HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit App Armundo Miranda 9 Bernardo LnALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: al at. 119 Permit Ivuml3er: Builaing Permit Application -a uC-st1PF... V,.t.5w, 1j�]i3 V„ y„nw APc„ac, Fort P,'�, « FL 34982 PRone: {lit) 46t-1553 Fay: jt/2) 462-1578 t,Orrinrlel'Cial Resiaential 60001- PERMI I APPLICATION FOR: Tu Select from drupbax, click arrow dt <he end of line PRuPuSED iRIPRuvEMEIQ 110CAi 1019: Address: 4 'bias Acurilo ice, Vbr i• ,+ Luc 6 , F L a 4451 -- tegal Description: -M (eQ2l2=09&*a�US_IEnAW-5 tnh -S ;2 LYS #'l Property Tax IG it: [vt lao. Site Plan Name: Project Name: _ Y Y.1 I Y-cLnd a Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Eeft aide: 136J lay. DE I RILED uESLRIP i 1UR UF wuKK: 1 Replace AC, n,,a�t Change uat with %J tun, SEER, / O KW AC unit TN( O O Lx c±- wow 1` CONSTRUCTION IRFuRIGIRi lu>a: Additional Work to'[�orme a un d er is permit -c [THVAC Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping 11 Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers Autters wintlowsl0wam Generator ROOT Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Ft. of First Floor:_ Lost of Construction: $ ri . 3 d . OZ3 Ctiiit;c.:Sewer [7 Septic OWNER/ LE55 EE: Name of sr►U: CLC M i, "cine`_ Address: Gi City: :' l” Stat.: FL Lip Cwdi : 3 Ll 9 5 'A — Fax: Prone No. a 53- 2to-7- 40 3 a E -Mail: Fill In fee simple i itle AolBer on next page i R Bitterent ii- m LIRc 13 .rner listed above) Building Height: Name: Denniz LaeeR Com pan,: ARS ARleHcan Residential Services ABdress: 2800 US HWy 1 City: Vero aeacM ,.ip Cotle: Jz960 Phone eco. Fa;; - E -Mail: State or County cicense: CIVIC 1/1aro3 It Baia= at con.trection is $2500 or more, a RECOROdY Notice of Commencement is requirea. ROOT pizcn Mate: " SUPPEEMENTALCOIQ5' ROLTIDN EI EC LAIN IIQFORlO[ATlO.{4: DEaiGNER/EAGINEER: x Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Addre3b: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FcE �1MIFEE r I i CE ROCDErt: x Igot Applicable 1301111-ulma COMPART: x MOE Applicable Name: Rame: A130ress: AUUTr.3: City: City: Lip: PRone: Lip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. �r. Cucie County mages no representation Gnat is granting a permit will authorize the permit Ilolaer to guile tRe suBject structure which is in conflit t with any, a plicable Home Owners Rssoclation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such 3tracture. Please can salt r. it Flame OrMe1 A53aciutlOn aRij yaa7 area Tor rte.—.r re3trict"Ori. ;.Ricin Tur -1-151 r• In evn.,i3e;:.6wm oT the granting aT ON regsestea permit, I ao Iiereuy agree that I will, in all respects, pelTorm the worR in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Cucie County Amendments. he following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, ucc=�3a. ► .troUarc.., 3 :IrnRling paal.,, rerlee.,, -x113, .ignz;, ,erten ..-v.rm3 and acce33a. , u3ez to ..notner non-res;aential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice or Contrnencenle.A .iiuy ra3alt in raver poyins twice for improvements LO yuur property. m NOLICE Of COmmrncement I7lu5L be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financins, cun3ult with lender Or an attorney before commencing warR or recorainl? vour Matice Of Commencement. _ bilm ta. c or i3 er/ Cea3ca/Agent Signature of Contra r/Cicense Holder aiAiE Or rCORIDA COUNTY OF aim.. the forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this aa day ofP�� 20 br Dennis Zack { ; a of Anawledging�ig�a ergQlic- state or Florida j P.r3anally Knv Yn x OR ProaaCe(l IaentiTlcaLivn I ype or ldentiitcadon Produces Cen,rnis3iQn 19a �+C�r k 7 (peal) MY CON11411351019 X GGO11035 Revised 07/1 N&N." ExPIRE5 FoUruary 09, zod, a 1 A r c Or FEivRIDA COUNTY OF 31eude I Me rorgoing instrument was acRnowleage'a aerore me tRi. a., of CL1C3 20 L By conna LuceR (N me f perso ac Kledging j Ignatur of ota Public- State of Florida } Personally nnown 7, OR Produces Identirication Type of Identification Produced Commission Ivo. t�5 (Seal) MT CFJIWNIIZ31019 X 13G077535 EAPIKE5 roam_—, 119, zOzz REVIEWS FRONT COON ItR ZONING REvIEvv SUPERVISOR RtvlEvv PLANS Rtvitw MANGROVE REvlEvv VEGETATION REvlEvv SEATURTLE REvlEvv DATE COMPLETE Ilvl I IA�f AREscuE RS peQrER _- %E -be,. r.J —• A&G� — � y test. start Devic 017,15i.i.-Afa»iation i 1/ork Order► (772) u r-3 00 Esc. Co ... pintion Date�L 2800 05 R"t her 1, Vera Beach, FL 329617 Uorporate Clot■-er Ameiwr ReaideMW 3mvices of S.rid_ 1. Re'alions t Wass WMV12,975a, c�vCo-W& CFC1428283 (866) 803,0879 �erQ19cR EMAIL cAu.sur crtY P J HOMEPH ONE aMi'molle WORK PHONE YOUR OPTION 1 OPTION OPTION 7 SIzE 1 TYPE oIZE I T PE E �TYPE EFFlIi�:IEA�r RCIENCY 17 YFI IERCY $�k�O�T $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5UBTQTAC $ SUB/—,A 4i 5001UTAL $ mDlgTHCr E51." $ N.` $ iNCrRrMC 5 �M CU5rultllER IRITIALS/ �in+ �-005ITIALS CUSry ER INITImM Warranty: Parts i2a 9 ®or vv .ty:t f a Part: ift", rW wry? Parts E=r LL—Comprausur � a— Hent Exchanger �wmpressor L_PI_at Exeho ger t rmpres. or Hca: Ex ,mange, Unless otherwise noted, ml warranti■= — barn ane nri--uWare,-. ■ ■ ' SELEURM UUPTION: , 11 02 03 ❑ Weatnerproof 0 Na- P7ywee8 Deck 0 OV Light/_ -7 6 Disconnect Rocovct Drain Una [3 RLrnid:fer [3M SUBTOTAL � feti a Egeipmen; Slab Ceiling Sa-■r Kit ❑ Deha,�,idifer D / � $ 66> Sound Isolation Pahs {Pen & Fl. -ti ❑ Outdoor unit Pad U Liquid I rte llondeit ❑ Main DI _in Sam Switch ❑ Flue Venting ❑ Start nit 0 5til Ne- t:onnoetieRr ❑ Docrwork Connections" TOTAL $ CI ltefrigerarlt LC Qryw_ ❑ Sappor A«ic Equipment U W sect to existing plenum t7 Duct Modifications ❑ Refrigerant Pipe �3uppply Plenum • ' (see Notw Ie' ■■■Ae of *wO C3 Mew o Reconnect ta'T�e- Ci Resomn€ ut • New Duct System ❑ O Refrigerant Pipe Cc -,.r pM am Ptonom ❑ No Duct Wolk ❑CASH ❑CHECK# ❑ Expansion Valve ZNew ❑ Reconnect ❑ Fool Piping j /12 CREDIT WD (LAST 4#=) t-�tot-Iype�, ut�ara�,w_ ❑��tr;t-YYlring Connect ro Existing ❑Med'.. Fltor _ -. G Rome service Plan - EXP APrRvrliC Electrical U PC0 1 term {364 Eoyo1 OUR `'' ❑FINARCING" a...fort Goaran:ee Ap.mv Protraction Guarantee 24•Hour Service Guarantee 100% unconditional Mancy-Back uca.m,t � •PayrrteM eptlelle a atebk with apprw®d oed l qr v NOTESku d **mrs5 is nal responeiDIO for preexisting Euctwork 5m icnn= m,S iondiGonc e., the 6aU of this accamart for daraip. • Written customer autMorizati■R -ill be ablainis8 before beginning my unforvaaen additional or extorded work • ANY i ,LAIMS FOR CONSTRUC11UN DEFEui5 ARE 5UBJECT TV THE NCMCE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 556, FLORIDA STAT u r r5.. • BUYER'S RIGHTTO CANCEL: Thts Is a home solicitation sale, and If ; v do nut -ant t"a good= or—rri—, you nr..y a■ncGe this agreement By providing written notice to the seller In person, by telegram, or d9 mail. Thi_ nutiae ...s_t Ind"tc, th-1; you No not want the goo6s or services arta must Pe llelivere6 or p651tlliarRee tserere midnlalft or tn. tnira 6ueirimm a.., olter,ou sign this agreement If you cancel tnM agreement, Me seller may net Reep ..11 or port of any cash down payment See the reverse side hereof for an explanation of this right • I acknowledge that my right to cancel has Men e;:'h:Red t_ Rte erelly —din:. r my right ro tercel, I norhvraa rhe performance of the woM subject to all terns anti conditi_R= a■t forth an the teveree a3ae h�u p ea...y ra n completion. Notice To Owner Do not sign this home improves■ t ■■ntrect i.. 31—k. Yee ant' Ifd to , espy of the eo :tre. :the oma you sign. INp it to protect your legs rights. i nis Meme impre�rnont contract R,..y cont an a ortaaga or PtF�mice create a n on your propemy tnuteeel8 be d on 9,-o ao n -t pay. Be ae �,�c enderm.nd all provisions you ve.—MER..lo COMPANY REP NTATIVE CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE e„ . 7m -4-qxwumw1--I-I I r -Wm1ma ,i,n,T ansa il An CERTIFIED .g Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI CeRirlell Rererence lVantQar : rzitaua0s 13-t.: oz-z5:z01g Modal Status : Active AHRI Typw : SP -A aeries : Ry i On AC SPP U51avar 0-4 Spann Kanto: CARRIER Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single PacRage) : 50TFCV35-35** Revlon : All (AR, AC, AR, Ac, CA, CO, L i, DC, DE, F[, CA, RI, ID, IC, IA, IN, K5, KT, IX, RIA, RID, RIE, Mi, MN, MO. 1915, MT, RC, NO, ISE, AH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, Pm, RI, 3C, oQ, IR, IA, V t, vA, v I, vv FC, vvv, vvl, vv T, 0.5. i erritories) Region Mote: Central air con'aitioners manurastupe0 print• to JaFiea.-, 1, 2015 _r. eliyi6la to Be inatallad In all r.yio... until June 30, 2016. Beginning July i, zu U central air con'u tioners can only ue installetl in region(s) for wrlicll Ivey meet llle regional amviena, Yeyairarnaril. 111e manuTaclurer OT tnic CARRIER proaact is raapanai6la tar the .tiny or thin ay.tam w.—.5ination. Ratetf as follows In accordance witrl me latest eaitlon 4r ANSIfAHRI Zi DIZ40 ;•itf4 Adaando 1 o.,a 2, Pacionnonca Rating of Unita y Air -Conditioning & Air -source Heat Pump E4uipment and subject to rating accuracy Ey PiARi-sponsored, InEepentlem, tnIM party testing; Cooling Capacity (mz) - 5inyle or Rigll stage 0tuR : 35000 SEER: 1200 EER (A1) - 5ingic, or Fgh Stay. (95P) : 11.50 ,"Active* Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently p7-_dc_i:,rq AND caii:rrg up offering for =ole; OR now models that ..ra being nrarkcicu Dai ..re not yei Doing pro.uced 'Production Stopped- Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer trodmai..g BUT la clill selling yr afforinter Dole. R@tlno thal ?rkl% mrawiod by WAS indicate an involunta-y re -rate. ..5e new poblizRod ralir i is shown along with the previous Re. WAS) n9inq. DISCLAIMER . HRI does not endorse the producttsl listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, wappantivs .c gaap.artaac _z 1., and a.-awre-_ ,;s ra=ponsibllity for. .he pmdacs>> lis;ed an CRIB zcrili.. ate. nRRi aApressly dis..Iaims all Ilability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the prodaat5s),. ■p thv on..atherl_cd alta -tion of d..ta 113tcd on :1113 Ce .Iflcata, Ccrtlflcd miings are valto only T., mood. no unrigaradons listed in the directory at www.ahpidl..vtup;.u. g. TERMS .,NO C.l1:47;.R3 This Ceptifl_tc Mnd its ecru ma;a aro prap.ie:ary prodocrs of AHRI. This acriiTicote s.ell only W aaaa rut inaiamual, personal and eorrfldanti-I r_fvpwrrva'appv-o. The contents of thin Cartlfle..tc may Ret, In whole er Impart, be reproduced; cvpled; dlsnanrinaicu,.� ld JOU entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utlllzod. In any fo;M =p i -___w7 ar b,- on; pnaona, a..capt for the ax.-'! indlada..l, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this sartifi—ta aea be sedflad at --.oh.idipcatvp,-.apg, click en -Vorlfy Cartlflc..ta' link we m..Te lire hetier- and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issu.d, which is II„ev aDv=c, ono Me ea, dreata Ru., vrhluh is listed at bottom rlghL -- 02019AIr-Conditionins, Headnig, and Refrigeration Institute VER I IFK ATE Nu.: 1 31 9566321 24 393891 Tangible Personal Propeny Card Properly Idendficadun Parval 10: 004631 Identification #: 716020070862 Account status: Open [ocation: 9 nERMARDv ON City: paint Eucie County Business Rami : 6araosa, i omasa Guzman Business Type: 7160 - Sp Lks DQFt: Barbosa, Tomasa #1 Guzman Contact: State Code: 814190 - Mobile Home Attachments tear WOOL Owner5h;p Curuent Values llaruosa, i omasa MarRet v -1a.: Guzman 4)1.01Z.00 9 Bernardo Ln t=xemption value: Port St Lucie, FL $1,072.00 .JZFyaZ Taxable Value: $0.00 rteturn Received: ,Not tet Received Penaky. done E)ownload TRAGI r -Dr ExemptlUn5 Grant Exemption Exemption E;;.mpt1wn rwar Code Description Value 0008 1 PPX Tangible Personal $1,072.00 r-roperty Exemption Asset Group and Value Asset value MH Carport $163.00 MH CentralAC $240.00 3.v i sss;n nn Flaps://w w w.paslc.arg/TPPCard7 Pagel of 2 2/27/2019