HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAlE APPUCABliE INFO MUST IN� COMPLETED FOR APPUCOLTION TO BE ACCEFrTED ll)ate.. FLrm it NumbP.T: Bu i Iding Pe rm it Application % -v Pfm7ninq zmd DeMopffwnr -Servkes .Htjij�ng and Code Reord4fiorT DMjjc;" 23W Vorginja Avenue, Fort rot .FL 34=2 Ptiori,e; (772) 462-155Ease (772) 462-LWB Cornmeriffal Residernial PERMIT TYPE: Mechanical [fRO PCIS ED I M PIROVEM E NIT LOCATION- 2505TarnarindDrA-2,Hutchinsonlsland Property Tax I D If: SA,e Plan Nam c. Prep jw. Name: Lot No... Nock No- . . .............. 7 DETAILED DESM PTI ON OF WORK AIC Chale ori like for Eke to exi-.Zing ductwork andRi—app'-er I ;e, sftkp cocA, 2T, bl<VV, 14 -Seer CONSTRU C'WN INFORMAT[ON: AMitional work to be. Performed under this permit –check all #W applV: Mer-hank.7ki Gas Tank Gas Piping Electric PlWnbing 5priniders Total Sq- Ft of Con-mction: Cast of Ccm:strucfion-:fir'ad Name Fornarida Sturgel Address: 250_5 Tamarind OR City: Hutchinson Island Zip Co&- 34,9413 Fax: Phone No_ T726264143 E-Malw, — Shutters Windows/Duors Gmieratior Roof PiWh Scl- Ft of First F1QQr; Utiilflic�. _ Sewer _ Spptic Building llei&v Fill im Ilift stela Title Holder on rbW page I it differeut Darer:Fisted above) CONTRACTOR: Name; Jorge F Granadifflo Com pany- Grana Electric AT Condftnin g. INC Address: 3073 sW Ann Arbor Rd Cft-- Pod Sant Lucie sut;7FT Zrp Code: 349M Fax: Pficyne blq� 772M297rt- _3 granadil yahoo-oorn .State or Cbrinty Ljce,,__ GAG1 81 7 11 value- -01 ct3nitrLwition i* S250D cw nxwe, a RECORDE�NatweMrf Cowmwneemerd is required, If Value, Of HVAC is $7,5M ev r rea REODRUED I*Ake of Commencement isrequbed_ CouNTY F L 0 R t U A 'jkm46 FLrm it NumbP.T: Bu i Iding Pe rm it Application % -v Pfm7ninq zmd DeMopffwnr -Servkes .Htjij�ng and Code Reord4fiorT DMjjc;" 23W Vorginja Avenue, Fort rot .FL 34=2 Ptiori,e; (772) 462-155Ease (772) 462-LWB Cornmeriffal Residernial PERMIT TYPE: Mechanical [fRO PCIS ED I M PIROVEM E NIT LOCATION- 2505TarnarindDrA-2,Hutchinsonlsland Property Tax I D If: SA,e Plan Nam c. Prep jw. Name: Lot No... Nock No- . . .............. 7 DETAILED DESM PTI ON OF WORK AIC Chale ori like for Eke to exi-.Zing ductwork andRi—app'-er I ;e, sftkp cocA, 2T, bl<VV, 14 -Seer CONSTRU C'WN INFORMAT[ON: AMitional work to be. Performed under this permit –check all #W applV: Mer-hank.7ki Gas Tank Gas Piping Electric PlWnbing 5priniders Total Sq- Ft of Con-mction: Cast of Ccm:strucfion-:fir'ad Name Fornarida Sturgel Address: 250_5 Tamarind OR City: Hutchinson Island Zip Co&- 34,9413 Fax: Phone No_ T726264143 E-Malw, — Shutters Windows/Duors Gmieratior Roof PiWh Scl- Ft of First F1QQr; Utiilflic�. _ Sewer _ Spptic Building llei&v Fill im Ilift stela Title Holder on rbW page I it differeut Darer:Fisted above) CONTRACTOR: Name; Jorge F Granadifflo Com pany- Grana Electric AT Condftnin g. INC Address: 3073 sW Ann Arbor Rd Cft-- Pod Sant Lucie sut;7FT Zrp Code: 349M Fax: Pficyne blq� 772M297rt- _3 granadil yahoo-oorn .State or Cbrinty Ljce,,__ GAG1 81 7 11 value- -01 ct3nitrLwition i* S250D cw nxwe, a RECORDE�NatweMrf Cowmwneemerd is required, If Value, Of HVAC is $7,5M ev r rea REODRUED I*Ake of Commencement isrequbed_ SUPPLEMENTAL CiDNS-MUCHON LIEN LAW INFORMATION: D€S[GNERIENGNEER: Pk)t A,ppl c aNe [ RT E COMPANY: _ Not Applicable t4alnc 'Narrier Address: Address_ may:.- State= City; State' Zip: Phtion-P Zip- FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: — Not Ap pltu ablo BONDrNG CO M RANY= _Not Appal ica ble Name= NWne= Addrew Add miz: , kyr Oty= ... ZIP: Phone- iriR; Phone= OWNER/ CONTPJkCTOR 01i.141113W. Applicwucm is tw[:by made 14D ol�tatD a t*rma W do the work and in-Aullatign as lndlcated_ I certify th#rt no work or instal Ryon has cosrinw4 *d cancer k tht i=uanoc of a parmit, 5k. Lucie ChuntY ;Hakes no r'earcventa that. is grary6ng a yeefnPt will authbrite thepe,�et hold;.; to E�uilr� the 5ub(ect 3tru�re which is in toff) ct with any applicable MrM OWhers A;±o�on nu kms, tryUws or an covenants that miry restrict ar prGhibit: SUO structure. Please-bbmult wilh y m r HcTne Owners AEsoclaftlaM .and re:vieua yQ1ff dell fir any; restrictions whack rnav aQrdy_ In cansiateration of the gForilimg .:sf this requested permit, l -do hereby xu-ee that I will, in a91 respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plwL4;; the Florida kilIdlnFg codes and Srt Laarie County Amendments. The fo lonwinE buildirig permik apple am ewempt fFo n undergoing a full wem�urrvney rcwigaar, room additloris, accessory struetu re-.;, ,wirnrrFll m pock rtnitim wall:;p sites; mamwn roorrrrs mA mce'smiryr uum: to farther raon=ra;idertlM wse W#RNI NG TO OWNER-. Your faaure to Rated a Nutter d CaimnmmcemerA mays rel# in+Orr Seng W&e for im provements, to your property. A< No ice of Cornmenowwnt rnua be recorided .aff d posted on the jobsite befor. r. thc- first inspection- ff, youjacrid tO obtain liinan€ rk& aorisult with kf4er or an anomeyr before com menri work or re iardi ur +Mice of CommencerneM, G ;njlure o f {lsfrrav/ LizgpeeX r as Aprlt fm •€]1rm" gEnaturc of OD r' er' STATE OF FLORMA �-.. � STATE Of FLOR10A. � . MUNTY OF FLINTY OF �� � The for rr.r instrume ae1nowledEed before me -L,...,�day of + 213_a by Nasse ofp4wn rraa ing ` ernenr_ PersaanaiIv Known OR Produced Iderytifkaticm Type of Ikntifcatign (SivwMe of Noury Rut;$ Cor mi2ONM Nu. I IIevlle 4� FI OIYT COU N ER Da4Tlr RECEIVED DATE MPLE'I"EI} The 1St reit ir►strumc twas .� #rtptwl befalle this da -ect l � S l hh 2D I by Name of fxmsare i4baking. ' W.mr,nt. r PemDrsally awn taH, PToduced I dentificaticn rtia pe of Id kation µ Cpl E FRE SN IL tore of rotary PubFii�rid Malar �F Srai pt �k rip4°NotarM ublit 4 -pf� l iYr5i9Si0r7 # 27 mid*ipn a GG 23 bra "moo t44.. — 2 M rni&a5#on Expi hs,Ryr G4rnrrn��,on Exp as �cerntr 22, 202 3.10 106COM"f 22, 20 ZONNB SUPERV&)R KAM V ETAV01Y Sf 1-UKFU I MANGROVE REVIIEW REVIEW REVIEW{ REVIEW FCE1rlE REVIEW Certificate of Product Rahn AHN CwMed nekwaw* Wurnbm . 9i�Q?49 090 : 441 t-2019 LAN& hl SiLailem : Ac* F AHFi1 Type : Fr41-A-CE3 qmr, - 14 3ELR Ar- rAtdDor Utak Eir£and : CARRIER OwAu r Unst Modes Numtww ( r or SffKjle Pa nbna ) : CAUMA 24LV'A" klidrxia' Yetis Uad 4 Ek1mber {Farapw=ar;znObr Pff HeRr2v) _ Fff4C F1O24L Finn: Gwih— and North (A.I, aFtDC, F!_ X41 -i1, K'd, Lek, UD MS. Lilo_ . $C, TFJ, Tx. VA, Ari eo. CT, LD, IL. KA, lK, Xb. W, WE, MI, MN, MO. UT. NO, _ MR, UJ. "Y, OK M PA, R. S}. UT, YT, W*_ tiw"r"'_ W_ WY_ Lj.23. Tertr�ei�a} *n Nae: Cerdtal air rarxiffiarer; ffRn Aar pr4aa tO JaR wy °f., 2015 we eLigibie 4a td- 315,.uW In 0 n on& u+IN A :3{9, 2016. Beqiflftin"y i, 2018 cardrail air conddw5ner!5 con <wily iii in iegian(N) ror they rtes[ the Fe%g {f*nyt. Thm m6w tw.%pr Qq lilw CARRUR prodUl is rerpar ilAo tarter rAW19 at t4s systftn Cia fdgn G n. Fes] as folks in =« *= with the°. pt AN 11AHR1 210240 wish Addenda I and 2. P-DrfqnrLMKe 14MM of LWgary AwXAxr MMW & Au-5+all Hem F'uo V Equipmera ammo O 7G r g amffwi by AHRF-•ittsexed. indepercKSurl_'1-ird pang yg: CooLftg Capaphy (A-,?) - :?A,.rO@ of HO Std P5F}„ L1LLft : 22880 =FL! 14.1]8 EEIR JA2J - Sargk a Higlr fitag - 11.54 rAcWLkeWS4044MOOMMM,UAKMCMFM@mbm f rcWam PardMwt Ls cu mr& predLic rg AND in" � cP*mmrj ku s�Ja. f�i a1r. rrrad't�'Rral ata wiry rotvt�eeed are toe 1+ PeNOWN. 'Arq4N%1r k":W _ kv� HLIA ifs Thai art `~Fred Gtodrfica{ron F+rtqrzor NaritRwii n no km9cY pr°odu43erj FA fT ie Al+ �frr� Qr n4 for :ale. lX0%MUn el A WAS) J,ar;5n]. FtaLt dfr++ daf > lar lrl5eit;Alt9 or rrr,de. f IrrnAu1a1 �1rod' r�®a.nm alyrq r9Tn ilw A1-fM does nut endo a the pro&"A] r on ;his C rrifienta 2cFd rri*kn: v= egpr4emn tn-'!% -:xrambes yr rsrlrrs �n to., vsd =units no ruponsabflivp f&. the praduatn Lfr;2akd an t75¢ Ce A --K*. Ilyikett t xp dn4imn7s. all fia oft ror dwnajes or mrd lanif ae6uang = or the Lrwe Of of MO pradkjMs;L, or M ur$ut#, eO*d *kxrwri" CEOM 1vea on v3ri: Carkr•rate_ carrtMed rabnt� are valid only eair T1rbdlL% and oanFrpu -dEkt lig" in t-! TERMS AMU CONDMONS This Cert�Teate and ir, crrtr rrec nob pr4;'+61 Wly produs'.CS ca.4litiU. Me; CertMcate shun onty tse ere d 'Or litArAdual, po* QEOl :pnO aarfiderdlar r 4trrnor purposes, The aontaart; oftrils Gate n5 rarx• ir„hol�i or . be ^aRradttce raved; dl�erwnatwd erftred Inte a cnmpube' dataha o, ai oLtrorwlse LnLlbed• in any Nprrr or Trey+' "arxr pc �y my avam e;;Gap iai the =er v IIId.hwtunI, ptr�noI ar.,d carAclena-0. mfeftnot rp.i34 f1RQ, HEATINk CFRY1171CATF V1vRMitd°1'tfin ! REPRIGER nim w&—L rtrm 71st irAzlm*ipn fof tt,t model Crbed on MI-, carfthcarbr em eK im A& d id �-AirlL;raor:lncy.nro!. cick 4n -Vc r -ll ��+i�tica;r•' I1nik a��95ffir}�1rlS r� and enbcr tho.AHEd CkrtMcd Rere2tn" Nurnter kfd ahs, d*J& im awh iris the Qwdfirr*tcwm t^mmk Wbio o e5 nst°od atl vk WA Tb* C411ir [e ft.. °.+hicf► is f7sbeG art battm n@3rr_ *e� y�I�T2e8152 �'2{�7 �'�41f•t]{1N'Il� �"ECr7�r}}a°r c�IGj �C'iECrEetel}ee IIftS#i�Ife CERTIFICATE .: