License . SIX License , ReaSettfOrCatteeltath*r . ---di ilia s , -2 t A .-' 1174iik IP/- 0 _ ' & • . —.A., is-:----,---0-- .10.'17 The nedirrannedio* ".ebyhgreeiwindamet*amrhoid.bermless StLucieComityi its,offeiersiugerOand ernployees;fromell, ' costs f fees or damages ariales,fromanyandiatoiairispfattiolitaiiqllra*whiablaay arise.as;ere4ultofthis'aliehgeaf ooittra...i.riattbobittitOtor.sorcope011atio4vrporm ArtatinitiotopootlititatedittlittViliittniabeewporformaii. - . ., .r..!- -,q.,-rowfift,i4, 914TIWPQRAtr,_,14*.G.c,As. b1,14 PRINT NAM,4tirefl Die/1300ra/ •PRINT1404E— Jaen eg3 D. 1-A v I s mat,011.01.6..0.,s t tin*,co..t, tweorfts.i d 4,6**,;ist:40.boat,J„ . .: lite ,,04,„,,,, ,*..,.-.. odgattntototitothiS 1111911.itiwirai;:" ,'".*:Nviii,.. va, •••,:,....=0. -,tte. !„,;.. ..Z.„,day,- lA A 20 .4, tryPre,n• .5. 2.- --wpf,, 'A '• *10:1*.- Am' ,V, 41D' - itit& Al ttunilyldx' vIctothe 1A,lvA.t N".4044s1420.11LtisdalX) ID – -7 i ft/ • - – 41 , , . , . ANGELAYOUNG ,osky p *ue, ANGELA YOUNG '• , . MY COMMISSION 4 FE B510&94 ea - - MY COMMiSSION#FE 910BS, , t a ••',, * v EXPIRES,.Apin 12,2020 0,e 411:°' t EXpaRES:Atara 4 204 , '''-'1,:coi-0,-tfp-- Boom Nu' Budget Notary torotcas -9to.f;;;0,,,- Bonaoriltyll itatfiatNotO7 Sorocoo 1 • : 1 1 . 17Ge V RF�Fjv$0 J& G Carpentry Inc. JAN 0 13461 79th Ct.N. Per��tt; g`2019 West40 5615855140B�ach, Fl 33412 Sr 9t)e e'9C CY ent 561-855-4054 fax December 26, 2018 St. Lucie County Building Department Re: Permit# 1811-0597 To Whom It May Concern, Please be advised that we would like to cancel/close permit#1811-0597 for customer Karen Bengard located at 8742 Tompson Point Road. Customer has cancelled and li J&G Carpentry has done no work at this site. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, ?PO James D. Davis STATE OF FLORIDA *COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this v2(o day of Ve . ,20 Who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. Notary signature i►i Notary printed name i,., p of o,P(tY F(/Bc AN GELA YOUNG MY COMMISSION#FF 951069 * N> o` EXPIRES:Am'12.2020 94Q `pF' Bonded ihrL Budget Notary Serrices gtaivewm iRco. .4ueurpk.,04--tilty.) "1 97 Ellen Vaughn From: Ellen Vaughn Sent: Friday,January 04, 2019 2:46 PM To: Danielle Williams Subject: I 8742 TOMPSON POINT RD, CANCEL PERMIT, REQUEST DRIVE BY Hello, I received a cancellation of permit request, can someone please do a drive by before permit can be voided. 8472 Tompson Point Rd. Scope of work-replace front entry door. Non impact Thank you for your assistance, Ellen Vaughn St. Lucie County-BOCC Permitting Tech li Ph: 772-462-5296 Fax:772.462.1578 e-mail:vaughne@stlucieco.org Sc 201,7 E p des l0 work How are we doing? Submit your feedback to Debra Zampetti, Supervisor, at zampettid@stlucieco.orp 7 I .1/1 '`. OS92 Ellen Vaughn 1 From: I Melissa Brubaker Sent: Friday,January 11, 2019 3:19 PM To: Ellen Vaughn Subject: RE: 8742 TOMPSON POINT RD, CANCEL PERMIT, REQUEST DRIVE BY Ellen, !� I went out and the door was no replaced it is the same from the property appraiser's cite.Thank you. - I Melissa Brubaker Code Enforcement Level 1, 2,3 &4 Planning and Development Services 2300 Virginia ave. 772-462-1571 2ote'�12 `17 . 1. 51 ares:_ . Cti W f, St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us. Please tell me how we're doing. How was your service?Please contact, Danielle Williams, Code Enforcement Supervisor at williamsda@stlucieco.orq to submit your suggestions, comments and feedback. From: Danielle Williams Sent:Tuesday,January 08,2019 8:20 AM To: Ellen Vaughn<vaughne@stlucieco.org> Cc: Melissa Brubaker<brubakerm@stlucieco.org> Subject: RE:8742 TOMPSON POINT RD,CANCEL PERMIT, REQUEST DRIVE BY Sorry. I must of missed this. Will do. From: Ellen Vaughn . Sent: Monday,January 07,2019 2:54 PM To: Danielle Williams<williamsda@stlucieco.org> Subject: FW: 8742 TOMPSON POINT RD, CANCEL PERMIT, REQUEST DRIVE BY Hello again, I was not sure if you acknowledge the email request to cancel/drive by request. I know the one I sent back in December you responded quickly but this I put in on Friday. Just checking on procedure.' Thank you for your assistance, 1 I ,, From: Ellen Vaughn Sent: Friday,January 4, 2019 2:46 PM To: Danielle Williams<williamsda@stlucieco.org> Subject: 8742 TOMPSON POINT RD, CANCEL PERMIT, REQUEST DRIVE BY Hello, • . I received a cancellation of permit request, can someone please do a drive by before permit can be voided. 8472 Tompson Point Rd. Scope of work-replace front entry door. Non impact Thank you for your assistance, Ellen Vaughn St. Lucie County-BOCC Permitting Tech Ph: 772-462-5296 Fax: 772-462-1578 e-mail: vaughne@stlucieco.org 7 01i4 af7 /44/2dUtP • How are we doing? Submit your feedback to Debra Zampetti, Supervisor, at zampettid@stlucieco.orq Please Note:Florida has very broad public records laws.Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request.It is the policy of St.Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection,examination and/ or copying.Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication.If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note:Florida has very broad public records laws.Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request.It is the policy of St.Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection,examination and/ or copying.Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication.If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note:Florida has very broad public records laws.Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request.It is the policy of St.Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection,examination and/ or copying.Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication.If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. • 2