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AH R I Certified Fie*en-ce Nt,Mber- _ O12902'16 Data = 04-15-2019 Mode[ Statz : Act ve
Old AHRI Ref en Number a 71942-13M
Outelgor Urtit Brand Name; RHEEM
Outdoor U11it MWia1 Nurnbor f COridianser Dr Brrrgla Package) . RA1 642AJ1
Indoor I)nirt Model Number (Eyaporator ancUrar Air H-srW ler) - RH 1 T4a2 °I STAN
Region Alf (AK, AL. AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, QC, DE, FL, GA, ISI, 10. IL. IA. IN, ICS, KY, LA, MA. MD, MZ. MI. MN' MO, M ,
MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM. NV, NY. 0E4, 0K. OR, PA, RI, SC, $I), TIS. TQC, UT, VA, VT,WA, WV, VVI, Wy. U.S.
.RErgiofl Note Central air wnditioners manufamired prior tc � Jarw_ .ry 1, 201,5 are el iblr, to b6 irtstalled in all rugiDns
unxil June 10. 2016. Boginning Jullyr 1, 2016 carie al air conditioners cark € Tfly te installed its rfg•ion(s) f€w
which they meet the rt:.�giorial efficiency requirement.
The manutaoturor of ttu. RHEEM proar,rk i� rEISPar4siMC for the -atiing of (bis syr teen rarn.Nru tion_
R,@t-gd a,,; folly ;in ae rdance with the latest ed tion of ANSI AHIRI 10.�240with Addenda 1 and 2, P4;3rfomance Ratirq of 'Unitary
fir- ondil l i 1 r -Source haat t Pump Equi riorit and I jetFt lo r tir7 j a(,r,wracy by AHRI-SF rrwred, independent, third party tasting;
Cool inCapacity (A2) � Single ar High Stage (95r), btuh . 41'601
SJ=�_=R . 16,00
EER (A2) - fir Ie or High Stage 0:5 F) ; 1 a.00
-"AGtiwe' Mf„ of ktus are tlttose trr- V an AHRI Certification Program F''a fidpant is c,trerltly Cgoducing ANDIlinq. or off -Bring . ring for sake,. n tt�,9
models t ars drsr;
marketed but are not y being pr�ducecf.'Il�a'�aducti n Stopped' SEA Status are �hor� that ail AKRI Certification Pr r'urn Parzicipant i!� no Ica'rgar producing 9 V Fr &-lil'.
llinq. �sffering Fir,
imm i i.e. W.
AHRI dans Act erldomc the produ cgr.� Fhftd on this Cer#rflcat.!� bard makcs no tepre'S"tatiorS, wawantles or aukiruntous as to, and as!wmcs no re-sponsilbility For,
1 hr.! product(s) I Med om this Certificate. AHRI expn ly dis-clalms all I1.0iillity for damages of aay JNn{l arlsing vut -or the. yst: or performance of (Fm product(s), or tM
unauthorized alteration of data lisied on this • fWlc;3t.,e�, Certified ratlr g!, :dee w;Olid only for modells :3nO corrfil�urations lis#f-to in the
directory ni. www.ahT1dlreotQVy_ur_r
This Certifi0nte and Its contents are proprietary pmducts of AHFII_Thls tkkfii;�rkr shall only ; e a,:k.d f*r individual_ personal Ind
c-Dnfederrtl;Fl rrv1orrnce pufpose.LL Tt . co-mcnts of this CeTtlflwic may noL In w huha or in part. he reproduced; rorG icd- dissenii nat".
Bnt4�%d 4150 3 Lomputcv d-atabase; ar-ntherw utilized, in any form or nvanner or by :fray moanr, +)xpBpt r0f the ar!;e-r'q LnrltulWal-
p rwnal and cwifide-ntlal reft°xunccv AIR -CON DMONI NG, HIEAT�MG.
The infprmation for tfhe MQde!l Cited on this certifiinu� can Fir wr.nfle€t at w%ww_shred-iTgvwry.grrk, click ort -Verify Ocrtifleate` Ilmh
and enter ° Ae ARRI Corti red Referee Number and the -date Kiri which the oertlncate was issued, � dpi ik� tier• lay tri"
wh[ch is listed above, and the Certificate No_, which i!s listed st battorrr Hot,
2019Air-GonditioniIng. Pleating, and Ref rigeratiOn In5titUte rc_LRTIFICATE NO.: