Meeting held on
Thursday February 21, 2019
1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Convened at 1:00 p.m. Adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
This meeting of the Infrastructure Surtax Oversite Committee was held Thursday February 21,
2019 at 1:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia
Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Members Present: Carolyn Niemczyk – Chair
Kenneth Kroll – Vice Chair
Debbie Beutel
DJ Ferguson
Jeffrey Lyons
Mike Monahan
Gail Pike
Jayne Rowley
Also Present: Commissioner Linda Bartz
Robert Delgadillo, Assistant to Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky
Howard Tipton, County Administrator
Mark Satterlee, Deputy County Administrator
Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney
Erick Gill, Public Information Officer
Flynn Fidgeon, Media Specialist
Don West, Public Works Director
Patrick Dayan, Water Quality Manager
Kim Graham, County Engineer
Edmund Bas, Assistant County Engineer
Selena Griffitt, Civil Engineer
Jennifer Krause, Public Works Program Coordinator
Chris LeStrange, Road and Bridge Manager
John Frank, Assistant Road and Bridge Manager
Jennifer Hill, Director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Sophia Holt, Manager of OMB
Dan Allison, Sr., Customer Service Liaison
Mark Satterlee started off the meet introducing Commissioner Linda Bartz. Commissioner Bartz
welcomed and thanked all of the members for volunteering for this Committee.
Howard Tipton also addressed the Committee and had a short discussion on the possibilities of
Sales Tax dollars being used with Grants in the future.
Mr. Satterlee asked everyone in the room to introduce themselves and shared with the new
Committee the goals and responsibilities involved.
Mr. Satterlee discussed the challenges the County went through when they started the process
for the Sales Tax vote to pass, and how much time and energy the County and both Cities put
in to it to have a success when the Voters choose to support the ½ cent Sales Tax.
Heather Young gave the Members a short discussion on the “Sunshine Law” rules.
Erick Gill, reminded Members the minutes to these meetings are recorded.
Jane Rowley had a question on how the tax dollars are divided, between Cities and the County.
Jennifer Hill told her it was by population.
Jennifer Hill gave a Budget presentation on funding and the recession.
Chair Niemcryk asked if there would be time this year for an annual report. Mark said there
would be time as it is not due until December 31, 2019. Howard shared with Member that our
fiscal year is from October – October, and December should be enough time to get out a report.
Howard also wanted to let Members know that even though there is a 3-year plan ready to go.
Things can hold up project implementation, like acquiring property.
Jane Rowley ask if there was a list of recommendations, Mark told her all the information is
available in the presentations.
Chair Niemcryk asked if we have any Grant Writers, Mark told her a position was just approved
for one. Erick also mentioned that while Appling for grants can be a helpful opportunity, the
County still needs match dollars and sometimes funding for maintaining the project.
Mark Satterlee gave a presentation on Amendment #14.
Mark said the County was spending reserve dollars that need to be saved for emergencies such
as hurricanes.
Howard also shared that we are still getting less funding than we did in 2007, due to taxes not
being raised.
Don West gave a presentation on Infrastructure needs.
Discussion opened up between Members on culverts and Edwards and Midway Road projects.
Don explained that we have not been able to maintain our Roadways for several years. He
said the average life of the pavement surface is 15 years if it is maintained, if not we have to
start all over and tear out and re-construct the road at the cost of approximately $400,000 per
mile. If you maintain within the 15 years it is about $100,000 per mile to re-pave.
Mark Satterlee started a presentation on the 3-Year Plan.
The tax revenue will be 5.6% this year and approximately 10% for the next 9 years. Jane asked
if there is any match money for the grants. Discussion on project costs and damages involved
on projects.
Jeffrey Lyons asked if the grant/match, and are the Sales Tax dollars is carried over into the next
fiscal year, Jennifer Hill replied yes that after the budget process is trued up.
Don asked Chair if there was time to finish the last presentation as it was 3:00, Members had
other commitments so the meeting adjourned.
COMMITTEE COMMENTS: Discussion on next meeting date. Members want it sooner because
of questions they have, but will be fine with quarterly meetings after the next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: At 3:00 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is
Thursday April 18, at 1:00 pm, in the in the Third Floor Conference Room.