HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplcationAlt ADPL ICAB LE IN FO M UST B E COM PLETE D FOR ARPLI CATI ON TO BE ACCEPTE D [date: 4.129.12019 Planning and DeveYopment.Services 8.udding ,ani' Code RagulD Dian D++rWon ,2300 Virginia Avenue, FoFt Pierce F -982 Phone: (772) 4-62-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Permit Number- Additional umber: Building Permit Application Com mercia I Fie-sidentiaa x PERMIT TYPE. H A. Mechanical AC Change I R. I_0 ED IMPROVEMENT IENT LOCATION Add :ress: 281.2 Eag I os Fest Way, Pork S t .Lucie. FL 34952 Property Tai ID 9- 3424-702-01-58-000-8 Site Plan Narne- EAGLE'S RETREATAT SAVANNA rL.UB PHASE 2 (P6 43-27) 3LK 62 LOT 39 (OR 2908-9'ifj Wt No, 39 Block No_ 6 Project Name- HVAC MECHANICAL RESIDENTIAL IDE:NTIAL A HAN E OUT. LIFE FOR LIFE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK, AC CHANGE OUT, INSTALL 4 TON, 14 SEER, Fc_oP�5TRUCTJ0-N INFORMATION: 10 KVV HEATER. RHEEN� PAQKAGE UNIT. LIFE FOR LIFE AdditionaI work to be pe rf0T me d under this permit – -ch-eck ail that appy. )(Me-uhanical _Baas Tank ! G as P [ping Shutters Electric Total 5% Ft of Construction - Pl um b i lig — Sprinklers Cost of Construction: 5 4,aQ0.00 r- ­ E R/LESSEE: Nafine Thomas G Hoe ner Address: 2812 Eagles Nest Way Generator Sq. Ft. -of FIrst Floor: Utilities: —Sewer —septic city: Port St Lucie, FL Stew fj, Zip Code: 34952 Faux, Phone NO, 772-3-36-7708 E -Mail -- g Fi II i n fee Si rn ple TPtle FI older on nest page I if diffcyerrt CONTRACTOR: Windows/Doors Roof _ Pitch Building Height: Name: i efl� Certosimo Company; AIR TEMP AIR CONDITIONIN,INC Address.651 NW Enterprise Drive Suite # 107 City- Fort Saint Lu ie State- FL Zip Cade: 34936 Fac: Phone No 772' 346=3740 E -Mail airt6,,Mpac@yahoo.com f,r M the Owner listed above) I State or County Licerse- Pf value of construetfon i -s S2SOO or more., a RECORDED Notice of Cor m-enc-ef nt is required. If value of HVAC i5 7,500 or more, a REt 0RDED Notice of CoMmencement is required. I CAC1814837 .J 1TY F t 0 !R I D '1 Planning and DeveYopment.Services 8.udding ,ani' Code RagulD Dian D++rWon ,2300 Virginia Avenue, FoFt Pierce F -982 Phone: (772) 4-62-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Permit Number- Additional umber: Building Permit Application Com mercia I Fie-sidentiaa x PERMIT TYPE. H A. Mechanical AC Change I R. I_0 ED IMPROVEMENT IENT LOCATION Add :ress: 281.2 Eag I os Fest Way, Pork S t .Lucie. FL 34952 Property Tai ID 9- 3424-702-01-58-000-8 Site Plan Narne- EAGLE'S RETREATAT SAVANNA rL.UB PHASE 2 (P6 43-27) 3LK 62 LOT 39 (OR 2908-9'ifj Wt No, 39 Block No_ 6 Project Name- HVAC MECHANICAL RESIDENTIAL IDE:NTIAL A HAN E OUT. LIFE FOR LIFE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK, AC CHANGE OUT, INSTALL 4 TON, 14 SEER, Fc_oP�5TRUCTJ0-N INFORMATION: 10 KVV HEATER. RHEEN� PAQKAGE UNIT. LIFE FOR LIFE AdditionaI work to be pe rf0T me d under this permit – -ch-eck ail that appy. )(Me-uhanical _Baas Tank ! G as P [ping Shutters Electric Total 5% Ft of Construction - Pl um b i lig — Sprinklers Cost of Construction: 5 4,aQ0.00 r- ­ E R/LESSEE: Nafine Thomas G Hoe ner Address: 2812 Eagles Nest Way Generator Sq. Ft. -of FIrst Floor: Utilities: —Sewer —septic city: Port St Lucie, FL Stew fj, Zip Code: 34952 Faux, Phone NO, 772-3-36-7708 E -Mail -- g Fi II i n fee Si rn ple TPtle FI older on nest page I if diffcyerrt CONTRACTOR: Windows/Doors Roof _ Pitch Building Height: Name: i efl� Certosimo Company; AIR TEMP AIR CONDITIONIN,INC Address.651 NW Enterprise Drive Suite # 107 City- Fort Saint Lu ie State- FL Zip Cade: 34936 Fac: Phone No 772' 346=3740 E -Mail airt6,,Mpac@yahoo.com f,r M the Owner listed above) I State or County Licerse- Pf value of construetfon i -s S2SOO or more., a RECORDED Notice of Cor m-enc-ef nt is required. If value of HVAC i5 7,500 or more, a REt 0RDED Notice of CoMmencement is required. I CAC1814837 SU PPLEMENT # CON TRUC I 0 N LlE N LAS' I N FO RMATI0N DESIGN ERIEN INEtR: Not Applicable _Mame. Address: city. - State. Zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Jot .Appli-cable Name: Ari d rens: 0tye �t zip: Phona� MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name Address: City: State: zip: Phone - BONDING COMPANY-. Not Applicable Name: Address: CFtyziipPhone--_ - O BE R/ CO NTRACTOR AFFI DV IT, Application is h e reby made to o bta in a pQrm It to d D the work and insta I Iation as ind icated. I certify that n wcark or instaIlation has cornmenc prior to the is5vance of a permit_ St. Lucie County rnakes n a rep resentation tha t is grarrti ng a permit w3l a u'thorite the ipermit molder to b ui Id thesu bj ect strut re Which is in conflict with any applicable H orne Own ers Assodation ru I e�s, bylaws c r a n d covena n is that m air .restrict ❑ r ;prohi b it such structure, PIease consult with you -Hume Owners Association and review your deed fOr any restrictions which may apply - In 1=o r sl d e rat-po n oaf the gra nt-Ing -of this requested permit, I dry Ierebly aigree that I will, in all respects, peaor m the work in � ccorda nee with th e a ropraved P I.a ns, the Florida Building Codes a nd .fit: Lucie County Armen dm eats. The following building R earl it applications Yore exempt 1! ro m undergoing a full concurrency en rev e'w ; room add itians, accessory strucW res, SW'Mrrr%ng P001SrfeFtef2s, galls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNINC To 0 R*1 YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF IrOMM EINENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PA YING TWICE FOR I OVENENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY- A NOT CE OF COMMENCENIMT MUST BE RECORDED AMID POSTED ON TIME JOR SITE MORE THE FAST INSPECTION. IF TOU INTMD TO OBTAIN FINANCINGS CONSULT "TM 101111WILENDER01"N ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDMG �•n I _-�COMM EENT.'° �. sIgrE " of own r, Agent for Owner. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTYOF The f -ng inm t wa cknowJed efore me this daly, N� ripe of pers9 rn alp i ng state-ment, _ Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identifir-avon Produced ISi.g ire of Rotary f u bl i r- Stbte� r Commrssao n No. i a (lea l ) i [SATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED 'ev _51gnatuLie of CS-n—tractor{License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA Th in$ iA!itru t w -as a wledger ire ,me thEs - day of IJ 20 Name'of per5uro making statement. .Personally Known :OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Prod aced Signature of No-ta Pub] ic- stag of �1 r Comm i ssior No— rida (Sea[) FRONT ZONING I SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE IMANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW R E I E k-EVI EVV NoLaU PUNIC !State 'of rlw'cl* Cat. eraie )onrIa M $11 Yrs NOWY DUD4C y1ale 06 Flom 08therme Dmaa Whain r Myr C-Omml s:.011 GG 176$81 a ings Certifi6,ate , AHRI Cortified Reforerom Numbar: : 201340990 Date _ 04- !)4?0'i9 Modef Status ' ktve ad AI -IRI Refeiorice Nunnber : 1-}7 9 AHRI Type: PY-A I &;:r : RHEEM R PP� SERIES Ovtdvour Unit end Han,*: RHEEM Outdoor Veit Modol -Number (Condoner or -Single P kago) R Pkf,A. 8JK P*Oori - All (AK, AL, AIR,. ate, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL. GA, HI,, ID, IL, V, IN. KS, KY. LA. Mak, NID. ME,, Mi. MN., MO, M.S. MT, NC, ND, SIE, NH, NJ, NM. NV, NY. OH, 0K, OR PA. F;U, SC, SO, irk, TX, UT, VA. VT. WA., w4 f, �%rl. Wy. U,.S. Terrier) Reocin NotaCentra I air ronditioncrs rrOnrrFBOurad pTkw to January 1, 2015 arra eligible to hp installed in .all regions until .J4,ne 30, 2016. Beginni ,Iuly 1, 2(}16 cari"l .air WricIftners can only be install in region (s) for wfiych Ih-gy r"Wet thcr reglrx'lal efficierry Mquirerrlent- The mAnufactur r of this RHEEM Product i& re%�,pQn:3�iblo fQF the rafirkg of this sy5tam cc mbinaUo 1. Rated as follows in acoordarica °with! the Ia;;est edition of ANS VAHRI 211;249 with Addenda ' and 2. Performanc& Ra6rig of Un" Air4','andi"nq Heat Purnp equipment and 15.ubjeot tar rating accuracy by AHRI-span red_ indapp, rlderlL intim party testipq. C001irrg Capacity (.A2) - -Single or 14igh Stage btuh,_ ,_46ODD I=E R _ 14-00 EER Wj - Single or Hlgh Mage (95F). ; 12.00 '.motive" m dol Status are &; Ihat an RIortiFrcaiicr pengr, Fm Participant i!3 cur7tsntly pr iucing AND sealing or of enng far � ; O new rrroidgls that area "ing f+Orketed but ere dvt pet � g pr urod-Tr0duGl,Jrt Stoppee 151;3bn are 117r�se t; -:at an AHRI Oration, am Part nil i-. no Inrrjer prockmAng BUT r5 s ill stdiirlq or.rwfeaing for we. � - ---° -- . - W u v "" ,,,ui ;ec tan iriv I R+- I _ I! no new JCall. h I'arh �R wrl c�14n rlth 1 `SUS I. AJ r3°In DISCLAIMER APRT doer. not &ndorsk d1e odutt(.$) listed on thl$ Ccztl'icrtate and makes no represunt.atFons, w arrin#ics or guarani ar.to5 3rtd :,it-�sume� no rt�R4rr5ibility for, Etre uthoei tfsi listed roar this Certificate, AHRI as€ r �cl slisplaLnis all Pl illit+� for darrf.ngt-s of any kind :irking cut of (3 r- USC GT Performi-ince of the pr�zAcict(s), terth& urteuthorir�d altera"n of & to fisted tin this Conificate. Gurtillied ralthg!� s&'ru viAld only ror models andcoriAguratims lFmeo in the directory at 'www.ahrialrect Fry.org, COTERMS AND h]OfT ON - This Cr~rtrfrGate and Lvt:� pant r s are proprietary ProduMofAHRL ThLs rtiflcate Shall f3mly be used for I WIvidui3j, per5 "M and confldemfrol rx,-Frrcrrce par" , The cantent"� of this case may not, In whalo or In parE. N,- reproduced; copleA; dissahiinat:d; riwLare+d lilt -5a cpmputer d3t$1j;M;c-, cr otherwise 4dihkd, In any inrrn a:r manner Qr by akny rne3nN, t!xpcj t #ter €?re a r'!s indiwtdua1., prer nal rind' confidr-ntial references nett- 0FEDITI{ NFM1€ ., H 4TArfG CERTIFI-LATE VE RIFICAT141N & REFRIGERATION INSTITrrTE The InWrnation tar The rnodul cited an WS certiftrate d Ljbk k-'r'—errfled' at wvv,r RhF1d3r10,Ct43ry.org, dl Ick on `Vorify CertilieL -ate' Erik -and enter Rio AHRI Certltied Rcference NumOur and the nate on wh ich the t; €=aate wes rgswcd, �t.: � i.rl.� tidf• ixfirr^ �° whlrh Is listedabove. and the Certifkubr No- willich i% Listed at ha,,lom rlF!hL I' ®2019AIr o.nditioning, Heating and Refrigeratbn institute ` CERTIFICATE NO.. 1320101 913$