HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval BCIS Home, tagfi s�`Useraegistinnon, not:Top3tY! SuhmltSutcQargc,) sUtt aFacti �...P4611taSWaS Contex Vf;.{ BGs Slte.Maa unia'? sn'":i - 0.ft oduct:App 'vat -- RECEIVED U.,al ubtiC.USer. wgjsq a{��mximenu oa�y�yts a�katron Senrsi�,>� ni<sbr Ayailnttoa Detoll - Fl.: F15254-R2& APR 2 5 2019 Application•Type yRevlsion- CodeVersion. 2D1ila ��SI9�9�Il��f F?�i`fill�€IfiQ ApplicatlonlStatus• 'Approved Comments Arcfilved st; ProductManOfacturer 'POLYGLASS•USA. Addresslphonoxrnil 3111 W.NEwpbrtCen.'r L7ear8el"Beach,FI 3��fi::77t'-""" {954up ),233-133D Ext. ` malpert�polyglass:w — ff , %FY Authorized Signature Maury Alpert maipert�polY9lass.eom Techp,01, epresentative Maury Alpeit AddreWPhIdne(Emaii 1111 M Newport Center Drive .. ' Deerneld8ea6h,FL33442 ` - (912)429-8610 MAlpetti?pglygiamcom Quality Ass prance Representative ArieLkertder- - .. - AddresslPhomi[EmaH Y1i1 W;NewpnrtCentYDrive Peertield Beach,,FL 3340 (9 54).233-,1230 AlepdeYr4ppolyglass.com , Category Roofing_ Sutrcatedory Underkiyments. Compliance Method Evaluation Report front a Florlda'Registere8 Architect or a Ucansed:;Florlda.Professional Engineer _`�;Evaluatioh RvPorE-HardcopyRec'eived. Florida:Engineer erArchitect,Name.who developed the Evaluatlon.Report Hobert Nieminen Floilda'Ucense, - PE-59165 Quality Assurance Entity UL-LLC - Qual(ty,Assurdnce Contrgq,gE plration.Date' - SDIDS/2018; , Validated By john-W.Knezevich;,PE �6-Validation Checidlit 'Hardcopy Received Certificate<ofIndependence F 5259 1(28 COL 2019 07 COL N1EMtNEN ddf Referenced.Standard and.Year(rif Standard) Sfyindafih ASTM D1970, 2b1S - .A$f,M D22b 2069 aSYhiD4798 2ol1, Afm 1)6164 2011 i TM 0sz22- 2011 ' PM.4474 .2U31 FR WTR1 April 2012 2012 UL?7897 2012, Equivalence'of'Product'stand6rd5 Certified By Sections fromtheCode product Approval M6thoi7 Metfioif S Option D Date Submitted 01/2412018'` oate.Validated 01/2912018 Date Pending FSC ApprovPl 01/30/2018. „ bate Approved 04/1012018 f, FL#< f del;Number or Nbroe Deauiptlort 52$9:1 P yglass Roof.Under)ayments Roofing underiayrrients Llmft of Use Iniaellailon Instructions. ApliMved tbr'if`sb',in HVtiX No _ • ° g 24_l'2018 F11 FINAL ER-PL11.YtLASS UM15 R AYMERM is 5 Rn_R8'odf. +'� Appiovad fortise ontetde WVNZ�Yes Nerlfied By RotiertrNieminen•P&S9166_. Irnpac't Reaismnt N/A Created by In"depempent?hlyd Party.Yes' Design pressure +NIA/622 5 i vafuatiott Kepbrtas Otheri S)The deslgn pressOre in this epplitatian relates to one particular. ASI ,&-2418 QS I'R EBPOLYCL� S i�'DE�Lti RLnYMEHI S ELSZ;,�R28,pi1f- uridei{aymarit system(over i ncrete`decls)for use,61i&foam=on the systerns(where Created try Independent ird Party:Yes the undeNaymentfonns Paf of the load,-path) Referto ER$W6 S 6 A far,;otner sysCeFxls loUSer tletic types and assadated maxlmuin'tlesign pressures,2)'EteferEa'ER Section 5'for other limits of use SsDtaa w ji0i Pif tang said'Till ansae�3 3 @59 -fnu State of Ovodo In,an tuVC•EU nmjdPycr S3iAYd7At1IX17'xni Stato efflarma, ..Ufraci.saitvMMI:,SYS' t5MY dtimilcrl1:: SE{Lind siatilm Under W iii a is 0, h.-.addresses slo pa Olo records if you do,uot want year ermad address releasa4 Fn tesyoase to a attbtit^retprtl4 ra¢uasy do rMtas+td pltctrgait rrrai,to this eatitr•instead,tanUct,the otrrce by P6nna or cr, trbdlNcFnel mat tfyai m/quastiPnY Ptessecontact 85nA87.3395. tmtsuapt to Setlmn AS'r 175(3},Honda stabttose e4fect+va Qctobar 3 x071 iicenseea itterrsed on-der Chapter 455 K!i.musrprowtda aw,Dapa+trrlm.wHH an etnail addras"s dtAey have orw:rag eawHs jrrovided may ad rind tar a4saai eanmlmkatian"ivhh tiro Iltenaca.tiowavel''emau eddreasas are Pua17c iemttii lfynu do tint wish toa0ppiy,a persarml-address,.oea"'Piavide the ,. Dapal3tnaAt WtN a»¢maA awrm w"can,be mads evalttida to the pitbitd.`TO datam0ftif You are 611tenSca utWel'.i518PtCr155 p:5.".PiaasG t9Fdt'Id,'[g.� ° - :.Product dpProwf A+areptst _ , ' . a NE11 OIJ GtC. [ert3frcate'ajAuthOrizOlon#32455 353 Christian street, Unit,#1:3- Oxford,C7 06478, (203)262!9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST: CoWSUGT CERTIFY EVALUAT16N- REPORT Palygiass USAjnc._ ' Evaluation Re�art PS2060.02 09wR24 1111 West Newport,Ceinter Drive FL5259.1128 Deerfield Beach,FL;63442 Date of Issuance:.0,2/24/2009 tss 1336'1230 Revision' a:.0112a/2010 Scot+(:' This Evaluation, Report is. issued .under Rule;61iG20-9:and the applicable.'rules arid'=regulations'governing the use of construction:materials in the State of Florida.the,documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,'P E. for use of'the product under'.tlie .Florida: Building:Code-end Elor(da Building,Code,Aestdential Valbme. The products described herein have been, evaluated for,compliance with the 6ti"Edition'(2017)'Florida Building.Codi sections'noted herein. DesCRIPTioN: Polygf iss Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling-shall be:in;accordance with the requirements=the;Aceredlted QualityAsSurence Agency noted herein; CoivTiluut a COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid,until such time-as the named product(Q Changes, the referenced Quality.Assurance,.documentation-changes,.c r.provlsions of the Cbde that=;relate;to the product-change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the names! cllent cnnstitutiis. agreement's°to. notify, Robert Nleminen, P,E.,of any changes to;the prb uct(s), the,Quality Assurance.or the product'ior) facility lopotion(s). NEMO I etc. requires a complete:review of this EvaluationI eport-'OIative:t!3.upOa*Code requirements with each.Co;de'Cyck,. ADVEAT19EMENT: The EVaI atioh'Repbrt; number preceded ;by the Words ,"NEMOjetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in odvertisingJiterature. -1f any:portion-;of:the Evaluation iteport:ls:displayed .then.itshail`be clone in its entirely. lrvsncTioni:`Upon request,`a copy,of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by.the manufacturer or its distributors an`d shall be availablefor inspgction at the fob site,at.the.request f the Builtling•Qfficiai: This Evaluation Report consists ofpages 1 through 14. ;Prepared by: Robert J.M.Nieminen,`.P Ez The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Wminen, Pvrtdir;Registration;No..59166,E10600,DCA ANE'1983. �: ' S y;T*cc P.E.pn U]I44J2018;Thisaelect"rorl alty slgned,document: CERT114CATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1.. NEMO.Ietc.does not have, nor°does it intend to acquire.or:wili'it:acquire,a financial interest,in any cmpany manufacturing distributing prbducis.it evaluates, 2; NEMO(etc.is.not:owned,operated or controlledby any company manufactui•ing,or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieti hien;P.E,does-not iiaue.nor wiH-;acgdire,a,financial interest in anycompatty man factoring ar di`stributinS products for which the-evaluation repoM`are,I eing:issued., 4 Robert Nieminen,:P;E:does fiat have;nor will at gwire a financlaf interest-lWany,tither entity invOiVed;in the approval process bf' he product: 5, This"is a building code evaluation.. Neither NEM41'ete: noir Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way,the 0esfgner of Record for any project on which this Evalwatiori.Report,.oraptevious:versions thereof;1s/was:used.;for,permiftingor'design,guidance unless retained specificailyfovthai purpose. fi NEMO etc. ROOF1146'COMPONENT'EUAL14ATION; r 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub-CategoryUrv&rlayment v Compliance Statement: RoofUnderlayments as produced,4y:Polyglass,:t1SA;Inc.;bi Ve demonstrated,compliance with the fbll.owing;'sections of the 6 Editiow(2017)Florida Buildiing,bode through testing in accordance:.with the fc llowink Standards_. Compliance.s subject to the instaliat(on"Requ'irements'and'Lirnitat'ionsl Conditions of bse,,set'forth.l erein.= 2., STANDARDS; Section Pro`e Standard, Year 1504:3;1 Wind Uplift FM4474 2011 1504.3.1. W nd�Uplik -ULA 8977' 2012 1507.2.3,)1507x1:1 Physicai PFoperties ASTM D226 2009 1507.2.4)1507;1A;1507.2.9.2 Physical Propertle's ASTM'D1970 2015 1507.3.3 -PhysicalPropertles ERSA/TRfApril1012 2012; 1507:11.2 Physical Propertfgs,, ASTM D6164 2011. ,1507.11.2 Physical P,.roper'bes ASTM'06222 2011 TA5110, Accelprated'Weatheri, ASTM Q4798 2011, 3. REEERENCES3 En�t't r. Examination :Reference Date r FMA ppovals'(T$T 1867) 1iUtrid Uplift 300?lt)91 01/1312000 PRI(TST 5878) PhysicalProperties, PRIP1111 04108/2002 PRl(TST 587$} Phys'tcal,Pcoperties "` PUS005=0,2=01 01/31/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physlcai,Properties PUSA 1313 132 01 12/2312002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical.'Properties PUSA-013-02-02 12/23/2062 PRI(TST 5878); Physical Pr6perties' PUSA- 013-02-03 1212312062 PRI(TST 5878) P.,hysical'Properties PUSA-018-02-01 07/14/2003, PRI`(.TST 5878) ,. Physical Properties, PUSA-428-02-01 07/13/2005 PRI(TST 5878) POO cal;Propertie`s, PUSA=033=02-01 `01112/2006: Phi(TST 5878) Physical;Properties'" PUSA-035-02=01' 09/29/2006 PRI(TST,5878}'- Physicai'Properties PUSA-055-02-02, 12/10/2007' PRi,(TST5878} Physcal;Properties PUSA061-02-02 01/28/2008 'PRi,(TST58,78 Physical.Propertles PUSA-076=0,2-01 02/22/2008• PRI(TSTS878);_ Physlcal:;Properties' PUSA-0834)2=01 04/14/2008 PRI(T5T5878) Physical Properties PUSA-08g-02-01 07/29)2009 MTI,(T5T 2508): Physicai'Properties JX20H7A 04/01/2008` MTI(T5T•2508) Physical.Properties, RX14ESA 01/29/2009 ERO(TST 6049)-, Physical.Properties 11751.09:99-1 02/08/2000 ERD(TST 6049) - .Wind Uplift 11757.08:01-1 08/13/2001 ERD(TST 6049}< �1iV1nd.Upl)ft 11776.06:02 01/16/2003' .ERI(TS-T-60491 °Physicai`Properties 02200.07.03 07/14/2003 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift, P1740:01.07 01/04/,2007 -ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P5110.04:07-1 04/11/2007 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift' P9260:03.08 03/21%2008 ERD(TST 6049)'. Physical Properties P13450.08.09 08/13/2009 ERD(TST 6049): . who Uplift. P30540.11,09-R1 11130%2009 ERD(TST 6049) 'Ptiysrcai Prq{ierties P'i'its.11.09-1 11/30/2009 , ERD(TST`6049) Wind,Uplift P11036A1:09-2; 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 'P110 6m.09-3 11/3012009 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties; P3336006.10 06/25/2010 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties,' _ P33370.i13.11 03/02/2011 ERD(TST'6049)' Physical Properties, P33370.04.11 04126/2011 ERD(TST 6049), ' Physical Propertles' P37900.10.11 16/19/2011 MEMO ETC,LLC. Evaluation ReportP12060.QZ99.R24 Certificate of Authorization 1132455 a EDITION(ZU17)'FBC N6N-HVHZ,EVALUATION FLS2S9•R28 Polyglass Hoof(J iderlapments;(954)233=123 Revision 24s01/24/M18 Page 2.0/34 NEMO etc. Entity Exarrli"nation, Reference Date ERD(TST 6049) PhyOcal,Properties P40390.08.12-1 08/06/2012 ERD(TST 6049) PhV$icat Properties P46A 08:12-2 08/07/3012 ERD(T5T.6049)• Physical Properties C41420.09:12-3 09/14/2012 ERD(TST 6049)- Wind Uplift, P39680.03. 13 03/04/2013 ERD(TST 6049); Physical Properties P45370.o.13 04/25/2013 'ERD(T5T b049}-, Wind Upiift P1738.02.07-R2" 64129%2013 ERD(TST 6049) W)nd"Uplift; 11757.04 01=1,R1 04/30/2013 :ERO(TST 6049); 'Vilind Uplift P,41G30:08.13 08/06/2013 ERD(TST 6049)- Wind Uplift P11751.05.03-Ri 11/26/2013 ERD(TST 6649) Wind,Uplift= P11781;11.03=111 11/26/2013 ERD(TST 6049)' Physical Properties P4577fl.0514 05/1212014 `ERD(TST.6049)'. Physical Properties- 6020:07:14=1 ' 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049):,; Physical Properties 6026:0914=2 09/08J2014 ERD{TST 6049), ;Physical Properties, 6020,09-14.3 09/08/2014 ERD,(TST 6049);, Physical.Properties ' 6020.09.14-4 69/08/2014 ERD,(TST,6049) PhVsical Properties 6020.09m-,s 09168/2014 ERD(T5T'6049) Physical Properties6020.09.14=6 09/08/2014 ERD(TST 6049). �Physicai"Properties•, P46520.1014 10/03/2014 ERD"(TST6049).'' Physica!Properties. - - �P43290.10.14 111/17/2014 E90.(T5T 5049)` Physical Properties PLYG-SC7550.03.15` 03/24/2015 IRD{TST 6049) Physlcai:Pr"operties P40390:04.15 .04/03/2015 ERD(TST'6049) Physical Properties; P4436010.14-111 05/18/2015 ERD(TST 5049) Physical Properties PLYG-SC8080.08,as5 05f 20/2015 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Up1iiY PLYG kMOS.05.164 05/17/201611 , ERD(TST'6040): Phy461"Propertles '"' PLYG-SC8090:07.16 07/16/2016 PLYG-5C12025.10:16 10/121201"b ERO;(T5T-6049),' Wind`iJplift , ERD(TST 6049) Physi'ca(Properties PLYG-SC13040.in6 12/27/2016 ERD(TST 6049); Physical`Properties; PLYG-SC11900.03.17, 03/10/2017 ERD"(TST 6049)_. Physical Probertie§ PLYG-SC12115AT, 08/08/2017 ice ES(EVL 2396) IBC Compliance ESR=1697 11701%2014 IVliarimi=Dade"(CER,1592)' HVHz Compliance NOA 14-0717:08 01/22/2015` Polyglass USA: Manufacturing p#f davit, Products Current' 02/18/2009 'Polyglass USA' ` P/LAffidavit Mule=Hlde_Cross:Ltg 03%01/2008 Polyglass USA' Matenals'Affi&vIt Polystick-SA Compound! 08/18/2011 UL,LLC,(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation up.10/05/2018 4: P1466UCT DESCRIPTION: .,.. .at> ._ .. . .rte... � ,..- "•.^ rte.,., �, � „ ..-,..,J. � .-.��+. .�" .,..,"'� F.nR�*.. -..:. ,�s�� '�..,. ,�... � .�wv^n�r„ ;�? ,+ : 4.1.1 Elbstobase is-a fiberglass"reinforced SBS modified.bitumen base,sheet., 4.1.2 Efattdbds4 P is a polyester-reinforced,'SBS modified bltumen"briise,sheet. 4.3:.3 Polyglass G213aseIs afibergiass-reinforced;"asphaltic base sheet. 4.1.4' Polyglass.APP.Baseis_'a fiberglass-rWnfarted,APP'modif ed.bitum;en.base sheet;. 4.2.i Pulystick MTS or,polystick MTS Pt.US.is a norninal 60-mll thi&,,rubberized as phalt.Waterproofing membrane;glass fiber reinforced;5Urfaced with'po)yoleflriicrfilm;siirface;meets'FiiSAfilii"April"2012,' 4.2:2 Polystick,ik-Xe is a;riominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membiane,_glass°fiber reinforced,with an aggregate surface;-meetsASTM-1719'70." 4.2.3 Polystick TU Plus"isa-nominal 80-mil thick.rubberized asphalt waterl?rnofing rriembrar e,glass fiber reinforced,witha polyester fabric surface;meets ASTM D1g70'and;FRSA/TRI.April' 012x. NEMO ETC„LLC: Eyaluattcnlepoit P12060;02.09-R24 Certificate ojAuthor iation;#32.455 GP EDrtION(2017)FBC;MQN..-AVHZ EVALU"ON FL5259-1128 Polyglass Roof Vrtd 40yiYien6,(954)233-1230 Revi ion 24:01/24/2668 Page'3 of 14 N>EMO etc. 5 5 Allowable`Roof Covers:. e Underlayment Asphalt'Shingles Nall-on TileFoam Wocil5hmkes On Tile Metal slate &Shingles Elastobase Yes Yes Yes Yet Yes Yes - - (Base Sheet 1n,2plysystemj. ;(BasiiSN4 in2•pNsystem) ' :Elastobase P Yes Yes Yes; Yes Yes - Yes ;(ease sheet in 2-ply system). (Base Sheat'in 2-piysystem) Polygiass U2;Base No Yes Yes No No; No. 1 {Base Sheet 162-ply system) (Base Sheet int-piy:system). Yes Yes - Po(ygiassAPP'Base, No (Base Sheettn2-plysysterh). (BaseSheeUnVply'system) No No No Polystick MTS or' MTS-PLUS " Yes: Yes No*', ,Yes Yes.._ Yes PolysticklR-ke Yes N ;No Nb� Yes, Yes Polyst)cKTU P: No Yes Nes-(See 5.5;1): Ni+ No No Polystick TU Plus , - -Yes Yes Yes (See 5;8.1) yes Yes: ,_ , Yes,., PolystickTU Max No Yes. Yes (see 5.5:1).- ?Yes-, No No Polystick Duai;Pro Yes' No' No Yes _ Yes Yes PolystickT116Prti _ . — Yes _ Yes, Yes(See S.S,1).. Yes _ _ Yes Yes ;Polystick MU-X., Yes . __. .No No.' Yes...._ Yes _ Yes , Elastoflex 56 G Yes' Yes Yes.(5ee 5.5':1); No Yes Yes. .. Ela'stofiexS6 G FR _ Yes Yes- _ No Na .w_ Yes, Yes Elastoflex G TU Yes` Yes Yes (See 5S.-I). No Yes Yes Polyflex`G ', Yes Yes: Yes (See 5.S.1) No Yes Yes _Po",exGFR__... , . Ygs Yes, No No Yes Yes PoodiiSAPofSAP;FR Yes •Ye`s :`Yes (See 5:3'1)•. No Yes, Yes Nitrie=Hide SA-APP caP.Slieet Yes Yes Yes {See 5,5':1); Na Yes Yes. or SA-APP Cap Sheet:{Fit) 5.5:1 "Foam-Ori tile"1`s limited to,use ofthe following ApproVed the adhesives)Underiayment-combinatians. i.c. `� �.,�s*�� � e rx ';^f _ .� �'*�7'�€. •x..�y xa-�-a,3 'tea• �F #-3y .W,:t- w, ,.4. �.,_ �.,k: .�{ sx"..e-, '�z r,{ tL.��.•. s Florida Product Adhesive` Underlayments Approval, DAP Foam Touch"6Seal StormBond Roof Tile Adhesive•, FL14506 Po)ystiekT.0 Plus i Polystick TU.Max . DowTileBond °' FL22525' I?olyrsticKTU PoljstickTiJ:Plus,PolyflexSAP-or Tile Pro" P„olystick' P,Pol-ysticicTU Plus,PolystickTU"Max,Polystick'file Pro,, 1CP Adhesivi2k polysk"AH=160 FL6332' Eiastoflex G TU,-Ela stoflek S6'G,,PolYflex G,Polo* SAP,rPolyfle>z'5Adap FR, Mule-HideSA-APP;Cap Sheet or Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap:5heet•(FR) Polysti&TU P,,Polystick=TU Plus,Poiy§tckTU Maxi:PolystickTile Pro,, ICP;Adhesives.polyseta RTA-1 F.L6276 Elastoflex G TU,Elastoflex S6 G;Polyflex G,Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SACap FR, Mule-Hide-SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR) 2 Referta:Tile Manufacturer's orAdhesive Manufacturer's Fiorida Product Approval for Overtvrnina Mor»ent-Resistance Performance. NENIO ETC,ac Evaluation'Report P12060.02,09-1124 Certificate of Authorlradt n,4k455 6r":EC31Ticl {2017).FBC NON-fiV11Z EVAtUATii7N; F15259 1128 Po)ygiass'Hoof Uniiefiayirtet►ts;(954)233 X230 Revision 24.OSJ24/2018 Page 5 of 14 NENlt3'Ietc. Allow able'Substeates: ` 5:6.1. ^ Direct-Bond t0 jD i ry Poiystick(ell variai ions),Dual Pro,Tile Pro,Palyf(ex,SAP'or:'SAP FR,=Mule-Miele SA'-A1�P Cap Sheet or;SA-APP Cap Spee# ( self=adhered td > New untreate&plyvvood;AST4'p41 primed new untreated.plywood;Existing-plywood:ASTM D41 primed"existing plywood;°New or existing, unoritned OSB; ASTM D41 primed:OSB; Southern-Yellow Pine;.ASTM 041 pruned; Southern yello1 Pirie; ASTM•'D41.primed structural concrete; ,Huber,Engineered Voods '71P.System" Panels (designed andiristallgd to meet`vulnd loads for-Project). itlote'Polygiass does n'ot.require priming of new;or existing plywood or;OSB-"spec Thing;- tVew or existing plywood dr. t)SH sheathing'shodlcl be'cler�ned^a ai!dirt;and`debra prior to applicotio 'Of Polystick membranes., Elastoflex G TU;.Elastoflex:S6 Gar last©flex S6 G FR tn,holt asphait'to;. ASTM D4- primed structural pon rater -^ Polyflex.G.lir Polyflex 6TR,torch-applidd to ASTn11; '4 >primad struefural=corlcrete�. 5:6.2 Bond tcAnsuiation Pnlystick;(all variations);.Polyfiex SAP.or SAP FR.Mule-Hide 5A-APP Cap:Sheef or SA ApP Cap Sheet(FR)'self-adhered ASTM Cup, Type'i'All :Class 1 polyisocyanurate. or'Type V. palyIsocyanurate-composite insulation; Dens t)eck buraGuard;,Dens=Deck Prime;or SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Raaf Board:; Elastoflex G TU, {astoflex.$6 Gyor lriasti3fleX^S6 G FR Tri hot asphalt fo:, Dens Deck Prime'cir SECUROCK'GypsumFlber Riof Board. Polyfieki$or.Polyflex G Fit torch-applies!to: -ASTM i)41•primed struchiral.c6 crete;Dens Decis:Prime or SECUROCK"Gypsum-Fiber Roof Beard, For installation under;meciianicaliy attached preps"_red roof-coverings, insulation, shalKbe attached per minimum requirements of,the:prepared rpi6if covering manufacturers Product Approval:. Fnr'installations,�Onder foam-on'tile , - s I ms,lnsu{anon attachment sha#b be designed by a qualified design,pr6fe`ssidnai,and.installed.Based oniestingbf ti e`insuiationJunderlaynient,systerri.in accdrdante.with FBC Section 1504:31, 5:6.3 Grind to'Mechanieally Attached Base'!.ayer Po!ystick(all,variations);Polyfleif,SAP or:SAP F ,i,,Mule-Hide SA=APP Cap-Sheet or:SA-APP.Cap Sheet(FR).Dual Pro`or Tile.Pro self-adhered.co: 'ASTM"D226;Type I or it fait,>lastobase;Elastribase,P or""Mule-Aide NO Base. Elastoflex-G TU;,Blastoflex 56 G or Etastofiex 56.6 FR in.hot:asphalt`to: °. 'ASTM D. 6, Cype i,or if felt,Elastoliase Elastolaase P,IUlule,Hide Nai!8 se'wor Polyglass-G2 Base. Polyflek G or Potyflex GFR torch=applied ta: ➢ 'Elastobase;`basibbase P,Mule=Hide-Nall Base;Polyglass G2 Base or-"Polyglass APP Base: For:lnstalleions..un`der'fnechanic'ally"attached prepared:roof coverings',base`layer,shall'be-attached per minimum,' codified requirements ^For installations andel fc►am-on rile systems,, base layer'shali.be°attached per minimum` r rdguirerriertts,of F SA/TRI`�April 201i(b4=12);`Appendix A,Tabl 1 of 4s;l Sted'in:-Section 5.6:4 herein,or 6slisted in accordancewith:FBC.Sectigri ISi7A3:1. MgIVIO'yTC,LLC EvaluatlonAgport-P12060 02.09-R24 ^ - ferttficate ojAuthnrizgttnn#32455, a EdJTION{2017)FOO NON-WHZ EVALUATI©N fL52S9 It28 Pofwg ss Roof Undertayrrsr�nts,(lfsa)233-1230 Revisto 24.,etlz �Zo1� Pag-6 or o