Minutes of Meeting
January 31, 2019
Convened: 3:36 p.m. Adjourned: 3:56 p.m.
Commissioner Townsend called the meeting to order at 3:29 p.m. in Conference Rm 3, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Members Present:
Commissioner Cathy Townsend, BOCC
Chief Judge Elizabeth Metzger, 19th Circuit
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Mike Davis, Florida Department of Correction
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
Mr. Timothy Kozlowski, SLC Bail Bond Assoc.
Members Excused:
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
George Shopland, New Horizons
Judge Phillip J. Yacucci, 19th Circuit
Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Others Present:
Roy P. Hudson, SLC Atty/CJD
Broderick Underwood, SLC Atty/CJD
Allison Duffy, SLC Atty/CJD
Robert Curry, SLC Atty/CJD
Robert Worcester, SLC Atty/CJD
William Lawhorn, SLSO
Trevor Morganti, SLSO
Rose Best, 2nd Chance Mental Health Center
Public Safety Coordinating Council
January 31, 2019
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The minutes from October 25, 2018 were unanimously approved.
UPDATE by SLC Sherriff’s Office- Captain William Lawhorn
Captain Lawhorn reported the current population to be 1297 with 41 Federal Inmates. He
reported the annual average is 1297 with 44 Federal Inmates. He explained they have stopped
the distribution of the population report since the beginning of the year which usually goes out
to the criminal justice community. On January 12, 2019 they changed over to a new Jail
Management System and some of the numbers reported on the first report generated did not
add up. The last report indicated the jail holding about 38% of the population being
misdemeanors and this was not accurate. Approximately 12% of the population is misdemeanors
with the rest being felony and a few holds for other counties. Captain Lawhorn and Trevor
Morganti are working on manually validating the data being reported and hope to have the
reports out again by the end of the month. Bruce Colton added that in reviewing the jail
populations over the last couple of weeks it was noted that Saint Lucie County jail has the lowest
percentage of non-sentenced misdemeanors awaiting trial out of the four counties. Captain
Lawhorn shared that the Sheriff has requested the jail send Diamond Litty a weekly list of smaller
misdemeanors to ensure they can move the lower crimes out. Commissioner To wnsend
expressed her appreciation of their efforts as this was also a focus for her. Bruce Colton added
that the County Judges also hold jail dockets and see defendants sooner if they are in jail to see
if they can dispose of the case. Conversation ensued indicating everyone is on the same page
regarding getting defendants out of jail who have smaller misdemeanors. Suzanne Caudell
shared they have been monitoring 550 defendants circuit wide on the Misdemeanor Diversion
Program. She indicated that 153 were in Saint Lucie County and they have been very compliant.
UPDATE by Criminal Justice Coordinator-Roy Hudson
Roy Hudson explained that a few years ago it was determined that cases would be assigned to
individual Pretrial Officers for accountability with the optimum number being 25 cases per
officer. Currently each Pretrial Officer has 31 cases and that is only counting those on GPS. The
program is expanding and that is good for the county. Martin County Pretrial just peaked over
30 cases per week. Okeechobee is averaging in the low 20s weekly. Mr. Hudson went on to share
that St. Lucie County Pretrial now has an office in the jail so a Pretrial Officer can be there during
Public Safety Coordinating Council
January 31, 2019
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First Appearance. This is saving 4 to 5 man hours per day. Pretrial will also have an office at the
jail in Okeechobee so people can check in there as well. The program is working the same in all
3 counties. Mr. Hudson thanked Captain Lawhorn and jail staff for offering the space for Pretrial.
Timothy Kozlowski shared how bail agents benefit from communication with Pretrial. He
explained that 90% of defendants are on secured release. A challenge bail agents a re facing is
not being notified when there is a Pretrial violation that leads to a warrant. Mr. Kozlowski went
to on to say if bail agents could be notified of the violation it could be of benefit to everyone
because they can most likely find the defendan t before they miss a court date. Robert Curry
shared that he will be attending the April Bail Bonds Association and will be working with them
to come up with a solution. Commissioner Townsend requ ested Mr. Kozlowski and Mr. Curry
share any progress with the council in an upcoming meeting.
Commissioner Townsend spoke about her 2019 focus on working towards bringing a campus to
this area. She shared it has been one of her goals since 2016 and she requested a Space Needs
Analysis at the courthouse 2 years ago. Commissioner Townsend expressed that she would like
to see the location of the current courthouse sold and have the campus where we are currently
located on Virginia Avenue expanded to include a courthouse with space for the County Judges,
Public Defender, and State Attorney. Chief Judge Metzger gave her support and shared there are
issues at the current courthouse that cannot be fixed without money and space. The
conversation continued with agreement from other in the room and the need to also move the
jail was discussed. Commissioner Townsend indicated she is aware of space needs and severe
plumbing issues at the jail. Captain Lawhorn added that he will work with Broderick to get
relevant numbers on the mental health population at the jail as it drives up length of stay. He
indicated the jail is running out of space as some of the population have to be the single occupant
of a cell. Commissioner Townsend closed out the meeting by expressing her excitement in being
part of the council and her desire to help make a difference.
Comments –
Commissioner Townsend adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m.
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January 31, 2019
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Submitted by,
Kellie Harris