HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20190405All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLI '110 tiI TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 41401 g Sudding .end Code Regvlcrrion Dovisio n 230 V'irgfnia A LFeay,-, Fof t PjLgce FL 349S2 Phone: (772) 462-155. Fax- (7721462--1578 Permit Number- Building Permit Application Commercial Residential PERMITT'YP'E:HVAC Mechanical AC Chan ge out. -PROPOSED. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 7402 Deland AVE. Fort Pier�e..FL 34951 Property Tax ID It, 1301-606_01 B 1 _00 0-9 y� Lot Na, Site Plan Name- LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 6- BLK 67 LOT12 (MAP 13/825) (OFA 4121-663) 13Jock Ido_ 67 Project N a m e: HVAC Mecha ni al AC Ch n-ge Out, Ll ISE FOR L11 E �. FDETAILED DESCRIPTION OF RK: A,fC C harig c ()ut, Install r�HEFEM 2 Tun, 16 Seer; 5 KTjV Heater., Straight Cool SPR System, L IKE FOR L IKE cONsrRucTaaN INFORMATION', Additional work to be Pf-2rfoi-med under this permit -cheek all that apply-, kMechanical _ Gas Tank — Gas Piping ShLitters Electric Total ,S% Ft of Construction, Plum li ng Sprinklers Generator Cost of Cdn5truction: S 5,400.00 OWrNEI LE EE- _. Sq, Ft, of First Floor: Utilities- —Sewer —Septic fame Reidy L._ Krieger - Address: 7402 Leland Avenue City: Fort Pierce State: EL fp Code.- 34951 Fax- Phone a c: Phone NO,77 -$1 -6088 L- M a i 1: t_cPowu rwa sling@ya hou _com Hill in fee simpi a Title Holder on next Page ( if -different from the Owner listed above) Windows Doors Roof Building Height- CONTRACTOR: eight: Pitch COT ACT R: a Marne: Kelly ertosimo -.. Company Air Temp Air Ganditioning, Inc - Add ress- nc_Address: 651 NW Enterprise Drive S ui;#e #107 Cit -r: Port Saint Lurie State: FE Zip Code: 34936 Fax: 772-281-2-907 P hon e No 772-840-0740 E -Mail airternpao@yaho-D-com State or County License CAC 18148 37 If value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECO R ED Notice of Commen cirri nt is required. If value of HVAC is S7,S00 or rnore, a RECORDED NOtice of Commence rnent is required. I PPLE ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIONT. [DESIGNER/lIENGINEER.: Name.: Address - Not Applicable - arty: State; ZIP, Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address: _ city; zips_ Phone- OWN hone- MORTGAGE COMPANY Not Applicable Dame-, Address: city- .State; Zip- Phone- BONING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name Address- city,—­ 21p- ddress- City, dip= � PFror7e,. Ci fIII E R/ CONTRACTOR A.FF I DVIT: ,gyp p I i ca k.ion i s her-eby mad a to o'hta i n a permit to d o t he work and i nsta CI aCion as indicated. I cert fy that no work or installation Cha, ,commented prior to the issuance of a peIrrn it. St. >Lyc Count rnakes. no represen-ration that is granting a permit will —author' the ermit holderto build [he �u bj cct structu re which is I n con i' w th any i ppl Ica b It H rim a Own e. rs Association rules, bylaws ter an � COVenants that may restrict or p r ohi blt such structure.. Please consu It with your Home 0wrxers A550ciation and review your deed for n,y restrictions wh fch may apply_ J n con siders ti on of th f� granti ng of this req u eiter# permit, I do herehy aE ree that ] will, in a I I respects, perfo r rrt th c work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Cones and St. Lucie Counter Americilments. The folio w i ng build i ng permit ap p l iratio ns are exem pt from undergoing a ful I to ncurrency review, rola m a d d ition sr aCcess,nr� structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, sign!, screen: rooms and accessory uses to another non-r-esidential use 4`+ ARM1NG TO OWNEW YQlllR FAILURE TO RECON A NOTICEOF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT JN FOUR PAYING TWICE MR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTYA NOTICIE OF COMMENCEMENT MOSY BE RECORDED AND POSTED 01W THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF VOID INTEND TO OKFAIN FIIYANCINGi CONS ULT iTH YOUR LENDER OR AAE ATTORWY BORE RECORDING TOUR NOTICE OF COMIKEI'IMICEMENT.' i ns t u re cif awn Lessee/Co ntracto r as Agent for Owner Sign Q u re of Contradoriticense Holder STA.TF OF FLORIDA, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT F _ CO NTY CIF Th to going i n stru t a s.a r r�lr le fe me - ore day of 20 by A ', of pe rsoo ma ki _% tern nt. Rccrsonafly Known—_ -- OR Produced Identification _ Type of identifacatio ki— Prod aced h —. 9 re of Notary Comm Issio n No. REVIEWS ° GATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED N, of RoridB t&l q"j GG 1 -,660 TFRONT ZONING REVIEW e f rgo i ng i.nstru nt was agnuwledefofe m this day oafy N am a of-peFson m ng .statement, Personally Known prodviced Identifica#ion Type of ldentlficatior« Produced — .—r A I FFA f - - , 1 'W NP' -%X F-.. (Signature, of No ti • Commission No, SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE - REVIEW RE -VIEW REVIEWREVIEW RE'T'IE' Certificate of Product Ratinas AHRI Certifre,+ Reference Number : 20127$7 Data :. 044)4-2019 N10del Staters : Awe ,Ofd AHRI R-afereic Nur, : -(940891 AHRI Type RCLj_AC6 Outdoor Unit Brand glare : RHEEM Outdoor Unit ModfI Number (Condansercc Srnoe Pac*age) , RA11624AJ1 Indoor U rtit Mudel Number Wvaporator Arad or fir Handlar) - RH 1 T2417STAN Region : All (AK, AL. Aft, AZ, CA, GO, Cr, DC, DE, FL, OA, 1-111, F13, 4L, LA, IN. KS, KY, LA. VIA, MD. Mt. Mi. MN, mo. m , MT, NC, NG, NE, NH, NJ. NM, NVtai', 0H, OK, 0R, RN RI, SC, SD, 'rN, TX, LIT, VA, ),T, WA.. VVV, lArl.. VYY, U_S. Tt'rriturie7. (Region t mi) - ContrAl air mnditiOnem- manufarlured prior to .January 1, 2015 are eligFNa tb be installed in all regions untfl June fig, 2015_ Rogirknin0 July 1, 2011; cfentrat air condillion.&rs Car, only be installo-d in region (s) rear which they meet the regional officiency requirement. Thp, manufaC vrer of this RHr=IZM PrOdLct i2 .re5pOnslible for the rating ❑II Ihis syst.stn rnblration_ Rates .as follows in accordaricp with the Iatf_—,t edi n of ANSUAHRI 21M240 with AddarAa 1 a�,d 2, Performance Rating of Uritmy kir- orad tiuni ng & a r ,,, rce heat Purrip EqU;prr, 5rii and subject t -a ra acaura r byf HRi-spur? red, ind� r7derrk. thlfd par + t r8= C00l1r79 Pa'Citi° (A21- Singk, rr High Stag- {95F), btuh 24000 SEER - 16.00 EER (A2) - Singl�§ or High Stag& �95F) : 13.00 t' li ' Wdel St, itjs ar5r thane tnaj in A"R1 Ceriifir-91ion Pragram P'.,rti ant is curi"Mily produLing AND solliing oroffenN ror sale; OR new medals thsl arc., Lit< MArke �d but ,are not yN iog produced..'P�Odu�iDn Strap d' klode,� Sistus aw thaw thsl .ar7 AHRI CertifXmiifi•3 P�gra-n Pxhicipant is no kngef prvdwing BUlr is shil sEWIng or affoHnrt for sale. w lh thq previous Cr.c, 1VASJ ra DISCLAIMER AHRI does M04 ondGrse, the pru&ct sa Ir d *n this C£rtrficsto Srrrd makes np representation:R, wurruntles or guarantees as to, in.<i arsurnes no n,, p nsibiUtyr tor, the xacluetfs] listed an this 4 rIIFlcalc_ A4 I`Rl e5-xprt*ly disclalms i)ll I%abelEtyfor d&mnagos of any JOW gar sina au' 81 the, use or perrr5fm.1noe of the prt tict�sf_ or the unn4,thorized alletalion ufdata li ae'ci on this Ceytffit te, Certified ral in,�;s . valid drtity fQr models and vnf u rations 31stcd in the daect,ory at'w'1 W.3JhridirrGtory.org_ TERMS ANIS BONWTIONS This Certificate .,on€t Its contenn aire proprietary pro4ucts of A14PL This Certif1caU_, zsh;jll Only be rased 10r individual. paf.-rsonal an€i confidential refer*3ip�r pprposes.'I`hfti rpritcnts cf this Qer'tllrrcate n)ayr nnt, iT& w1iole or In part, be r+eproidueed: cop4ed: mem hated: erste %ed larva a computer clotabas: or othe wise. utuiized. in any 4`orm or rnnnntr. or by any eUraLns. except far the. user's, Irrdtvidual, personal and confidential Werence. CERTIFICATE w ERI.Fi CATI0:N The inrorrnotiGn for the modO cited on min terrfifiCnte ran be varii" nt vvw„e•.;Ph rjd1ncct4r y,r,rg, 0ir-k gn 'Votify CerriflcaLe- link and �nlcr the AFIRI Certified Refere tc� Number and the dot4D on which tlhc� certificate vr,1s is`sued, which Is ]I-; d ,bove. and LN. Ccrtlfecate No_, which Is listed ;at h ttorn rift,�. 0-2019Air- onditionin ,bleating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: AM AIR-GOW"i' OMNI-, HEAT'NGr REFRI:GE> A111DFI INSTITUTE a.L•• r*wl.r• hre, bt-i:vrL 1,319a875494 -221,M76