HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 2/1112019 Florida Building Code Online 4lHara�mW yr r � s r srL j� YY,, j41 �. SCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit surcharge Stats&Facts Publications Contact Us SCIS Site Map Unks Search `!f)LiJa ,a 1:3m1 Product Approval USER:Public User i Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Appiicaiion List>Application History,>Application Detail r FL# FL331-1113 Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived i 1 Product Manufacturer PGT Industries Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive North Venice,FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature Jens Rosowski j jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative Jens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis,FL 34275 (441)486-0100 Ext 21140 jrosowskl@pgtindusteies.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certifications,Inc. Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA 450 2010 AAMAjWDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E-1886 2005 ASTM E-1996 2009 ASTM E-1996 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s)and my product(s)are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtsZzB6Yv%2bgnWdjpdNKCrtSf9Z2UsXUkuc8JEvi7sGfKTtdH%2b2VIP)nl6sP48G... V2 ! 2019-02-05 13:00 0 9 » P 119 HAMA rtVatldatorI Operatons Adminstrator) CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION JELD-WEN Windows 8 DoM P.O.Box 1329 Klamath Falls,OR 97601 Attn: Jason Kantola This authorization is based on the successful completion of tests,and the reporting to the AAMA Validator of the results of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory.The product information below wilf be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMAWDMAICSA 101h.S.21A440-08 R-13113501-2769x1880(109x74)-H COMPANY AND CODE CPD NO. SERIES MODEL&PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION BUILDERS VINYL JELD-WEN Windows&'Doors FLANKER TILT SH FRAME SASH 10407 (PVCHOIX.O.OfX)(OG) 2769 mm x 188Q mm 864 mm x 935 mm Cade: JW (INS OL)(MODIF)(REINF) (9'1"x 612") (2'10"x 311 (TiLT)(ASTM)(CMBSO) This Certification will expire January29,2022(extended from January 29,201?per AAMA 103-15)and requires validation until then by continued fisting in the current AAMA Certified Products.Directory. Product Tested and Reported by: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No.: SJMf2013-011 Date of Report: February 21,2013 Evaluated for Certification: September 6.2016 4odd Laboratories.Inc. Authorized for Certification: September 6,2016 JGSIJTS ACP-04 (Rev.6116) America rchitecturatM^Mannuffacturers Association -2019-02-05 13:01 0 9 >> P 2/9 NAIL FIN INSTALLATION ID,� III wow Fs"M MIN.bISfANCE jNLE FcNS E04;r-V4* — e O.C.UAL r ar-UM SNOW WISER e O.C.wa. Na. uFN FROM INILIAX FIN-a THOW CERFER .,W W ZXVVODD rNri FAIL tot FIN 'co"M Frmmf 17 taxESn com KPIL SIX IM-MAX 9 YZI MIN EMBEDMENT FRAME SECTMIN ttXtOF VERTICAL SECTIONN C � JAMB SECTION(IVP) HORIZON Al-SECTION • P a,*MACE 'TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING I-COW 31 I Sir OU14 ENwowur F—Mox From "'JIMPA CT I09 x74 -1-50 NQ.—] Installation Noter. stmirallivies! 1. Sea)flanqeffiame to substrate. 1. this product shown herein 19 designed,tested and manufactured to comply with tho wind lead criteria 2. Use 08 X I Or PH Of groaterlestener though the 01 fin"t sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of ft adopted International Building Coda(113%the Intemagonal Residential Code(IRC),the Florida or I irr into the wood frarinfill, For two(2X)wood(tame substrate(min.S.G.=0.42). Buil ft Code(FBG)and the industry faquitament for the statOd C01101011154 3. H031 structure(wood buck masonry.steel)to be designed and andved to pmwy transfer all toads 2. Al glaring shall conform to ASTM E1300. tothe structure. The hoot 51rufte is ft responsibility of the architect or engillailf otrewd for the 3. At minimum,glazing shall be single stmrqU%annealed insula"VM keet of instsuation. 4. Use strurtutal of composile rhirm whe re,tetliftod. 5. tnvt;illat on methods can be firtcoanged whiSin the same oporiing. S. An impact protective system is mquM vvlmre wind bome deft p(ollaction is mandated by local building code. Tfis schedule addresses only tho fasteners required to anchor the %titillifflij 7. Maximum sizes we Duck skiss and do not include lin or flango, window to 00 Ove the rated design prOSsitre up to Illie size lifillialions 1: A— All noted.It is not Intended as a guide to the Wallaticm process end dons PMICF INGIMPL W17 3737 Lakeport GMI not address he Reallng consideration mal may arlsil in dilferent well 11/12/2013 canifitions.For the complete installation procedure.see Me instnictiong DKOW SCALE! I JEL"TENKlamM Polls,OR.976DI D.Vezo NTS Phone! (541)BBZ-34S1 packaged with the window or go to www.jaid4woomImseurceirmstailation, T T *Moab m 1.Kan6a Builders vinyl Single Hung CHS 3 Wide Window T I DISCLAIMER r4all Fin Installation(109"x 74") This drawing and its contents am confidential MW are not b be rep ofteed of copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others exccpl as aulhodzeO by JELD-WEN Ino. a 9 >> P 3/9 2019-02-05 13:01 r fro rHaT�to�N E 3 AM OFSitNR /lOfr GOf1[N �•ySy .( F7f�E6*FKr 67"', nMV tRtYx 0 OA.icor. t...� rsrau i hi2'MtlL Von F WE+�—f � r'j'� r 1 t J1S •� EAMEQMENT t :/r wfF t'dtxR bRMS MAX.Me.: S Sf4M SPACE MM9 • � FRAMESEGTIDN(TYP) �' � RTIt:At SECTION i f MIN 4u1rracf FpC FGh+EoGGu� _.. S CFNIDI R .� ! 1 £ , JAMB tiECTiON{'fYl]} HORIZONTAL.SECTION T T ITT T T T T T T .: yg4yA(E . "Waaw vam"(ret- TYPICAL ELEVA71t}N WITH FASTENER SOACiN6 EOtEofIFHT Max Frame DP RATING IMPACT ! flet prrrfYE 109 x 74 +/-50 7 No Installation Notes: General Notest I. Sea)flaegearame to substrate. 1. The product shown Metein is designed,teslod and manufactured to comply with the wind load Criteria 2. Use 00 Pit or greater fastener though Ore frame with sufOdont longt?i to perteuale a M"Mum of t 112' at the adopted inlCmaliorraE Buifdw9 Code(19C},the Inlematiahat Residet+tbl CaIeQRC}the Florida into the wood fra04.For 2X wood trema substrate(Nrt.S.G.=QA2). Building Code)FOC)and IM indusby requirement for the stated condition. 3. Hos!sMuclute(weed buck masonry,sleet)to ba designed and anchored to property transfer all toads 2. All glazing Shallcanfomh to ASTM E1300. tolhe Sbucture.The host Structure is the responsibiityol the architect on engineer of record for the 3. Al minimum.glazing shat]be singto Streagih annealed insulating glass. prolog Of irtstattatien. 4, the sltucNrdl or UompCnde shims whore required. S. lnstallaGon methods Can be interchanged within the same opeohig. 6. An impact protodive system is required where wind borne debris protection is mandated by teat buitfing code. This schedule addresses only the fasteners reached to anchor the ,stat t 111 t i try +, Max mum sizes are buds sixes and do not include fin or gangs. window a achieve the rated design pressure up to Out sure limitations r< noted.It Is not intended as a guide to The instaiation process and does �i ji raoxcr Fwr:urc on>E: 3J37 Lakeport otvd not address he sealing considetallon ihat may arise in dI ferenl wait �Q4;�'' _t�,A'�,� i i jt2/2013 P%DVENI(Jamath Faits,OA.97601 cortdidang For the oonrptete irt4teliatrWt procedure,see the inglNCdOnS �':` r ORA"': : d.vexo NTS phone: {5�1>802.3asi pxihagetlwithfhewAdthwocgo,fa 7 oeEo>3oa: Trim.wwwfield;wencomfresourcesftn3lallaGon * . '; 3.Kantola Q' ; AAtOVfoer: Builders Vinyl Single Hung CHS 3 Wide Window DISCLAIMER; 'Through Frame InstaltaUcin(IW'x 74"). This drawing and its contents are confidential and ate not to be reproduced or copied in whole of in pan or used or disclosed to others ��, JL tinnnUa�yr l9u except assulhodtedbyJELD•WENfnc 0Po a NS�b tSZWZ013•t121 F wwrwnEwatounov: ceowcru acv (K) s"EEr ]ar, i t c fa 9 » P 4/9 2019-02-05 13:02 Aw MUM% MASONRY INSTALLATION htocc Y • i i 0 O.C.VAX A FROM 4:1WR `Q.C.Yah TaXU!REJEC a•0.c,VAX. eJJT TRAY YW+c.� —1 "M mufst"tCa s = ewiEOMEwr CEMot KIrtCR WL TM' w.Aa eA:.DHar 3 hr1•rMNI FRAMC r sKw•sarE aACC 5"1AtWACE � O R FAME SECTtoN tTYPi -r— .r YF+E'EICAL SECTION DP EDGE'a L t' �- ! JAMB SECTION(TVP) NORMONTALSUCfION T TT T T TT T T suiwrc. tt TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENEA SPACING i' r yr ra _ . Max Frame DP RATING(YMPACT ^W 01174-0 ;F 109 x 74 «1-50 NO trtsteletton Notes: j Genesi rtes; A. Seal Qangatir me to so.bsuate. t. The product shown hv&is designed,tested and manufactured to con*with The wind toed crnem 2. Use 3116'Tapson or equivalent fasteners itrrough Game widE SU1fiEiEKht length to penelratC a mnbum at the adopted Mlemalion3l Building Code(IBC),The International Residential Com(IRC),The Florida of t 111•into comate of masonry at each Iocarmn with a 2 vY min from edge dislarim.For concrats Building Code(FOC)and the Industry requirement for NB stated conditions. imin.fc a 300[hLtiti)or masonry substrate(CMU shell adhere to ASW CN). 2. AA glazing shall conform la ASTM E1300. 3. HW structure(wood buck,masonry.steel)to be designed and anchoigi)to property transfer all wads 3. Al mWmum.glazing shall be singie strength annealed insulating glass. 10 Bta structure,The hW structure is the respwsibTtyof the architect or engineer atreaor d forft 0. Use sirtlelurai or composite shims where required. prujact of installation, 5. Installation methods can be interchanged wi*the same opening. 6- An impad protective system Is re0red where wind bome debris protection is mandated by local mg code Thissdted+da addresses only the fas7 teners mguiredto anchor the window to achieve the Rated design pressure up to 1110 sirs limitations s`ttt itt t 1 E t t J J J Jj , "Manomttm sizes are buck sites and do not include fin or gauge. noted.It is not Intended ass guide to the installation process and does �'. rr �Rgxts mcurEE+x oAR '��j 3737 Lakeport OW rim addr ss besca0ngcoissideestionthat may aniseind3feoentwall `mow~int' ••.••• ••' •F,p rir� - 11/12/2023 �i7 .I i MamathFogs,OR,176oi conditions.For the complete ifstahstion procedure,we the lmquirmians . Dwvnar; swt: packagehi With the widow or gt)w T D,VC0 NTS Pnane: (rttj 882-3451 www,00-wenromfnsauhcesfinslaltation. * . * a3`IWntole ai5ClAtMEtt Builders Vinyl Single Hung CHS 3 Wide Window This dravdng and its contents ere confidential and am not to be ��0,��':_L �`.'� w` r.wT o�v�qb Masonry Installation(104"x 74"} repmdUt:ed or eopW in whole or in part 0r used or disclosed 10 MGM 'i P b �L)wir3RUy, oweptasauthorized byJEta-WENino, age t° RS}ylf2`p�3.021-F a��11"to(Ayns CAD DA "M an. ao S*FT i i I 1 I 2019-02-05 13:02 0 9 >> P 5/9 tea,brs.ArRF STEEL INSTALLATION r0a IVA Nr M+l o•i•d+ d + •r+w o—A .._.._. 1m•r.� a'or_ItAA. 11 1l�.ccw ie'Q.R MAA. rMAU I Re Q.C.MAX 1 ;I 'l+sd�+W ! In 9W9smn If1AM F+aEr1 O AMEOMOMENS site,Sim MrMAX COIIIe Ct71rLA 9.6-Cie. / lWMLACI Uo A1AR MAL IMAM' SNSM$EKE (RARE MJtu.DI5TAWF Z .3 FOQ EDGE t Irz' 't FRnMEsFCItof9(zry) + uERaILnL SEtIzoN M,.._._.. • Mtn rmbe&Rni ct 4hr[�thr[od[ 3 put tees 1znT CENRR X r JAMB SECTION(TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION . t ITT TT TT T ) MNWA sMwso.a WIMOOrr 11afM(100"MAX. 10y.+R • .. TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING � r circ r Max Frame [bP IQATING IMPACT w.,Url.AIYE ""`"•• 109 x 74 •/-50 NO vQ"ECGE:=„r i In5te11e0on Notes: I General Notos: I. Seat flanpelframe fo subshate. 1. The product shown herein is designed.tested and manufactured to Conplywilh The wind load aileda 2. For anctgdng Into metal(taming use 08 TEK SRU Tapping wr4 with suifitrenf length to act&eve a of the adopted International Building Code(iBC)•the International Residential Code(IRC).the Florida minimum embedment of three threads past the frame thickness.Sleal substrate min.169a,fy=33 ksi. Bu lding Code(F8C)and the industry requitement for the staled conditions. 3. Host structure(wood buds•masomy,steel)to be designed and anchored to vWady transfer all toads Z AI grazing shat)conform to ASTM E1300. Idg ft sbuctme.The host structure M the responsibility of the anddtect or onginser of record for the 3. At min;mum,glazing shall be single strength annealed insulating glm pro cit of instalaticn. 4. Use 6trupural of composle shims whets"ked. S. hbstailation methods can ba interchanged within Die same Opening. 0. An impact preleclive system is required where wind bomo debris protection Is mandated by local This schedule addresses only Use fasteners mquired to anchor Ihabuilding Cos. window to oddeve the retail design pressure up to the size 6mitatioms �1i11s s(s s I ztq jv' 7. Maximum S es are bMgr sties and dD.nQt include fin or"o. voted, 1116 mol inlended as a guide to the installation profess and does \ i� rte,1MIJUy an: not address he sears g consideration that may edge in ddefent wail3737 takevc 11/12)2013 n Blvd condifione.For theeomplateInstallation procedure.wethe inslrudbns Wn>"rere WAV. �ts7 �'++ath�is.OR.97601 Packaged with the window or go W = D.Vezo NTS phone: (59!)882.3951 www jell wemsumkesOuscegfmst814aGon * _ — _ 1 Kan''i 'true J• antdib 2. Builders Vinyl Single Bung CHS 3 Wide Window DISCLAIMER. This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be i�O,n:..( P;`�kr•" r Steel Inststlatiart(109"x 7411) fo0roducoif or copied ill whole or in pan of used of disclosed to other, 'i �R�fti• \\i~ UUlJ�14� Daceptasauthorized byJELD-WEN Inc, nae Ifill � ii3 °�ift— SMuMoi011 G 00 nor• .r i