HomeMy WebLinkAboutLinda Valek PermitAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Pena Number. :,rcnsinc ord Develonmen: 52"✓ice5 3udding aro Code Recu avor .Dlvision 2306 ✓irginio Avenue, Porz Pierce FL 34982 Phone. [772)452-1553 Fax -k77'<1^-52-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. ,dcre;s: Descri -^oer Tax iD'=9f1`-1 _.. Stia pian Nam _ Building Permit Application commercial Residential urcjecT Name. 5=_ffixks =rant Sack: Righ Side. Lett Side'. Lot Block No. odrtiona wo to bepe -rmed under tnis Dernui— «­ ­ 1.__--111 / Address Ilobctcy ha 4 _Cas Tark _Cas Piping _ Shuccers ✓ LNInvG Ws/Doors _^stechz^ical i Pi�.;n�in� jprinkers _ G2 nerato; R -co* — _=tectnc _ _ siB:- Or COcnP: �J CE Ise' ��✓I I sa 4 o'rir; =ioor I l S !Jtlities Sewer Septk Building :-;eight �cs: of Ccn<-.-uClen. 5 , lJ� _ _ rClL sr_ate-C _i� Coe rax t - NO UJB -1L9-1328 -Mai._ 1 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on nez[ page ( if different from the Owner listed above! Name- _ VI L,'-.0 it v1 it value or construrion is PICC: _ Company 1111YI e s s= Xc✓s !: <D' Address Ilobctcy ha 4 — State: ?ip Code 3293? =ax. 321 %77- u,71 Phone No. 72 337-4970 -- siB:- Or COcnP: �J CE Ise' ��✓I I 2.500 11 more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Name Address C'7V 7Q — Phone cable MORTGAGE COMPANY Name: Address. _ City Zio. ?hone Not Applicable FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Apohcabie BONDING COMPANY _No- APollcable '.. Name: _ Name I Address. _ Adores,_ _ `,tv... City 'ip: Phone: Zip. Phon=. -1Y tha; riz ircrk or Install a:on ias corn, Fenced Prior w the ssua n -_e o a perm,t. C- uce Courry makes 10 reprt5eri,aclon dar i5 y.antinE = re -m: w 0 autrori e ;he per "ni,- noldet ro duds int sunien c[rur--fe wn+cr _s !❑ mnf ic, with any aopllcabie Hone Own rs Associar on rules. bylaws or and ov2. -ts tha mayesti -, „ orolior, <J -n r.. .. u._•e. Please consult wren vour home C)wners ASSOC!ariOr, arc'evlew your deed for all estrcttcl<_ whim T v aoDi. m consioe2r!Or OF the g anring Of this regJesied pe,,.t, I do hereby agree t'ar I w0l, to all resoec-s. Oa. orm Che a,ork racCord2n,e w tb the don-Oved plansthe FlOrl ria 3ulld,ng Csee5 and SC LuCle COunty '.riterdctents -he following 0r ,id,ng permit I,Plcl,iPnl 1,e e,e^ioT from U,Oereoing a :ull cOCc,rrenc, -el,e- Fool arlditonS ZC,Ce5sorY SrJi,'J, es, Sw'r,"r; JOO'S, fences, w3115, signs, screen. roo:-,s an0 accesso' _s2 O a,0 her no',e5 Oeniiai 'iia WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for Improvernents to your prooerty. A Notice of Commencement mist be recorded and posted on the jobs'.e before the first inspeccicn. if ycc intend *o obtain financing, censua with !ereer or ar before rnmmF=urine work nr recordi=.e vour Notice Cf Cemmencemek _ slgnatjre of Owreri Lesse=e; Agent I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF i ite "Crg O.^tF m4'Jrtt2nv was BCkr Ov: !£C v.2'G:"e. �_ Pa, of _IJ Ova^e or oeaon ack news=deme ) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -he fo"g _ ..a 3..✓no�.lea=.eC Se. o. a _ This day Of 20 by (Name of person ecknow,eCging 'Signature C' No-arq Pdblic- State of PIC, C2 (Signa -u re -s No.ary p P tea_ f „Fbrida Pe rsonal!v Known CR Prcdoceo ID ,ifican or. Fersorady Krowa Cn Froeu[e0 iC2e,ific3uon -voe 01 :de^:rflcaf or or"Jcec -vpe o= de:,tif' orlon ?;educed ,Sea;) Co:r-rrti<SiOr- VO ISEalj I IRe�,sed`0-,15,2014 I =V'j :=RONT ZONING SUPERVISCR PLANS ! VEGETA'-ION S__A TURTLE MA NG ROV* COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIPVn REVIEW 3Evi_FW ✓, COMDLc' - — --- LMLJ�U�_MV [ ! B K .I_I. 2 |/ N O fT O N O OO O C O O 0 0 0 0 0 0