HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Per;.., ^:umoer to Building Permit Application cr�^c aPd 7eveiaprner r 5e^rtes 5ucoing Gro Cote Becu!anoP Division 2300 Iirgigic Ave.aue, Fort ?fierce FL 349&1 J phone %721A52-1353 Fax:(7721852-1578 COrnmercia' Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. :address 1,79) l�' 2 I`124�F _ -I Descri pt�on: A�in- '--i '� - L�-3.: :/-V x) (� Lot k N '�, oery Tax ID �. Block No. S;lre ?Ian Names Name. - Serbacks Front Sacs. Rigrr Sdei eft Side: ❑dlttona I WO t0 bePe rmed uncle_ -Tri Def"ni-11 -.. ..-'— , ^,!erha^Ica; _Gas Tark —Gas Pip>ng _ jhuGPrS ✓NindO WS1DCO'S — �� .. SDrinklerS 6eneraior — Poo• �'21 Sq p`�p nSTrGCiipn. _�__ !)tiiities. _S2wer _SepVc Building Height:_ Psr cns,rur.ion.S ll.__Q��r l irlw�P Name Liu Ii ic.k r time �z��t ess CO'npanv . s r &� L, a ' _crate`'il_ Address II95 2t 11 C;y: "&i Ja �a 3eo� state _ oce =ax: 32-1 777, 1425J J4pp� TP Code 3G9 =-Maif �q Y� Phone No. 77 537-447L✓ f different imagi page -. ar�5 - c�nr. a, �. .:..ate -_��• -- Fill in tee simple Title Holder on next P a ( from the Owner listed above) $t3� or Court, License quired. If value of con5[iuGion is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is re DESIGN ER,fENGIN EER: _ Not Applicabie ! MORTGAGE COMPANY_ _ Not Applicable Name. Name: _ Address Gty S*ate: Giv Stat ,�.P. Phone. _ Zip. _ phone. FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: — Not Apollcabie BONDING COMPANY: _Not Apol:•cable Name. Name. _ ! A.ddress. Address. Zip Phone Zip: Phone- :} i5c; n.; �ycr3 Cr nz a la ee 5o ,.:Der onor to ih s>a nce e 2'm.t. S-. . JC' COJnry maKes n0 , h pr 5�zc-ion a* S g.antrne a pe-MII -uthon -is Pe. 70 oud-m Me uD �T_U "re wnrcr Is In conflict with any anolit2bie Horne Owns: s Assoaat on rules by.>V15 or anC Ovgr Ls tha m y ez 1 o Dro6"br, xn 5t a tu'e. Please consult with vour home Owners ASSOC2bon ane eviell you- deed 'ar a. v reSt-,Irc, L which mai' 200:1. -frT consiue,a or of the graO:ing o: this requested oermit. I do he'aby agree .'ar ! will, is all resc-ca. o2 -or, the w'pfk ,n accordance l.th the adoroved niae; °1.01 o. 3uild!ng Ceces and St.: Je County '.rneedm2n[<. The following building perma aPpllCatI,nS are exe not i,or➢ Undergoing 2 conc,rrencv-eviewroom addi`uons. 2ccessory 57_ctUres, swi:-+'mng 0oo's, fe-ces. walls; "EE'ssc ee^ roo- s and accessoti s z_ =no h_r .nor-resioeniia, use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for mpro Vemenl s zo your Property. A. Notice of Commencement mast be recorded and ousted on tile;obsce before the first Inspeccncn. if ycc intend to obtain financing, ccnSJ,t wit:`! !erder or ar arorney before comm, inch worK O" re CordJi VP:=_ NoTice of CCm Mercer i S slgna'urt of Owren L=_ss ;Age S`gna[use o` Coats cc icensa �olde- STATE OF FLQSTATE OF PLS,I,Q� �,yy/ COUNTY OF ( A COUNTY O 7 i/nl U, _ kr 1e" r-eng. w �::ece e`cre -�_ "va ' c der en new g e pe ack +e a' Si e o N c__a . F c ' j,r : < c cgc to n-i9c2-or, e _bn k !o y OT-acjc=o ie2n,r=icaiocn v0g,o' \nil no duo fl — �r Revised G?.i 3Y2014 "RONT Z0 IN; N;; '. SLPERVISCR PLANS S_A TO RTLc MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEVd REVIEW RFVIEW : REVIEW REVIEW REVi=W QOM°Lc-= INiTIAIS F. ' o!(® f \� \ ; q.ƒ / k |!a ■ §2!| �z !| ; | \ � F. ' o!(® f \� \ ; q.ƒ / \ � � (§ I § P /)§) k , >rn § ())} �7»§ � � a F. ' o!(® f ;;d / F.