HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B FASTENER TO CONTINUE F F PAST HEADER "� 1 9 0 0 o E MODEL NUMBERS E o MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE OPENING 2 X 8 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN HEIGHT o PINEJAMBS. o PAN C2011 SERIES SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN 02015 SERIES TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. PAN C2411 SERIES o PAN C2415 SERIES MAXIMUM ON D PAN C2511 SERIES CENTER SPACING D PAN C2410&R2410 SERIES PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES FIRST FASTENER 4"to 10• PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES ABOVE THE FLOOR OPENING PAN C2471&R2471 SERIES WIDTH PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2480&R2480 SERIES WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2481&R2481 SERIES Ovfldng mm— Mklh m Minh—LAAxl "Alh-nbb C PAN 02482&R2482 SERIES swaw a Fastener EmlrimW O6mp osnwo"na`og c� rLw C NPAN ���1111111!!!j// PAN R2561 SERIES 4SERIES � onncrrem vaew°ii'•OLU.S.Sha, z• 260° S.00• 24° 651 `�%� I •`.N /,/ Southern Pine 3I8•Lag wt 1.50• 1.50• 1.50' 24• 620 PAN R2571 SERIES 1118.ODwacher 318'Lag w� .1• NO.517 PAN R2572 SERIES Spruce Pine Fir 1 UB• washer 1.50• 11.50° 1.50• 24• 482 PAN R2580 SERIES NOTE;2X8 mounted to the well must be Southern Pine Grade 2 or bailer. -o'. STATE OF PAN R2581 SERIES PAN R2582 SERIES / �i 0.o'•.PLOR1Q� . B /// PONJ►`1 John E Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 RECEIVE® Lewisville, Texas 77 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 MAR 0 [ 119 FL#16660.17 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verification of wind load construction details. DESCSI►fl01@ A y 5r`rPAN2000MR WrNDWAD 1 SLCTIMAL DOOR ST. LUCIe COUt1t' Pt"r1'r!11'tlh� t 6 e± DRSIDNPRRSSDRR 41.v46APrr A OUVINv&-WI.2000-0110a146 1 SHUT.s of 3 RM D atoep • RAT[0att411vl4 JOUTMST. MVS o cww"14 11100ELISk See Sheet 3 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 F91ILE REVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 END STILES PUSH NUT All&7/16- Oo HINGE NGlvanized Steel TEK SCREW 16 Go Galvanized Steel 7/16" 4 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head O See DETAIL K for push nutTEK SCREW Self Drilling (3 per Bottom & 2 per F o PUSH NUT placement. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head Adjustable Inner Bottom Brackets) F 7/16" Self Drilling (6 per Hinge) See DETAIL K for push nut TEK SCREW BOTTOM BRACKET plOCement. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Wosher HeadNOTE: This screw should 13 Go Galvanized Steel 0 Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) be located below the prepunched ® ADJUSTABLE INNER ® ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE hole and go through the hinge, BOTTOM BRACKET 0 12 Go end stile and skin edge. TEK SCREW LOW HEADROOM TOP See H NUI K/for push 1/4" X 3 4" Hex Washer Head BRACKET PUSH NUT DETA L/ nut placement. Self Drilling (4 per Bracket) See DETAIL K for push nut BOTTOM SEAL DETAIL A LOW HEADROOM DETAIL B placement. DETAIL C E TEK SCREWTOP BRACKET E • 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer 2,431r INTERMEDIATE STILE 2 1/4" x 2 3/4" E STRUT Head Self Drilling (3 per 18 Go 70 KSI Minimum SLIDE LOCK or 16 Ga Galvanized Bottom Bracket & 2 per Galvanized Steel JAMB BRACKET LOCK BARS Steel Low Headroom Top Bracket) _ (not required BOTTOM BRACKET ° INTERMEDIATE HINGE ) �"r24r Steel 12 a Galvanized opo o with operator) p 13 Ga Galvanized Steel °®a 18 or 14 Ga 10 6 LOW HEADROOM TOP Galvanized Steel Oil BRACKET o ° a PUSH NUT 7/16" TEK SCREW U 24" BOLT & NUT TEK SCREW D See DETAIL K for push TEK SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8" D p 1/4" X 3/4" Hex t/4" X 3/a" Hex nut placement Washer Head Self 1/4' X 3/4" Hex Corrioge Bolt & Washer Head Self BOTTOM SEAL Drilling (4 per Washer Heoo self 1/4-20 Hex washer Drilling a ALTERNATE DETAIL E DETAIL F DETAIL G g ( per Slide TO DETAIL C DETAIL D Hinge) Drilling (1 per End ) Nut (1)per Jamb Lock) & Intermediate Stiles Bracket WDH AND W9110117 NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. BRACE 0 0 0 000 Double end stiles and end hardware may be D0 as required on wider or heavier doors. o a FLAG BRACBRACKET00 00 u c 0 Oa C a pp ���urnrq��� c q a ° Maximum e��s x , s 6" w Bolt \� ` 1/2 / g � Jr,i11maiF RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL (4 per Flag Bracket). �:r I %, COMMERCIAL For Standard, High For Standard, High DETAIL K ' No.51737 i For Low Headroom & Vertical Lift & Vertical Lifte There should be a space of BOLT & NUT ; With 2" Track and With 2" Track and With 3" Track and maximum 1/2" between the 1/4-20 X 5/8" Track Bolt Single End Stiles Single End Stiles Single End Stiles roller hub and the outside & 1/4-20 Hex Washer Nut exp: STATS OF ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS edge of the roller holder (2 for Horizontal & 2 for `?` which is set by the push Vertical Track) �0�,•• OR�Q�' Q \ B NOTE: The bottom bracket tested (shown in DETAIL C) is the lightest bracket available. nut, ,'��SS�----- B Min. DOOR SKIN Min. DETAIL H ���I1/rrl11% of 1' Minimal 25 Go Colvonized Pointed Steel of 1• John E Scutes. P.E. 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 :3 Lewisville. L-- "—J �� IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E.exas# 51737 56 ROLLER132 r Professional Engineer seal provided only for BOLT&WASHER 2" Diameter Nominal Eleven ROLLER FL#16660.17 verification of wind load construction details. 5/16'X 1 5/8"Lag Bolt& 2"O.D. VERTICAL TRACK — 2"Nominal WOOD JAMB ••.r- DES619Pfl01k 13 Go Colvonized Steel tasted. The vertical wood 0 Boll Nylon w/Hardened 2" Diameter Nominal '" 2000 SORMS x 7/I6"LD. Flat Washer Jamb i _ e'2"PA SECTINALr)OR. LOAD NOTE: Jamb bracket must be in 3�Nominal 13 Ca is also fasteners may be counter Bunk Shaft Or Ten Ball Steel Eleven BOII Nylon Or SECTIOI;AL DaOR A direct contact with the 2x6(No approved as an alternate. to provide a flat mounting w/Hordened Shaft with a Ten Ball Steel with B e; DESIONPRI!SSDRP. 41.1/46APSP p` surface. Sea Jamb attachment '"" drywo11 ouowed). i Minimum Workable Shaft o Minimum Workable v:+n'tx;' •ai'k,U;h:•:Dfurluoxn:wr<zoaaolta-0t-06 •xEErzDFa eef. o NOTE The flat washer is not required detolle on sheet 3 for attaching for angle mount. iambs to the structure. Length Shown. Shaft Length Shown. rp INITEI lk4/11/14 11DRAWRY. MVS O w"%"1114 800EL(Sp See Sheet 3 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 NOTE: Track configuration above Door Width 9'-2"Shown the door opening does not affect F See chart below for other the wind load rating of the door. F Top Bracket door widths DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Flag Brada t Detail H(sheet2 of 3) tI E E Door Height Slide Lock or Lock Bars 1 9 Detail O(sheet 2 of 3) 7'-�°Shown Monuol door locks are Jamb Bracket See chart required unless an automatic Deteil F(eheet2of3) t operator is installed. below for other 6q"+/-3" — door heights a ' D D 3$1" 3 +/- " i r ; t J Bottom Brackets End Hinge L Strut&Si tAttachment Intermediate Hinge 4"+/-3" Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail D(sheet 2 of 3) Jamb bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better southern \` pine jambs. \ _A •Ga O• This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 108-05 (and -12) for static air pressure. ` S':fir\ ♦�.� This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 115-05 (and -12) for large missile impact and cyclic Supporting structural elements are to be designed by a registered professional �• •\ engineer for specific wind loads. (ftp. wind pressure. 51737 r � Model Number Door Total#ot Total#of Struts Jemb Brkts NOTICE: — * 1. Hei ht Sections per Side These drawings ore a * " PAN C24fi08 R240a SERIES supplement to the installation „0 g4ATE OF PAN C2A1a&R241aSERIES PAN 02461&R2401 SERIES 6'-D' 4 4 3 i instructions for o standard door �•A �,, • � PAN C2480&R2480 SERIES PAN CZ471&82471 SERIES 6'-3° 4 4 3 and Only Covers those / Q •\ PAN 02481&R2481 SERIES PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2011 SERIES 6'-6' 4 4 4 procedures that vary from / A•IORtQ•' \\\ B PANC2482I,R2482SERIE,S PANR2560SERIES PANC2015SERIES 6'•9° 4 4 4 standard door installation. If ///8'81--'�tt \\ 13 (hese specific procedures ore �1A \�� PAN R2680 SERIES PAN R2561 SERIES PAN C2411 SERIES T-0' 4 4 4 not followed, the door may not PAN R2581 SERIES PAN R2571 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES 7'-6' 5 5 5 perform as designed. John E Scales, P.E. PAN R2582 SERIES PAN R2572 SERIES PAN C2511 SERIES 7'-9° 6 5 5 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 Door Widths Desi n ressures Center Centel Center Im aC B'-0' 6 5 5 Lewisville, Texas 75056 End Stile Florida P.E. # 51737 Up To +p -p Stiles Hinges Stiles Hinges Stiles Hi Resistant WACT RESISTANT 8'-2" 46.1 -52.0 Double 3 1 3 1' 3 1 NO Maximum section height is 21 in. 9'-2" 41.1 -06.4 Double 3 1 3 1 3 1 YES Maximum door height is 16 ft. Professional Engineer seal provided only for 10'-2" 33.4 -37.7 Double 4 2 3 1 5 1 E All doors, even those above the tested height, FL#16660.17 verification of wind load construction details. ore available with jamb brackets or commercial 12'-2 23.9 -26.3 Double 6 2 6 2 5 2 NO full angle. The maximum spacing of the jamb r - OE8CB1Pl101t 8'-2" 41.1 -46.4 Double 3 1 3 1 3 1 YES brockets track clips should be maintained. - v'2^rAN2aooWALDwn�minnn I, P "� sCCT1nKAL DOOR A A This product is designed and sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining ....t. §,... DESIGNPRnsSURE 41.I1466APSr- the PSF required for any given site. "S-•"•I%!"=*'? `>01 MMIll 118:W1.200MI 1"1-46fNEET:1 OF 3 rtFV. D Digitally signed by)ohn E.Scates P.E. Date:2017.09.2915:53:47-05'00' 7°'1°"'"' m1TE DIM 411 buw ar: Nlvs o C~¢414 MODEL(Br See Sheet 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B