HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit/ILL Al 1 LICABLI INTO MUST BI COMPI BTED 1110111 APPLICATION TCI 18 AICCEPTID Dai e: Penmit Number: BIL ilc ing Permit Application Planning and Dei ielapmant 'larvicas Building and Code Ragulation Dii bion :1.300 LFViniaAvanua, FartPiarai F1 34983 Phone: (J172)4fl-1553 Nati: (772)463-]978 Con rnlenaial Residential I PERK/ IT APPLIUITION FOR: llo 9eleat hion diiopbcix, clial, amlow alt the (ind of line Legal Deianipiion:�� ilraperlilTaADM--� — `'l — Lol Na. 9itel>Nr Name: ��t,.�� Bloak No. F ra je ct Namc L: Y. 2LL Setba6i Iran1 Back Righl Iide: Left ]ide: RV41111VI1G1 •I Vll��v LIiV llll�lu u11uV1 �YV 11111 �11�'I.n �� VYY11�' gYA(1 Gas Tan 4 E]Gaj F ipinj _ Shutters UElle ric ❑Iiumbing []9prinlclens �Ganeraton la to I Sql. F1 oil Con sl Waal ions (lass of Con struclion: ,� �a�S►i Code:dlip •b fl -N ail: 5 ni o'l Fir9l Floa r: _ U1 iiil iei :U fewer [7a A I is fill in lea simple Til le Holder on nex page (if cliffs re ri l #nom i he Cluinen lisl a d above ) CVA indovlis)jDaors Rool Roc f pita I uildinN He igl t: Nanie:�Yti`O a a rn p a ny: (' TOU_L&d \AA Adclress:in l �' Cit) I: S&L—Q{'� 91 ate: aip Cods: na)i: (L(Ina Na. -- B -N ail: > ' SSI bbl C -'t wm State orCounlylicensa: U&DY-5�D if value a f ii anstructie n is $7900 a r morn, a A 9CORDID Platiaa of Ca rri menaernent is re c uira cl_ �N�viioC. FRCIPI7 =0 iDESICINER/ENGIN F1,n --V-B'M ORR: Nat Alpplica i le MORTGAIGE CCIMPANY: ^ Nat Alpp licable Name: MANGRCIVH Na m (I: /Icldiiesv: F HVIEW plddness: Cit) 1: State: City: Stale: Zip: Phone: DATI Zip: I I one: FEE SIMII I E TITUI HCH DIR: Noll �Ip p lice ble SON all] CI COMHAIN Y: —Rol PIp II linable Name: Name: ,<kldnes;l: Address: Cil): Cit, lip: Phona: Zip: Phone: I a a rtify t1 a t nn v ork a r insta Iletin n I as cc mrn a need prior to tF a iss ism a of a permit. It.IUCieC4Lntl makesnorapresentation tfztisgrantirgagarmitwiillautforizetlaparmitlahlartoItihIttesuljec itrtiduni which is in aoaf int uiiti• any ap11 Him ble Honig Ov ners Assoaiatian rules, b,lla+nn or and aoliena ntl t[,it may``re;itrict a r prol it it such strtetura.IleaseconSlltwitl ydurHcmeOwners Assaeiationand re+iiemii.curdoolfor any restrictionsulial rra)lapphl. In can:iideration of tl a Irantin8af0 is requested permit, I do I erebrl agree t1 2t I will, in all rnslacts, perform tt a miork in ac carclaaaa viith tl e i pproved plans, tl a Hloricla I uilclinj Codes and It. Lucie Cat myAmendnianb . 11f a fullevt in® I t ildin, pa rrnit a pplicatia ns are e)ienipt from untie rgoirg a fill sonsurrenay revie yr room additions, aaaes.iarY strut ores,sviimminl1 podls,liennes,walls, sitns,screen ranms and iaeesmryusesta anatharnon-rasiclential i se %A ARNIN GI TC I OWN ER: Yours lailuiie to Re@a rd a Notice a1 (I a n rn ancerne ri I niay iie:i tilt in your pa )ling twits a ilor impiia ve rn a nta 'l o }la t opropgri y. A Not ice al Commencement ni ult be necouded and poll ed on the job! ii e bellor(i the lirsi imjl ac i( lI ti iii tend 10 ok tain flirlanaing, consull with lencwa rl an atonney belong aommencinR, b�ci in vou.iNoliceollComniericiernent. --, lignature0Ov er assae�jContracarasAleetfarOvirer STAITE 0 L (IRI. A COI. N (II lh+i,,f��?rgoing instr a nt N as acs no"ildclgecl,4ebre me tl is!L�dwI o€ 70 y �jzq (1 � �Ykf_p (Wme.of rson,iaknovilg�) (�fjratiira cc arils analltrK pa of Iden 0a mni iss is n rYa ry -Ru bt(c- Stat Ito VA ti;o Aevi,,ied 07415,12014 nse Haiaer STATIC OF FLaRD COII N Tll O F TI a llor airs instrument H s aal novilesl est efore nie 1 � tl• t2rds y of ] o b)l QL (Name pfROian acl nowlodgieg-1, atureaf! o9#rrvputTin-Stn on a 11)1 Kii c wry c f Identifiaatia Corn mission ria. (5e a 1) �a A HVIDA S FRCIPI7 ZC INING SUF 8RVISaR F TANS VEGETATION SEA TURTI E MANGRCIVH aw 7HR F HVIEW RIVIFIW A HVIHIA F HVIEW RIVIHW H HVIHW DATI aaMPLITH INITIALS