HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval RECEIVED FEB 13 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting MIAMI-BADE COUNTY MIAMI•DADE': j PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION- 11805_SW_ .2fi=StreeyRoom 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECUNQMIC.RESOIJRCES(REAjMiami 'T'lorida33175-2'47.4 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T'(786)'315 2590..`r(786:}315-2599' NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA): a1nidadeigovlecononvi, GAF 1 Campus Drive Parsippany,NJ 07054 "SCOPE: This NOA.is being issued under the.applica(ilc rules,"an d regulations governing the use of.,cot struction,.materials,The documentation submitted hassbeenreviewed.."and accepted by Miami=Dade::County RER-Product Control Section to:be used in Miami Dade County and other areas whe►e a(lowedby the Authority Haying Jurisdiction(-AH7.); This NOA shall not be valid after the,expiration datestated below. The Miami-Dade°County Product.Control. 'Section (In Miami`Dade County) and/or the-AHJ (in areas,other than Miami Dade County.)reserve the right,to, have this product or material tested for quality.assurance.purposes: If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur.-the expense of such testing and the AHJ,may immediately revoke, modify,or suspend themse,of such product;o_r material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves'the;r ght,to revoke this acceptance, if-it is determined by`Miami-Dade County Product Control Section thatthis product_or material fails to ineet the requirements of applicalile building code. This product is approved as described:herein;and has been designed to coop71 -with,the;FloridaBuilding Code including the High V.elocity Hurricane Zone of the:Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION•-GAF Timberline W,,,'Timberline.NaturI Shadow0,and Timberli'ne.Ameriican'Hl trrvest° Shingles° LABELING:Each unit shall.b.ear a permanent label with the manufacturer`s nazi e oraogo,city,state a dfollowing statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved."„unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL.of this;NOA shall.be.cons tiered after.a;renewal application has been filed and'.0cre-has bees=no•change in the applicable:building code negatively affecting the performance of this;produci.. TERMINATION of this NOA,will occur.a"fter'the.expiration—date or'if there has:been 4=vision:or change.itr alie materials,use,and/or manufacture ofthe product'or process.Misuse of this NOA.as an en+dorsement,ofzny product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall autoinatically:te'rininate..'this.NOA.Failure to contplywitt any section of this NOA shall.be cause for termination and removal•of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The.NOA..number preceded.by the words Miami-Dade=:County, Florida, and followed by the .expiration date may be-displayed inadvertising literature: ;If any portionof theNOA;is.displayed,then=it shall be done .inits entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this'entire NOA shall lie provided wthe user by the.manufacturer or'its distributors.and shall be available.for.insPeetionatahe job site afffie::request'.6f the"Building Official., This NOA revises;NOA 1.3-0419.04 and:consists of pages 1 through.6. The,submitted documentation'was_reviewed;by.Juaii.E Collao;,R.A. MIANI4DADECOUNTY NOA,No 14-1022.20` Expiration Datc 02/21/17 Approval Date:02105!.15 Page of':6 ROOFING ASSEMBLY AP#RovAL Eikom 'Roofing 8uIv-Caieeorv:, AsplialtShihgl6s, Materials: Larninate 'Deck Type: Wood SCOPE This approves-GAF TimberlineIW-,Timbefline-Nidtiral Shado*04 and Tyr berli*neAW6riC9n Harvest Shingles as manufactured.by",GAF as desptibdd u-gectibil'2 of this Noticeo Acceptance. PRODUCT DE gclzipnoN Product' Dimensions Test, Product'Descrijiti6n Siiedifications GAF Timberline HW 13 '.14":K 30 'TAS 119. Fiberglass--reiiiforced heav -wight - ,y asphalt Mariqfactur�ing rod" Ingle,- . With.a hilifinate PKoftle, Locations#1,2,31!45 5$41:7 GAF Tiniberli he Naturat. l`3-"/4",x.39 `TAS 110 .Fiberglass roinforced'heavy.weight.asphalt Shadow" roof shingle,:Witha laminate aluit*ateTrdelte- Manufactut ing Locations##1,2,3,4,.$i:6,7 GAF Timberllne.AmerWan, :1,3 114 39 W. TAS:11'0 Fiberglass rdinfoteed heavy.weight asphalt HarvestQ 00fshinigjd,*Witft-Alarninafe?profile Manufacturing Locations.#2,4;.5,16 MANUFACTURING-LOCATION 1 Tampa,-FL- 2. Michigan City,.,IN 3. BaieijT*Ore,MI) 4. Myerstown,PA S. Ennis-TX 6. Tuscaloosa,AL 7. Dallas,TX MIM"MMI, DUNTWY NOAN6-t,144622.26 EXpifaddn]Date:-02'/21/1'7 02/21/17 Approval`DateAVO 1 5/1-5. "Poge-2 of 6 EVIDENCE SUBMITTIED, Test AY__ Tesfldiititer Test Narnielltenort Date Underwriters Laboratories' Inc. - .4 ASTM D3462 UCIA $92 [0/24/11 Under weters Laboratories,Inc ASTM D3461- 10CA21994 041221I I Underwriters Laboratories,-Inc ASTMD3407 10EA2M 7; 07129611 1 Underwriters Laboratories,Itic. ASTM`Dj,462' 05CA4754] U-110/06 VnderWriters L.4bpratciriesjnc. .ASTM D3462 0"f` 86 1.1410/06 PlItAsphalt Technologies,Inc. ASTM D34.62. GA&MI-42-M- ]1/02/05 Underwriters t1ab. oratoriesjnp. ASTM D3462; 06NK051 S,9 08/09/06 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. ASTM D3462 GA&098;-0242 11/09/05 Underwriters ASIMM3462C4 S tJnderwr.iters.Lgboratories,,Ioc. Q9 ASTM D3462 '43NK-26444 19/17/03 Center for Applied Engineering AST- M,D346 257989 /43197 , underwriters Laboratories,Inc.. TAS. 1,07 MNK45801 04/13194-, UAdCrWtiters,Labckp(tdries;Itis. TAS 1;07 06-NK 0 51 S9 09/00/06 VndqrwrAer&Laboratories,Inc.. T A S;I'U"I 0414K04 - 02/20/04 UnderwritersLAboratories' In—q , TAStOT ',05CA428,40 -VO Underwriters Laboratories,ITA V7 02NK4J, 1 i nc.. 1 1 '. 11[11102 :Undefwriteis;LEibo,'rittot,�es,Inc.: ­81 107 03-CA-35209 t 0*/-1'7'/0*3 TA O—C-Al 3$5*0, 'Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. TAS-101 4, - 01 08/3 04 Center f6r Appffldd,F4ginciefing TAS-100 2-57,9&9, 04/01/07 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc, TAS J 6 6 GAF-044-62-01 JOI/I3/64, .PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. TAS 100 GAF-'09$,;-02;-41 I l,/o$/0S PRI Asphalt Technologies,,Inc, TM "V�I I O'1-02.01 I1./.O9/0S PRIAsphalt T6chtiologi S,jn -1,1 -3/06, TAS,104 GAF -0- 2, 03/2 PRI Asphalt.Technologies;,ine. tLK--001-01 10/16/01 TA -J"QQ ELK-Qs,4QX-O!: I b1l Vol ELK-085402D], I.P/14/02 .ELK,-086:-620 O&W ELK-687-02-04- tk,1/02 :ELK-W, -".l I',W,16%02, Etk�'1'07-OU1 , ".1-0/09/03: FLK 1`'0 OT !01063: ELK469402-O 1 46/09%63-1 LimrTATioNs. 1, Fire classification is not part,,of this.acceptance fektto,a,current Approved"tig gitor*.s Directoryfor fire ratings of this,'Prodt.i6f., iShall'not be'instal led onroof mean heights in excess of-3,311. 3. All products listed h iiefeii'n shall h,".avas d't'n-accordance with'the Florida' ,-B.Wldihg Cod el- s a p,;y qua and Ruffle 16,1-,G20-3'of'the'Florida'Adininisf a trative.Code, WMAMI-DADECOUNTY,=UNTY1 '� NOA No.-�14-1022,20 "xpir 17 1 Apo� iDlialt�-'61/0/.0 `Page S ofk s 7 INSTALLATION: 1. Shingtosshall be installed in compliance with RoofingApplicationSlandard RAS 115. 2. :Flashing shall be;in accordance with Roofing Application Standard;RAS 115: 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application:instructions. 4. Exposure and:course:layout shall be in compliance-with Detall'A',:attached. 5. Nailing shall be in comp!iance.with Detail B',.attached. LABELING Shingles,-shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's- name or :logo, city: and: state: of manufacturing,facility,.and foliowing:staten ent: "Miami Dade County Product Control.Appro ed" or Elie Miami-Dade County Produettontrol Seal as shown below: MIAMI•DADE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT'.REQUIREIVENTS 1. Application for building--periiiit'shall,be accompanied by copies oftlie following: 1.1=Tlus;Notice of Acceptance; 1.2 Any other .documents required. by the-Building,Official or the. appltcab'le code.'in,order to:properly evaluate'thel.0slallati0ii of this system:. NOA No:1*402120 M75 aoecounrr Expiration Date:'02121117 Approval Date::021W15 Page-4 of 6 Rt$kXtAl b(¢% FULL 5+ 77® (\ q§ \ 2 j4'gEK -30d: E§L . . . #q4 Now'; -0222\ MU'DMECOExpiration#k44/21/17 \. z - 4P mptpa;02/05#ƒ Y DETAIL,$► .OVERALL.DIMENSIONs AND.NAILING PAjTERN, 14-;l 2"-17'.112"- 14 112' :17-1i2" Now y_-- {368-445m(n) 36$ 445mm - - _ n 6-i12" 9-912„ alr; utde:-line '��.I� p65•341inin) (165 ?41m») 14- FY 1J2',2-772" @s.aa - from 6ottbrcl:ashingie elt sea! adheSive> 'on Sack, ENNANCED NAI ING_i?ATTERN six naps per sl rrigfe*' reouired by some:focal codes and:ra#uired for:enhaneed vWhd coverage=certain,pmduct.s. See limited.wait"'tor detail& Those shingles MUST�be nailed a:hornina!$"(152mm}fcom,bottom of of shingle,alove;the cutout$;as shown.,Nails•mustnot be.exposed; END OF TH19 ACCEPTANCE, CAMWADEMCOtJt�l'TYNOA.No.-14-1022.20. Expirafion Date:0212110 App rov�l;DaEe:'02%05/1;S' Page&o('6