HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20190403 (2)All l APPLICABLE INFO FO A+' UST BE CO MPt.ETE'D FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED tate: Q41V201 9 COU T i F L 0 R [ b A Planningand nd f valDpment -Ser Aces Buff ing and Code ReguOtfon Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce Fd 34982 Plhone. (772) 462-1553 Fax® (772) 462-1578 Permit Number - Building Permit Application Commercial PERMITTYPE:HVAC Mechanical AC Change Out PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ROVED ENT LOCATION: .Address: 14119 Bay Tared Court, Port Saint I�l��i�, FL 34986 Residential X Property Tax I D #: 3322-601-0029-000-2 0-2 Site Plan Nears: Reserva, Creek Parcel 5 Lot gThat part Sec 22-36-39 AD J aT 573-285(3679-641) Project Narne: HVAC Mechanical AC Change Out, LIKE FOR LIKE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: AJC Change Out, l n:sta li 2.5 Ton, 15.5 Seer, 7 BCW Heater, Meat Pomp Split System, LIKE E FOR LIKE E CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be perfr r me d under this permit –check all that -apply- kMechanical Electric Tota 15q, Ft of Co nstrt ctio na Gas Tar k Plumbing Gas Piping — Sprinklers Shutters Generator Sq, Ft, of HFst door: Lot NG- Block No - Windows/[yrs Roof Pitch Cost of Construction- 5,300,00 utilities- sewer — septic Building. Height- OWNER/LESSEE: Iolarne ';lw`esley Win -go Add re ss: 10 119 Bay Tree C ou rt city., Port Saint Lucie _ States FL— Zip Goode; 349$4 Fax: Phone Nu_513-5 0-11 8 E- M a i He je Fe my.ingo PA m all. com Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different fro m the Own e r listed a bore) Name: belly Certo irricr Co rnpa ny: Ai r Temp Air Conditioning, Inc. Ad d ress 651 NVV E nt rpri 0 rive Suite #107 city: Port Saint Lucie state" L Zip Code, 34946 Fax- 772-281-2907 Phone Ho 77 -340 0740 E -M a i l airtmcYiah. Corr' State o r Cou my Lice nse CAC 1814837 if value of con r"ction is $2500 or more a RECORDED Notice of Com men ment -Ps required. If V2IU@ of HVAC is $7,500 or more a RECORDED Notice of commencement Is req u fired. -J [',S,U,P-PL'EM'EN'TAL,CO-N-STRU-CTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City; -- _ state, Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: N-ot Applicable fame: Address: ZIP: Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name:_ Address: City- ZIP - P hong: St ate, BONDING COMPANY Not Applicable Name: Address_ City; Zip; Phone. OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFF IDVIT: Application i5 here—by made to obtain a permit to do the work and instaIIation as ind'catpd. I certify that no woA or installation ha commenced pnor to the issuance of a perm it - St. Lucie Count makes no reprresentation that is gra ntirig a permit vwiII authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which i5 in cenifict with any applicable Home Owncrs Association rules,. bylaws or as cove nants that may restrict or prohibit such structure_ Please consuIt with your Home Owners Associaticn and rcvic°wyour decd forany restri ien,,; which may apply, Inti consideration of the granting of this requested permit, i do hereby aeq:_,- that I will, in a I I respects, perfema the work in ar-cordanre with thr: approved plan:�, the florida Bull Iding Codes and St. Lucie County Amendrnents. This foII-owing buiIdincr permit appIications are -exempt froin u ndergo-Ing a full concurrency review. rOOrn addi tion:, accessory Structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen roorn s a n d accessory uses to another non-residential use "WAMWG TO OWNEI ; FOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE Of COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT Ilii YOUR PA INC TWICE FOR IMPROVERgEMS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A MOTILE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SIVE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECT1I; PL IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANEINc, 'LONSI,JLT WITH YOUR LENDER DR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDIftG YOUR N011110E Of EOMMENCEih ENT2" Signature of Owner/ ssee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 11, The ciin i:r str nprwt was �k.nowled eo re me this da of 4 2 b Vif _�� L ( Noinne of Pe n Makin at Me' t. I}erne n a I Iy K nown OR Prod uced Identification Type of Identification Produced ti (Signature of Notary Pu b l ic- State of(Signature of Nota;ry Public, J! 90 64 GG I 768B I Commission No. REVIEWS DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED NoOr� pub!ic Sete o? Flare 'rig Q } 1 ° " tisi5dT7Is&on Girt 1? Signature of Contractor/L- ense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF TbejQtgoing inEstr n was ack ledge More me this day of 20 by )c Z) Name of p erso ma ki n g state meat_ Personally Known OR produced identification Type of Idenlification Produced t°ary Pudic stW of FluvU � rw ExGt6i� ilia � �f���C Commission loci_ R PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE REVIIi W R EVI E'er P ME MANGROVE REVIEW 0I This17IbI , fl 9UaIifies for a Federal Energy Efiidency Credit when placed in Service betviteen Feb 17, 009 and Dec 31, 2016- 0 i 016_ Certmificate AHRI CWWW Pefilmnes NVmbW: 201664M Dale: 01-22-2-018 Model Status Old AHRI Reference Number : -41711 AH R l c Ypr,? : HRC U-A=CI3 Ser. as : Outdoor Urd. _--�nd Narne � RHEEM Outdoor tJrit Model Hamner fC1)r3dEM r0r Singla Package} . RP1, -0B J1 Indoor Knit O rand ar=7e I n d'bbr Knit Model Number (Eyaporatcw or%44Dr fair Handkw) . RH 1 T3617STAN Foam-aue Modol Nur;iber The mar;Lifarkumr of this RHi=Fh,9 product ia ramponsible for th-c raking -of this sysl;ern cumYination,. Active Ralad 2s 1`011<t Irl ace-ordarr th the I iter -t Wliti l of ANSUAMR1 TD'240 i Jth Aaddoncla 1 er2d 2, Performa RaUng a# UnOry Nr-Condijfcnjn.q . Air -Source Haat Purnp Equipment and subjev't to ralin akv"racy by AHg1-spr,.n sored. indopondBntr third party testing: Coc&q r,;apacity (at) - Sinote c.,r High Staq�i (05F). btuha : 29400 SEER- 15.50 TIER (A2) - Single cvr High $,.age (195F) : 12. Hev rig Capacity (H1 ) - Singie or High age (47F) = 27000 PF (Region IV) : g3.aa -I'AfAia " 6lodel StalUs Prig Ih g tf+at an AHRI Cerbfieatiion Prograrrr P: rtic'j"rrt is currendy producing AND &;.,Aling or affe'ring for r, ; OR -new models thf1 arn bn," maAQAe; est arc not yet be,mg tares."Prodian $!M>d' k4odel S.stus sm lho5c that an AHRI C e ttficntiori Rrcx�nrn Partici�ar�t;s nra Ir cr pr�ucirT® fi4b'r is �rkill r9#fing 01 9ffcr1g TQr sale call lit arl� a vm ia0 by WAS indicates sn �vcduri� rte_ T}� neer. t1 d art �sh,�n �I �'. r�, n . .�� ,� ,- r' �: � n the re ; for �i_e. WAq) raLlin. DISCLAIM P�R AHRI does not "dotst the pradlucttsj lister oar td, is Certl11fmte end rnakcs FFD reprag-e-n ntioq*_ warranties, orguaiert#r r_-,; Cis to, and assunie-s nq responsibility for, ft ipraduct{sj listed- an tMs Certlf nate_ AHRI eVrvs291V dlsdaims all UVIRY Iar damages of a ny klr(i ari}si nr, out at the u -&e br ofrforTnen-ce of the pratlur_t(s), -or the Lmnuthorized alterabon of d ]Nmd on this Ceetif'cat•rr. Corffied ratfngs are vorid only for models aad cm-Lfidurnciom listedin the TERMS AND CONDIVOKS Thai! �rrffir_atc zind its cont&n s art pruprictaryproduct.% of AHR7-This CertirrIyamWiall -only bctrwd fear IadlYldgaL p oral an,d c€anr'rdeatlal rePeC rle vurrposes. The wirileflrs of this C-ertlltcate may riot In whole or In part, W repr`.Wuccd: aopJiaM d1swrnmutGui €mer W inio a cvm u.er database; - 4r 4th�rxrt�e �I" P uC raeQ_ irr ar'ry team or manner or bv any rrreaie.s. exert for #Its Ur'A rnriurak . p,eriwal and confidentlal re:emnce. AER -C ONDITION!'Ple.. 44EAT114t;, The infDnnriadon foF tie niadel rend on thAS 0er(irlC3Lr r=an bca v'orl1fiCr1 A 11Ck on ®tMr±3sf rt'oii Lir►k ur tYl3li diff' bettri.- and enW Me d444RL Cortificd Reierence NuTnWr and the date on which ttro ccrrtlticate w�. whkh Is 11sted abase, and the C'artif cite No- wtaidh it I load at baftom right.. - @2018Afr- oriditioning, Hca firi , and Refrigeration Institut CERTIFICATE NO-' 13161 1447 'I