HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 1
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aasame1 LM h+'t user MOMMOR I uut'iD" 1 Subtra Sri &Fa= WAMMM i acstaff aassra tlap It u ,. sir, i
3. ,+ .>Appocatiam DOW
Appn Type. Revision .
Code version 2017 JAN 2 8 2019
AppliMbOrk St3bJS Approved
ST. Lucie County, Permitting
„ COrrirr:crrts -
Product ManuftKUtrer Owens Corning
it one Owens Corning Parkway
T*Wq,Ott 43659
Authorized Signature C'*re9 Keeler
- •.greg. cvrtr
Tedmi ai Representative Mei Sancrant
1 Owens CAmoV PkWY
Tdedo,off 43659
met ra ig-cm
QuaKy Assurance Represesrb0ft
c3twry i
SubraOegory Asphalt Shingles
Compliance Method Evaitration Rgxxt€Hans a i=lk Regkftred Archtbx t or a Ucensed-Fkmda
Professional EragiarE.er
Evakotion Report-Hardcopy Received
Fiords Engineer or Archftct Narsse who developed Robert.).M-Niensirwn
�y the E%Wuatft Report v
Florida I kxw a PE-59166
Quality Assuanae Entity UL LLC „s.*z'y .
Qtmfty Acerae Contract Expiration bate 05/16/2020
Vabdated By John W.Knezevich,PE
-Rr Validation Cbeckbast-Hardcopy•Reoeived
Czrbtkzfto of Independer" S(0534 Ria C01 2017 011 QX-P�mirren-nom
Rdererroecf Standard and Year(of Standard) Standimd
ASTM D3161 2016
ASTM D34Q 2050
ittPs!lwwzr PriP�aPR-dtl ci*par-ff--GEVXQ-tDcASNtrEYSY°.62boQT%2b6w?ahReglCQ&=Mi EWhs7iWgZew%3d%W Page 1 at 2
ASTM D7M 2421
. Equivaienoe of Product Standards
C+ertified By
Sections from the Code
Product Appmal Mediod Medwd 1 opum D
Date SubmaW 10/10/2017
Date Va idMed 10111/2017
Date Pending FSC:Approval 10/1512017
Date Approved 12127./2017
of Products
R# Modd,i4r ndw or Throe DescrilPeon
I.0674.1 Owens Cartring Asphalt Roofing 3-tab,44*5-tab,bmkMW,starter and tdp&ridge aftles
Shingles and SWems
Lhn is of Use Instagation Imsbuctions
Appatred for use in MVN1s No ELIQUA E13 is 2017 is 'ER OC ASPHALT
App ved for use oubWe HVHZ:Yes SM4GE?C BAQIQ7§-m tx#f
I WA Verified ft--RabertJ.M.Ntemiam PE-592b6
Design Pressam N/A Created by IndependentThl d Party;Yes
O!lles.Refts to ER,Semon 5_
F4-1067A R13 AE ZU- t0 EIMALL Eft QC A,�jeii6�
SHMMES FLiO67-4=8313 txrE
Creaked by budependentTt&d Party-Yes
Coetact#!s::z6ft Waw Saft rimmL moltmhay=R P_ 6WAV lai
mm Stale of Flotffi3 is an AAJ O empbdyee ate++ 2tt13 0 of Rdida ::MUCK : d
HaderFbfidaUW, addressesareptdWcretards IrymdomewantY a-l%WMad&A=ie3essad swspometoa ne9uestdonatsmdere{oaaic
aelltotdtst+wDc Ii�ad,o�thea�ceMorbYtradifoo�l raaH.EFyongatieauy�ias.pkaseCoedad850,f67.L�95.*ParaaaottnSkdio�x
4sSmSGt}rt3ddasu *++s6 effammoctilter1.2012�BoawcaYCBxmdauderiftx*ff4$fSsanYDroddeffie wtiAaweerraiadQilasWtftybme
aoe rsetme�rDroraredmaYtcosedfarClBoera�r onwRhtAeiaera9ee Ftarrerer addesarsalp-pditreaa&Vjgadonottz+'lasum*apenow
addressrpi ep�arOeMQVepa *flan 4addm=wt candelaminesymarea Swam ad**mebw45,F,&.
. PraductADprro�rarAaoepess
tps:itwww.ft' Vr_app drtasP>Apwwa=wGEVXQwtDcitSNbEY5V%2boQT%2b6w7ahReVCQSt=RSb"Ftts7WOZew%Sd%Sd Page 2 of 2
P N to o "� m
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Product Ca tegosy: Roofing
SAW-magwr Asphalt Shingles
CampCrarice SbftnveM Owem Carning AVMk Roof S files,as Koduced by Chm Cdrvft have dennorsbated
=rqftm with the fold sections of the d&Eftm(MM Florida BmIcling We and FloridaBdft Caft
Residential Vokme throto temig in accordance with the fad Standards. Compliance Wsubject to the
instaHal m Rewaneras and L'arlitations/Conditions of use set forth.hemp.
section Property Stam Year
IW-2S,11905.2.4 Physical Properties ASTM 03462 2010
1507.2.7.1,8905.2.6.1 Ward Resistance ASTM D3161 2016
I507.Z..7.1,290526.1 Wand Resistance ASTM D7W 2011
3. RWERHrCl3:
ElIft Ex aftation Rite Date
UL UC(CERP626} Physmb&Wi nd Resistance File 82453,Vol.3 02/15/2=
UL LLMC(C.ER9626) Phys mis&Wmd Resrstanoe 201245164t2453 05/16/2D12
ULUC(TST96M Physical Properties 06CA20263 4`/18/2446
UL UC R5l'J628) rnrod Resistarm IICAS43M 02/1S/2012
UL U.0(FSTS ,i8) phVskals&Wmd ResisWnoe 4786093137 02/01IM4
uk r .0(TST9628) Wind Resiswnm 47867265322 02/l0/2M4
UL LLC OST9628} Physical Properties CIassification letter 02/1342M4
UL LEC(iS19628) Phy5sgl Properties Cbssffication letter lO/O r2mS
Miam-flade(CER1W2) FSC HVHZ Compdanoe various WAS Various
UL LLC(QUA9M) 03mmy Control Service Conftrirodion Exp.05/16/2420
4,L1 -Hassle and Supreme`are fiberglass reinforced,3-tab aq*udt roof sl=40m
41.2 Byre are fiberglass.reinforced,4-tab asphalt roof shim.
4.13 Devonshire"`are fiberglass reinlorced,5-ab asphalt roof shirngles.
4-L4 Duration!, TruDefrnition~ Duration*, Duration` Premium! Cool, TruDefinitlon7 Duration` Desngsw Color
Collection,TmDefiNdoWOakridge,4al dge and Weathertuerd HP are f'tberghm realfor W,.iweinaoed
asphalt radshingles.
4.2 t4ia&Rkwe Shy
4.2.1 Berkshire Hip&Ridge Sinngies,Ifth Ridge,WeatherGuard HP Hip&Ridge Shingles,P:ofte Wip&Ridge
Shingles and DuraRi Hip&Ridge ShIrq*are fiberglass remftrced,hip and ridge asphalt roof diirCNm
•4.3 Y.W-
4.31 Starter Strip ShinM*Starter Strip Plus and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shirigh ,
5.1 This is a budding code evaluation. Neither Trinity j ERD nor Robert Nom, P.E. are, in any way, the
Desigrw of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report;or previous versions thereof,is/was used
for permift or design guidance unless retainead specifically for that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ jurbc icdom
5.3 Fire Gass a atlon is not part of this Evaluation Report;refer to current Approved Roofft Materials Directory
for fine cabs of this'pnAscL
fxwm amemb and 9esgq,tic Evvoia ftmpoesO37sto il2.s24W
COO afAnd0*2 ole i3 810674-M
Orrer>S Conuogas�t Soot: es a: 7
WInd m
` 5:4.1 :AN-Owens Can*tg asphalt shingles-noted herein are Classified in accordance with FBG TaMas 107.L7.1
• and R90LU.1 to ASTM D3151,Class F and/or ASTM 0715%Gars H,indicating the shingles are ate
for use in all wind zones up to Vaw = 350 mph (V* = 394.mph). Refer to Section 6 for histailatkm
reguir mentsto meet this wind rating.
5.42 A0 Owens Coming hip & ridge siftles,Starter Strip Shingle and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are
in accordance with FOC Tables 15072.7.1 and 89052.5.3.to ASTM D3161,Cbm F.Intficating the
shingles are acoeptabte for use in all wind zones up to Vm=L%mpih 04.k=1%MP4 Re€er tct Section 6 for
kotallatim requirernents to meet this wind rating.
5.4.3 Classification by ASTM 07158 applies to 04MM ze catreg+ory 9 at C,as defined in FBC 2609A.3,and a mean
roof hd&of 60 Beet or Sass. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions
outside these firnibtions. Contad the shingle manufacturer for data speak to each shim.
5.4A Refer to Owens Coming pubfished it knuation on wind resstance and instaliation 6rnitations.
55 AN prate in the roof assembly shall.have quality amrance audit in acoardance with F.A.C.Rtde 61G20 3.
6. INSi{111AitOltl:
6,1 tlnderlamnent
6.1.1 llrnterlayment shall be acceptable to-Owens Corning.and'shall hold current Florida Statewide Product
Approval,or be Locally Approved per Rule 61620.3,per FOC 3507.23,2507.2.4 or R905.23.
6.2 A m Ism ft Sf
621 to udauon of asphalt shingles shall nompty with the Owens Can*ig current pub loris,using
n*wnum four (4) nags per shingle m accordance with FOC 1507.2.7,or 8905.2.0 with the fogowirig
➢ . SMICS11ki,shingim require nfinirnum five(5)nails per shingle.
W #fue:Guard�HP shires require minimurn six(6)nails per shingle.
C►ee+oasEtlte"'shingles require minimum six(6)nails per Shingle-
➢ SWW Sarlp Shine and Sterter Strip Plus require mawnum five(5)nags per WqL
Refer to Owens Canft published information ori wind resistance and icmailation limitations.
6.22 Fastenm shad be in a=cordmm with the m nufact urees published requirements„ but not lam than FITC
IMJA or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted-
62-4 Where the roof slope e»eds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, spedat nuthods of fwWrang are
required..See figurers below for detalls.
6.25 MIMaman Nailing—Starter Strip Shale and Starter Strip Phis:
/♦ I
50ba ocR =W 0-4A LLQ EvakwdmRqmtC3ZKL4Lj24m
ee�iirt�o�oBaEi�i� 6��Dtr'fON(ZB17j EBtNONai1HlZEVAWA7'bDN pt3+06?4.833
Owe=t cAsphW oofSi es iiewrs+aa�2O 017
62-6 NRnlmum Na`Wing—Chic"&Supreme:
=90, fi�risrr�r.w'riiri�
-,rr ice'_ " ,; ;; *_
&17 M mm Haft—Berkslt O-.
- ti- �• F
Stdid FW40ft PaMwfl 6-Nad
Menurd of Stwp Slope RmWn-
ww"mesearchandOeskm,!!L i0ep oR
C g7E20f 3 6�€ aWN{2"FOC N[7Eh1-fWMr-i/AUMTWM R10674413
ChMe�GO�CphMgAspi�tltoCfS wCMiSiOq�:L7
Eil�-1�d961L#f Nf3EEili1'ivja Wh"m 31H ttTffL}NOW03 m9
umued adoMdaMJoWguew
•9 uja=d2wuvwApsqxmn
mat I I Sam"
oJom Atene.
Rei V P03 o� a wM uuo QUt i�� — *n!Ite } !� A 6-C9
d ! i5 3S puesueW MQUOd BUMMM Pe"McPug3S .
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URD6.35 mum Nailing-PmEige WW&WWp Sh"sn
TMs ie
Note:The*aw'uW below pertain to rmnitnum,its-tested alluNno t mWwTm s. Rem to Owens Cmft
published instalboon instructionsfortheirminimurn requ`uementL
.--� i
-IT ,v:
7.1 Labeft shah be in aaordw= with the regaireinaft the.Aaredited Owifty Assurance Agency noted
7.2 Aspirant shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications debuled in FK
TaMe 1W".1/hiM62.64.
As rimed by the h3 dWmg Of ial or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly eualuaLe the installation of
this product.
Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule W3 QA
M QimffARStxNjM Bwm.Y:
UL LLC QUA9625 i(631)S46-24rSS;Kandu.AgrawahHDoimm0uLcom
r. it -aramwo dsand uC• E+rittwsoan o�to3l9�QQ2.12�i6
r el'11&r0 0- ,ISM 6t"ErriKM t=7)MC WOMNIC EVAUMATM RIGP9403
0W0MA A0aftrA"a8;2qWrAt7
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basal on tip ejattaagn aombkled vAm$vpporft dam for the
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. tAtggdSt�es Sfspe
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No no y" Yes
T Sand-RSk Yes filo
UrAmbram Yes
Yes Ya Yes
TtiS/AHTTU Yes Yes See 55.1
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Tom°is biwd to use of the WMft Adwom { � '
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