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AHRI Certified Rofertnce No ... be.- : 9764468 D.ta : 04-17-2019 Moael State: Acti:e
Series: COMFORT 14 AC
Outdoor Unit Brand Name: CARRIER
Outdoor Unit Model Nom6ur (Condv..ea, wr 51nslc Paok.g.) : 24ACC424A'030'
Indoor Unit Model Nomb.r (Evaporator andlor Air H.ndl..) : FB4CRF024C
Region: Soothe.st and North (AC, AR, DC, DE, FC, GA, HI, KY, G4. MD, M5, RC, UK, SC, I N, I x, VA, AK, Co. CT, ID, IL,
IA, IN, R3, MA, ME, MI, MR. rviv, M i, 1715, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI. SD, UT, VT. WA, WV, WI, VVY, U.S.
Revlon Mote: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to J.nes. rr 1, 2015 are Iigibl. to 6c in.t.11ad In .II rcalon.
until oune 30. 2016. Beginning auly r, 011 central air conditioners can only Be InstalR'u In revlont's1 for
:F11elf Ina, moot die regional eMciency requirement.
The manufacturer or tnls CmRrnCR pru—utlVL is responslaw for u raring of this System comuinatfon.
Rotva as TOhows In accoMance whn Tne latesl e0idon oT AI7311ARRI 2107z40 Win Ad'aenda i ani 2, PeRormance Raung of Unitary
Air -Conditioning & Air-soelbo Re.t Pemp hyefpmcnt "Rd aabj.El to muna ..ee«re.., By ARRI-eFeRuerd1, Inavpe-0cnt, third roRT ici-ting
Cooling Cap.eil, (A2) - 51nefo or I-fij! St -yo (95F), blen _ 22800
SEER: 14.00
EER (A2) - Sin„ la err Hin Slayer (951•) : 11.50
I Active' Model Slatos e.. tRos. TRen a„ r RRI e.n ricedon ,ogre,.. P.niyip.,Y, Is carrontly prvoaorg -RD a.,: ng or orrari„g oar so,.; OR nen mw.ls .flat are being
.,,.rketed but w- not yet bel ,g produced `P.odectien Stepped' Model Stat --z .A th.ce th.t.n AHRI C■rt.rreelien Ppolmm P:rlWpant - rr_ ]unser ppodewny BUT is stili
selling or offering for sale.
Ratings that are aocomoanied by WAS indicate an Involuntary re -rate. The new published rating is shown slonq with the previous (i.e. WAS) rating
AHRI does not endorse the productgsl listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no respond8 lity -r,
Via prvacc;%zi I'seea o„ mia e.rdflca;e. AHRI c.prossly di3al..ims all Il.blll;y f.r dum..L'k3.1 a..y kind w04Ing eat of the eau .r p.pferm..ne. el the predeatisl. or the
e oeth.rl_.d alt_ratl_rr =f d.tz Il_tod an thl_ C.rtifle.t.. C --ruffed ratings are valid only for models and conffgurat:ons listed in the
directory at www.uhridirectGry.org.
This Certificate and Its contents am proprl.tary prounuts or.,RRI. ,„Is sRoll o.dy Dc coca ror I,.ottivaal, perr,nal ano
co.,fidanli.1 rofer.nec parpoeum The contents of thlm Cealfleete ma; net, In -hole up In pa.4 be reprdeuud; rpled; di=emle. bd; AN
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porsvnal ano �onsvential raNren�e. MR.CONDITIONING, HEATING,
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znd _rater the AHRI Certlfled Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued,
which Is Imeo aEutie, ano tRe ocrtlncaia Ill.., W.M'R Is list.. ai 00;wm Ag"r
02019Air-Conditioning, Heatins, and Refdreration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: