HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit #1904-0088 RevisiedALL APPLIC 8L INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATIOR 10 6E mCCcr i Eu Daie: r�rrn;t Num5e.: Building Permit Appficaflon Planning and Development Services Building and Code rtegulation Division 2300 v it-yinia Rvenue, rort Tierce rr jY7zu Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 (-urnrnEi %ial Rez.iarntial _ Address: oN� U Eegai 13�3cr;pti�n: Pro 4R ��..lurr:�l�l\•t V)\°i � i, XD•7 sire Plan Mame w Projeci (Game: � . �ei:MacRs From 6acR: RisRT biUc Left Side: Lot IGa.k Block No. Gp , DE I AILED DBC:RIP I ION OF wuR ,�- — - - Replace AC, exaUL change uAvith _tun, SEER, $ KW AC omit LUNSTRi i0-1UM INTO_ RMA I K) N: AdO4ional work To be artvr—cd aricicrtM3 permit -c .ei Mfr'- app y: VACM G..i wnR ❑Gas Piping _ Shutters ❑ Windows/Doors 11 EleRric U rieffi6::.6 ElSpr;nklers Generator 0 Roof Roof pitch i oral :iq. Fi or Cons«eziivn: Cost of Construction: 5 Q) , A - '•' SFt. of First Floor: Ud ides:cn3ewer El�eptic 6uiltling Flei,,nu uw Ig ER/LE55tE: CONTRACTOR: Name Qvc-)r%]Q yj� Name: 17ennis caceR Aaare.s: y� 1\ . Company: HRs Nmerican Resinenfiai seRicc- City: QrLP _ _ state: �, Aaaress: L500 Ot5 FI..,, 1 yip Code: ; Fax: City: Vero Beach State: FL PRone no.7:1A;;• Zip Code: 3G550 flax: E-Ma;l: Phone Mo. -�-4cg- -4-1 LA •-A a�3 Fill in fee simple Tule Halder on next page ( If airrerenc E-IClaij: S • C OV% from the Owner listea above) State or County License: CMC 12wnr-03 it vague or cons ruction i, >cbou or Moft, a Kt1,U VtL) Notice of Commencement Is required. 5UPPEEMENTAL CONS] RIJCI ION EIEN [AW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x NUL Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: StatE: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE 3I1vIPEE I i I EE FIOEDtrc: x MOL Applicable SODDING COMPAtvy: x Nat Applicable Name: Name: Atitlress: Address: Ciry: City: zip: Pnone: Lip: pnone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. bL. Cede Ca-nL rmzRes LA..t i., grontin6 . pc?Rlit Will -etnari�c Me errnit Fialac� to oaila tgc 3aB;cct 3trpcture which is in c;ALT with any a plicable dome Owners RssociaLion rules, Cylaws or anycovenants treat may restrict or prollil5it such structure. Please consult wit �your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any reWicdons which may apply. In eom3iacrat .. at tfic grantinb of tFii3 reyec3te3 per ... it, I da Ficrc6y agree tRat 1 11, in vll r=5pcct3, pcFT.rm tfiie work in accordant with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie CLy Rmendments. t ne following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room aMitions, accc..o' yr 3tractar��' 3 immin6 pov13, tcncc3, ri611., eisne, 3crc=n room. and o�tessor yyy uses to anotFier non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying L,Nice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement; mast: oe recorDeM and postea on tMe;obsite befOrE the first inspection. If you intend LU obtain financing, consult with lender or an aLLarney before commz:ncing work or recordin „ur Nuticz Of Commencement. 5& _ Signature of 0 er/ Lessee,; Agent Signature or Contra r/Eicens Fioaaer JI HIE OFFii:OK A COUNTY OF S1L-cie Me rorgoing instrument was acRnowleQged 6erore me this _ day ofPNY._ \ _,,,_ zU Eby ame D.xmir Zawk otW99 0, y- -c- state of Florida j Persona'sy Known & OR Produced tdentification I ype or IacnL:t1CutI.., I'roaE[Qa Commiss;on No (Seal) Aevised0iriotLn1 MY COMMISSION # GG071535 EXPIRES February 99, 2021 STATE OF FLORIDA COONITOF StL... ihe tvrsoing'InAremcnt ryas o,,Wrto rleaged before me is -3—'uay of ',\ ca G�_ my Qe.'fr S zam'k { m or persvri i[ no Ieasirib ) ign..tere at . r i - tate or 1`60a j Personally Known x OR Produced Identification i,pe or laentiric.tivn Prvaeloe8 Cvmmis. Ian NU. LLM I1 fj (Seal) MY COMMISSION # GG071535 EXPIRES February 09, 2021 REVIEWS FRONT PLANS VEG N SEA TURTLE MANGROVE ZONING SUPERVISOR COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS rk p/jnRine 1t nght7 Maki"e it w- SIZt: WST 49 _ _ $ Apo 5OBTulAC $ IMONTFIET E5 i.' $�atjk, Z_X-3Tv_RJER IRII[AM Insrartaddr, Work Order (7 72) 567-a I v0 2800 05 H.gh : y 1, Va 8vach, M 32960 American Ru-.W_mtial S.rmeo of Florida, Inc E7Eer„a .. CmC1240753, CAC045878, CFC:-.:-o:e., eIR„I� .ei,i'M=--3Z'SiWl ii1R HVAC SYSTEM OPTION 2 W , CT M141 -C $2� 5061 C $^ M9XITRET E51.' $ warvIVIER 119MAES E.I. Start Date 14F Est. C,ompletio„ 1Jele Corporate Custome Rololipna (860) 803.0876 GACt: aOr L. Slz>= — 1 Y Pi= l!PrICIENl7T 5UBTOTAL $ <.__ MONTHLY EST. $ C;U3Tu—RIER INII IACS vvarranty:T 1 C7 PRrtc ri` Labor Warranty:` -1 Puerto 6_1`4 Ifflpor vvarranty.T Porto DIEor C ompresso wat Excflange. 1010mpresoer -_ Hvot Exchanger _ _Mmpre..aer _ Ffaoz Exchanger turllasa otherwise noteuu, all warranties are from the ,,,o„ofaumrer. I ❑ Waa;herproof o., Plywo. cl Deck ❑'uv Eight Disconnect In Reconnvot Orsi- Er„e _ 0 Hemidi i.r ,9:1&Cime Egarp...ent olafl ❑ Cvriw-y Saver Rit D Dzhwmfd;fier and Iswlat on P..ds (Pan & Float _ ❑ vutuoor unit Pad ❑ Liquid Tile vondud C3 RIw„ Drain 5ole.y Switui ❑ rlue venting G 51ori R -t 0 Seal Ne- ieRReatloi-,e �Wucttwont t�oRR�etie��•• ) @)Refrigerant IT= Dry=r_ U SeppO„ Attic equipment C'-^'"nnect to existing plenum efn For -„t Plpv Ple.,em 13Dec Modifications ❑ Now '�econnect p New I�I2e,.onnect (see Notm= f.. ___,,. of wa.W D RefRgerant Pipo Cvvo. Return i'lorrem 13 Na_, Duct System �j 13 Expansion Valve 0 Now DLit.. vnnect Re Deet W.,rk �} )U ztat -T, p. G J7 13 Electronic Air Clz_or 13 Fool Piping onnect to Mi--ting InMedia Fiite. O Electrical Wring Ram- Sonica Plon - Eleetria -I ❑ PCD I 1 Tm... (3o4 days) Go -1 ritaw L;TT-Home Pftaet'e_ iso-rantoo Service Guarantee �S004fo Un—nditional Money -Back Goarumtoo ✓�L T I ��e � i U.� Zi X11 r1�r i�� . 1 AOC -t 70 SE'l!U, L'D C;PTIuR: 01 ❑ 2 ❑ 3 sQBP0TAL $ Da'o TOTAL $ 1700 E3 CM3 R E3 C;HECR# ❑ vREDrr CARD 05T 4#3) EXP-_APPROVA[ kINANCING” W31__�_� •Payn'em1 epi�rls ,avalabla wOh approved c edit ' ARZ Is net ...cporci6la for preexisting'uuctworit. Sow 1e,-,,, aRa U,nd ;ions on file flack or thic devement fpr details. • vvritte : veeternor oM;Fonzation will M ootained 5ofero Beginni.-.g any unforeseen adaaitivni-I or e;,tanaed work. • ANY CERIMS FOR CON'arRUC.rION DEFECTS ARE 51JB]ECT T'v TFIC NO—TICE ARCf C DRE PROW IvNS vlr CI9APTER 558, PMRIDA 5 rATOTES. • BUVER15 RIGHT TO a.NNCEE. This i., o home.- 11ci.ation sale, and If you do not -ant the goons or services, you moy =Real ifils agrte,—.ent by providing written "etko to the eller In person, by telw=mrn, or 6x mail. ,iris notice must mdieate tR..t you do not want the goods or serrfee- _;;f3 m..t be dellvereE of postmorRvd 6erore midnight or the tn1rd Ousi..eee d..y aftor you .Ign this agreement. IT yen eenool thla agreemeni., tNe seller may ..et keep all or part or any casn dv :n p;yme.-t. See the reverse side hereof rex ..n e..pfonation of tills rigllL • I acknowlMge tffat w r right to can. ul has'ueen explained to me orelfy and in Writing, and without-ai:.Rg my right.. , ncvl, I authorize tRe performance e1 Me —.—R, se5jact to all terms and condit:spi- -t forth an ;ho reverse side hereof, p ee o..y tY,.va Upon completion, Notice To Owner - Do not sign this Home impro-ume..t e.Mfflct in blank. You are entitlell to a Dopy of the von,racj at the t me you sign Keep it to p—1 —t your Ivgal rights. 1 n's home IMPre-a—urt evn;mci may contain a marl a e tfi-rnr ee orcale a lien on your property tR ee 6 Pf .lose on I 0 o net prey. fie are rola understand a�5"-; na of o e i v, bel ou sign. ce I7I sIGNAT E DA E7 n-FR�t:ervrAnVi ee,, uI11eR „role�RE �� JE W 2 re—eri Residenlisl Services L,LC..,r rioPhs rnservea. ARS1078 { !r F.: rid ■ CE r _ . 110111 e is o c a s AHRI Certifica Reference Number. 9474297 Date: 04-03-2019 Model otatus : Active AHRI Typo RCU-A-CB Serie., : COMFORT 14 AC Outdoor Unit Brand Name : CARRIER Oetdov� Omit Modal Number (Conden.e. or Single Paekag.) : 24ACC430A"030" Indoor Unit M5del Ram6er (Evaporator and/or Air Handl.) : FB4CNF030E DC, OE FE. UA. HI, KY LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TR, TX, VA, AK, CO CT, ID IL, Replan - So-.theaat -rid Nvrtfi (AC. AR�0. IA, IN, KS. MA, ME MI. MN. MT. NO, NE NH, NJ. NY, OH. UR, PA, RI, 519rWIr C I, v i, WA, WV, , Wy, Ij Territories) Region Not=: Central ..I: co-ditioners manafactered prix. to Janna.—y 1, 2015 are cliy16re to 6e Insialled in all regions until June 30. 2016 Beginning July 1. 2016 central air conGitloners can only re installed in region(sr for whiMi they meet Ine regional efficiency requirement. The ...onutaE-[ale. of tfiia CARRIER pffi UL5 Is responslhFee for tha .a1tTy of this ayele,.. combination Rateid as follows in amordance .with the latest edition of ANSI/AHRI 21.`74wu wiu tr PwGenua P a w 2. FeMbrmance Rdu,py of uFtn pry Air-Condllloning & far-�5urce twat pump Equipment alto sulftect to rannng accuracy Ey AFRI -sponsored, indepeMent, MIM party testing; Cooling CapaCny �nzr - aingll! or Hryl'I Slave 19br), btun : 2800 SEER :1400 EER iA2r - Si.Tyle or High aa4 jural", : 1 z uu I I r,cara" M-1 Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant ;s currently IAEEucing AND sell ng or offering for sale, OR new models that are belRs marketed bud ore not yet being produced -Prodadian Stopped' Model S:o.us are:hc,= tha. ari ,HRI Canin�cin Program Pa. u6pain is n., tongar p10Eo6ng BUT is still calling or �fenng for sale P1-rros that are accompanied M WAS irtdiCnCe art in l�rhtary to reW. The now w4blighod ietinfl is shown woo w1h the! Wav Bus fin, WAS; rafiruj DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the productgst listed on this Certficate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and .sszmw no .='eReibility feti the prodaer(s) lined on this Canifica:c. AHRI c.presely aWalms all liaeil,.y rar uamag.. yr any Rina ansing oat ur u.c use or penormance of the productts,, or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on thl= Cenifl—tv. Certlfl_d ratings c� -alld =RI; ler models and eenflgeretlems IL -ted In tho ./rectory at w.r—w.a .rimroutury.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS -1e eemacam an., Its—ritenia ar,< propric.ary pr000m or —MI. 7. -,Is Cartincata spall only be used for Ind.vldual, personal and oe-fideRdw.1 refe.e..w popA..= Tho wntaRts of thL- Cartifimto era,- Rat, In :hale or L. po;t, be rtprodo.ed; cop, ed; dd=amin :ad; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's Individual, person../ and c-onfdde.,el..l rtfcrenaa. ..>, oonantonina, Rr..:na, GCrt71 lupic;0MIFICnilo.. R REFRIGERATION INSTITtITE Th. IRfan*atierr fur the modal elt d an thim certificate earl be :erifled at ww...hridlr.ctory.or9 efi.R on ":arify ear-dff, .za" limit r,u m"ff hie neper and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Numper and the date on which the certificate was Issued. which Is listed above, no .Tia eerth,..a:a ..o-. wrlicrl is lid mi mtwm rlgRz: ®2019Air--Cos.ditioning, Rating, and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131987757536604936 ■ Certificate Product Ratin$js ARRI Certihea R.Ferenae Number: 9474297 Data : 04-03-2019 Model Status: Active Millis ARRI Type : RCU-A-CB S.Iiws : COMFORT 14 AC Cetdoer Unit Bernd Name : CARRIER Utiti3c or Omit Model Number (CerldeRaar or Simt l. Paefcage) : 24ACC430A*030* Ini7oor Onit M?Mcl Aom5�r (E ~pester a-dfor Air H..mdl.r) : FB4CNF030L Region Sostheomt .nd MortR (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA. HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, RC. OR. 5C, TN, TX, VA, AK, CO, CT, ID IC, IA, IN, K5, MA, ME. Mi, MR, MO. MT, NO, Nf , NH, NJ, NY OH, OR, PA. RI. SD, UT, VT, WA, WV, vrr, VV T, U.5 Territories} Reglerr Note Control all oamUltioners m.,nef..ct"d prier to J..ne... y 1.2015 ore eligibilz to be installed In all milona until Jana 30, 2016 Beg-nning Joly 1.2016 central air conditioners can only be installed in regionlsf tor wRIV-1 they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The m,,.mM3 ;=— at tRi- CARRIeR pi;iaei31, resr.wralola for tris lath$ of this 47otem eam6inatton. Rated as follows in acaorfa.-.ca wifft the IatQat edition of ANSIIAHRI 210/240 with Addenda 1 and 2, Performance Raung of unitary Air -Conditioning & rar-Murce Haat Pump Nuipment and sublau to rauny accuracy 5y ARRI-sponsored, mdepen0ent, tnif5 paftp testing: Cooling Capacity ZA21- Single or High Slaye i9ur, MuR . 28200 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F) 12 0 . , 'MUdWd" Rlooel aro,ee aro R103e Jte. an mRRI cordreaaun Program P..rticipent is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale OR new models that ala being nr.rk■ted but era not pet being prodeced -Production Stopped' Model Slatso — those thalami AHRI Cartirwd-zon Pregrem Pardaparr. is „o longer prmoong 007 is suit sellinor or sale. R ai ngs thgtarre efrcummpanled bar WAS indicate an nod 6riiars re, rwa. The nL- publi shed r2tin� is #.-3wn at4 arl[�IM. ,+& rl f. WA5] rel rx:7. _ _t1,_dh_ DISCLAIMER r,RR. outs n.,t onu.,rse me product%sl listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsib Iiry for, therrodue�y 11 --ted an thiz. Certifleate. AHRI e-prtwly clWoms all Il..blfi.7 for damages of any kind arWrig ooz or me use or perrorm mce of tric proaam,,31, ar M. unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid onl- fur models „nd _anfig%-,mtien_ listed in th■ dlroc ryas www—mrlol.acrory,org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Cerdfl—a; and I-zoonaene are propri.mry proou� of ii,RRI. .is ecrii ,ate Shall Vnly EC eseP var inuivioaal, pe.aonal an.. confidential reference purposes. Thi aunt -pits of this C=rdfleelo ;--.—, Net. In .Thate er In part, be rapreduwedespied; di—nrl..ated; enterca ince a compo.Qr o.xaatl."e; or otrierwlse utilized, In any form or manner or by any means. except for the user's Individual, perso...l and eenfidenti..l retere..ee- AIR-CONDITrarrlrra, fi IriNG, :lRlFic,.:IvR d. REFRIGERATION INS rIME Th= Infepnr.tiee far the model cited en thl-- wertifieele can be .artfled at —;7..ahcldfraatery.e.g, dick an 'Verify Cartifio..te" 16,k .+c r.kc fire lrr:r�r and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, whkh Is listed abo%, and th. Certifl—to No... which Is II :ed a, bottom rlgnic ' — VZO1yAIr4;erltlitlerting, rleWting, Wna R.rrlgarntion In3titata CERTIFICATE NO.: 1319B775753BBU493B Pruperty Lard Page 1 of 1 Michelle FranRiin; 17A — ziaini t-pcia County Property Appraiser — All rights reserved. Property luentincarion Site Address: z31 ,N —AR15hNAL PE; 5ecr 1 owlltKanre: 1 t;.iaS!.ft Map ID: 23/1 IN f-oning: AR -1 Ownership A,nlz, Encksen 251 C...ai.-...[ PL t'ert P:evee, FL 3A'JH:� Legal Description JAY t.iAKLGNJ-t 1 rIEKi_E OLK BLU H) 1 v, zO AND 21 (0.84 AC ) i3n 3933-zo91 Current values Just/Riarkel Value: $236.100 A.,nv�,Cd V..10c: x236.100 Exemptions: $50,000 1 axamc v ame: :086.100 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectors Office Qownloaa 1 mnv1 for tais parcel: D.-nleoa PI3r rarcel w: L311 -601-0103-W-3 Aeeoe;.t 9: 130613 Use Type: U17; J»r:..a:etie..: 5w1n1 Lwe a Cee.. -dT Total Areas rinknedrunaurAir (ZW)' .4,5zn Gross Sketched r.rea taR): 7,183 Lan$ .1:..e (Were)' 084 Land Size (SE): 36,5904 t Ais :etre.—wtie. WIL ea to 6e eontiet al tnb ti77;V nit ".t :;Cnjeel to cn—.ge and is ;.et T..rrmtca. {" t:,or,.:snt 2130 Nui :t Le.:v C-e,-,ty Prnperty Apprai3cr. All rights .c3c-ud. V httpb://www.pasic.org/RECard/ 4131/-0 19