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Feb 21 19,07:14a Jensen Beach Plumbing 7722256779 p.5 Water I Residential Electric Professional Classic-Water Heaters • eem The new degree of comfort" Ii Professional Classic'" electric water heaters are engineered for longer life - resistored heating w;,, . ;_. elements and premium grade anode rod t Efficiency Plus... J } �`��� , • ; .95 EF • Everbeen"'self cleaning device fights t •i w - •Isolated tank design reduces harmful sediment build-up with a x', conductive heat loss high-velocity spiraling water stream- helps operating efficiency by saving : •Resistored copper upper element and energy,money and improving tank life b :' • resistored Lifeguard"stainless steel r,. lower element to prolong anode rod and tank life ^� ; ^ ,�.. !• _ 1 111 MS:}* F ' ;;;;2:::jk/ -ittii . • — , - -i. , •Enhanced-flow brass drain valve ,, Performance ■Temperature and pressure relief valva •FHR:42-71 gallons,based on gallon included *' f,,}, capacity •Low lead compliant ! •Recovery:21 GPH at a 90'F rise Warranty System Sentinel •6-Year limited tank and parts (Available on selected models) warranty= I • Exclusive diagnostic system with •With ProtectionPlus'the 6-year limited • glowing LEDs that verify heating tank warranty becomes 10 year { element operation,LEDs pin point the T l"� exact location of functioning or non- oernatio Residential tivaTanty Certificate for co plate ` functioning heating elements Units meet or exceed ANSI requirements and have Longer Life been tested according to the AHRI Operations Classic and D.O.E procedures,Urits meet or Professional Classic •Premium grade anode rod provides exceed the energy efficiency requirements of long-lasting tank protection NAECA,ASHRAE standard 90,ICC code and all 19.9 to 55-Gallon Capacities state energy efficiency performance criteria 240 Volt AC/Single Phase Features Double and Single Element Models •Electric junction box located above Electric heating elements for easy installation •Over-temperature protector cuts off power in excess temperature 43 situations MED •Automatic thermostat keeps water at desired temperature See specifications chart on back. w i1JTEGR,:70i'0!{; 01701;7 PRINTED IN Tic• -- i I Feb 21 19,07:15a Jensen Beach Plumbing 7722256779 P'6 • I Residential Electric 1 `•^^+, Water I Reom Professional Classic Water;Heaters Tho new degee Or=fart Professional Classic Specifications DESCRIPTION l FEATURES ROUGHING IN DIMENSIONS(SHOWN IN INCHES) ENERGY INFO. FAST ROUP RECOVERY TANK I HE1GHT TO r APPROX. OAL MODEL RAn9O M CAR HraOHT WATER CONN. DIAMETER SHIP MT. FNERO' TYRE CAP. NUMBER 0.90. 0511050 A B C BAN !-ACTOR Tat 30 9140E301-2 101-195. 48 21 47-1/2 50-318 19-114 92 0.95 Tell 40 990E40T2 10H95t 57 21 603/4 63-5/4 19.1(4 109 395 ,a2 50 PROMO T21RH95r 87 21 58710 61-5/8 20-114 121 (195 '81 55 9110E25 T2 101-1941 71 21 57 59314 22.174 128 I 0.94 Med. 30 PROEM.M2RH.95r 44 21 37-1/2 i 42-12 20.1(4 92 095 M ea.!40 PROE40M2 R1135, 55 21 48-1/4 ' 50-12 20.1(4 106 - 095 M65.l 50 990658 M291195' 65 21 48 50.12 23 132 0.95 Sharti19.9 PROE20 S2 FHA - 21 31-1/2 31-12 17 62 - Snarl, 28 PROE26 S2 RH95 42 21 30 31-1/8 23 95 095 Short 30 990530 50 RH95 5'" 42 21 30-1/8 32 1934 95 0.95 I Short 56 990638 S2 911-195' 45 21 31-1/2 33 24-1/4 118 0.95 Short 38 990530 52 41195 8" 55 21 31-1/2 32.510 23 108 0.95 Short 47 PROE47 52 19-195 9" 55 21 32 34 20-1/4 249 0.95 Energy Factor based on D.O.E.(Depenment of Energy)test procedures. 8" r System Sentinel optional Add ECt To the end of the model number.System Sentinel not available on single { element models,available on dual element models only.System Sentinel not available In excess 015 KW on 208 V models. "Water Mater omensbns prbr to insEaltng invitation blanks-.Mat Is indudud vie,weld'healer. •Neaten Fumtdlvd 10th stancard 240-111 AC,single phase!,ort-smutanwes vvWg,and 4500 hat,upper and Maar heating •If heating elements of different wattageslhan those 8.191013 we demanded by zone requirements,they must be WATER 0:), 0 ©Ili COLD speaiiltcalyrequested. CONNECTION WATER •Single element models avafabts on special order order:600maxi.Subsaute"1'icr•2'h modal number. • CONNECTION •Special Wing Options-A fasted number Of speetll rung cretins ars avelable.CorEutI factory Icr price end eva4ebpty'- RELIEF VALVE -At m:ders equipped WU,had Imps, CONNECTION . ANODE 'l ROD Fecovary=veslage/2.42 x Lomb.rise•F. Example: .42 x 90° -..r.31 GFH 2DIAMETER 1 1 Recovery c3Cushers uf-ecl are based On 45005+511 elements u5e0 ir:fon-simultaneous opera/on. 0 . A B J. •R . WATER CONNECTIONS ALL 3/4"N.P.T. • in keeping with its po5cy of confOucus progress and product improvement,Rhoa n reserves The right to make charrges without notke. Rheem Water Heating • 101 Bell Road Montgomery,Alabama 362 f7-43©5 a wwvidleem,cOm lru r- 83641:- s r= �Qd�F CQ;I. I 0.97 I I PRINTED IN USA.