HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlackwelderAppAll APpl]CABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: .\-I=J IJ|_-lj-- ,_Et,I.IL`LI|----,----,-I-Ei- Building Permit Application planning and Development Services | Building and code Regulation Division 33h°o°n:':'t;";.:)A;:2::'5::rf ::ex?i7f;23)4::2.1578 commercial Residential A pERMiTTypE:Fer{p. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: cO\\ 0 Sfvr}\\` Iwh A\/4, Fnr+ Pi.a ra a . .FL c.iLuq8P property Tax iD #: `qtina` ~ <ds=f``\.fzsq ~Cco fl Lot No.siteplanName:th\nrJ{i,whflr/lT\i\\.-inharprt5BIockNo. i projectName:f2`\r\r\AijLri\rbr-`LA\i\l.Innfi DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lrtin`l \3lfl` f# \fi` I,t``rle_ INr`, frf`r`fi . -,r`i=+lrf]\\ (oL+ir` r`+` 5 '•h\nr`.k. \it^`I\ ninQ`\r` \`c`t Sic>rv4,.-'Z ch\ oh\fi hr``vp cfi+fsR I,\ ,I- , ' |t,I,(,_U CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional worl( to be performed under this permit -check all that apply; Mechanical Gas Tank _ Gas piping Shutters Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing _ Sprinklers Generator Roof Pitch Total sq. Ft of construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Costofconstruction:S \?1a3f= utilities: _Sewer _Septic BuildingHeight.•, OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name rhrisr+-\[`fl tThnr` u ip\fle,r Name: [4rFS A. f\Jnrlrv\ L AddressTa I to il-r`nn\\\£+ifiF` AUP.company:thr7m Fdrp City: Fhr:+ Dl. oro fl state:ELZipcode:iTZLQfflFax:PhoneNo.Address:\\?`a Nlf_ \afi` f`+. city. state :EL • '.- E I , ,I. ,4 ,phoneNoiffiDia-i±2-E5\11 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if differentfromtheO`^merlistedabove)E-Mail .` I I \`\p @nrlrtir`carf`fi .r niv\ State a?County License \ ¥q i \ lf value of construction is SZ500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, If value Of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTALCONSTRU`CT/ON LIEN LAW INFORMATION: ` , R:Sj::NER/ENGINEER: #otApplicable MORTGAGECOMPANY: j£\NotApplicableName: Address:Address: City : State :C itv : State : Zip: Phone Zip: Phone:\, FEE SIMPLETITLE HOLDER: XNotApplicableName: Rf#e?'NGC°MPANY: *NotApp|icab|e Address:Address: City:Cit. Zip: Phone:Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. itpLLc!cj::e:c::n:?:ci:w:iii,,aowi:ahpp)i:iu:#i:tkoe35h:abe?;Ears:t£,:Rat:Panii:oTn:tr#:a#o#zdg:t:d:fo::avn:#e;s|tgr#gnSua|i#te##giythrrbftusruech ln consideration of the granting a f thls reciuested permit,I do hereby agree that I wi.lI, in all respects, perform the work ln accordance wlth the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permi.t applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room addi.tions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "VARNllvc TO OWNER: vouR FAILURE To REcoim A N OTICE 0F C OMMENCEMERT MAY RESULT IN YOUR P^YINC TVICE FOR iMproyEME NTS T0 YOUR PROPEIITY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORRED AND irosTED OM THE JOB S[TE BEfoRE T llE FIRST INSPECTION. IF You [RTEND To oBT^iiN FIRAive lNG, CONSULT VITH YOUR LEIOER OR ^N ^TTORluY BEFORE RECORl)[NG YOU R NOTICE 0F COMMENCEMENT."z- # , /,/1 /A' /-.. # Z%„"A SigiiE/uFeof-owner/Lessee7CoiiwactorasAgentforowner Si.gnature-ofc'o-ntraaoF/License-Holder %AUTNE£FOFFLOR I DA froree,STATE 0F FLOR COUNTY 0F Thhi:ffLnagy,::truurlwffiKnow,e2dogjg:;oreme _ ._ _`',' _ ._ \-' Thh,:ifegy,:;truRAn,,ffi#ow,e2dogjEj:;oremefuf`3A.r~mmYpra Qrf`T|`| A . Cm Name of person making statement.Name of person making' statement. PersonallyKnown X OR produced Identification PersonallyTypeoflde #,::ant*ORproducedldentificationType of Identification Produced Produced rl` o i L`SLo0_0_ _ _ _ch^Oifuc]ai,,oO ::i:nma:sus::nofN# tary pubH s`8ngg'grz...FloNri#p-Jg,ili siELi (Signa u of Notary public-State ofFloriaTa| r|\ 9q`.;-a any ussj':;;t€te,09f,F!;I;d.I •P""BondedthroughNationalNo{.iryAs}n. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION •`I..'u..i"innded.through atlonal Notary As`ii. ITI HT 1 Ul`C7 `/I COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATERECEIVED DATECOMPLFTED eN . 2.I I I i:£ EH EE- EE PRIVACY: 6' or 8' Sections, 36", 48", 60", 72", 84"a or 96"¢ H I+qhi3 Ral§) iELrT%i.iin!::::- !L!W!!#u9p.pl9#!g oLuner \Tds \cte.+.\|_|q6L|03`cO5-C>\3qico-C) g-=#,?.spFl:...`--.` ` -.+` ..i ..` in. LOT I 8Lrm 7 LOT 5 Err 7 LOT 6 tlocx 7 I LOT7boa(7 LOT 8 ELOw 7 :. N 90.00'00„®L2'5P.99.-.- -a€•'\1 -8:€ --,,L,L< I-. •oacO.Lae A,,` II II I IIIIII I •h&CO•.__CN h=E -i .56' ,_EL RT i= 20.40' .==YBRICK ---I----a .aI_,-I- I STORYFRAIt `` :--`. - /54.2`.70.2170` :-i=i,s"CAlun 'EE -10-TCJC> I,.,62.58. colr)a--a cO¢ qu caml = Coo -e=' I C^to.Equ I-±S`III qu-8oi t^ I I N90.oo,oo,W 25o.oo, I _grLRE -_ur+quT ue _ snd|ped ^Eri; - - - - - - - - - - -LASTFIELDDATE:10-16-12 216 Sinal lwood Avenue BOuNDAF=Y SuF=VEY Cert i I ied to: Christ ire H. Blackdelder & Jchn R. Witliams gtTbL¥ci#tTeun#y#=k|nc. Conmonweolth Land Title Insurance Contionv scAL[: 1 .ado 'At'Ono,tjh€TLegsprec2:§ts!gnsro.teJco..oeeeclielw..cn.eliBeocb.FL3.g87 I l`er.by cer(ny that `h. siirvey 3hgiv he.eon ig true and correct ond 13 Dosee all ac tool eea9eLiremtg (alen ln the lleld This I DATE : 10-16-1 a,J,,®, fleets Iltcw lnld]n Teclinlcol StondeTas ol Chopte. 8J-17 Flo.l¢a aad`lni s',aI ly. code, rm: Mc\JC p.o. Box ly!t"i::a::d5:::i. FL 3495(772)398J29oALl)5543trylI.con James A.:i:¥:j':ndAdyi" cth:F:d,¢2012-0 663 Cesiro _ FfmsAtE:ifesoLe#o:«{DATE :REVIsloNS jr. g::2::2,O„,407ffl A::=,:L NOT vAiiD w.THouT Ar`I ^uT+IENTicou:D ELECIRONlc sioNATUF`E-AND AirTi+ENTicATEI) ELECTRou[c sE^L paslc.Org PJ o r)er ty sea r c n Map ID )4 () )S Zoning RS-4 Ownership Use Ty|Je 0100 Junsdiction SaJnl Lilcie Coun(y Current Values JiisvMah`el value S 178 900 Assessed value S110 852 Exemp`ions $50.OcO Taxable value S60 852 chapnr:epeu#ac*:Sn::eosfuobj;encetrts°h.p. • Past taxes are not a rellable project.on of future taxes • The sala of a property w.Il prompt the removal of all exemption§, assessment caps. arid 8peclal classifications. Taxes for this parcel SIC Tat Collof;tor'< Offir9 Total Areas Fmished`under All (SF) 1640 Gross sketchecl Area 4 440 'SF) Land size (acres) 128 Land stze (SF ) 55.882 NOTICE OF COI`nmNCEnmNT Permit No,Property TZH ID No.3403B05J)13sOOOO Scats of Ftorida, County of St. Lucie TheUnd€rsignedhertrygivesnoGcethatinprovementwillbemadetoeerfuinrealproperty,andinaccordaneewitb Chapter713,F]orihaStatrtes,thefoltowinginfomationisprovi4edinthisNoticeorComnencenent. IcalDescriptionofpropertyandaddressifavaihble 216 Sma`hoood Are. Ft. Pioroe, Fl 34982 F`uliLMAN sin BLK 7 LOTs 17,18,19,2O AND 21(0.81 AC -35,283.60 SF)(OF} 3444-1407) General deacriptioD or in|)rovrmmts Omernessee ChTistne Blackwelder Address Irchll 648' of 5' black chain link fence and 13®` Of 6' vvhife PVC fence. 216 Smatwrood Are. Felt Fteico, FL 349e2 mtelrst in property:CwheT Fee Sinple Tiitle holder (if otber than omer) Address n/a Contractor Adron Fence Adores 1132 NE 12th St. Oreecr`obee, FL 34972 Address n/a Amount of Bond n/a Lender rfe Addl.es Tva Phone # BOO-282-5172 Fax# 863-763~ Phone # n/a pex# two, phone# n/a Fax# rfe PersonswhintheStateOfF]oridadesjgpatedl.yOneruponwhomnoticesorotherdommentsmayI.eserv€dasprovided try Section 713.13 (a) 7. Florida Statues: Name nfa phone # n/a Address n/a Fax# tva In addition to hinse]S owner designates n/a Phone# n/a Far# n/a to receive a Copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Seedon 713.13 (1) Oh FTorida Statutes. Expiation date of notice or commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a ddrerent date is specified. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY pATMENrs MADE BT TEE OWNIR AFnm THE EJPRATloN oF THE NOThcE oF connmlcm®iT ARE coNslDERED rmRopER pAyhINrsuREERcli7i3.i3,F.s..ArocANREsuLTINyouRpATINGTwlcEFORIMPRovmmusrovouRpRormTy:^NOTlpeor coMrmcEMENTMusTBEREconDED^toposTmoNrmJOBsnEBmoBETmmsTINspEouoN.pvouINIEDq)TooBTiEN FINANCING, cONsuIT WITEI youR IniDm OR AN ^TIORNEy REFonE COMMENCING WORK OR REOonDING youR NOTicE OF coMrmadRT. ;.J!caflfffl±!4:Le-nflkg:A-.g= Christine Blackwelder -Owner 5Lr` R. ue`,\\`;in. -Du>n-sisbtoryts Thdk~ State ofFlorida. County or 5E Lu cL`.e. c,~Ov 2coe„D~ Achaowled ed bofor€hem to I. who has produced Title:Notavpunc TypeorPTintNameOfNotary CommissionNuntrerC'J5:ftyB eoca 3g€ g pAol 2o. 7 Slgred, ataLrfu .-4 4elivnd h I.. pi--ce Of: frolk wllmt.I| ,I },Jli)iEC rttl€ WA- ra Shore ±!1£!1Ien:: _ @Zlsf }±±±J!aL_W't,elldtrT==N,Ie STATE: oF ruDRID^{ouNTv or sr. LucTF.LJI furcetil. l|.hb-I -a. *bo fo p-nrorty t"m i=R.- H rdlro]r!c4.ed I]dlre b. tLb20LLtry idendfh(ho rill wlo dl4/dld .a. .Ike u call :<L_ d+ llrfuied Nm. !`1f`:!? . , ` ,. :-