HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAH APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO RE ACCEPTED Date: 212W2019 Permit Number. - Building urmber.- Buildin Permit Application Pico ring and Development Services Building and Code Regubtion Division 2300 Virginia' Avenw, ,fort fierce FL .34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax- (772) 462.1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT -rYPEHVAC Mechanical AC change out. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION! Address: TCS Spanish way. Port Saint Lucie, F,Iodda 34952 Property Tax ID #: 3414 -501 -1701 -MO -9 Lot No, 70 Site Plan Mame: 1 and Block No. Project Name- HVAC Mechanical AC Change out, LIEGE FOR LIFE: QETAfLER DESCRIPTION C?F WORK: AC Change Out, Install RHEEM 3 Ton, 14 Seer, 10 KVV Heater, Package Unit , LIFE FOR LIKE CQN5iRi1CTl0N INFORMATION: Addljtional worm tc de performed under this permit— check all that apPly- Electric Tota 15q. Ft of Co nstr uet io n: Gas Tank Plumbing Cost of Co n struet! o n - S 4, 50.00 .— Gas Piping Sprinklers Shutters Generator . Ft. of First FI00r: Windows/ ears Roof Utilities- Sewer _Se pticBuiWing Height: Pitch OWNER/LESSEE: C)NTRACTO R: -a Name Michael Bums Name. -Kelly ert) iirrio., Add rens; 70 Spanish VVay Cram�= p a n Air Temp Ai r Coad ition i ng. I nuc_ C i ty- Port S aint Urei c State: Address: B51 NVV Enterprise Drive Suite#1107 Zip Code- 34952 Fax- j City: 'Fort Saint Lucie FL Phane No_ (3 52) 446-7571 E-Ma11.straw r- nog se922@ +ahoo-com Fill in fee simple Tale Hol er on next page ff different from the Owner listed above) Zip Code: 34986 Fac- 772-281-2907 Phone No -340-0740 E- Mai 1;airtempar-@yah-oo.com r-oo.com State or County Licens a CAC 1814837 If Value of construction is $25DO or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required.' If value of 14VAC is 57,500 or m6re, a R-ECOR DED Notice of Cornmericeniwit ib required. 7= NTY R r. D FL Permit Number. - Building urmber.- Buildin Permit Application Pico ring and Development Services Building and Code Regubtion Division 2300 Virginia' Avenw, ,fort fierce FL .34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax- (772) 462.1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT -rYPEHVAC Mechanical AC change out. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION! Address: TCS Spanish way. Port Saint Lucie, F,Iodda 34952 Property Tax ID #: 3414 -501 -1701 -MO -9 Lot No, 70 Site Plan Mame: 1 and Block No. Project Name- HVAC Mechanical AC Change out, LIEGE FOR LIFE: QETAfLER DESCRIPTION C?F WORK: AC Change Out, Install RHEEM 3 Ton, 14 Seer, 10 KVV Heater, Package Unit , LIFE FOR LIKE CQN5iRi1CTl0N INFORMATION: Addljtional worm tc de performed under this permit— check all that apPly- Electric Tota 15q. Ft of Co nstr uet io n: Gas Tank Plumbing Cost of Co n struet! o n - S 4, 50.00 .— Gas Piping Sprinklers Shutters Generator . Ft. of First FI00r: Windows/ ears Roof Utilities- Sewer _Se pticBuiWing Height: Pitch OWNER/LESSEE: C)NTRACTO R: -a Name Michael Bums Name. -Kelly ert) iirrio., Add rens; 70 Spanish VVay Cram�= p a n Air Temp Ai r Coad ition i ng. I nuc_ C i ty- Port S aint Urei c State: Address: B51 NVV Enterprise Drive Suite#1107 Zip Code- 34952 Fax- j City: 'Fort Saint Lucie FL Phane No_ (3 52) 446-7571 E-Ma11.straw r- nog se922@ +ahoo-com Fill in fee simple Tale Hol er on next page ff different from the Owner listed above) Zip Code: 34986 Fac- 772-281-2907 Phone No -340-0740 E- Mai 1;airtempar-@yah-oo.com r-oo.com State or County Licens a CAC 1814837 If Value of construction is $25DO or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required.' If value of 14VAC is 57,500 or m6re, a R-ECOR DED Notice of Cornmericeniwit ib required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable Name- Address; City: State - zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLLER: flame: Ad d rens: City. Zip: -- Phone, Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Address= City: - State: Zip, Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _ cit App hicaEge Name- Address, City: zip: Phone OWNER CONTRACT'OR AF Application is hereby made to Obtain a permit to dv the work and i'mstallation as indicated I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit- St. Lu i� � n conflict rt makes with any � Ii c�#�ation th at is gra n 4 ing a permit wi I I a �h orize the perm it holder to 4u i I d the su h-uct st.ructu re t, Lucie o�nt rrGa�.es no re resent � �a p p le :-lo nye Owners Assoda ion rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict ver p ro h i b t such Structure. Please consult with your Home. �OwnersAssr)ciation and revievy v ur deed for arly restrictions which may apply_ in consideration of the granting of this requested permit, i do hereby agree that I wi11, in a I I respects, perform the WQFk in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida BuiId1ng Codes -and St. Lucie County Amendments. The follow -M& building permit applications .are exempt f om u n d a rgoi n g a fu ll coneu rren cy regi ew; room additions, accessary structuresr SWIfl^d' Ing p001sa ienCesr WaIl-�r Signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residentaaI use °° ARNINC TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF LU M'lIM1ENCEIMlENT 14AY $tESUL'T IN yUUR ISA yIFr VICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUn PRHRERT1f. A NonCE 13F COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SIDE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF T ,l INTENID TO OBTAIN "NANLINGP CONSULT WrrH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING TOUR N TicE of C0rq MIEfj:CEMFAIT.' Signature of owner/ E_ niractor as Agent for Owner Signal ur� of Qontr�oltorl " �en5e Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The forgoing Inst thi- *1—__i`ddy of o wledgVby efore me ,20 Nwii �,_ rs&l m,_a s(zte'rnent. i Personally Known OR Produced l.dentifi tion I*ype of I d e ntifcation Produced re of Notary Rubric- CoMrn s.5lon No, RE IEWS FRONT COUNTER DATE RECEIVED DATE CORAPLETED ev_ 7 at jat-Floridairy aL&! ? (akflerine 00n -lid "M1 �i� d l'e STATE OF FLpRipp � CDi111FTY OF Thef Dire i n r nt vias acknowledged k6fore me th i day of L - Pr + rqzl)174 C pe rso n rna king state mint, Verson a I ly Kra own � OR �rndijced I dentifacati on Type of Identification .Produced ! At �- . , - � �� t ( vre Icp Nritary Public- ission No.. it r", BONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW RE fEW` or FJo9ra� 4L' fT&4-�j2 SEA TURTLE MANGROVE REV[EW REVIEW I