HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor AgreementP PERMIT# , t q 0 r,—0 b ISSUE DATE J 31 J r lJly G7 „it/$.0 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES j4N a ` 1• Building & Code Compliance Division '°ern„rrn 4 2n, St BUILDING PERMIT v SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I c,I e 5 a i- E to Irl e /Joi x ea vAict' have agreed to be (Company Name/Indiv�iiduuall ame) the ��CS-tX- Sub-contractor for `}-c - ?c6 \ 0,T.cJ \.( (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at '4 2 7 /Lk i,i .c;-zI J LOc2 y Po rk- S\- Lis CI (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division.of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. /ill �� .4° /77/71. L.-----------.., CONTRA OR SIGNATURE(Qualifil 7JB-C IGNATURE(Qualifier) /l"�t C,IR r��l 61,.....a.ci `j ` N Ca-i! 1 ..) J PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 035DI S9, '' COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of -1.1t(;1.t State of Florida,County of Si.e_dc. - The foregoing instrument was signed before me tthhisJ day of Th oor�egAoing instrument was signed before me tbi7 day of 3-1/4). ,20.Eby ICl `ak O Com!"" ,20 kti1 Cc ,./NCI^ who is personally known or has produced a who is personally . wu_or has produced a as identificati n. as identificatio, , / STAMP ,./ . .A STAMP Signature of Notary Public S',„ ure o .11r.ry Pure LQ-I) VCL, hC o) f ee ke-NIN0,-- Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Al COLLEEN KENNA 14,Wilik„ ELLEN VA U G H N = .�,lt Notary Public,State of Florida .'r° i =State A l'lorl�®=Rtotary Public —� Commission#GG253717 * — *^ �''' My comm.expires Sept.14,2022 °"�r LL� Cmtti�ti�dl�fi � 6€� ;?�tl07� Revised 11/16/2016 •.�fo ip��'�� My 001111Th001ofi Lxpifdlt � Ootaber 22, 2022