HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 1 ' I . • ' . Al!APPLIC.A8LE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED - V9 Pernnit NLJrnber: L9,05-0011 1 .ST ...._ _ •• , IC..i-•:-)"LI c',...r: 7 ':,- .. .1 : ._. _ .• ., . Building Permit Application il _ . • , i -?G,, z.-irdDeveioprnenz.5e.-,,Ices 11 5w/ding and Code f?eguiation Division I1 2300 Virginia Avenue, Or Pierre:::.I...34982 .. I ?hone: i,772)452-1553 Fax: (7721452-1578 Commercial Residential . ../ III: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: I- !1 -,deress 01 Dal , E.ch L) pi r\ c \Y ft)(* VterCS -C-1 • C . ; 1 i , 1 -.•.csa: Descrption: U. b a' 0 _ ba , ,.. _ 11) ill, .4.11 • -.M.- b . I Ala . • . . . _ I (-0\2-2Ci‘C5CS---10Si 0 1 Drooer7y Tax ID : 1,,Sk 2- -81\i :_- h ) 05 -(0)- 5 LOt No. LOD Btock No. l'i SiZe. !ar'r Nar,-i : 1 Prc.,:ect Name. _ S-,..zbacks F;ront Back: Rigrit Side: Left Side: 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIENIIIIIIIIIIIMM . li T-,-,.• ' _ : ),if_e T i 1 .- ..s: ..._ • I i ..) .. , .. .. • • , II cditiona wo to .e pe .rme un.er is permrt-c ec a t at appy: i. .i _241er:hec:a! _ Gas Tank — Gas Piping rzeShurs • Z Windows/Doors 11 . FiectrIc , . Sprinklers _Generator Roof ,1 — — ,ci , 1 k CIa Sq .=P 07'C.:07?Ftruction: Sof. O. Ft First oor. _ il •1 .Cost or Construction: s eSS 0 -( fl) Utilities: Sewer Septic Building Height: . , . 1 ,i-._i e, I• - II: me B' tvolc . -1. -z--v-1.0,v Name ': y..)..anno. Li- . r ..1 - ' ,11 AC. r.SS.r-Anq E ?ilifklb A 0 Company: Mfr. Elf-,1:eapr i se ..7;. Fxcvcc,4 c;.P4 ,...=....•ale =',' II. enL-kR.:e.yr Q qtat -c 1 ! Address: i fO5 7-0?),.abctu.,31( "D/- . I. 7ir.-: Code. ci \ Pax: M L V ; city: The.i., )4...- x...- Ge...c2+-‘. State: ?•-:! . II - II e NC) 5Sg7Le,OLr-3 Zip Code. 32:937 Ix; 32i- 777- 4t3 4 I ' 1N-J..1 IA - PMone No. 772 337-44770 Fill in fee simple Title Holder On next page ( if different E..-maii. ::,::..v,.- s51-.,4::.:,nt"ieki, v•z•-•,.,_-; ,....),--: I -• 1 from the Owner listed aboveri • State or Court f License: ---,4L- 71 7 . . i 1 If value of construction is 2.500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. ...-----z--- 1 �n Consiue2 iCr pf We granting o' -his re9Ces'ec cer, T;r, i do ",eby agree t:^gar w, II, in. all reso=C.-. oe-Form :he work c accordant= ,vith -he anoreved ,,laps. e 9o1 a Building Cec e5 -,' Sr. L_., e County ,ne _-rnen'5. the folipw'ln� Ouilding pefm'i aGPiicaiiors are exernrit !rom uaCergoine In fait con C'u'rency review. Foo Tt adcl ons. c CCe$SO.ry S<rJC.'Aes, Slvi:-riling coo!S, fenCC5, ♦vells, signS. scree^ roo:-S and accessc' --SaS F 2.10th .nod-resiaeniiai cse WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for rnprove''^ent<_ to your property. A Notice of commencement mast be reco-ded and pest=_d e1 the;obsite before the first inspec[icn. If yet intmend tc obtain financing, tensa;t with ierder or an attorney before rnmma+nrirm work nr rrornrrlinc Your Notice of CemmeCceme*., n Slgnztdre P'C. re,, Lessee/A.-e STATE OF FLif�� STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 'C &OA COUNTY OF 911—\(C�tA fie `crec. vg -n <,v : n-y� s ck ov:iec§ n� in_ lecEer{� r'o-c e --Il- y`^Qaa E (L}' of Clo, cp , S g atcrE ^( 2t' P'- l -e o scr da "iced l0 de,-,f!ca- or Per orally Krow L Froe Jc d identifica, en. ype o. Ideril .aeon ? Cduc_d_ _ Co,".nlsslor. N4_a isealj �.. ?y �� GG T, d s r No dry Public State of Flo, ih - mi nnel" DESIGNER/ENGINEER _ Not Applicable ! MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name.-. Name. _ Address I Address: _ ,,;a a�dP ?io Phone _ ZID. Ph�n2: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: — Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: —Not Applicable Name. Name'. _ AdC'e55. _ _ Address. _ N; N,-- SLPERVISCR ?LANs CiiV p Phone Zip phone :ha. CL wCfk C. nsiaNation 'r ascoTTen.ec Prior to the siLa:i1 e of a -. LUC:c Cour T-0 mdKes r0 repra5tn- ilOn hax R o-entine a Pe -m". dl eo'hor .a Ta �:2-1"::^.JId Er L bdllh -h2 ID t •UUIC"urc ;;nic ` s conflict with any applicable Home Gwner5 Association rules. by'-ws or anc Cov2r'o"i5 that may or oro'"OL vJ_r tenni.- �n Consiue2 iCr pf We granting o' -his re9Ces'ec cer, T;r, i do ",eby agree t:^gar w, II, in. all reso=C.-. oe-Form :he work c accordant= ,vith -he anoreved ,,laps. e 9o1 a Building Cec e5 -,' Sr. L_., e County ,ne _-rnen'5. the folipw'ln� Ouilding pefm'i aGPiicaiiors are exernrit !rom uaCergoine In fait con C'u'rency review. Foo Tt adcl ons. c CCe$SO.ry S<rJC.'Aes, Slvi:-riling coo!S, fenCC5, ♦vells, signS. scree^ roo:-S and accessc' --SaS F 2.10th .nod-resiaeniiai cse WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for rnprove''^ent<_ to your property. A Notice of commencement mast be reco-ded and pest=_d e1 the;obsite before the first inspec[icn. If yet intmend tc obtain financing, tensa;t with ierder or an attorney before rnmma+nrirm work nr rrornrrlinc Your Notice of CemmeCceme*., n Slgnztdre P'C. re,, Lessee/A.-e STATE OF FLif�� STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 'C &OA COUNTY OF 911—\(C�tA fie `crec. vg -n <,v : n-y� s ck ov:iec§ n� in_ lecEer{� r'o-c e --Il- y`^Qaa E (L}' of Clo, cp , S g atcrE ^( 2t' P'- l -e o scr da "iced l0 de,-,f!ca- or Per orally Krow L Froe Jc d identifica, en. ype o. Ideril .aeon ? Cduc_d_ _ Co,".nlsslor. N4_a isealj Ni; !LI c �.. ?y �� GG T, d s r No dry Public State of Flo, ih - mi nnel" � u rt J: � My Commisalan GGI529' �'�`sC.jG 1. =' Yi ,,;a a�dP Expires to/18/2021 .o "=VvS FRONT N; N,-- SLPERVISCR ?LANs VE C- ETA's 13 IV ! SEA TUR -Lc VANGROV_ COUNTER REVI_vv REVIEW REVIEW REVIEA RE/IEV, REViPW Ni; !LI c