HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4532403 OR BOOK 4234 PAGE 375, Recorded 02/20/2019 12:18:36 PM AFTER RF"('ORDING-RH'I'CR\TO g5�3 PERMIT NLAIIIER v0'rICE OF CON'INIENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that Impns%ement%\111 he made to certain real property.and in accordance\%ith Chapter 713. Florida Statutes.the follo%%ing Information is pro%ided in this Notice ofC'ommencement. I. DESCRI PI ION OF PRO PF.RT\'I Legal descnpnon of the propcny$street address,iI'a%mdable)TAX FOLIO NO.: 2429-123-0001-300-1 SUBDIVISION BUICK 'I RAUr 1.0'1' RLDG I-N]T_._._— r 29 3540 FROM NE COR OF S'N I.OF NW 14 OF NE I•RUN S GO DEG,I MIN 20 SEC W 262 5D FT FOR POB TH CONT S OO DEG 17 V IN 20 SEC%V 391 S FT.TH sea DEG 52 4- _..... 0 r :.(:F.\ERAL DESCRIPTION OF 1%IPRO\ENIF.\T: � Replacement of 1 DoOrS._(ImDacO J. OWN ER INFORMATION OR LE SSL:l:IXFORII ATION IF THE LESSEE CONTRAC LED FOR I'll r:I%I PROVENI E.IT: d a xan—itdaddresi LANCE/TONYA MILLS 3126 Old Edwards RD Fort Pierce,FL 34981 Vb Interest in nropcny OWNER cNamcand address of tie simplr:idehalJen:i dllfi�ent lbnnlOsntt h.ledaM.el -_-""_ 4. U.CON"r1L%CIOR'SNA.ME; Storm Tight Windows,Inc. _ cnmra.l.,.adm:„ 500 SW 12th Avenue, Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 b Pl,nn--l— 561-420-0271 `Q -- —..__._ V i5 SURETI'd apphmble.a rep)ofthe Paemcn:hond I.enachedf Q a\ame and addsas LL I1J I.Phony number —___ c •\uummuihand S _—... mb.:1.LEN UER'S N.\\I F.: Lmdcr'sh Phmle number m 7. Persons within the State of florida designated by O\%Tier upon\%hom notices or other documents may he ser%ed as provided by QSection 713 13(1)(a)7.FlOrtda Statues LL a Nanic and add—i _.—_—_- m D Phone number:of de+ignuted)rerwns ,-,_-_--___" S.a.In addition to himselfor herself.O%\ner des anates - of Q to recet%e a copy of the Licnor-s Notice as provided in Section 713.13 11)(b).Florida Statutes. mb Pi numhcr Wp—Iri,a n,desiumm.l Hy Owm'I m 9 Iixplranon date ornonce of commencement tthe expiration date will be I year from the date of recording unless a different dale is Vspecified): .20- WARNING TO O\\'NER* ANY PAYNIEN rS NIADF Bl'THE OWNER AFI'FR THE EXPIRATION OF T11F.NOTICE OF C'0MMI+VC'E11F.NT ARF C'ONtiIDERI+U I\IPROPFR PAYMENTS C'VUFR CHAPTER'I% PAk'I'I SECTION 713 If hi OkIDA S'rATI1TES AND('AN m RFSI 1 T IN YOl'R PAYING TWIC'F FOR INIPROVE\1FNTS TO YOUR PROPf RTY A NOTICE Oh CONiNiFNC'FIVEN'r MUST BP RECORDED AND POS'rFD ON T11C•1013 Srl'F BEFORE THE IIRST INSPE(TION. IF YOIJ INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT N WITH YOUROR.V ATTO ` 'RF:F RE CO>I\If VC1V 1 WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICL 1F .l MI•.N F.NIFNT R / �Asitle/Office) o )) Vj ( nature of 0\sner or 4 ssee.DrOw•ners or Lessee's (Print NanlrHnd Prncide SiRn Cr Authorized Officer/Direetor/Partner/\Ianager) C C/ State County.or 'I'he f(iregoing instrument\%Us ucknn\\ledeed betisre me pus day of_F�.'.�._20__ by P. rn,tls _as — (nameofperson) (type ofauthority....e.g officer.trustee.attorney in fact I lisr (name of party on behalf of\\hom instrument\%as executed) f, Personally Kno%m_or I rtxluced Identification [� 'I')pe al'Idcntilication I'n duced ` D Z� %°� KARLAYUGOVICH (Signnlure OAO!a6 Public) Notary Public•State of Florida (Print.Type.or Stump Col n sinned Namc m'Notary Public) Commission.:GG 207273 `•'�'oFI�°o-' My Comm.Expires Apr 15.2022 Bondec through Nat)ona:notary Assn. y9tsMt'v,;, Digitally signed by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith Date: 2019.02.20 12:21:23 -05:00 I VISIT HTTPS//STLUCIECLZMCOM/TO VALIDATE TH15 DOCUMENT , _ Reason: Electronically Certified Copy J Location: 201 South Indian River Dr, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 o4,�gE crR�Uj� V _ H tUL'rE Cp� Electronically Certified Official Record I HEREBY ATTEST THAT THIS CERTIFIED DOCUMENT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF AN OFFICIAL RECORD OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY. BY: ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE DATE: 2/20/2019 12:21:22 PM Agency Name: Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Lucie County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court: The Honorable Joseph E. Smith Date Issued: 2/20/2019 12:21:22 PM i. Unique Reference Number: BAA-CABIBBAGCBAFAJ-BCBBB-EFDCEAD-DIJG- C Instrument Number: 4532403 Requesting Party Code: 20181106210509 Requesting Party Reference: karla@stormtightwindows.com HOW TO VERIFY THIS DOCUMENT: This electronically certified Official Record contains a unique electronic reference number for identification printed on each page. This document is delivered in PDF format and contains a digital signature identifying the certifier and a tamper proof seal indicating whether this document has been tampered with. The second page of this document contains a digital signature indicating the certifier as the St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Open this document using Adobe Reader software to verify the digital signature of the author. Visit https://Verify.Clerkecertify.com/Verifylmage to learn more about validating this certified copy.