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Permit App Ludwig 5508 Silver Oak Dr
HEE RPPLICASEE INFO 1010a i eE COmPEc t EO POR APPLlM J rul9 i v 6i: ACLEXP I EO Dpty: �ai J 19 Permit Number: Building Permit Applicadon Planning and Development Services Building and Code rregulotion vivision zzVv virginio Avenue, tort Tierce tR sy--,az Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-.L578 LOTTG Cial Re.,iciential Y PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at th-W and of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 5 M 1 var C z;-' 'D f Cesal D��eriptiQn: TriC! i Gt.n int er 16LVj2_V% LjA5G 6L1d.1q i mni ~ Property iax 10 s: a "X007- Oc? S OC')0" Go Lot No. 15 It 1 site Pian Name: Block No. 2� Project name: V b W I setbacks Front Sacs[: Right b:ae: licit 3inc: DETAILED DESLRIP I lulq ur WURK: 1 Replace AC_ enact chariga out with turi; ILL SEER, 10 KW AC unit NO OkkCi1� CIO ay �rctc� -,`ISA it l + F V -0 iq f�' Oo6 L- Lutv51RULIiuN WuKIVIAIIUM: I Hoanionai worx torrormea �Avr�C '5n e vas unser tnis permit- cneeic n In vPNiy: ❑'uas Pip:ng QWindows/Doors Company: ARS American Residential Services City: .F-ank PIe. Ce State: FL- ianR Zip Code: f24 !I K J. Fax: - _snattcr, Phone Ido. 17 a- V to I - 3 5 C iJ Lip Coac: JZ960 Fax: Electric 0 Plumbing 113prinitlers 11 Gcricrvtor C1 Roof Root pith otaI aq. Ft of Construction: t'(7 Sg Ft. or Fir.�t Floor: F—]SepLic Co't or Con.tradion: - L_X) Utilities:I] Sewer Building Peight: uvvME1R,/Lt [55EE: GuM I KAL-1 Name 14e:,r}w aju4 F_l rie_,cle iifau+IQ Dame: DennisZacek m50ress: 'S'SoS? St lv et-_QnX Vi Company: ARS American Residential Services City: .F-ank PIe. Ce State: FL- Address: za0'u 0z Mwy I Zip Code: f24 !I K J. Fax: - City: vera 6eacn �tatc: t -L Phone Ido. 17 a- V to I - 3 5 C iJ Lip Coac: JZ960 Fax: E-mail: i'v A Phone No. -r r at- I? - i arsV Fill in icc sirni le Title Holder on next page S if differen, E -Mail: a rn : MSC- Ail.. LO AILS•e_D1-t from the Owner li-Aed above) )tate or County License: CMCiz49753 yr value or rons.ruaion is :�z3uu or more, a KeLVKOE0 notice or LLGMMence o..t i= reyairca. . KNIEN�TAL CON5TRUCTION.LIEi� LAW �II�FO.i�MgT1DN: 1 DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: _ City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: X Not Applicable Name: Address- City: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: I certify ►hat no work or inSLallaJon has commenced prior Lo the issuance of a permit. at. Eucie County ma Res no representation iRat is granting a permit w:li allEMorize tRc4�rrnit RolB�r to BeilB tR� ;e6;«t ,tre�ter� which is in con i�. wish any a 7 plicable nome Owners msociadon rules, bylaws or an_d covenams EhaL may resLria or proMiait sucR ArecETerc. F6 -.3c coR-5ult mit y a. RoRlc O-M.cr3 A3jvc15ti0n ona r..ic.. your dccd for any restrictions which may apply. In conslaeration or tRe granting or tnis x-ac.tc8 permit, I so Mcrcoy ..grce tRat I :ill, iR .1I r.,puct,, p.r"form tMe -ork in occord.nce with the app; -owed plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie Coun,.y Amendmen,s. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, oecC730. y Iraetarr., .,-1-R11Rg pOa13, TCMCC.,, :all,,, 3i3r1,,, .,CrUCR rOvRL M0 aCCGS0 yy e31!, to `anptll r ..—,oR-;-Cz"acMtial u3C wHRNImG TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your raying twice for improvements to your propeFLy. m N00Ce of Commencement mu5L be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. if you intend tu obtain financing, consult with lender yr an attorney before commencing worR or recorainit your Notice or Commencement. _ biCRotere Or 0 cr/ 1C3. Cc/ACcnt signature of Contra r/gicense Rolrier a 1'R 11! OF FEURIDH COUNTY OF weme aiN►j t UF F[GrduA COUNTY OF 31 Mi. 1 he forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me Re rorgoing instrument was acRno-le0geM Aeror� Rye this 2.T day of 9ebr ucLr_y , 20 L11 -by I this cs day of 44-6rL%k.A-y 20 1 -11 by REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW SEATURTLE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS ^.�,r r• moi. � o insranaGa�. MM# K Vi My �+� Est. Start Date _rte El;t. Completion D.-tv A • W (772) 567-31'07, 'I t7 2800 05 R;yR�r 1, Vera Boach, FL 32960 Corporate Cuslamer plokin9 rig Amneld i■en Reentiel Se -:eve of Florida, tea: Rolativna Flaking ave Lienee 0 CMC1249763, CAC04657B, CFC1426263 (866) 603.0879 5.. 11leR HO �■aai - - CALL SUP ` ADDRESS Cr vmT ,. NOME PHONE r OfteMe E ...,RnFmr7mE YOUR DESIGN OPTION I OPTION 2 O. • 51[E iyPt SIZI:�_TYPE�'{�� SIZE fill! EFFIi;IEN Y EFFICIENCY _ySTA&Z A10M.Ud EFFICIENCY, � S1 ntmJ + G Ttf4i $ - $. m $ s081111AL SLIQIVri°.L $ $ t0 ©3 MONTMLYE .' $ 141v11rR6 Eal.` $ 11Iv111R[T EST,' CUSTORIE INITIALS CUSTOMI•nn 1111T1rsA C,uSTu11111'R l vRIH[s Wa„ anrts ty:r Pa Labor vvarrarLty:T� Parts �1K Wor vvapranty. T„ _, - -_P-rt- P -rt... ,_..--_,15Eor Comp,,oatrm Ria. Exchanger I MA4C.vv,mpressortOr (feat U75anger Compressor _ 19�_t E1En_'mner TOnlesu othammiLe meleu, all-amemt:e.. — fram Inv ,, —at-ot-zre,-. SPECIFICS OF aECe�.I�ovrTlvll: ❑1 03 D wo..tRe r int Dncti ❑ UV Light �OBTOIAL $ r� r ian Pwveonnvet 17�,in Eir.a 0 Aumiuttier n iti� Egeipment SIa6 (F.Bound IIID Ceiling Saver KittJ F3eRe L isolation Paula (Pam M Float) ❑ O door Unit Pad Q ❑ Liquid Tito Condaii kMain Drain oafery owiswr ❑ Flue Venting `7f�f.$ ` El start Kit " 5oal No- C;omm_t;ono E7 DuctwoR! =nnections" TOTAL $ Refri erant LLQ r_ a rye ,a...r S7, mlani,, plenum IC support apart Attic Equipment � / i- eTriaere,-,i D Demi Mi�rF.oetiona Supply Plenum Itl n, ❑ econnect 6s11ew Reconnect taee t scope oT �„, DuD LJ No.. l]System I,SeTriigurumt Pipe 175 -or $otam Planum RWM TT V No Deet we,a CASK CFICCKtF tD K ❑ ERpansion verve New ❑ Recoo{I ❑ Fuel Pp ny �V gy�p..,(/❑ rP eJ 7L 11d am_ Air Cleanor . �� �wi-T a l � e C18ctnEN YYInnB L I C+RcDI1 CARD (Q{51 4 g ) e meet to ERti..t.m n I' Reula inter ❑ riama Svrrm-ea Pl-n " � cnPAPPRiwA[__ Etn..tncal G PC o 1 Term (304 days) OUR u PI11AI1%itlu' Vj.1;'omtart Genranteo oma Protoc0un Guararrca 24•Plour service Guarantee 11 00n Onconaaitionm maneyEaE1c Guarantee •FWM-■1d.rti■■■ wadable with mproved credit VtOrm; v ■ tiT J' ne rl yd �� wo DOtun JXX I 'q1063 l - o1r _tW3j I - /6�01kes 0 air im- 641ma - q,-lyk `"ARS is not responsible for preexisting ductworit vetyrme anu Uu-nu tions on tRe u aclt ctskis document for'aetails. or • vvdtten customer autRorization will BB oBtaineuu Before B9inning any unroreseen auuitional or extend wolm • AMT i2ml1913 Pi,R CON -31 c'v7:1.v11 DEFE1Ta ARE 30WEL i to InE MrjiiCE AMM CORE PrcOv131UN5 uF CRAPTER 558, F[ORIoA 5TA1 U 1 E5. • auTzR's rtIGRT rU uaRCEL: lnis Is.. Rome —llcttatiee.-In,-ma IT no go not .-ritthe gooamor-orricoo,yo= ma, ea. -.»1 tlfi_ agreernea by p _aal.-.g .rittan nation to tno. 11a. I porsvn,1), toieara r or b, 1no11. Thi. notice must I.4—ta that you de not -a..t tno, geed- err n7 most 6o delf urcd or postmarked before midnight of the thlia boli.. -.sits day after you _Ign this agleemoft If you caricall thi. agreement; the sailer may not keep all or part of any cash down pay.rrent See the ,o.o.za lido ho—f f -r an planation of this rfahL • I acknowlisuge that my ritard to cancel Ras Been explaine'i to me orally anu in writing, an'o witflout waiving my rignt to cancel, i authorize Me peRonnance o1 tRe wall!, suBject to all terms anFi conuitions set ronin on tRe reverse si'ae Rereol, plus any taxes epon completion. Notice To Owner • Do not sign tnis Rome impm-EM.mt eestlaet in 51—)L Tee ore e;:;titlea to.. copy of the oentreet at the time Tae sig-. Keep it to pretoot year legal ri„Rts. I nie Roma impru-.ament ovntrect m.., ao,-,,t-i.-, a mvrta,.go or athorrriea �ru.te a lie„ o., oaT rmh,erty that ala 6e f reelo vn I you aw not per. Bo zr. y o ondarmand all provisions of the contract before yvu sign. _ 23 •r� EUSMMEk S(GNATl1RE DA COMPANY RE RESENTATIVE - OOa10•IIr SIGPIMnE DATE DATE Ann•v.........,, p..;d.,,,;.; e.....n..l e, a A.F1+,+•+.,.+.. nRFrn7A 111n17 es+s Certificate of Product Ratings mr-tRI CertineB Rel'eronae Iq�.mDer : iOs60LOS ❑ale : 02-24-2019 Model Status : Active ARRI Type: RCU-A-CB serles : PBRi=vRlMmMCLa i r rte, c-5 i mGE 00taeor unit 8ra1110 Nanta : CAKRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or alnyle PacRaye): zwFt%Br�+eFi"ua1" Intloor Unit lWel Mumaer (Evaporator anilror mir Ranaler) : F44 Qq(8,F)005C Ke=yivn : All (AK, AC, AR, AL, CA, CO, C h, 13C, QE, FE, GA, HI, Id, IL, IA, IN, KS, KY, LA, Mrt, @I—u, rv,E, Ml, Rlrv, MR -5, Ins, MI 1. MC, Mu, ME, RR, Iqa, MR Mv, AT, vM, DR, vR, PH, RI, 5C, sO, 119, 1A, 01, VA, V 1, VVA, WV, WI, WY, 0.5. 1 unttone3) Re91en Rete : Central air oondillono.. manafcrclorca prior to January 1, 20,5 are ellyiale to Be inswlleO In all regions until dune au, 0 iv. Beginning auly 1, c'u M central air veRBiRi.nvrj own only Be kitalla7 in regions) for yrFtioFt t5ay Khat lFie regional efficiency requirement. 1 he mantatauturer of thla CARRIER product is responsible for the rating o, tnls system coml7lnation. Rotes as telloa in-ocora.nce :itm tfiie latest wilition of ANSIIAHRI 2101240 with Addenda , ant; z, PeRarmance Rating of unitary mir-ConZiMoniny S Air -Source Meat Pump Equipment ana suBject to rating aeaarav, B, Af1RI-_pan..orw?I, inawpen8ent, tRira party testing: Cooling Uap.eity (Az) - Jingle er Milli Stage (95F), 5110h : 49000 sI=ER : 1800 EER i7Kzl - uinyle or MigR stage t5uF) : ta.t7� i "Active" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certlficatlon Program Participrittt le aarre..tiy prodeeing AND selling or offering fo, sale; OR now Modals ,hot are being morkaioa 15m c,o not yo; Doing P. oduced'Production Stopped' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Pmg—m Portiei,.a .1 L me long. predaoing BUT is =till Iling or offering fe. gale. hn ryhlMta h try WAS indicate an nvol neo re -roto. Th neblshe tin i _;hownalcngwith thy previous fi-e. WAS) ra5na. DISCLAIMER . -IRI does not endorse the product%sj listed on this Certificate and makes no lepras=nt.tl_ea,-avloetfes ep gs.ti.ntec� to, .and _»»mc., no rc.ponsibility for, ;he pmda�;ssj lis;cd on inis eeriifl..ais. mRRI e..pressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use _e porf■lwt.n■■ of the predz.ttsi, ep the an.othell-cd alteretlen of d.t« Ibtcd on :his C.nifle..ta, Ccrtlflco ratings are valla only r.,r models and configurations listed In the directory at www,ahlidl-=at.l;.■!g. TERMS AND evND171o.:9� ThL- Ccltiflerto and Its eentcnw tie preprieli;ey prodoes or.,Rnl. „„,ts ocr.irl..aie snail only 4e used for Individual, personal and confidentl.l r-f.wn_■ porpo The aent.ets of thio Certifle..te mry not, in chola or In P.R. ba .cprvaaccv: c..plav; mascminated; entered Into a computer database; or othepwls■ utilized. In an- for -rim .r manner or by any rneonz, a..oept f.r the moor's Ind vicloal, pcl3.na1 and confidential reference, AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION Q REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on thk aortiflo.to .en be .elifled at :-...hrldire.tery.erg, dick on 'Verify C.rafia.:o' ilnR and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the c■ptifla-d■ :aa i=saved, which is Ils;co ago7e, ana ;Ro eertiicatc Ru., which Is listed at bottom right. ©2019A1r-Cond1t1ort1nr,, Heating, an'u Refrigeration institute GER i RME No.: 1319549"9737383397