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Building Permit Application
From:Larry Neese Fax:17723616580 To: Fax:(772)462-1578 Page:2 of 14 0410112019 1:42 PM ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 1� ___ PermitNuriber. h RECEIVED APR 0 12019 Building Permit Applicati n Planning and Development Services ST. Lucie County, Permitting Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Roof Address: 5114 Palmetto DR. Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 Legal Description: INDIAN RIVER ESTATES-UNIT 05-BLK 24 LOTS 7 AND 8 (MAP 34/02S) (OR 3725-79) Property Tax ID#: 3402-606-0075-000-9 Lot No-7 Site Plan Name: Block No. 24 Project Name: Lambert Re-Roof Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: � S <'.✓ d' � i 3 ✓ "S S l 1 Remove and replace existing roof covering Owens Corning Shingle : NOA NO : 16-0425.01 Owens Corning Weatherlock G : FL9777-R11 4t, N"MOR ACIClitiona wor to e e orme under this permit—check a that apply: 11HVAC 11 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping E]Shutters ❑Windows/Doors U Electric 0 Plumbing []Sprinklers U Generator Roof 5/12 Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: 3,000 Sq. Ft.of First Floor: 3,000 Cost of Construction:$ 21,000 Utilities: Sewer ElSeptic Building Height: QWNR/1SE � �OI�TRAC ` _..__. NameTheodore Lambert Name: LARRY NEESE, LLC Address:5114 Palmetto Dr _ Company: LARRY NEESE, LLC city: Fort Pierce State:R. Address: 3401 S. US Hwy 1 Zip Code: 34982 Fax: _ City: FORT PIERCE state:FL. Phone No.931-639-9262Zip Code: 34982 Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. 772-361-6580 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different E-Mail: lar ryneeseroofing@gmail.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CCC1330608 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 462.1578 Page:3 of 14 0410112019 1:42 PM From:Larry Neese Fax:17723616580 To: Fax:6772) a WE ME 10-111 DESIGNER-/ENGINEER,. i Not-Applicable MORTGAGE ItOMPAI Y: _r Not Aonlicable i�a.me: N.4me; . Address: Adoress: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phoria. �Phone: FEE�SIMPUTI'TLE HOLDER' -„�,NOt-Applicable iONDING COMPANYz �„tVat Appl`reable Name: Name: Address' sfrpss: . • City city.- Zip: Phone: Zip: _ Phone: I certify tfiafi'no work or Installation has commenced prv6nto-th.e issuance of-a permit. $t.Lucie Count - _nak�s no representat :n that is granting apermlt willothori a the ermit holder-to buildthesubect structure tatrinoeithppiiaNledeOwnesAsodat-on rufes,'.bylaw„or-ancovenants that may_rei rill oproh bit such uukn t thy© m owner5ta tl end a ]eS jCL nj �+ +i7raa:ddiCu>>rcmy o}a}rry. in.considera ion of.ti7e granting; .f this.requested..pernait,isd+�hereby agree-that.l viii(,iii all.respects,perform the work in accrardance with'the-'approue4i:platts,the Florida Building"Codes and St.Lug le-*Co urity,Mier 6� ei iits. The following building permit appJicataons areexernpi from undergoing a ft#Ii ctt�cur�ncy revieanr:room additi€rr� accessory structur4s,-swirnthing fools,fences,walls,.sigos,_screen roomand_accessory rises ta-another non4esidential use WARNING TO OWNER,,Your feilr reto Recurs!a Notice of C�mmencem_erittnay resultirr yFourpaying.twicefor trnorovemr ants to your aproperty..A Not ce of`Cbmmeincijment must'bo recorded and posted on:t ie jo► site before the flat insfsecti6h.tf y€u intend..to pbtain.friancing,consult-wttfr tend6r nrarr.attorney before commencin' r csrk.or recoMirig o'u' r' Notice of Commencement. —'�----�: x. _Sign r€of_O ne..r[LesseelAgent Signa tu.e,of,i ontr or/License Holder S°TA�'(T�Ey'p+'Of f �fl`O RIDA 'Aa aAi B F'�Y S' 41E61"FLORIO{A, 3 rw$UN . Ap t} Thp forgoing ftistrument was acknowledged before"me Tire forgoingjnstrument was acknowledged before me _. this 26day of March 20 18i,y this 26 day of March .7o 18 by Iu r +ix s (Nahr eof person acknowledging;). (Name of perscsn>_acknoWl€dging:) { igi7ature of WtarvPublsc-'Srt of Fiarida.i �Signatuee.4f I otarypubtiaStat Drilla}. Petsoi�ally:iCno+n�n t�.li;Prpdi cell Idenfi catkin. Pgrsonaily Known :OR-Produced Identif c tion Typ6 of dentifii:20 in Produced Type'of Identification Produced ass commission No. Commissiian Nv. (S� S rSt i raU 29 � "ui.Y.ly";?%i2� .Revised.-07/151 014 REVIEWS FROM 71OWNG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA.TURTIE MANGROVE GOUKER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 'PATE COMPLETE INITIALS