HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAII APPLICABTE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:Permit Number: Building Permit Application Pla n n i ng o nd Llevelopm e nt Se rvices Building ond Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia l\venue, Fort lrierce FL 34992 Phone; (772) 462-1.553 t=ax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT rYPE: Service Change p_nopbsro I NI Address: 3705 Crabapple Dr. Property Tax tD #: 3425-205-0007-000-7 Lot No. 6 Site Plan Namer Block No. 41 Project Name: _19-2348 Frinton Residence : ".*' :" '' Replace 150amp meter main. Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _. Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Sprinklers _ Sh utters _ Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor; ._ Windows/Doors --- Roof pitch_ Electric __ plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: cost of construction' $ -l fifD . € Utilities: - sewer - septic E uilding Height: |fva|ueofconstrurctionis$25oroormore,aRECoRDEDt'loti.e@ lf value of HVAC is s7,5oo or more, a RECoRDED Notice of commencement is required. :t. G, Name Address: I I City: Llrl<? Lurent-\t State: l0y Zip Code: i2rt4,\p _ Fax; Phone No. E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Name: Kent Blosser Com pa ny; Blosser Electric Address: P.O Box 7305 cit,. Port St. Lucie State: Fl 7in Cada. 34985 Fax: phone po 772-337-0055 E_Mail nrblosser@gmail.com State or County 1;6gn5s EC13001570 st' Lucie countv makes no repre.gentation that is glgltjng a permit will a.utho.rize-thefermit holder to build the subject strucrurewhich is in conflict with anll iipplitatile'HljtiiJbwhgll4-s,;1o;6ti;;i',l,jiis, rivrlyj,ol_alE qov€,nantsthat may restrict <ir prohibit suchstructure' Please consult with'riouiuom'io;;e;; Association-anb i6ii6ri'your deed for any restrictrons wnrcn may appry.In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approved plans, the Ftoridj- BriiJi;;;;;;, .ii3i. lr.i" county Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions,accessory structttres' swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, r.r""n ioori, and accessory uses to another non-residential usenwARNrNGrfr,",ilIF3."lfl!,[rrj+#1in::*Jp-*_grg._,oj_clrTIIgEIrENr MAy REsuLr rN youR pAyrNGrwrcE FoR IMPRoYEMENTS ro YouR PRoPERTY. a rub1rc-r-or commeNcEmiNi*lll#"i='Hr'c"o"Jl[flil;POSTED Oltl rtlE*loB slrE BEFORE THE FIRST |NSPECT|ON, rr vou TNTEND TO OBTATN F|NANC|NG, CONSULTWITH YOUfiTTENDEN O-----.7-_____?-) uio,imi,icEmENr.,, DESTGNER/ENCtt{EER;_ Not Applicable Name: Address: State:phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOTDER: Name:_ Not Applicable Address: Phone: FRONT COUNTER (Signature of Notary eublic- SGte oi Signature of Or,','ner/ l_essee/@ The forqoing instrument was acknowledged before methis?O! dayof Ebrrr,.7 zo-la bv STATE OF FTORIDA couNrY oF_ - '5+. Ld. Personally Known / OR produced ldentification Type of ldentific,ation ,L Commission r.ro. GG.Oqig t0_ Name of person making statement, Signature of Contractor,/License HoldE 7*fu The for6oing instrumeni was acknowledged before me this 8fu day of Fb"v.7 . zd_tg_ Ov STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Name of person making statement. PersonallyKnown Vloaproduced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced Commission rrro. GGCq l8t0 IL (Signaturdof Notaiy public- State of f loriO. f ZONING REVIEW VEGETATIOitI REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE COMPLETED MY COMMlssloN # GG0S1810 EXPIRES Apttl 09,2021 ..li*jloit GUY R BOUCHER %#hfi *ffli$:Tilff#"'