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Search Results-Applications
FL# Tvpe Manufacturer Validated By Status
FL16048-R6 Revision Tri-Built Materials Group,LLC John W.Knezevich,PE Approved
History Category:Roofing (954)772-6224
'Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Contact us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::.Rehmd Statement
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic
mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.•Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),
Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails
provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please
provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click Bee_.
Product Approval Accepts:
641,41 liger
sccurit%.tthrio's •
OXFORD,;.CT 06478.
Allied.BOilding.Prodocts.COrp; Evaluation Report A42060A0:12L04
dba:TR/BOLT:Roofing Products FL16048:-R4
9050-Louisiana-Street: Date of Is-suante.10/25/2012.
Merrillville,.IN 46410 Revision 4 10/06/2016
This Evaluation Report is issued-under Rule 61G20-3.-andthe.aPpliCable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the:State-Of Florida.The documentation submitted has,been reviewed by Robert Nieminen;
P.E. for: use of':the 'product under the Florida:Building,Code:and Florida Building Code, Residential VOlume. The:
products described herein,have beenevaluated for compliance with the:.5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code
DESCRWHbN: TRI7BU I LT.Roof Upderlayment.5
LABeUNot' labeimg shall be in accordance with the' requirements the Attredited Quality AsturanCeAgency.noted
CONTINUEDICp*tiANcEfTbi,s Evaluation Report is valid until such as thenamed-prci,clOct(S)changes;the referenced
Quality Assurance documentatioh.changes,prprovisionsofthe:Cbde that relate to the product change Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report by the nanied.:client,constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.:E. if the pal-chid-I
changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes Trinity ERD requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report:relative to.updated Code requirements with-each:Code Cycle:
'ADVERTIEMENT:The Evalpation-RepOrt_number preceded by the words."Trinity ERE).Evaluated', may be displayed in
advertising.literature. If anyportiort Ofthe,EvaluatiOn Report is:displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety:
'INSPECTION:.Upon request,'.alcopyOfthisentire Evaluationlieport shallbeproVided.to'the user by.the manufacturer'or
itSdistriblitorsnd shallteaVailablekirinspection-at thejaP:sith.at the request Of the BbildirigiOffidal,
ThrS,Evlutioilftepoft dtInists.,oftsagesIthibugti.5,
• __ft::
Robert 1;NL Nieminen,.P E The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Niembion,
On'10/06/616.Thli'cloes net servo as ab'eleetionicallysygriod,
Florida,ROgistration.No,59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 . .
document:Signi*,sealed hardcopies have been transmitted to the
Rroduct'Approval Administrator arid to the named client
1. Tririify I ERD does-not'flave-,,nor does-it intend tO acquire or.Will It acquire;a'financial interest in•-any.company Tnanufactilring,
'distributing'products Wevaluates.
2. Trini1 ERDA,hottiwned„Operated Orcontr011ed by any company manufacturing'or distributing•broducts ltevakiates
Robert Nierninen,-P.E.-:dcies not have horwill'acquire,a financial interest in any cornOanymanufatturing"or distributing 1-iroductS-fOr
-which the'evaluation reperts'are beingistued.
4. Robert Niem,inen,..P.:E.cloes net have,nor will acquire a'financial interest in any involved in the approval process of the.
5. This a building code.erialuation: 'Neither frih itY I ERD nor-Robert'Nieminen,P.E. are, in-any'way,. he Designer of.Record for'any
projetton Which,this Evaluation Report,OrpreVious versions:thereotisiwas.used:tar permitting or design guidance unless:retained,
specifica I lyfor'that0 tirp6Se:
.". •: . ,
. .
RoosoomooNtot E*006:i4:.
I.,. ;,SCOPE:
Product 0tegory; Roofing ..
:sub,-category:, Underlayment
Compliance Statement TRI-BUILT ROCif:UnderlaYM ents,as produced by TRI-BUILT -haVe,dernonStratedtompliaricd
with the following sections of the Florida BUildiqg..cooditOugti testing in accordance with
tornpliance,itsUbjeCt•to the,InstallatioryRegOirernerits..apd.cirritations j'CIOnditions,of.pk:Oti-..fol.OltiO-eih-,
.2i-, 5:T.ArNp4,01p1:.
, ectibrv, Property Stantlard. 8ear
--.1$01r.2..4:;.4501.4.k: 61.,24.i, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 ; 0130,
1507* 4;asoi540. 6.7.:74,
1504.6 AcCeleratedVea dieting -.ASTWG155 --2005,
-1507.33; IristalWioil.Pradtiee; FRWTRI'Apill 2012(04-42) -.2012:
15463;21. Physical properties ,Th5104.. "19 :
., ,f10pRENgs:
*inky, Examination .Reference :bate
ERDITsT6D,40). Physical Properties "54654002A3-,1, ;.02/19/4013
g1*(1t.Tai.0)' Physical Properties S40540 11 11/19/2013
.. , . ,
E1*(T760.0) Physical Properties 00540.04;111.: 03/*2014
OD.(TSTS049) Physical Properties S448TO.O4:1:4,., 04/02/2014
.- .. ...
.ERD".(TST.6046). 1560Cal.Pr606rties . -S4487004143 .:D4/02/2014
ERD:.(131'6046.), Physical Properties .544.370.0C141.: .04/1.0/20.14
ERD:(TST6049.). Physical Properties 'S44870.04;144- .0410014
ERD(TrST50.49.)-: Ptivskal.Properties S43530:13214-1;111 .05/1,42014
0-PF(TT.00-40P44icalProperties4J.S*0:01:3:4 05/28/2014.,. _
g9romtto49); Physical propprOes .:54000 0:14 '.101/2014
01.0ittt0.0491. Physical Properties .5c744$.02i.15 .:02/13/201:5
ERD itit#601 Accelerated Weathering .5e820.04 15, 05/27/2015
u!2,,L.I.C::,.:(cit0625) Quality Control MUltiple-ListiraR1S814 .r09/04/2035 '
, .
•ULIA.Ci(t*A90S) thiality,Control, .ServiCe.COrifirniatiOn :•pcp..i0t1&/2-617 •
41 Self-AdherinktInderlaYinents::
AA'S Iii-Built?'Sand-R,SA Shingle---:.Underlaytherit is a self adhering, glass7: rrat reinforced;:-Sancitirfad
ce ,,SEIS.
.., - •.
MOdifiedbittirrien roof Witkal"36,:inChr-Sheet width.
A1,-.2, Tri.liiiiICS/A2141-TU Underlayineiiiis•a self-adhering, non woven polyester fabri&stirfaced,'SBS Modified
bitumen,rocif u nderlayment
44.:3'. tii.pii0 Smooth: fiTI'S/A, tioderlayrneof Is; a..,self,adherin , glass mat reinforced, film-surfaced, SBS
,., ..
modified bitumen roof underlayment. ,
54 This is a biIitding..code-evaluation.- Neither Trinity I ERD'nor Robert Nieminen; P.E.: are; in any way the
. .„
Designer of Retard for;any project:on which this Evaluation Report,.or,previous versions thereof, is/was
tiSedfOrPerniittititOr design guidance unless retained specificaliY1Orthat-PiirpoSe.
51, thit'EvaltiatitiORepOrVis:notfor Use ln-AhellY.HZ:
5'..3': Fire Classification is net. part of'this. Evaluation ;Report :refer to current Approved',Roofing Materials
Exterior Researchiaikalkishin,LLC.. -,EiraliiatioiillOwirtA42969.1p.12TR4%
cerrriii#re of Authorization Aistholizqtfpn 0503 FI3C3VON-00 EVALUATION Fii1604;i4.
Revision 4:10/0612016.
Page 2:05.
TRI-BUiLT ROOCUnderlaYinents. may :136.,.:.usedwith any prepared roof cover vitiere the product:1S
specifically referenced-,withinOc approval documents. If not listed,a request.maybe•madeto the AH.I for
approval'based on this evalyation,combinedwith-suppprting data:for the prepared roof-covering
Allowable roof Covers applied.atop.theunderlayrrients are.as follows:
Asphalt- ,
UnderlayMent • --
Shingles. NaiPOri Tile- Foam-On Tile metal Wood.Shakes
Yes No No No Yet, Yes
Tri-Buitt:S/A HT TU Yes-
Yet Yes Yes Yes Yet'
,Underlayment-. See S'.5.1
Trirpujlt.SMooth HT S/A YesNo No Yes Yes: Yes.
"Fbarn-Ori TileIs limited to•use of the following Approved tile adhesives unlesstensileadhesion long
term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory is provided.
S/A HT TU Underlayrnent with 3MTM 2-Component Roof Tile:Adhesive-01460 (FL6332) or
'.5.6.1 Direct-Bondto
Tri;Built.SandA SA Shingle UnderlaYMenti Tri.Bulit'S/A HT TU Underlaym.erit'or Tn Built Smooth HI S/A
Unitierlaythent.applied to::
> PIStioOdi:..ASTtirl D41 primed.plitwood OSII;;ASTM D41 primed OSB; SoLithein'Yellow Pine;:ASTM 041
pritried$outnern YelloW'Pine;ASTM.D4-1.primedstructural concrete.
While not ,required•over. plywood, OSB'or Southern Yellow Pine substrates, TRI-BUILT recommends.
priming.the,decks'if the-final roof cover:is not slated for installation within 24 hours Note TBI-BUILT
requires tongue-andgrobve board decking be covered:with plywood or OSB prior to installatiorr.of the
Tri,BuiltSani0 SA Shingle:Underlayment„TniSuilt S/AHT TU'Underlayment orTri-Built:SMoofh HT S/A, -
UnderlayMent:applied to:
Denk•Deck;Pritne;SECUROCK'Gypsuml-Fiber ROof.Boarcl:
Foe:installatiohAnider mechanically:attached prepared roof coverings, inSUlatitin..shall.be attaChed:pee
minimum requirements Of thsprepared.rodf,covering inarkifaCturer'S'PrOduCt'ApprovaL For-installations
Under.f0am-On tile systems(Tri-Built.;S/A;HT TU'Underlayment insulation attachment.shallbe
designed by'a.qualified design professional andinstalled based on testing of the insulation/underlayment
sySterminfactOrdance-with,Fivt 4474,.Appendiic Dor TAS-1-14,'AppendixJ.
563 Bond to MedlanitaihrAttathed.Base Layer:
Tri43tiiIVSand4.SA.Shingle UnderlayMent;TrVBuilt S/A HT TU Untierlayinent'Or Tri-BUiltSmootfl'HTS/A
ASTM D226;.Type I or.Ilifelt.
For installations-under.mechanically attathed.prepared roof cOveririgS; base layer shall,be at:tabbed per
minimum 'codified eetiLiiretnents: For'installations-.under foarivOn tile systems' (Tri-,BUilt.S/A, HT TU.
Uriderlaymentonly), base layer:shall'be:attached per minimum requireinents.of FRSAitki.April,2012_(04-
Exteiri0 Research and Design,LLC. EValuation:Report:A42960.10.12-R4,
Cv:FIfitriW.oplOthcrrIptipn 0503 FBC.fijOWEIVHZ:EVALUNDON 9.1608.421
Revision 4:10/06/2016.
Page 3of-5,
cp. . . -TRINIre ERD
Wind Resistance fOr UnderlaNirnerit Systems infoarn-CinTile ApolicatiOnS: rRSA/TRI (04-i2),
• does not address wind uplift.resistancepfellvnderlayment.systems beneath-fparn7ontilesystems,:where
the...underlOyrnent:forms part of the.load-path., The-f011owing-wi nd uplift limitations apoh,to direct dck
underfayMent'Nstems that are pot addressed in.FRSA/T1114ril20.12-(0442)and are.usedialoanl+Pn.iire
apPliCationS.., Maximum Design Pressure is,the.result Of:Aesting for,vi.find load resistance based;On
• allowable wind loads, and refledts the ultimate passing pressUre-dhtidedby,2(the2:tol..r.ttergin of safety
per 03t.'3.504:9.,hasalrearfy been applied) Refer to Flc16091ordeterrninatipn of design.Wind pressureS,
Maximum Design Pressure=--;45.0 Ost:
Deck Mm 15/32inchplywood,to meet project requirements to satisfaction of
Primer:, (Optional)ASTM 041
Uriderlayrnent: TrP13.uilt StAHTTU Underlavmehtkself-adhered.,
5.6.42 Makimlim-Desien,PtesSure:=;•67.5 osf.
Deck! ..StrUctu ral concrete taineet.prOject reqUiteitientSto,SatisfattiOryof-AHL
Primer: '-Sciprema 61astocOl'600c
Underlayment; 1 .1 Underlaytnentiself-pdhered
5 643 Maximum Design Pressure.--60.0 nsf.
Deck; plywood io meet.project requirements to satisfaction of:A1711.
Base Sheet ,Soprerna $cipra-Q;nr.,MOdified)Sopra!:G mechanically attached with'nalls,;(93c:1517: 1)
.ancitin caps(FBC 1517.5,21Spated.6-4nctro.c.atthe 4-inth;laps.and nth o.c.in-three,
eq ually spaced.rOWS.inthetenter Of:the:Sheet.
tinderlaOient! Tri,BUilt,S/A•HT Tll.Underlayment;:Self-adhered:,
57 DOOSuretiniitations:
571 Tri,Built.Sand,FCSA Shingle Underlayniebtor-TriBuiIt Smooth HT S/A Underlaythent'Shall not be.left
exOeSed fP.r.longer thari3iklays after installation•
Tri43ok0AtiTIu'Underlayrnent-shallnot;beleftexposed for longer then 180-daysafter installation:.1
6. .'INSTAttATioNi-
. „
TRI•4(11LT*ciof ppdellayments, shall be installed accordance with TRI-BUILT, published installation
requirements.snbjeatatheIimitations.setiorth in.' ectinn 5 herein and.theSpecifics noted,b.elbw.. '
62 Re fasten any:loosedecking:panels;and,Obeck.'for protruding nail heads Sweep the substrate thoroughly
to renioveany dust and debris prior:to apPlicationrand primethe-substrate(if:applitable).
:6;3 Ta-Built SandaSA.Shingle.,Underlayment,Trktuilt'S/A HTTU UnderlaVmentorTii-Built Smooth HTS/A.
63,1 Shall be installed in.'corriplience*ith the requirements''far'ASTM.Di§.70:underlayrrient'inBeSectionS
1507for thetypeOf prepared.rOdicoyeringto.be installed:
:163.7 Nonjile applications:
While priming;isoptional,.T.RI-BUILT-recoMmends:priming thedeck if the finali roof cover iS nOt:slated for:
installation Within/24 hours:
ApPITsheetparatlel to the roof edge outapproxiioately10'ft of'membrane:and peel back the.fitist.3
ft of release 111M.
Adheretheexposed part-tothe substrateand,Oproil the remaining.rnenitraneasfar as possible.
Once the entire length of membrane is in:;placei.peel-off the.releaselfiltn.diagonally while hbldingthe
membrane tight. Firmly roll,broorndt:hand7press.theMembraneinto-placetp.aChieve.-41-mnd,.
Horizontal searris:.shOOld.:be Minimum,37Linehet,,,COnfigured to shed water: Vertical seams should.Le
inches-andstaggered nOt lesS:than:24tfroinvertiCal sea msin the course.below-isealedinaccordance*ith
Exterior ReseatcliañdDesign,LLC. EiralitatiReportA429.00,10:12.-R4'-
Ceo(fictite ofAtgporlzrglpn9503 FBC korg-nin-itOAtuATioN F11604844'
Revision 4:10/06/2016.
Page 4 05
Vvheliv1hillikIpt-sloPes'aboVe.8!12,TRI-Kilt.T:recOmmends back4iailin&in the overlaparea at the top of
the Oqetat:1-27110 p.c.
For Valleys and Ridges :CtitunderlayMentinto-4:to&foot lerigths. Peel the-releaSe.paper.and center sheet
over valley or ridge Drape and presssheetinto place, working from the center.of the valley or ridge,in
each.direction. For valleys,:apPlythe sheet starting at the lowest point anci'worl<upward.
63 Tile Applications:(Tri4ttilitSM TU Underlavment only):
Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2011.:(04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the
instructions nptect aboyeras a guideline:
For foarrkm tile apPlications, reference iSlnade'to Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance,limitations that
fall outsideThe'Scope of FRSA/TRI April 201.2,(04-14
Tile shall be loaded and ,staged, in a. manner that preVeritS tile slippage, and/Or damage to f:the
7. Eitittrillii0PERiviit REQUIREMENTS:
As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to.properly evaluate the installation of
Contact the noted:QA agency for information on product.locations;coyered for F.A.C.Rule,9N-3 QA requirements.
UL,LLC QUA9625,(314)578-3406;jichancellor@qs-,14.com
Exterior Rekearch and Design,LLC. Evaluation:Report A42950.10.12-WV
Certificate ofittitipilzation9503 FBC NON-HVHZ EVAWATION FL16048-R4
Revisibn 4:10106/2015
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