HomeMy WebLinkAbout7433 Greenbriar (PGA) NOCElectronically Certified Official Record I HEREBY ATTEST THAT THIS CERTIFIED DOCUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF AN OFFICIAL RECORD OF ST.LUCIE COUNTY. BY:ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE DATE:2/6/2019 12:44:01 PM Agency Name:Clerk of the Circuit Court,St.Lucie County,Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court:The Honorable Joseph E.Smith Date Issued:2/6/2019 12:44:01 PM Unique Reference Number:BAA-CABIBBAGCAFCCB-BCBBB-EFCIIGH-DCCI-J Instrument Number:4528867 Requesting Party Code:20181106205221 Requesting Party Reference:JUSTSHUTTERIT@GMAIL.COM HOW TO VERIFY THIS DOCUMENT: This electronically certified Official Record contains a unique electronic reference number for identification printed on each page.This document is delivered in PDF format and contains a digital signature identifying the certifier and a tamper proof seal indicating whether this document has been tampered with.The second page of this document contains a digital signature indicating the certifier as the St.Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court.Open this document using Adobe Reader software to verify the digital signature of the author.Visit https://Verify.Clerkecertify.com/VerifyImage to learn more about validating this certified copy. Un i q u e C o d e : B A A - C A B I B B A G C A F C C B - B C B B B - E F C I I G H - D C C I - J P a g e 1 o f 1