HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationACC APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date- Permit IlumBer: Builaing Permit Application Yl.......,,y v„aUUW017F... c,.t5c,.-r­ tiQ,ltl ..y vna i_vlyc l{cyvlat.a„ 23UU V:ry,,.;w Asr,,..c Fart Pyr. rr FL 349d2 Pfione: (i/t) 461-1553 Fa.,: (7i2) 462-1578 Commercial ReAential PERMI I APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbux, click arrow at the end of line I YKUPu5ED IMPROVEMENT EuLA€ iula: f Address: Legal Description: Properly pax ID ;+: k k Lot No.Q� Site Plan Name: Slork No. 1 U� Project Name: ' rTA Setbacks Front Back: Right 3i0e: Cert viae: I DE I AICED DE5LRIP I lull OF WORK: I Replace AC, GAaUt l.hangu out with ton, SEER, ko KW AC unit C.0'lg5TR0t_ I lul9 II4FuRMA I ling: I Additional work to be erormed under this permit -- c rec ali app r: �FiVAC Gas lank Dasriping_matter, winaows/Doors 1JElectric ❑ Plumbing Oaprinklers Generaior Roa Root pitch Total 5q. Ft of Construction:rt. Or First Floor: Cost or Construction: $ ` _ .__ Utilities:t Sewer Septic Building Meight: OWNEn/LE55EE: Cult/ i RAL uR: Name:C-��('� t I9ame: Dennie Zacek r,auress.. Company: ARS American Residential Services Cit %�` 2tiC� State: 1 r� Address: za"u'u Oz MY Zip Code: s`_)q 51 Fax: r— iity: vero 13eacn b1 .to: i -L Lip Cede: 1960 Fax: Phone Mo. - E -Mail: Phone No. _� -Act-_49q -a aQ_3 F:li in r=, lirripie r itis Rulae. on next pare { if different E -Mail: C 3Q t Oaf\AayJ • Co'M from the Owner listed above) state or County License: =1;=49753 it value or ronwucuon is .�oz3w or more, a rtewEtuFU wotiee or 4omrn.-eeRrent is reyaireH. 50PPLEmEIVIAL[.uIQ51Ruuii017 CItIQ Mw IWORRIAIIUN: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Addres3: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _r _ Nuc Applicable Q—UN131MG CG1virHlay: x mor Applicable ]lame: m¢rr,e: ,Address: ,vaaress: Ci Ly: City: tip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. zi. Lucie County mates no representation iMac is granting a permit will authorize trie permit nolaer to ouila the saB;.ct ;treater. which is in contli� with any aeplicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenani:s that may restrict or prohibit such �treetere. Piau3e caa..elt .It yeur Plaine U-nc. , As3ee«tion and rizvicW. yozr aced tar any c3tricti.ms Tfflicn may apply. In co iaeration or the granting oT this requested permit, I Mo nerel3, agree Mat I :ill, in all re�p��t , 19061`1`1910c -orR in ace rdan..e .with tR,= oppra.ca pla�.3, tF1c Florida Sailains Codes i 5t. Ca ie County Amendments. The followins building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, structures, s-imming pools, Tences, walls, Jigri„ er��m roar,. -.-.aaccc„w: y e3c3 to oRVtR=r Mali-. C3iae6tial me VVARivIIGG 10 OwivER: roar rails. a to iiecar a a IGotice of Commencement may result in your payinb twice for improvements Lo your property. A Nacice of Commencement muse be recorded and posted on the jobsire before the fir3t in3p=ction. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with kinder or an attorney before commencing work or recordin_gyouur Notice of Commencement. ti J�rr:. i aiAiEOFFran! I/A COUNTY OF ;> ca .v he for oing in was acknowledge before me tFi jLday of ft. \ person of at Fla. i8.. I Pcr.o..ally Kno77rr X OR Produced Identification i ype or Identification Produced tarnrni'36PI Re (Jeal) Revised 07/15/20- MY COMMISSION 0 GG071535 EXPIRES February 09. 2021 Signature of Contra r/Cicense riolaer -j, i A i E OF FLOW DA COUNTY OF 31emm i ne Torgoing Instrument -as _eFccnw .leadca 6 -fare rm. this day of 20 jj�j_ by Dennis Pti, venally xno-a OR P. caaocd Idcntiticativn i +ype of I'uentification Prou'ucea Commission Ro6[-{ \53!:) tzealf ,eM• �� v�rr.cc�r vv�wrr�n 'r MY COMMISSION 0 GG071535 EXPIRES February 0D. 2021 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING COUNTER REVIEW PMMa REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW MiAIRIG110vE REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW SEATURTLE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS P-0,44'Ll A w ■rk. la:ki�h7. fyl.,king i7 Installation Work Order l i 11)557-3100 x80D US H.9n .may 1, Ven, beach, FL 329M An -=ii— Re= -dens A Ser.'ctr; of Fi_­h!r ,, Inc i•icc-sc x CIRC 17-9753 FC13008558 Est. Start Cate I M' Y1 { Est. Compl.lien Date Corporate Customer Rcl.•tlons (86o) X03-0879 e!).,, MER Q') + � q 1(1�r'TG�� �L`1'Vll EMAI.fy(i�'L�os J�atY,'� � 'LL SLIP 1"T�Q.f .CS ..SeR�pp .- G �n+� tLo?.n CITYSTATFJZIP - ccLLPHONE �'_, _ 7 g WORK'„ene OPTION 1 OPTION 6AJ TYPE A e. SIZE r__TYPE etrr.C� 51ZE�TYPPERCY \/_E 1 t EFFIvI'clevl % V J-*FZ77- EFFICIENT 3 $ cl 51 39 3 4 VU $ fI_ -7 00 $ V[} Vv SUBTvTAE SUBTuIAL _. SUBTOTAL $ S MONTH L ST." IRIuNTMEr EST.- zli Qa/inbrIt!c) M103NT ST.'/MID aLhl Cu51 BIER INITIALS %uSrvMER 1id11Ix L;;u51OME_R INITIALS vvr:rr�..t7:" Pwrt� 155or W.,rranty:'_(OYL farts.�-I!Mbor vvam_ml'r:" PRrts ra6.,r Lempreo�e. Ra -t Exch-ngor ,0 ... pr..sorLtj �Heat INch H. -t Ex.h-nger '3ou)evr 10 ...ev4 approval. i9nancing Providud by Greensky, Fx.d i■I■r.ht slip =f 6.99% t.; 60 rnenlh-. Peymv„I v mplu.mov ea env -lime $:,Bvv purchase on approval data (APR 7.19%) 77ith 1 pyrse■t of $82.69, 5 01 5'3 tie. ,.nd 5� ..n urvz' a paymon- or $; u2.2a. r=aymunls assume Account Acti-:li■rl ch_re..l $39 w F;1iwe omd o do, .i;h JM; requi.ea pay.aem.rlxeo imvrvsr rmu ul 9.99%wr ew months. Paymerl -xslp= �aamtzo -rp.-t:rs. $7,500 Pervhacv en-pproml d..lv („ r'rc 7v.i 1193) w.tm I payment of $101,44, 5 pa, -11t: of x62.44, _■d 78 �ererti•ed p_ dente .1$131.11. P--Y=—mo gnome -ccou- . -,ivaiiun cRargu of $39 applies and is d■o -ith fist regard par...vmt. Fixed ie:erevl ...:o of e, V9 -M f..r i:v m..ntfla. rpayrnarn exampfu ussi.mcs one-time x7,500 purot.a=-. d_te fAPR 10.11%) :rh , p..ymr I v. $; o ....,, a paymmra ar $cz-, uno i i y amortized paymc nls of $102.13. P.; dost_ o=m-- Aoe•snt Astir.. -.6a chcrgv of $Gp ..Pplic. no Is oov wirn nrst required payment.Fxed int.p-_:1 r -I. a19.99'x, L -r 144 r■.elh:. Pa777uml exomrle ..csem- r,ne-lime $:,5Uee porcmaev on approval ualu (nPR 10.09%) with 1 F_; .Rt .f $101.44, 5 p-7m.mt=.f $62.44, end l36..r..eni;vd paymr..via o $9i.0'. Puymunib assomo mccount Activation ch.rs. =f $39 wpppli.:.ed r do. -i:h firsi regvirod paymanl. "U te-cth:rwi:e ...led. all -..:lee ore h.m the m....oi_-.erer. • seee�r�e �PTIC;M: ❑1 01 03 ❑ Wa_IRerpreol ❑ Reconnect Drain Eine ❑ Dehumidifier 5OBTOTAL Disconnect 0 Coiiii.,n Sv ar Kit 0 Ostdeep Omit Pad $ ❑ _;-,_,.rra: t teit.rhdl;t Si -L, {Fan d Pioat) ❑ Flue Venting FSO 0 Sound Isolation Pads 17 Mai- Dmim S_f.ty 5=tch 0 Deetwopk I.:orrmeetiam-1 0 Lige:8 1'te U.-deit ❑ 5eal Ntv-- Connections ❑ Connect to existing MR= ❑ Start Kit 0 5eppelt Atter Egsipme.,t ❑ Deet Mearlreatiam- 0 Rei -gam. _ml: CL Dryv, _, ❑ Supply Plenum (ace Notes fop czc .W—k) TOTAL $ ❑ Reir gerant Pipe 0 Ids-., U Ravammoet ❑ Nv- Oeet 5ya1—. ❑ Now ❑ Roaonnevl ❑ Return Plenum ❑ Mo Duct Was! G Refrigerant Pipe Cover 0 New ❑ Reeonnavt ❑ Fol Piping ❑ E.p.n.ion V Ivm ❑ Electronic Air Cleaner _ G Electricai vviring In CAS FI D CHELK# G T -stat -- type _ _ _ 0 Meai- Fi.tor ❑ dome Sorr eo Plan- ❑ Cam—cl to Ex:aii..g ❑ Pvv 1 Term X364 daysf ❑ CREDrrCARD (LA3 i 4ns) Electrical ❑ OV CitiFil ❑ New Plywood Deck 019umidifier EXE' APPROVAL • GUARANTEES ' )dFINANCIMG' O�yletl` fort Guarantee d,,/ome Pret.eliern Ga --mice 424.oer Svrriva %•.ramex �! 100% Unca..ditional Money-BaDt Guarantee • � il,, Z'r V VG—^—S" 'AR5 :�; ..et re-pomo6blo for p.,,,,:iutimy deet...o.k. Sou le. -a and Canaiiion.. n the back of this document for uetails. • Writtem eealemer aetholsolion : ill 5o v6taimed bofv.v 6oyinning —y onfarcavvn add;-d.nal or e.tended worst • ANY CMIM5 FGR L;tJN5TRO[;I 0R OEtECTS ARE S067ECT 10 THE RC110E AND CURE PROVIS0173 C;F CRAP MR 558, PEDRIDA 5TAr u 1 t5. • BUYER'a KluFR TO CANCEL 1 nis Is . borne aatiSt.tban -.le, ,.nd it you do not want the goons or services, you may cancel this agree- ment Oy pfeviabag .rittQn notice to tfic —liar in po mon, 6y tofegram., or by mail. This notice must InMeate that you Go not want o,e goRs or services anis m= -t be dalb:a.-M or po..trn..r trod before mbdrbght of the third business day anger you sign this agreement. If you cancel tills agreement, the. -aIle. may ,..ot Resp oil or p.rt of any ce.h down p.ymenz: See the reverse sl'u'e Meteor for an expianatlon of this dolt. • I vekmo-ledne that my.;ght to eenvcl E1 :; been mpl.ir,e� tv me oaEly a11a i. -r writing, and Without waiving my right to cancel, I authorize tRe performance of tMa -rwpK me5feel to oil tvRRo and Poma;t:am:; .,..t forth e„ the m.:.. ve aide harevf, plus any coxes upon completion. Notice To Owner - Do not =Ign thL nerve Imp -_:amemt Wntr..ct in blank You ■Ta entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. R@ep it to protect your legal rights. i nl= Rema Implo"almont eont..ct may wrrtabn a ii -au vaue or otherwise create a lien on your propeKy that could6a foreclosed on If you do not pay. Be sure you un'uerstand all provisions os Me contract berate you sign, ct7a.umER SIGNATURE oAr ANY RE SE.,t.me 1901=1veR u:em.., eR1! mr, E GATE rP.Oie...,,cricen Revacnrim xrvlces [.[�... n.l rigMspeserved. ARS1070_FL 160124 L190124 025d Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Re,erence Numuer : 9543521 Date: 44-26-2019 Model status: Active mHRI , ype : RCu-A-CC zeries : =MwR, 14 AC Zutuoor unit crania flame: CARRIER C;utuoor unit motel Aumuer jConuenser or aingle Packager : 24AC�,436A*030' Inuoor unit Model NumAer Zl•vaporator and/or Air Randlerr : FV4CNF0u2C Region: Southeast and North qAM, AR, DC, Ut_, IR, GA, RI, KY. LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, 5C, TII, , n, vA, AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, RIE, Mt, MA, IOID, M i ,ISO, NE, IQH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, 50, 01, v I, vvA, WV, WI, WY, D.S. T.rrit.ri.3) Revlon note : Central air conditioners manufactureu prior to January 1, 2015 are eligiole to Be Inalalled I.. all po ,i.rtz entil Jo . -,a 30, 2016.Savin„inyjut,1, 2016 c...tr.,l air eenditionc.. c..n only 6o fnsl.lind in it gion(s) for -hi-h they moot the iaglon.I wffkQmxy reyoir­„rent. The manuraclurer or mis CmnRIER pro—duEl Is responsible Tor me rating OT this -ya.el eeRloin, tie.,. Rol.d au feller_ In aeoeRlarim 7, IM M. I.t�et edition mf AN511ARRI 2101240 —.0i Addenda 1 .rid 2, P.rronnan. Rating of Unitary AI, -C. ndltioning & Air -Soar. He.t Pomp Equipment and subject to rating accuratay 'uy ARRI-sponsored, Indepenuent, Mild party testing: Coali.,g CaF.oity (A2) - Singl. or Ritih Slag. (95F), btah : 33800 SEER : 14.50 EER (A2) - Single or RIdh Slade (95F) : 12.50 T Active” Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant io ■epp■ntl7 prodecin! AND=efli..v er off ping for dol.; OR n.,. medeL th..t ore bel,.g marke..d but ... not yet Loing prveut:ea'Frovt1. Io,. amppoa' Mao.; SWas are those that an AHRI Certification Program Part cipant is no longer producing BUT is still aelline .r effe-Fis fr gal.. aur o m.t -�tr,n .nava o WAJ L,OiGale an , : �,enta rr rete. ,nen ed :neo..-altn ,a anenn ala inn In. raao.a i.e. WAS mlin . DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endvr8v the pndect(_) IlLhd u-_ thi_ Cntlf€vole and mrk.z pie repreoentztl.e„ :ar ntic, a. to, and rz=mcs no Nop.,,31bill,y for, tfio pro.a­1st Ilsteu on .RIs Cerlhicate. ARRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the p_oduct(s), or the enoetheri_ed ait.m0an of d,.ta Ilowd on 014 C.rtifl.atc. Certlfied rwangs are vulia only c.r mo.ala aria corulgoradwris Ilat.0 in tft directory at www.ahridiractory,nrr. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Cartificate shall only be used for indl-ldeal, pv_ewn.l _-d .enfidan.i.l rcf...n.. perpwam 7,,. yonwnm oc ./Ila ce,incaie ,.,.y not. in chola or In part, N r.prouoce.; topic.; disseminated; entered into a computv7 d.t_bsv. v_ othwmicc stili -■d, I� ;;F17 (wpm er m_.,nsr up b; oep nre-im. e�eort for th. ever'. IndMdv. el porso„al ano cundwunt.al rercrence. ..IR•conoravAr .o HG.T n.., CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION . R rrret!rr-ren,lt :-e:E 711e info, m.;Iv., Tor ;ft mvo.i titan on Inns carr,Ticate can be verified at www.uhridirectory.org, click on 'Varity Cortificate' link ti,ti mal L and cnl.r the AHRI Certified Refer.nee Nemb.r and the d.tv en which :h..ar0fic m cars I39aad, which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which Is listed at bottom right VzOlumir-Condidoninr., Reath& an'u Reirlgeradon Insthute CERTIFICATE NO.: 132007806657251639