HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationHCC HFFEIC'!' &C 119PO MOS 1 BE COrvIPLETica FOR APPLIM I ION r O of iACCEP i ED Permit Number: 2j Builaing Permit Applica'ion rlanning and vevelopmentaervices audding and rode negularion vivision zA�v viryinia mvenue, Tort Tierce rr ay.,jpaz Phone: (772) w62-.LSSa Fax: (772) z;6z-1,fa LUMmercial Reziaaentidl PERM I ArP[I—LA I IVIS FUR: To Select from &,pb0., click erl�:;Yy at thu and of line I mddress: D IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: O-q'J ) Le6al DescriFtion: _C- rro artta-. ID #:LTJUV-501- _ Eot Mo. 2itC rian M.Mc: Block Mo. Pre;cet Ra,,e: WI z�etBacRs Front 6-.cR: RisRt Side: Left Side: I DE I AILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I Replace AC, eXacl change out with on, I + JSEER, KW AC unit LUNb I RUL I ION IN1-UKIVIA TION: Aaoit nal worK to rtorrmca ena-r this permit -check all apply: F�vAC G., I -MR ❑Gas Piping _ Shutters Q Windows/Doors .Electric 0 Plerrl6inr, O5prinRlers Generator Roof Roos pitch I oral :�q. Ft or Constrectien: SFt. of Firs. Floor: Cost of Construction: S =)X �u Eldlides: }ewer Dieptic builming rleirnv I uwRER71E55EE: CONTRACTOR: name Name: Dennis�aceR City State: Jp Code: ' 411 )CA, t=ax: P11one Mo. E-IGla:l: Fill In fee simple Tile Holder on next page (If different from the Owner Ilstea above) Company: nR5 mmerican Resisential 5erriwa_ m08ress: z800 D' FI,., 1 Cit.: Vero Beach S►aLe: FE Zip Code: 32960 Fax: r rz [%F4 -'d18.5 Phone Ido.�110_-frzrWzF-rnS c -Mail: _f J C C)I ) State or County License: CNIC12497u3 Is value or construction is ;oc500 or :ere, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 5uPP1EMEI9IA1LU—N5IRut 1IUN 1109 MW IMFUK MAI luta: DESIGNER/ EN GIN EER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name: Addre.,3: Addr—=j3: City: Stat: City: Stat-=: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phonz: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Igot Applicable (game: Dame: Address: A00ress: City: City: Jp: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit. 3t. Eucie County makes no representation that is graining a permit wily authorize the permit Rolper to EuiIQ tRe suBject struLture which is In conflict with anz a i licable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants �haL may reSLrit, or prohibit such .trei:tere. Please consult wit�your mom.0-"ers wssociatEon Bea .sae- ,our Been Tor a.,, ra..lFieiivn..: Rich near aprh• m conslderadon or the granting or this requested permit, I rio heresy agree that i will, in all respects, peRorm the worn i,-. 6ccoraaecc -ith the opprv:-n PI -R,, the Florid- 6e11..6 Code a. -.a 3t. Ceci. CIIe.-.ty Atrien8...ant.,. The following bufldin6 Hermit applications are exempt from undersoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, wails, signs, screen rooms ane accessory uses to another non-residential ase uvHR19hm6 10 OVURER: To:.r i-ilare to Race. B a lgetici6 or Cor"Mcriecneont neo, re,alt is Our Paying twiea for improvCment7 to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and ponied on the jobsitr bef.-re the fir3t ir13pzcti-Wm. If yon intend to ebtein finenzi%, ruurm3Vlt vvith lender or an attorney before commencine work or recordiniz vour notice of Commencement. bl5m-tur. or O�,ee/Agent Sisna.ure of conga r/License Holder aTA i E OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF me= - he fpgoins instrugunt. w ckn wledgefore me true i3o, at ZO bJ a i A i E Vor F[vR117A COUNTY OF Nreme Inne roo oing Instr twas ac R owledge,¢ afore me thi- Bol aT zi7 by Clnnis —R Maim ---[MR (MWe of person ack wledeing) (Name of person a owledting ) Opp. 11 —1011 1 avh ignature o M lic- state of rlorida j 0%naturLybt Ao ubiic- State of rlorlda Pcr,oeail, Kno-n x OR P;:odeeea lae.,tiri.atiori Personaily Known ^ UR Produced Identincation ,ypeof Identification Produced I Type of Idendfication Produced Commission Igo, _ v- " 11; JS {Seal}) :•: "'' COLEEN SULLIVAN *' '': mi CLRim735ivN � uu37 i33� Revised 07/15/201 ExPiRR- February an. zoz Commission lgo (-,CtQ)-4E) 5 (Seal) MT COMM15510R iR GG5f 1035 EXPIRES Fearuary tin, LULL REVIEWS FRONT Cutym ICC ZONING REvlEvv SUPERVISOR Rtvltw PLANS REvlEvv MANGROVE REvIEvv VEGETATION KEvIEvv SEA TURTLE REvIew DATE COMIPEETE INITIRLS An'20111 CERTIFIW�` dire ri or y. F Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certifieq Reverence Aemb_e : 7490506 Data . 02-13-2019 Rloael states : Aeti:o HRRI I ype : 5r-A Series : R410A HC 5PP Outdoor Unit Brand Name: CARRIER Dutdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or 5ingle P-.ak-go) . 50ZPC042-30" Region: All tAK. AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, C i, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, rig, R5, ICY, IA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN' ILIO, l75, IVIT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, 5D, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. T.Rih..;.a) Region Mote Central air condition=pa m.nefaatev_d prim.- to Janea.—, 1, 2015 art al. gblo to be in=t.11ed in ..II regi.na entil Jena 30, 2015. Beginniwig Jely 1, 2016 central air eoria,tionere can only b. insmlled in region-xsl for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of this CARRIER pMent ie ,a=pun=IbIo far the rating or tni- ..yctern eembl."-fiea. Rated ac tolroo= In aosarfanee witn the late.,t ifflI9on of ANSIIAHRI 2101240 with Addenda i ani 2, Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning & Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and suEiect to rauny accuracy by miRI-spunsfflIKl, Irtaepen'aent, enim party tesung. Cooling Cop.&y .(A2) - Single or High Stage �95F,, btuh ; 41000 SEER. 14.50 EER (A2) - Si,—,yle or High Stag. (95F) : 11.30 t°Acgv., Model Smina .r.:Rosa w..T.n _RI eomncaea., Program Par&. pant Is currently producng AND selling or offering for sale, OR new models that are being et_rk.ted bet .;. net ,I being prodeoed: Prodeation Stepped- Model Staten _i.- these th.:.n AHRI Caret azun Program P.rdcip_,, is no icnger preoo,,:ng aa-. is a: ;I Iling or offering for sale. n to . e ecom ried b' 'reAS-iOicate n ,noo.unt . far to The new uhlished r ,.ln .. hown l Drig with .he venous i a `d.'AS I ratlr�. DISCLAIMER PRI noes no,. ona.rs. Tne pmoaca51 Ilatem an mla eertimeale and makes no representations. warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, th. pr.de.t(s) listed an thi= Certifisata. AHRI a;;preaaly dl.. _I..ms all 11-bili:y for d.m.gra of any kind -rising oa: v. :Me ase er perrorm.nce o::flo pruoo...tsr, or :ne unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate, Cerdfled ratings are valid ont,- f■r mod■Is and-nrflger_tlerr_ ILot■d Iry th= dlreer.ry .;—..eAairoacory.org, TERM. AND coNDITIONS This Cartlllaate .and Its woma.-.w -re prvprl.Wry proda.= of AHRI. o's 4eRL-.a..a sn.II only ro mean For Inammo.l, personal ai A M-i confidential reference purposes. The contents of this C■rtiff—t= re.; a=t, I.. -h=1■ er In p.rt, be raprad■.ed; eepl=d; di:-relaated; aneerem Into . cvmpm:er o..aease; or odlornlse o.11Lca, In any T.rm or manner or „ y any means, except for the user's Individual, - p.re.n.) and .er,fidantial refar.nea. .Jlr- 6-11FITlaRlna, Rs�lna, CER:IPIv..-a :lRlPlo.,-loll & RURIGERA110N INST1TI17E The Intenrtati■ , fir the mod.! dt.d =e this .ertiffeete ea.-, be .ariflad .tTr!M._hrldlrectery..rg, allek un 'Verify C.rrlfi.r;.- link ;.e..,aR� IIIc -rrtr anm enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certiff Cate was Issued, :high Is limled be,,., .and :he C.Riflaria No., :.hieh Is Ila;ce .. mom .,gft ©Y01SAIr6l:OntI11Ionl-g, R.-ding, Wna Retrig.,--tion Institate CERTIFICAI E NO.: 131945626699100625